Ex. 28. Give Russian equivalents. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Ex. 28. Give Russian equivalents.

Specification languages, commercial applications programs, efficient and portable, a problem oriented programming language, to be converted, CPU, machine code.


Ex. 29. Match up:

means of ……………………………… into

a low-level …………………………….. development tools

to be converted ……………………….. communications

machine ………………………………. language

to be run ………………………………. Intelligence

software ………………………………. oriented

Artificial ………………………………. on


Ex. 30. Answer the following questions:

1. How is the language that computers understand called?

2. Why is it necessary to use symbolic languages?

3. What is a low-level language?

4. Why aren’t they suitable for all computers?

5. How is the programme that converts instructions into machine code called?

6. What are high-level languages called?

7. What is the difference between a low-level and a high-level language?

8. What are the advantages of a high-level language?

9. What is a high-level language converted into machine code with?

10. Why is C, a high-level programming language, most popular nowadays?

11. What is the tendency today?

12. What are scientists working at present?

Ex. 31. Fill in the blanks with:

compiler, programmed, program, assembler, language, programmers, portable, low-level.

1. A computer... is a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do.

2. Most computer... make a plan of the programme before writing it.

3. Coding is the translation of the logical steps into a programming....

4. In the next century computers will be... in natural languages like English or French.

5. A... is a special program that converts a programme written in a high-level language into a programme written in a lower level language.

6. A special programme called... converts a program written in a lowlevel language into machine code.

7. If the same programme can be used for different computers, it is called....

8. In a... language each instruction has a corresponding machine code equivalent.


Ex. 32. Read and smile.

Is Windows a Virus?

With the recent problems being encountered by Windows users all across the country, people are begin to ask themselves if windows is a virus. In response to the high demand for an answer to that question a study was done and concluded the following.

1. Viruses replicate quickly. Windows does this.

2. Viruses use up valuable system resources, slowing down the system as they do so. Windows does this.

3. Viruses will, from time to time, trash your hard disk. Windows does this.

4. Viruses are usually carried, unknown to the user, along with valuable programs and systems. Windows does that too.

5. Viruses will occasionally make the user suspect their system is too slow (see 2) and the user will buy new hardware. Same with Windows, yet again.

Maybe Windows really is a virus.

Nope! There is a difference!

Viruses are well supported by their authors, are frequently updated, and tend to become more sophisticated as they mature. So there! Windows is not a virus.

Ex. 33. Topics for oral and written reports.

1. Modern input-output devices.

2. Units of a computer and their functions.

3. The work of a computer memory.

4. Disadvantages of Windows operating system.

5. The new programming language you have heard of or read about.








Passive Voice

Cтрадательный залог в английском языке употребляется тогда, когда внимание говорящего сосредоточено не на субъекте, а на объекте действия. Глагол в страдательном залоге показывает, что подлежащее подвергается действию, а не само его выполняет. Сравните:

He translates an article. – Он переводит статью.

The article is translated. – Статью переводят.

Cтрадательный залог образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и третьей формы смыслового глагола, т. е. по формуле:

  to be + V3


  Present Simple Passive Past Simple Passive Future SimplePassive Present Progressive Passive Past Progressive Passive Present Perfect Passive Past Perfect Passive     am / is / are was / were shall / will be am / is / are being was / were being have / has been had been   examined examined examined examined examined examined examined


Глагол в страдательном залоге можно переводить на русский язык

1) глаголом с окончанием -сь, -ся:

Many houses are built in our city. – Много домов строится в нашем городе.

2) глаголом «быть» и краткой формой причастия:

Many houses were built last year. – Много домов было построено в прошлом году.

3) неопределенно-личным предложением:

Dinner will be served at 6. – Обед подадут в 6 часов.

При переводе следует выбирать тот способ, который лучше всего подходит в каждом отдельном случае. Следует помнить, что подлежащее в предложении с глаголом в страдательном залоге переводится на русский язык винительным или дательным падежом.





Ex. 1. Read the dialogue, paying special attention to the forms of the verbs in bold type. Comment on the tense and voice form of the verbs. Answer the questions after the dialogue.

Nina: What’s wrong, Eugene? You look upset.

Eugene: You know I was hired part-time at the office this semester. I just got my first paycheck.

N: So why are you so down? You should be happy.

E: I was... before. But when I looked at my paycheck and saw how much money was taken out in taxes, I couldn’t believe it.

N: I feel the same way. Taxes are already high, and the government wants to raise them next year.

E: What! If taxes are raised any more, I won’t have any salary left. Are they kidding?

N: No, I guess they hope that a lot of problems will be solved by increasing taxes.

E: But the cost of living is just too high. Why isn’t something done about it? If my rent is raised again this year, I’ll be forced to move.

N:Everyone has the same problem. We are asked to sacrifice a little.

E: What’s it like for you? When were you last given a raise? Are your raises determined by the cost of living?

N: No, I don’t think so. I guess our raises are based on merit. If the boss likes your work, you’ re given a raise. If he doesn’t, you may be fired. Cheer up, Eugene. Life is still great!


1. Why does Eugene look upset?

2. How does he feel about the possibility that taxes will be raised next year?

3. Is Eugene having problems in making ends meet?

4. What will happen if this rent is raised again this year?

Ex. 2. Read the text. Underline the passive verbs in the text and comment on their tense form.

  MORNING NEWS 3rd March   A HACKER has been sent to fraudulent use of credit card numbers. Nicholas Cook, 26, was arrested by police officers near a bank cash point last month. Eight months earlier, he had been caught as he was copying hundreds of computer programs illegally. After an official inquiry, he was accused of software piracy and he was fined £2000. Three months ago he was charged with breaking into computer systems just for fun. He also admitted he had infected a company network with a new virus. On that occasion he was released on bail. It is reported that in the last few years he has been using ‘sniffer’ programs to obtain crucial data from bank accounts. Cook is the first person sentenced to two years in prison for stealing passwords and getting money by credit card fraud. Government officials say that new anti-hacking legislation will be introduced in the EU next year.

Ex. 3. Point out the verbs in the Passive Voice. Define the tense of the verbs. Ask questions about the following statements using the words in brackets. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

5. Such equipment is sold in special shops. (in what shops?)

6. Many houses were destroyed by the fire. (how?)

7. Only one of his books has been translated into Russian. (how many books?)

8. The money will be spent on medicine. (on what?)

9. Such questions are often asked by students. (by whom?)

10. The post will be delivered at 6 o’clock. (when?)

11. Hot meals are served at this bar till 10 p.m. (till what time?)

12. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. (who?)

13. Mr. Kazakov has been appointed head of the delegation. (who?)

14. The part of the country was once covered by the sea. (what part?)

15. The new sofa will be placed at the end of the veranda. (where?)

16. Computers are required here. (what?)

17. The tree was struck by lightning. (what?)


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