Types of blogs for EFL classes 

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Types of blogs for EFL classes

Ресурсы по Блогам

I*.Прочтите статью и ответьте на вопросы ниже:

What is a blog?

A Blog (or weblog) is an online journal or ‘diary’ that can be immediately and easily updated. A Blog can consist of a list of interesting web sites, or a diary of someone's thoughts and feelings, or it can be a combination of these. A blog can consist only of text, but it can easily include photos. A blog can be used by one person only, or by a number of people.

Types of blogs for EFL classes

There are three main types of blogs used in education (called ‘edublogs’)

A Class blog – one blog is used by a class or several classes

A Learner blog – each learner has his/her own blog

A Tutor blog – the teacher has a blog which he/she uses to give learners information, such as homework assignments, extra reading practice, links to interesting sites…

The blogs projects called Schoolbags (for primary school learners) and Arty Facts (for secondary school learners) show you how to set up a class blog between two countries.

Getting started: setting up a blog

There are several different sites offering free blog services, but one of the easiest to use is Blogger. In this tutorial we explore the basic functions of Blogger. Note that we do not cover all the functions, simply those that you need to successfully set up Schoolbags and Arty Facts blogs projects.



1. What is a blog?

2. What sort of types of blogs do you know?

3. Have you created your own blog?

4. Do you wish to set up your own blog (one more blog)?

5. Which is the easiest free blog service to use?


II*. Зайдите по ссылке на сайты блогов и заполните таблицу согласно её заголовкам:

(Если по какой-либо причине тот или иной блог не откроется, отметьте это в ответе и переходите к другим.)

Blog 1 The Daily English Show


Blog 2 Carla Arena in Brazil /Carla Raguseo and Jesica in Argentina
http://brazilargentina1.edublogs.org/ (посмотрите ссылку на последнем сообщение)

Blog 3 A teacher-students experimental blog for YL EFL http://c3viseu.blogspot.com/

Blog 4 Susan Marandi’s Blog



Блог Сайт блога О чем блог? Какая главная тема блога? Какова возможная аудитория блога? Что позволяет Вам сделать такой вывод? Кем создан блог? (учителем, учащимся или группой учащихся? Как Вы это узнали? Какие средства публикации использованы в блоге (текст, графика, фото, анимация, видео, другое) Отметьте то, что вам понравилось в этом блоге и то, что не понравилось
  The Daily English Show http://thedailyenglishshow.blogspot.com/            
  Carla Arena in Brazil /Carla Raguseo and Jesica in Argentina http://brazilargentina1.edublogs.org/            
  A teacher-students experimental blog for YL EFL http://c3viseu.blogspot.com/              
  Susan Marandi’s Blog http://susanmarandi.blogspot.com/              


Создай Свой Блог!

I. Прочтите статью и, следуя инструкции, создайте свой блог.


There are several different sites offering free blog services, but one of the easiest to use is Blogger. In this tutorial we explore the basic functions of Blogger. Note that we do not cover all the functions, simply those that you need to successfully set up Schoolbags and Arty Facts blogs projects.

To set up a new blog in Blogger, go to www.blogger.com. There are three simple steps to follow:


1 Create an account

2 Name your blog

3 Choose a template


Click on the arrow ‘Create your blog now’.



Step 1: Create an account


You will be asked to create a Blogger account. To do so, simply fill in the information.





Note: you will need to use a username which is fairly unusual – if you choose a common username (such as ‘john’) blogger will tell you that it is not available. This is because someone else already has this username. Once you have decided on your username and password for Blogger, make sure you write it down somewhere and keep a record of it!


‘Display name’ is the name that will appear on your blog posts, and you can put your real name here if you like.


Step 2: Name your blog

Give your blog a title. We suggest you choose a title that reflects your blog project – for example, Artyfacts (for the secondary blog project) or Schoolbags (for the primary blog project).


In ‘Blog address (URL)’, put in a simplified version of the above. This is where you will be able to see your blog on the Internet. Make sure you write down this URL so that you know where to find your blog on the Internet later!



Step 3: Choose a template


Here you can choose which ‘look’ to give your blog. Look at all the available designs, and select one by checking the circle in that template. Before you select the template, you can see the design full screen by clicking on ‘View’ in the bottom right hand corner of each template. Click on the orange arrow ‘Continue’, once you have chosen your template.



Step 4: Creating your blog


Your blog will now be automatically created, and you will see this screen:



Followed by this screen:



Click on the orange arrow ‘Start posting’.


Step 7: Editing your blog


One of the tricks to understanding how to use Blogger is to realise that there are two different ‘views’ of your blog:


· the Dashboard (or control panel) view: only you, the blog owner, have access to this. This is what you see when you log onto www.blogger.com with your username and password. From here you can access your blog to edit and post messages, change settings etc.



· the public view: that is, what visitors to your blog on the Internet see. To see this view, click on your blog in the Dashboard, then click on ‘View blog’ in the toolbar. You can also access this view via the URL which you originally gave your blog in Step 2.


Useful links


Examples of primary school blogs:


· A comprehensive list of elementary school blogs around the world.



· Have fun with English! A blog site for 5th and 6th grade EFL students run by Teresa Almeida in Portugal.


· Sandaig Otters. A school blog for a primary school in Glasgow, Scotland.



· West Blatchington Junior School, UK. A series of staff and class blogs from this school



· Suburu School. A 3rd grade class blog from Suburu School in California, USA.



· Mr Wright’s Class Blog. A 3rd grade class blog from Wyman Elementary School in USA.



Examples of secondary / high school blogs:


· A comprehensive list of middle and high school blogs around the world.



· A blog run by Barbara Dieu for a class of 24 10th grade (5th form) EFL students attending the high school at the Franco-Brazilian school in Sao Paulo, Brazil. There are also links to individual student blogs here.



· Let’s blog! A collaborative class blog for 7th grade EFL students, set up by Teresa Almeida in Portugal.



· Radcliffe Riverside Technology College school blogs. A series of blogs by both students and staff.



II.* Разместите в блоге:

a) свой профайл (profile) Используйте образцы профайлов для написания собственного рассказа о себе:

b) информацию о вашей компании;

Asking the Information

III. Who makes these requests; a customer (C) or supplier (S)?

  c Can I place an order?
  c May I have your name and company name?
  c Could you tell me the delivery address?
  c Can you deliver next Friday?
  c Could I have an address for the invoice?
  c Could you tell me how much it will cost?
  c May I have a discount?
  c Would you confirm this order in writing?

*Work with a partner. Make up a conversation between a customer and a supplier. Use as many request as you can.

IV. Interview a partner about their company. Ask:

1. Are your prices low or high compared with your competitors?

2. Is advertising important to your business?

3. What training do your staff receive?

4. Do you hold regular meeting with your colleagues and counterparts (partners)?

5. Do you have close relationships with your suppliers?

6. Are your managers locals or foreigners?

7. Why do your customers like your products/service?


I. Study these ways of making inviting:

Inviting Saying yes Saying no
Would you like to …? Thank you I’d like that! I’d love to but …
Do you feel like … - ing? That would be lovely! I’m sorry, but …
How about … - ing? That’s a good idea! Well, actually …
Are you doing anything …? Yeah, great! I’m afraid …


I. Study these ways of making suggestions:

Making suggestions Accepting Rejecting
Why don’t we …? That’s a good idea. Yes, but …
Shall we… Yes, let’s do that. That’s a good idea, but …
We could … Great! I’m not sure about that.

II.* Practise the phrases with your colleague. Suggest solution to the problems below. Follow the patterns:

Explain the problem Suggest something
Reject and suggest something else Accept

1. Your company’s results show an unexpected $500, 000 profit on international currency deals. Suggest things to do with money. (improve our staff’s English, invest a lot of money in research and development, privatize telecommunications, etc.)

2. You need to think of a name for your new brand of toothpaste. Suggest some alternatives.

Проектная Работа

Making students’ conference

Greeting the audience

Good morning/ afternoon, Hello, ladies and gentlemen. friends and guests. everyone/ everybody jury/ my tutor
On behalf of the President of EDUCENTRAL Mc. Collin I’d like to welcome you to conference «My Major through English»

Introducing yourself

Let me introduce myself My name is … I’m … of … faculty As you already probably know …, I’m … of … faculty It is my chance/ privilege today to be talking to professional experts in this field


Expressing the gratitude:don’t forget to thank your tutor for his help I would like to thank my scientific supervisor for his/her help …
Starting the target:While speaking about the targetyou canuse words like: the main aim/ purpose/ goal/ object/ topic. · The topic of my (this) work/ report/ presentation is to inform/ to review/ to discuss/ to identify/ to the information with … · My work consists of the introduction, the main part, the list of terms used in my review as well as the list of literature (Internet resources) and the resume.


Summary:repeat briefly the main point of the report or give a summary of the main idea/ proposal or conclusion · To sum it up, I can say that … · Summarizing the information given in my report I can draw your attention to the main conclusions I have come to … · Going over the main point raised in my paper/ report … · As a way of conclusion I should say that …
Closing:thank people, for their attention and invite them to ask questions · Thank you for attention/ being attentive/ listening to me very attentively · You are welcome to ask questions · If there are any questions, I’ll be glad to answer them

Points for discussion

· Why did you decide to do scientific research/report?

· What is the topic of your research?

· Why did you choose this topic?

· Are you going to publish any article on your research?

· Did you use the Internet for your work?

· How many parts are there in your work?

· Are there any Russian/ British/ American scholars who have investigated these problem?

· Are you going to use the materials you translated in your work?

Ресурсы по Блогам

I*.Прочтите статью и ответьте на вопросы ниже:

What is a blog?

A Blog (or weblog) is an online journal or ‘diary’ that can be immediately and easily updated. A Blog can consist of a list of interesting web sites, or a diary of someone's thoughts and feelings, or it can be a combination of these. A blog can consist only of text, but it can easily include photos. A blog can be used by one person only, or by a number of people.

Types of blogs for EFL classes

There are three main types of blogs used in education (called ‘edublogs’)

A Class blog – one blog is used by a class or several classes

A Learner blog – each learner has his/her own blog

A Tutor blog – the teacher has a blog which he/she uses to give learners information, such as homework assignments, extra reading practice, links to interesting sites…

The blogs projects called Schoolbags (for primary school learners) and Arty Facts (for secondary school learners) show you how to set up a class blog between two countries.


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