Speak about the kinds of fast food that are popular and the eating places where British people can find it 

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Speak about the kinds of fast food that are popular and the eating places where British people can find it

Speak about the kinds of fast food that are popular and the eating places where British people can find it

First of all I would like to point out that nowadays fast-food or the so-called “junk food” has become extremely popular. In fact, being a rapidly expanding sector of the food industry, it affects people from all sections of the community. As a rule, fast-food is served in the form of a “take-away” in restaurants, cafes or fast food outlets. It includes such products and dishes as fried fish and chips, hot pies and pastries, all kinds of sandwiches, as well as burgers, croissants, kebabs, and pizzas, also various drinks, for instance, milkshakes, soft drinks and hot beverages.

But there can be no doubt that from all meals that fast-food places have to offer, the hot dog is the most popular snack. Moreover, its origin has an interesting story. The hot dog first appeared in Germany and at that time it was called Frankfurt. In the USA Frankfurt started to be sold in the 1860s, and the Americans called them “dachshund sausages”, as they reminded of a dog with a very long body and short legs. Dachshund sausages became especially very popular in New York where they were sold during baseball games by the men who kept them warm in special hot-water tanks. One day in 1906 an American newspaper cartoonist named Tad Dorgan went to a baseball match. When he saw the men selling dachshund sausages, an idea for a new cartoon came into his mind. The next day he drew a bun with a dachshund inside. But as he did not know how to spell “dachshund”, he wrote under the cartoon: “Get your hot dogs!” This burlesque was a sensation, and so was the new name of the snack which is still very popular throughout the world.

Speaking of the various drinks that are sold in fast-food places, I can say without any hesitation that Coca-Cola is a true leader. And it also has the story of its origin, which began on the 8th of May in 1886 when a druggist named John Pemberton from Atlanta made brown syrup by mixing cola leaves and coca nuts. Pemberton started selling the syrup in his drugstore as a medicine to cure all kinds of problems. His accountant Frank Robinson gave the name to the beverage “Coca-Cola”. Apart from that he drew the symbol for the new product that is still in use today. After a few people bought Coca-Cola Pemberton sold its recipe to another chemist Candler who decided to sell it as soda-fountains instead of a medicine. Soon coca leaves were no longer used in Coca-Cola. Today the exact ingredients and quantities of that drink are not known, because the Coca-Cola Company keeps its recipe a secret.

Speaking about eating out I can’t but mention such well-known places as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken. But now I’m going to tell you about Nashville Superburger bar and The Old Mill. The Old Mill is a small family-run restaurant in the village of Wardlenton. Although the choice of items on the menu is very extensive, it is very traditional. You can find there paper steak, roast lamb, fresh fruit salad, house wine. The price is acceptable for the class of restaurant, although that didn’t include service.

The Nashville Superburger Bar is situated in London. The restaurant is brightly-lit and the place is very clean. The menu is limited to a variety of hamburgers and prices are very reasonable. Although burgers themselves are rather tasteless, there is a large selection of relishes on every table. Most of customers are 25 and under. Many customers eat there standing up even sometimes seats available.

So fast food eating out is a quick and efficient way of taking nourishment but you won’t choose something like McDonalds or Nashville Superburger bar for a quiet or romantic evening.

In conclusion I would like to add, that fast food is mainly geared towards the younger end of the market. Nowadays fast-food manufacturers supply prepared snacks to institutions such as schools, colleges and universities. They produce a broad range of prepared meals to be available and to cater for all preferences. Nevertheless, they should pay attention to the fact that today people have become more health-concerned, and fast-food business may seriously suffer, unless it make a few steps to satisfy public growing interest in health, diet and nutrition.

Talk about English food and the qualities it is often criticized for

Some foreigners say that English food is boring and tasteless, unimaginative, unambitious, they say that vegetables are overcooked and all English people do is roasts with jam. The French, for example, find really shocking to eat pork with apple sauce.

It is accepted that Britain and good food are the two things that can’t be associated. Moreover, it is really very difficult to find English food in England. In Greece you can eat Greek food, in France—French, in Italy—Italian, but in England in any High Street it is easier to find Indian or Chinese restaurants than English ones. Besides, it is not only in restaurant that foreign dishes are replacing traditional British food. Go to any supermarket and you will see that sales of pasta and pizza are booming there. Why has this happened? What is wrong with the English cooks that they prefer cooking lasagna to shepherd’s pie? Anyway, English food was not always disgusting and tasteless; it was not boiled to death or swimming in fat.

Actually, the British have always imported food from abroad and foreign trade has become the major influence on British cooking. English cuisine like English language absorbed ingredients from all over the world—chicken, rabbit, apples and tea. All of these and more were successfully incorporated into British dishes. Another important influence on English cooking is certainly weather. The good old British rain gives them rich soil and green grass, which means that the Englishmen are able to produce some of the finest varieties of meat, fruit and vegetables. And there’s no need to fancy sauces or complicated recipes to disguise their taste. For comparison, abroad poor soils mean more discoveries, searching for food and invention. That is why it is wrong to claim that British food is terrible. On the contrary, English cuisine is wonderful, still it has a great minus—it is very time–consuming. For example, making a Christmas cake should start a few weeks beforehand. And it takes about half a year for a Christmas pudding to mature. Yet, it is so delicious that it really worth waiting.

Actually, the British believe that basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavor that there’s no need to invent complex recipes. For instance, nothing can be compared with fresh peas or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter. So, I am absolutely convinced that there’s the only explanation why most visitors consider British food awful: they simply haven’t had an opportunity to sample English home cooking. Probably, they either eat out a lot or (mostly in cheap restaurants) or they eat too much fast food. Nobody will deny that such places are definitely not those where real British cuisine can be found, because English cooking which involves a lot of time doesn’t suit the quick preparation that is required there. British food is found in the home where it is possible to time the dishes to perfection. Apart from that British pubs are often the best places to eat well and cheaply— luckily they still increasingly try to serve tasty British food.

Speak about the kinds of fast food that are popular and the eating places where British people can find it

First of all I would like to point out that nowadays fast-food or the so-called “junk food” has become extremely popular. In fact, being a rapidly expanding sector of the food industry, it affects people from all sections of the community. As a rule, fast-food is served in the form of a “take-away” in restaurants, cafes or fast food outlets. It includes such products and dishes as fried fish and chips, hot pies and pastries, all kinds of sandwiches, as well as burgers, croissants, kebabs, and pizzas, also various drinks, for instance, milkshakes, soft drinks and hot beverages.

But there can be no doubt that from all meals that fast-food places have to offer, the hot dog is the most popular snack. Moreover, its origin has an interesting story. The hot dog first appeared in Germany and at that time it was called Frankfurt. In the USA Frankfurt started to be sold in the 1860s, and the Americans called them “dachshund sausages”, as they reminded of a dog with a very long body and short legs. Dachshund sausages became especially very popular in New York where they were sold during baseball games by the men who kept them warm in special hot-water tanks. One day in 1906 an American newspaper cartoonist named Tad Dorgan went to a baseball match. When he saw the men selling dachshund sausages, an idea for a new cartoon came into his mind. The next day he drew a bun with a dachshund inside. But as he did not know how to spell “dachshund”, he wrote under the cartoon: “Get your hot dogs!” This burlesque was a sensation, and so was the new name of the snack which is still very popular throughout the world.

Speaking of the various drinks that are sold in fast-food places, I can say without any hesitation that Coca-Cola is a true leader. And it also has the story of its origin, which began on the 8th of May in 1886 when a druggist named John Pemberton from Atlanta made brown syrup by mixing cola leaves and coca nuts. Pemberton started selling the syrup in his drugstore as a medicine to cure all kinds of problems. His accountant Frank Robinson gave the name to the beverage “Coca-Cola”. Apart from that he drew the symbol for the new product that is still in use today. After a few people bought Coca-Cola Pemberton sold its recipe to another chemist Candler who decided to sell it as soda-fountains instead of a medicine. Soon coca leaves were no longer used in Coca-Cola. Today the exact ingredients and quantities of that drink are not known, because the Coca-Cola Company keeps its recipe a secret.

Speaking about eating out I can’t but mention such well-known places as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken. But now I’m going to tell you about Nashville Superburger bar and The Old Mill. The Old Mill is a small family-run restaurant in the village of Wardlenton. Although the choice of items on the menu is very extensive, it is very traditional. You can find there paper steak, roast lamb, fresh fruit salad, house wine. The price is acceptable for the class of restaurant, although that didn’t include service.

The Nashville Superburger Bar is situated in London. The restaurant is brightly-lit and the place is very clean. The menu is limited to a variety of hamburgers and prices are very reasonable. Although burgers themselves are rather tasteless, there is a large selection of relishes on every table. Most of customers are 25 and under. Many customers eat there standing up even sometimes seats available.

So fast food eating out is a quick and efficient way of taking nourishment but you won’t choose something like McDonalds or Nashville Superburger bar for a quiet or romantic evening.

In conclusion I would like to add, that fast food is mainly geared towards the younger end of the market. Nowadays fast-food manufacturers supply prepared snacks to institutions such as schools, colleges and universities. They produce a broad range of prepared meals to be available and to cater for all preferences. Nevertheless, they should pay attention to the fact that today people have become more health-concerned, and fast-food business may seriously suffer, unless it make a few steps to satisfy public growing interest in health, diet and nutrition.


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