V. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian using infinitive constructions. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


V. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian using infinitive constructions.

1. The Board of Directors seem to have been negotiating the proposal for more than an hour.

2. The person I spoke to didn’t appear to know anything about the company’ product.

3. Money is known to be accepted as a means of payment.

4. We watched the top manager enter the main office.

5. All product prices are expected to be raised due to the new taxes.


VI. Complete the dialogue using the sentences in the box.

A: Mr.Pospelov, I’d like to visit our factory and study your requirements. B: A: What time? B: A: That’s fine. B: A: Fine. I’ve got some advertising leaflets so you’ll be able to study the main characteristics of our equipment yourself. B: A: Good-bye, Mr.Pospelov. B:

-Well. That’s all … our driver ‘s waiting for you. He’ll take you to your hotel. - I’ll show you our factory tomorrow. - Good-bye, Mr.Cartwrite. See you tomorrow. - Let me see…. I have an appointment with my lawyer at 9 a.m. How about 10? - If we decide to buy your equipment, our Commercial Director ‘ll visit your company and you’ll discuss the contract with him in detail.

VII. Write the address in the right order putting the following information.

Victor Sharp who is the Personnel Manager of Earnst & Young. His office is in number 23 Rachelle avenue in Dallas, Texas and postal code is14336.


VIII. Make a business card for yourself in English.

IX. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What type of letter is it?

2. What is the reason of the problem?

3. What solution does the manager, who is responsible for the mistake,

provide to cope with the problem?

4. If you were Ms. Quinlan, would you be satisfied with the offered solution?


Dear Ms. Quinlan:

The purpose of this is to convey to you my sincere apologies for any

inconvenience you may have experienced last month with respect to the

installation of your Internet high speed service.

I just returned from vacation this week and found your file in my in the basket.

As soon as I reviewed your case it was clear that somehow your

May 20th request for a change in service had slipped through the cracks.

The only possible explanation I can give is that we have recently had a

number of key staff changes which might have resulted in your letter being


Consequently, I have directed our Installation Group to contact you

by the end of this week to set up a time convenient to you when they could

go to your house and install your new router and make the necessary

adjustments to your software.

Because of this serious oversight, and as a testament to our

appreciation of you as our customer, we are going to provide you with your

first three months of high speed service free of charge. Therefore, your

account will not be billed until October of this year.

Ms. Quinlan, let me assure you that what happened in your case is

not typical of Cable Net's level of customer service. We continue to be

committed to providing you and all of our customers with the highest

standards of service in the industry.

If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to call me at 754-


Yours in service,

Paul Cordero

Manager, Customer Solutions


X. Translate the letter into English.

Магазин приносить вибачення своїм клієнтам за затримку очікуваного
вантажу, яка викликана труднощами в перевезенні.
Транспортна компанія, послугами якої ми користуємося
протягом багатьох років, повідомила нам про те, що вантаж прибуде на
склад не раніше 8 вересня.
У зв'язку з тривалими термінами затримки поставок товару на склад,
ми повідомляємо, що всім покупцям, які зробили передоплату, ми готові
повернути кошти. Тим же клієнтам, хто, не дивлячись на
затримку, все-таки не змінить свого рішення, будемо прикладати до
замовленого обладнання одарунок.
Ще раз приносимо свої вибачення.
З повагою,
Містер Бронберг

I семестр

Варіант №9


I. Read and translate the following text in the written form.

How to Answer Business Letters

Most businessmen will agree that good news comes over phone and bad news appears in their mail box. When you write a business letter you have to weight many aspects of the situation. You have to consider ways to organize your letter effectively and to maintain positive and productive customers relations.

A positive answer to an inquiry about a particular product might include such particulars as cost and availability. Also, there must be a range of products available or a process by which the product has to be purchased. In an effective conclusion to such a letter you should try to build a relationship that will lead to good feelings about your company and in some cases, future business. Saying “ no”, which is always difficult in person, is easier in a letter. But when your company rejects a request made by a customer, you have to remember that future business and the company’s image are on stake. The wording and approach have to be careful. A conclusion to such a letter should suggest a willingness on the part of the refuser to continue doing business with the reader (the customer). A mild statement of regret or a sincere good will wish might be appropriate.


II. Translate into English.

Оцінювати ситуацію з усіх боків; написати діловий лист; включати подробиці; купувати товар; відхилювати запит; ризикувати іміджем компанії; готовність продовжувати ділові відносини; при особистій зустрічі; товари, які є в наявності.

III. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. What do you consider obligatory to know about business letters?

2. What does a positive answer to an inquiry include?

3. Why do you have to be careful writing a refusal to a prospective customer?

4. How can the seller make his rejection more polite?


IV. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Emphasize the infinitive, defining its shape.

1. At the last moment they decided not to continuewith the negotiations.

2. The sales director claimed to have foundthree new buyers

3. One of the fundamental decisions to be taken by entrepreneurs concerns the geographical location of their enterprises.

4. Wage increases have helped (to) pushup prices.

5. The engineers must testthe system to be used.

V. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian using infinitive constructions.

1. The manager considersthe results to be unsatisfactory.
2. I wanthim to leave.

3.The management seem to be movingin the right direction.
4. The two sides appear to have solved the problem.
5. Since that time the market shareof these larger companies does not seem to have increased.

VI. Choose the right answer.

1. How do you do?

a) Very well. b) I’m fine thank you. c) How do you do?

2.Excuse me, are you Bill Smug?

a) No. b) Yes, I am. c) I’m afraid I’m not.

3. May I introduce you to Mrs Melly?

a) Helllo. b) How do you do? c) I’m pleased to meet you.

4. Welcome to First Fruit Inc.

a) Thank you. b) Thanks. c) Great!

5. What’s your name?

a) Bill Smith. b) Jock. c) Mrs Jane Hyde.

6. I’m sorry.

a) It doesn’t matter. b) Never mind. c) Not at all.

7. Did you have a good trip?

a) Yes, thank you. b) No. c) Fine, thank you.


VII. Write the address in the right order putting the following information.

Miss Anna White is the Sales Manager of A-T Trade Food & Beverages. Her office is in number 17 Canon Street in London and postal code is EC3 4BR.


VIII. Make a business card for yourself in English.

IX. Read the letters and answer the following questions:

1. Which one is a first letter of reminder and the final demand for


2. What initial conditions did the supplier set?

3. What measures does the supplier take in case he will not obtain

full payment from the debtor?

Letter 1

I am writing to you regarding our invoice JAC/68. According to our

records the invoice, which fell due last Friday, is still outstanding. We

feel sure that this is a simple oversight on your part.

As you will remember, we offered you 10 % discount on condition that

you paid our invoice within thirty days. Therefore, unless we receive

payment within five working days we shall be obliged to issue a new

invoice for the full amount of the goods supplied. We look forward to

receiving your remittance.

If, in the meantime, you have already settled the original invoice please

disregard this letter.

Letter 2

I am writing to you once again concerning the invoice which remains

outstanding. We have received no reply to our previous requests for

payment dated 12 July and 19 July.

On purchasing the equipment you benefited from a 10% discount on our

list price on condition that you undertook to settle within thirty days of

receipt of our invoice. However, as of today, your account is ninety days

in arrears.

As a gesture of goodwill I am prepared to give you a final opportunity to

settle your account. However, unless we receive full payment within the

next days, we will initiate proceedings to recover the debt, which will

involve you in considerable legal costs.



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