VI. Write the following dates at the heading of the letter. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


VI. Write the following dates at the heading of the letter.

1. The fourth of April, nineteen sixty-one.

2. The twenty-third of May, nineteen ninety-eight.

3. The twenty-first of February, two thousand.

4. The twenty-second of October, two thousand and two.

5. The thirty-first of August, nineteen hundred.

6. The second of June, nineteen eighty.


VII. Write the following dates:

1. 12th April, 1962

2. 31st March, 1964

3. 23rd October, 1993

4. 2nd November, 1999

5. January 15, 1955

6. May 11, 1987



VIII. Read the following letter, which is an example of the Fully-blocked Letter Style (суцільноблоковий стиль листа: у цьому стилі не потрібно дотримуватися ніяких «червоних рядків»: абзаци, внутрішня адреса, заголовок до тексту листа, вступне звернення і заключна формула ввічливості друкуються від межі лівого поля. Так повелося, бо практично всі листи друкуються на комп'ютері. При цьому кожна смислова пропозиція листа або смисловий блок з двох-трьох речень відділяється від попереднього додатковим міжрядковим інтервалом.

Це найоптимальніший варіант оформлення листа, і його можна зустріти найчастіше, оскільки він дуже простий і дуже зручний.).



Your reference 12

Our reference MS/AP/101

17 August 2001

Ms Sheila Jones

The Modem School for Secretaries

12 Hamngton Place

Greenpoint N.Y. 10020


Dear Ms Jones:

RE: The Style of Setting up a letter.

You asked me if there is any one style of setting up a letter that is used more than the others. Probably more business concerns use the block style of letter than any other style, because its marginal uniformity saves time for the typist

The inside address in such letters is blocked and the paragraph beginnings are aligned with the left margin. Open punctuation is used in the address.

The date and reference lines are flush with the right margin. The date line is two spaces below the letterhead, and the reference line is two spaces below the date line. The complimentary close begins slightly to the right of the center of the page. Both lines of the signature are aligned with the complimentary close.

As the dictator's name is typed in the signature, it is not considered necessary to include his or her initials in the identification line.

Sincerely Yours

M. Scott

Martha Scott

Correspondence Chief



Enclosure: Order №34

Cc M Pryor, Accounts Manager


1. business concerns – фірми, підприємства;

2. marginal uniformity – однакове розташування тексту щодо поля;

3. the inside address…is blocked – внутрішня адреса представлена у вигляді блоку (тобто єдиного цілого, оформленого за певними правилами);

4. identification line – розшифровка підпису (тобто рядок в якому розшифровується підпис).


IX. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. Who is the author of the letter? What position does be hold?

2. Who is the addressee? Where does she work?

3. What question does Ms Jones ask Martha Scott to clear up?

4. What letter style according to M Scott is used more than any others?

5. What is one of the block style important advantages?

6. What style does M Scott herself use in her letter to Ms Jones?

7. How does the style of M. Scott’s letter differ from the block style she recommends?


X. Choose the right word.

“job” – anything that one has to do; task, duty.

“position” – person’s place or rank in relation to others in employment, in society, job, employment.

“occupation” – that which chiefly engages one’s time; one’s trade.

1. We went to the manager in order to formally ask…

2. Knitting is a useful… for long winter evenings.

3. My sister occupies an important… in the Department of Health.

4. He had a hard… painting the car.

5. He was unemployed doing only odd…

6. My friend applied for a… of assistant Manager.


I семестр

Варіант №4

I. Read and translate the first part of the following text in the written form.


English in International Documents.

Treaties and other International Compacts


In international law and diplomatic practice the term "treaty" is, used in two senses. In a generic sense, it refers to all agreements between states which are of a binding character.

Instruments setting out agreements between states bear different titles, such as Treaty, Agreement, Convention, Protocol, Act, Declaration, Statute, Regulations, Provisions, Pact, Covenant (Compromis, Accord, Arrangements. Modus Vivendi, Exchange of Notes and Concordat).

Some of the agreements are highly formal in character whilst others are not. The titles given to international agreements have little significance from the legal point of view as all international agreements, by whatever name called, are equally binding in nature.

In diplomatic literature, the terms "treaty”, “convention", and "protocol" are all applied more or less indiscriminately to international agreements. Sometimes the same instrument is designated in different places in its text by different terms. There is no obvious explanation for this diversity of terminology.

International law prescribes neither the form nor the procedure for the making of international engagements, and consequently their form depends upon the will and convenience of the parties. In practice it is governed also by usage and varies depending on whether agreement is reached between states, heads of state, governments (increasingly used), or particular ministers or departments.


It is not every international instrument, however formal it may be, that would be regarded as a treaty. Unless the instrument creates contractual obligations between two or more states, the essential requirements of a treaty are not fulfilled. The binding nature of treaty obligations is the oldest and doubtless the most fundamental rule of international law.

The next most solemn type of international engagement is the "convention", derived from the Latin word conventio meaning "agreement". This term is frequently, though not necessarily, employed in connection with agreements to which a large number of countries are parties, and especially to agreements of the

law-making type. The treaty document covers the following parts:

1. The preamble containing:

(a) a list of the heads of state in whose names the treaty is concluded;

(b) a list of plenipotentiaries;

(c) usually a statement of the purposes and objectives of the treaty, sometimes accompanied by a recital of principles and circumstances;

(d) a declaration that the plenipotentiaries have the necessary powers.

2. The text generally containing, in the form of numbered articles, the respective agreements of the signatories. It also indicates:

(a) the requirements for bringing the treaty into force;

(b) its duration;

(c) the place where the exchange of ratifications will take place.

3. The final clauses, specifying that the plenipotentiaries have

signed the treaty and have affixed their seals thereto, and including information on:

(a) the number of signed copies;

(b) if in more than one language, the languages used, and that each is equally authentic;

(c) the place and date of signature.

According to the importance of a treaty, the preamble can be more or less enlarged. The statements in the final clauses are, on the contrary, usually identical.

The provisions of a treaty determine the manner in which and the date on which the treaty enters into force. Where the treaty does not specify a date, there is a presumption that the treaty is intended to come into force as soon as all the negotiating states have consented to be bound by the treaty.

II. Form adjectives with the help of the suffix –ic. Translate the new words into Ukrainian.

democrat, economy, history, diplomat, drama, academy, base, patriot, optimist;

III. From adjectives with the help of suffix –al. Translate them.

cluter, form, post, culture, music, equality, nature, convention, instrument, provision


IV. Build nouns by adding the suffix –ion (-ation, -tion, -sion, -ssion):

to collect, to include, to restrict, to transmit, to explain, to govern, to create, to connect, to declare, to form, to ratify.



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