Ex. 2 Homework. Learn by heart this dialogue. Be ready to reproduce it in class. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Ex. 2 Homework. Learn by heart this dialogue. Be ready to reproduce it in class.


VI Additional task.

Ex 1. Imagine that you are proposed to write an article ‘‘Are computers and new technologies a blessing or a curse?’’. Before to start discuss a group of questions with your groupmates.

1. What kind of article would you write?

2. Who is going to read your article?

3. What paragraph plan would you follow?

4. Would you use formal or informal style? Why?

5. Would it be necessary to state your opinion in both the first and final paragraphs?

6. What phrases would you use to state your opinion?

7. What linking words/phrases would you use to: list points; add more points; introduce conflicting viewpoints?

8. Would you use examples and/ or reasons to support your view?

9. Would you use topic sentences? If yes, in which paragraphs?

10. Which techniques would you use in the first and last paragraphs to attract the readers’ attention and make them want to continue reading?

11. Which of the following arguments could you use in your article? Tick (√)

a. Computers have proved to be an efficient tool in the learning process

b. Having a mobile phone can be vey expensive.

c. Computers and new technologies are extremely valuable in one’s workplace.

d. Studying to become a doctor requires a great deal of time and money.

e. Many problems have been caused because of wide use of electronic communications in the workplace.


Ex 2. Summarize all ideas of your groupmates and present your own draft of the article (in a written form).


Unit 4

Topic: The World Wide Web

I Reading skills

Read and remember the following words and word combinations used in their specialized meanings.

content of documents - зміст документів
to intend - мати намір; збиратися (планувати) (щось робити); призначати(ся)
a hypertext - гіпертекст
a browser - браузер, програма перегляду Web сторінок, навігатор
to suit - задовольняти потреби


Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian

The World Wide Web

The land around Geneva in the Swiss Alps is beautiful mountain countryside. But among the farms and lakes and the hotels, there are also some of the largest, most powerful and most expensive scientific tools on Earth. This is the home of CERN, Europe’s centre for research into high-energy physics. It is not of the type of scientific lab that produces practical inventions. But there, in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.

Tim is an English engineer with computers in his blood: both of his parents worked on the first commercial computer made in Britain. In 1980 Tim got a job at CERN for six month, and during this time he wrote a program called ‘’Enquire Within’’. Enquire Within was new because it could organize information according to the content of documents, not where they could be found. It was ‘’’hypertext’’. A hypertext is a special kind of text that is intended to give more freedom to the reader (and the writer). It contains links that lead to other places, but also to pictures or programs or musical recordings. There is no single path through a hypertext. Readers can choose the path that suits them best. It was possible to get something from distant computers at this time. But you had to be a computer expert to do it.

In 1989, when Tim was again working at CERN, he decided to try to make communication between scientists easier. In October 1989, Tim started writing that he called “ World Wide Web’’. When you were reading something interesting on the computer screen, you could just choose a phrase and link it to another document. Then you just needed to hit a “hot key’’ and other document appeared on screen. Today the World Wide Web – or simply the “Web’’ – is all the billions of documents on millions of computers that can be read by the ‘’browsers’’ that have followed Tim’s original program.

The program used a new invention, a system of addresses. The system means that anything, anywhere on the Internet can have its own special address. The addresses are called “URLs’’. The Web browser understands what to do with anything that has a URL. He also invented a set of rules for sending text and pictures over the Internet. For Web authors, was also created a new computer language called HTML. This is the language in which all Web documents are written. It controls how text and pictures are shown on a computer screen.

Together, these inventions changed the world of the Internet. The Internet of the 1980s was a place for computer experts. Since the 1990s anyone with a computer has been able to use it.

In 1991, CERN put the browser software on the Internet, so that it was free to anyone who wanted it. Within four years, the World Wide Web was the most popular use of the Net. The browser gave an idea to a group of young programmers in the USA. In just a few years, the business they started would take off and become the fasters-growing company that world has ever seen – Netscape Communications.


Find the answers to the questions.

1. What does CERN abbreviation mean?

2. Where is CERN located?

3. What is it famous for?

4. How long did it take to write ‘’Enquire Within’’?

5. What innovation was used for new program ‘’Enquire Within’’?

6. What is a hypertext?

7. Why has Tim Berners-Lee decided to work out new program? What innovation did he use?

8. What does it mean ‘’HTML’’?

9. How have all above mentioned programs inspired some programmers?

Complete the sentences.

1. A hypertext is a special kind of text that....

2.... he called ‘World Wide Web’.

3. He also invented....

4. Today the World Wide Web....

5. The Internet of the 1980s was....

6.... to a group of young programmers in the USA.

7. In just a few years,... – Netscape Communications.



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