Київський національний університеттехнологій та дизайну 

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Київський національний університеттехнологій та дизайну

Англійська мова

Методичні вказівки до практичних занять

для студентів IV курсу

Спеціальності «Інформаційні технології проектування»


Unit 1

Topic: Information-Dependent Society

Read and remember the following words and word-combinations

problem-solving device – прилад, що забезпечує рішення задачі

opportunity – можливість

application – застосування

to restate – передивитись, переосмислити

significant – значний

achievements – досягнення

computing – обчислення, робота на комп’ютері

to embrace – охоплювати

dimension – вимір

instruction – інструкція, вказівка

to direct the operation – направляти роботу

to process – обробляти

data processing system – система обробки даних

to have much in common – мати багато спільного

schedules – графік, розклад

store manager – менеджер магазину

checkout clerk - касир

subscription magazine – підписний журнал

computer-literate – комп’ютерна грамотність


Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian

Information-Dependent Society

Informed citizens of our information-dependent society should be computer-literate, which means that they should be able to use computers as everyday problem-solving devices. They should be aware of the potential of computers to influence the quality of life.

There was a time when only privileged people had an opportunity to learn the basics, called the three R's: reading, writing, and arithmetic. Now, as we are quickly becoming an information-becoming society, it is time to restate this right as the right to learn reading, writing and computing. There is little doubt that computers and their many applications are among the most significant technical achievements of the century. They bring with them both economic and social changes. "Computing" is a concept that embraces not only the old third R, arithmetic, but also a new idea — computer literacy.

In an information society a person who is computer-literate need not be an expert on the design of computers. He needn't even know much about how to prepare programs which are the instructions that direct the operations of computers. All of us are already on the way to becoming computer-literate. Just think of your everyday life. If you receive a subscription magazine in the post-office, it is probably addressed to you by a computer. If you buy something with a bank credit card or pay a bill by check, computers help you process the information. When you check out at the counter of your store, a computer assists the checkout clerk and the store manager. When you visit your doctor, your schedules and bills and special services, such as laboratory tests, are prepared by computer. Many actions that you have taken or observed have much in common. Each relates to some aspect of a data processing system.


3. Answer the following questions:

1. What does “a computer-literate person” mean?

2. Are you aware of the potential of computers to influence your life?

3. What do the people mean by “the basics”?

4. What is the role of computers in our society?

5. What is “computing”?

6. What is a program?

7. Why is very importance to be computer-literate today?

8. Give examples of using computers in everyday life?


Read and translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian.

An information-dependent society; a computer-literate citizen; an everyday problem-solving device; to be aware; to influence the quality of life; to have an opportunity; to learn the basics; to learn computing; the most significant technical achievements; to embrace computer literacy; to prepare programs; to direct the operations of a computer; to be on the way of becoming computer-literate; to process information; to have much in common; a data processing system.


5. Find the English equivalents to the words:

Бути підготовленим за допомогою комп’ютера, громадяни, проблемно-вирішальні пристрої, суспільство що стає поінформованим, сприяти, робота на комп’ютері, система обробки даних, економічно-соціальні зміни, застосування, технічні досягнення,спрямовувати, оплачувати рахунок чеком, обробляти інформацію, перевіряти на лічильнику, привілейовані люди, спец обслуговування.


6. Make up sentences with the words:

Data processing system, are prepared by computer, computer-literate, computer assists, process the information, a bank credit card, in the post-office, to expert, the instructions, to know much about.



7. Give definitions to the words:

Computer literacy, a computer-literate citizen, computing, information processing, technical achievements, a programmer.



Translate the sentences into English

1. Сьогодні багато людей мають можливість використовувати комп’ютер.

2. Немає ніяких сумнівів, що комп’ютери можуть вирішувати проблеми

дуже швидко.

3. Комп’ютери сприяли зросту економіки та підвищенню якості життя.

4. Добре відомо, що лабораторні тести проводяться з допомогою


5.Основною роботою комп’ютерів є обробка інформації.

6. Комп’ютер може замінити людину повністю, але у відповідності до

інструкцій даних йому.

7. Дисковод – це прилад вводу інформації у комп’ютер.

8. Принтер – це прилад виводу інформації з комп’ютера.


Practice asking the questions: ask all possible questions to the different

parts of the sentences:

1. Informed citizens of our information-dependent society should be computer-

literate, which means that they should be able to use computers as everyday

problem-solving devices.

2. There is little doubt that computers and their many applications are among the

most significant technical achievements of the century.

3. We are quickly becoming an information-becoming society, it is time to

restate this right as the right to learn reading, writing and computing.


10. Speak on the topic using the following word-combinations:

An information-dependent society; a computer-literate citizen; to influence the quality of life; to learn computing; to be on the way of becoming computer-literate; a data processing system; to embrace computer literacy; to embrace computer literacy; to prepare programs; to process information; an everyday problem-solving device.


Text B

1. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions:

1. Where have computers become commonplace in?

2. What kind of work can computers carry out?

3. What can you say about computer-controlled robots?

4. Can computers form a part of many military systems including communication and

fire control?

5. What branches are computers used in?

6. What do you use your computer for?



At present a great deal of the work force of most coun­tries is engaged in creating, processing, storing, communicat­ing and just working with information. Computers have become commonplace in homes, offices, stores, schools, research insti­tutes, plants.

The use of computers in business, industry and communi­cation services is widespread today. Computer-controlled robots are able to improve the quality of manufactured products and to increase the productivity of industry. Computers can control the work of power stations, plants and docks. They help in mak­ing different decisions and in management of economy.

The work of banks depends upon computer terminals for millions of daily operations. Without these terminals, records of deposits and withdrawals would be difficult to maintain, and it would be impossible to make inquiries about the current sta­tus of customer accounts.

Computers form a part of many military systems including communication and fire control. They are applied for automatic piloting and automatic navigation. Space exploration depends on computers for guidance, on-board environment and re­search.

Computers find application in astronomy and upper at­mosphere research. Weather forecasting, library information services can benefit from computers too.

It is interesting to note that computers are widely used in medicine. They became valuable medical diagnostic tools. Computers are used for optical scanning and image processing, ranging from pattern recognition to image processing. Techni­cians can operate computer tomography scanners which com­bine x-rays with computer technology to give sectional views of the body of patients. The views then can be combined into a single image shown on the screen.

It should be noticed that learning on a computer can be fun. Students spend more time with computer-aided instruction per­forming the assigned task, as compared with conventional class­room.

At last air traffic control is impossible without computer ap­plication. It fully depends upon computer-generated informa­tion.

Many other uses of computers that we cannot imagine at present will become commonplace in the transition from an industrial to postindustrial, or information society.


Make a plan of the text.


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