Упр. 11. Выберите правильный ответ. 

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Упр. 11. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. I'm tired.___ to bed.

a) I’ll go; b) I go; c) I’ve go; d) I’m go.

2. It’s late. I think ___ a taxi.

a) take; b) I’ll take; c) am take; d) takes.

3. I ___ answer this question.

a) will; b) am; c) does; d) is.

4. We don’t know their address. ___?

a) What are we do; c) What will we do;
b) What did we do; d) What we do.

5. Our test ___ long.

a) isn’t take; b) doesn’t take; c) willn’t take; d) won’t take.

6. I’m afraid they ____for us.

a) don’t wait; b) will not be waited; c) won’t wait; d) wait.

7. ___Diana ____ to the party tomorrow?

a) Shall … come; c) Does … come;
b) Will … come; d) Did … come.

8. You ___ in Paris tomorrow evening.

a) arrive; b) will arrive; c) arrives; d) arrived.

9. The boy ___ this day all his life.

a) will remember; b) shall remember; c) remembers; d) remember.

10. Perhaps they ___ a new house this year.

a) bought; b) ‘ll buy; c) buy; d) shall buy.

11. I’m not sure I ___ Jim at the hotel.

a) found; b) shall found; c) will find; d) find.

12. We ___ the tickets in advance.

a) not book; b) shalln’t book; c) won’t book; d) will booked.

13. Do you think it ___?

a) rain; b) will be rain; c) will rain; d) shall rain.

14. Everybody thinks they ___ married.

a) won’t get; b) not will get; c) shall not get; d) not get.

15. ___ drugs for every kind of disease in 50 years’ time?

a) Shall there be; c) Will there be;
b) Will there is; d) Shall there is.


Времена группы Continuous

Present Continuous (Настоящее длительное время)

Настоящее длительное время (Present Continuous) употребляется для выражения:

1) длительного действия, совершающегося в момент речи:

She is typing a letter. – Она печатает письмо.

2) длительного действия, совершающегося в настоящий период времени:

Catherine wants to work in Italy, so she is learning Italian. – Кэтрин хочет работать в Италии, поэтому она изучает итальянский.

3) будущего запланированного действия (в предложении всегда есть обстоятельство, указывающее на будущее):

Now listen, Roger's coming home tomorrow. He is leaving Eton for good. – Послушай, Роджер приезжает завтра домой. Oн навсегда покидает Итон.



Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I am working I am not working Am I working?
He She is working It He She is not working It he Is she working? it
We You are working They We You are not working They we Are you working? they

Указатели времени:

now – сейчас

at the moment – в данный момент

this year – в этом году

this week – на этой неделе и т.д.

Упр. 12. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. They ___ for us near the door.

a) are waiting; b) waits; c) is waiting; d) am waiting.

2. What ___ in the room now?

a) they are doing; b) are they doing; c) do they do; d) they do.

3. Mr. Scott ___ German to Ann at the moment.

a) speaks; b) is speaking; c) are speaking; d) speaking.

4. I am busy now. I ___ to the radio.

a) am listening; b) listen; c) am listen; d) listening.

5. No, I ___ the newspaper at the moment.

a) am not reading; b) don’t read; c) don’t reading; d) amn’t reading.

6. Right now she ____ down a hill.

a) run; b) is running; c) runs; d) is run.

7. What is that noise? Somebody ____ the piano.

a) practices; b) practice; c) is practicing; d) practicing.

8. What ___you ___ now? – I ___ my key. I can’t open the door.

a) do.. do, look for; c) are … doing, ’m looking for;
b) are … do, looking for; d) … doing, ’m looking for.

9. Listen! Somebody ___ a lovely song.

a) sings; b) is singing; c) are singing; d) singing.

10. Why ___ the coat? It’s sunny today.

a) are you putting on; c) will you put on;
b) do you put on; d) are you puting on.

11. What time ___ for dinner tonight?

a) is Nick and Rosa coming; c) do Nick and Rosa come;
b) Nick and Rosa are coming; d) are Nick and Rosa coming.


12. Take your umbrella. It ___ cats and dogs.

a) rained; b) are raining; c) is raining; d) raining.

13. Why ___? I ____ for you.

a) are you not hurry, am waiting; c) aren’t you hurrying, ’m waiting;
b) aren’t you hurrying, waiting; d) don’t you hurry, am waiting.

14. I don’t speak any foreign languages, but I ___ English now.

a) am learning; b) learn; c) learning. d)’re learning.

15. My Dad ___ overtime this week.

a) works; b) are working; c) is working; d) working.


Past Continuous (Прошедшее длительное время)

Употребляется для выражения конкретного действия, длившегося в точно указанный момент или период в прошлом:

What were you doing at 10 o'clock last night? – Что ты делал вчера вечером в 10 часов?

Указатели времени:

while – пока, в то время как

still – до сих пор, все еще

all day long – весь день

from … till – с… по…

at that time yesterday – в это время вчера и т. д.


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