Dialogue 2. A good driving record 

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Dialogue 2. A good driving record

Learn "A Good Driving Record" by heart.
Tell the contents of the dialogue in the narrative.


Mr Brown: How did you come here today, Miss Diener?
Miss Diener:
I drove in by car

Mr Brown: That's very nice. Do you find any difficulty in driving in London traffic?

Miss Diener: Oh, no! I'm quite accustomed to it now. I used to feel nervous at first when I had a stream of traffic on either side of me, and was always afraid that someone was going to bump into me, but I've got over that now.

Mr Brown:
How do you find driving here compared with driving in Germany?

Miss Diener: Of course, at first it seems much more difficult, but when you get used to the vastly heavier traffic and the "keep-to-the-left" rule of the road you prefer driving here.

Mr Brown:
Is that so? Why is it, do you think?

Miss Diener: Well, your roads are so good. I have motored almost all over England and Scotland now and have hardly ever found a bad road. Then they are so well marked.


Mr Brown: What do you mean?

Miss Diener: Why, with signposts telling you the direction and distance to the next town, white lines at the dangerous corners, notices to steep hills and traffic lights at almost every difficult crossing.

Mr Brown:
Have you ever had any accidents while you have been driving?

Miss Diener: No, nothing serious so far. I once backed the car into a wall and damaged the mudguard a little and once I forgot that I had no water in my radiator until, after I had gone some miles, I smelt a terrible smell of hot oil and saw steam hissing out of the radiator cap. Luckily, I stopped in time, and no harm was done. But that is all in ten years' driving.

Mr Brown:
Well, that's a good record; I congratulate you.





With its good road and motorway network, Britain is ideally suited for driving tours. Road numbers and destinations are clearly signposted and even smaller country roads are well surfaced. For quick point-to-point travel the motorway system is best, but to discover the real Britain get off the main roads and explore quiet rural lanes and hidden-away villages. When travelling around, look out for the white-on-brown signposts which indicate nearby tourist attractions.

Renting a car means that you are free to go where you choose and visit places off the beaten track.

All companies offer standard rental with unlimited mileage, large companies offer one-way rental, too. Cars can be rented at most principal railway stations via a British Rail scheme; you can make a reservation just before starting your journey and your car will be waiting on your arrival.

With so many car hire companies, it's worth shopping around to get a good value deal. Use your credit card. If you want a car with automatic transmission you must specify it at the time of booking.

Conditions of car rental vary: most companies will not rent to those aged under 21 or 25 or aged over 70 or 75 and they usually require a visitor to have held a full driving licence for at least 12 months. It is customary for the rental charge to be paid in advance.




Mary Almar is going to hire a car so that she and her husband can go on a trip to Delphi. She is at the Self-Drive car Rental Company.


Mary: Good afternoon.

Assistant: Good afternoon, madam.

I want to hire a car tomorrow. Do you have any available?
Assistant: We have a Fiat 124.

How much would that cost?

Assistant: It's $12 a day plus 12 cents a kilometre.

And that includes insurance, presumably.

Assistant: Yes, insurance is included.

But I have to pay extra for the petrol, don't I?

Assistant: Yes, you buy your own petrol, but we check the car and put some oil in before you start.

Do I have to pay a deposit?

Assistant: Yes, we require a deposit of 20$.

And do you accept American Express?

Assistant: Yes, that'll be all right. And we need to see your driving licence.

Right. Can I see the car, please?
Assistant: Certainly, madam. This way, please.


Read, memorize and practice the dialogue.

Mechanic: Can I help you?

Motorist: Yes, there's something wrong with my car.

What's the matter with it?

Motorist: Well, it won't go very fast and the engine makes a coughing noise all the time.


Mechanic: You've probably got dirt in the carburettor. I'll have a look at it for you.

Motorist: You can look at it now, can't you?

Mechanic: Yes, in a few minutes.
Motorist: Can I wait here, please?

Mechanic: Yes, take a seat.
Motorist: Thank you.




Read, memorize and practice the dialogue.

Motorist: Might I have a full tank, please?
Clerk: What kind of petrol do you need? Regular, unleaded or premium?

Motorist: Unleaded, please. Here is the key to the tank.

Clerk: Would you like me to check the oil for you?

Yes, please. And the tyres, will you?

Clerk: Certainly, madam. Might I ask you to open the hood for me?

Oh, I'm not sure if I can do it.

Clerk: There's a lever inside there... thanks. Now- the tyres... they are a bit low on air, I'm afraid...

How much do I owe you?

Clerk: That'll be 18 pounds worth.

Here you are.

Clerk: Thank you. Happy journey.



1. Client pays for all petrol used.

2. Cars are to be returned to renting station.

3. State or local taxes are not included.

4. Driver must have a valid Driving Licence. Minimum age – 21 years. For drivers under 25 years of age, please, refer to insurance section.

5. Rates are subject to change without notice.

6. Insurance - Public Liability, Property Damage, $250,00 Deductible Collision, Fire and Theft is included, provided Rental Terms are not violated. Drivers under 25 years of age must pay an additional $2,50 per day for insurance coverage providing $500,00 Deductible Collision protection.

7. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) can be purchased by drivers 25 and over, relieving them of the responsibility of the first $250,00 damage. CDW is available at $2,00 per day.



Assistant: Good morning.

Customer: Good morning. I'm thinking of hiring a car next week. I want a medium-size saloon car. Do you have any cars available then, please?

Yes, we do.

Customer: What kinds of cars are they?

The cars we have are Ford Escorts or Renault 5.
Customer: How much would that cost for a week?

For a whole week?

Customer: Yes.

Well, the cost of the hire will be 74.50 pounds. It includes your insurance, which is third-party insurance and damage to the vehicle.
Customer: Uh-huh.

We also do a personal accident insurance, which is 12,40 pounds per week, so the total cost including personal accident insurance is 86,90 pounds for the week.

Customer: And do I have to pay something for the mileage?

Assistant: No, it's unlimited mileage.

Customer: Unlimited mileage. But I pay for my own petrol, don't I?

Assistant: Oh, yes. We need a 10 pound petrol deposit, and we fill the tank up before you set off; and then when you get back, we fill it up again and deduct the cost of that from your deposit.

Customer: Uh-huh. And I have to pay for oil as well, don't I?

Assistant: No, the car is all checked and oil put in before it goes out.
Customer: And the deposit is 10 pounds.

No, that's for the petrol. The deposit for the hire is 45 pounds.

Customer: 45 pounds. And do you accept credit cards?

Assistant: Well, not all credit cards.

Customer: Well, which ones?

American Express, Barclaycard, Access,
Customer: Good. And you need to see my driving licence, presumably.

Assistant: Yes.

Customer: Is there anything else I need?

No, just the licence.

Customer: I see. Right. Oh, yes, about returning the car. Can I leave it somewhere else?

No. no, we don't allow cars to be left anywhere else.
Customer: I see. Well, could I have a Renault 5 for next Monday for a week then, please?


Assistant: Yes. What name is it?

Customer: Fisher.

Assistant: And the address?

Customer: Oh. Well, I'm staying at the Royal Hotel in Baker Street.

Assistant: What's your home address?

Customer: 51 Barker Road, Hong Kong.

Assistant: Well, if you'd like to pay the deposit now, then you can pick the car up any time after eight o'clock on Monday.

Customer: Fine.




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