Conference Equipment and Arrangements. 

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Conference Equipment and Arrangements.

Вспомогательные услуги – см. «сопутствующие услуги»

видеомагнитофон – video recorder

вмещать …….. человек с рассадкой амфитеатром – to hold……. persons in

theatre style

вмещать …… человек с рассадкой в виде классной комнаты – to hold……..

people in classroom style

вмещать …… человек с рассадкой вокруг большого овального или круглого

стола – to hold …… people in boardroom style

громкоговоритель – loudspeaker

место проведения (мероприятия) – venue

наглядные пособия—visual aids (posters, slides etc.)

наушники – earphones

оборудование для синхронного перевода –STF (simultaneous translation


подставка для бумаг оратора – lectern

проекционный фонарь – OHP (overhead projector)

радио микрофон – cordless microphone (mike)

слайд проектор –slide projector

сопутствующие услуги – support facilities (interpreter, secretary, photographer,

escort, toast master etc.)

транслировать – to transmit

трибуна, кафедра – rostrum

телесуфлер – autocue BE / teleprompter AE

усилитель, динамик – PA system (public address system)

участвовать –to participate in

участник чего-либо – participant in smth.

экран – screen.





Действие, выраженное глаголом обычно конкретизируется наречием (делать как?):

to speak well, to travel safely, to dance beautifully.

Однако ряд английских глаголов (глаголы восприятия) являются исключениями из этого правила и требуют после себя не наречие, а прилагательное, например:

It looks nice ( а не nicely). The soup tastes delicious (а не deliciously).

It sounds perfect. The story proved true.

It seems good to me. It smells romantic.

I’m feeling bad.

Запомните эти глаголы!



The Meaning of the Modal Verb ' Should ' (следует, следовало бы)


The Imperative meaning. 1 Совет, говоря о настоящем или о будущем. You should buy the tickets in advance.- Тебе следует купить билеты заранее (сейчас). 2. Совет-упрек, говоря о прошлом. You should have bought the tickets in advance.- Тебе следовало бы купить билеты заранее (раньше). The Suppositional meaning. 1. Уверенность, говоря о настоящем. She should know this travel agency. – Она наверняка знает это турагенство. 2. Уверенность, говоря о будущем. They should speak to the customers in the office.-Они наверняка (должно быть, по-видимому, вероятно) поговорят с клиентами в офисе.

NOTE: Remember that “should” is never followed by the infinitive verb with “to”:
You should be careful’ but not ‘You should to be careful’.


Holiday - Making

Normally people plan their holidays in advance. Holiday-making people, as a rule, prefer to stick to the same travel agency they have already used before and got their money's worth. On the one hand, they trust the travel agency they've got to know earlier, on the other, they expect to purchase a tour package at a reduced price as regular customers.

Suppose you are not an experienced holiday-maker. You are at a loss which travel agency to choose out of a large amount of agencies offering similar services.

You want an enjoyable holiday at some reasonable price, or at least you don't want to be trapped.

Here are some hints for you. Out of the travel agencies offering similar destinations and tours pick out 4 or 5. Their names should be familiar to you: their ads regularly appear in travellogues and in mass media. Compare the prices: they should be neither too high, nor too low. All the ad information should be clear to you: nothing should seem odd.

Call the travel agencies you have picked out, and if you lack some information or advice, don't hesitate to ask questions. Responding to the callers' queries is a part of travel agents' duty. If you are still not disappointed, make an appointment with the travel clerk at the agency office.

Efficient travel clerks will always help you to make a decision about where to go, what to see or where to stay in each area you plan to visit. Travel agents are sure to have the most comprehensive information at hand about the destinations they offer. There are usually lots of travellogues, brochures, folders, tourist's guides and maps available for customers.

You may either choose and obtain a ready-made tour package, or ask for a tailor-made tour package. Most of travel companies are able to arrange tailor-made tours according to their customers' requests.

Purchasing a tour you should pay in cash or by credit card. You will get a voucher for the services you have paid for, air tickets and other travel documents. Travel agents may offer you to pay for your travel insurance. Bear in mind that in high season the prices are up to 25 percent higher than in low season, party tours are cheaper than individual ones, children get discounts or even travel free.


Dialogue 1.

Read the following dialogue. Pay attention to the use of words and word combinations connected with the topic "Making travel arrangements".


Peter and Mary Almar decide to go to Athens by air. Mary goes to the travel agency to book the tickets.

Mary: Good afternoon. I'd like to book two return air tickets from Istanbul to Athens, please.

Travel agent: Certainly. When are you travelling?

Mary: We want to take the flight tomorrow afternoon and come back next Friday afternoon.

Travel agent: First class or economy class?

Mary: Economy class.

Travel agent: Two adults?

Mary: Yes.

Travel agent: And your name is...?

Mary: Almar. A-L-M-A-R.

Travel agent: Initials?

Mary: M.H.

Travel agent: And the other passengers?

Mary: P.J. Almar.

Travel agent: On the 11th and the 14th, did you say?

Mary: That's right. Do we have to change?

Travel agent: No, it's a direct flight. Here are your tickets, Mrs. Almar. These are for the outward journey-Istanbul to Athens on flight SN 862 at 17.50 on the 11* of July. And these are for the return journey-Athens to Istanbul on SN 863 at 15.10 on the 14th of July..Don't forget to be at the airport 45 minutes before the departure time.

Mary: Thank you. Do you accept credit cards?

Travel agent: Certainly. Thank you. That's TL 6796. Could you sign here Please? Thank you very much.

Mary: Thank you.


Read the dialogue. Pay attention to the use of words and word-combinations connected with the topic "Making travel arrangements".

Traveller: Do you sell rail tickets?

Travel agent: Yes,certainly.

Traveller: I need a return ticket from Leeds to Colchester. I'm going on Sunday and coming back next Friday.

Travel agent: That'll be a monthly return actually, which is slightly less expensive than the ordinary return. Colchester, js that via London?

Traveller: Yes.

Travel agent: It's 19.00 pounds as far as London and an extra 5.55 through to Colchester.

Traveller: That makes 24.55.

Travel agent: 24. 55, yes.

Traveller: Can I travel on any trains I like with that ticket?

Travel agent: Well. there's no restrictions apart from coming back; on Thursday you said. didn't you?

Traveller: No, Friday.

Travel agent: Friday..Oh, well, there are restrictions coming back on Friday. It depends what time you are going to come back -- in the morning or afternoon?

Traveller: Afternoon. I'll probably want to come back on either the 19.00 or the 19.40 from London.

Travel agent: The 19.40's OK.

Traveller: But not 19.00?

Travel agent: No.

Traveller: Would I have to pay extra on that one?

Travel agent: If you came back on the 19.00, they'd surcharge you up to the normal fare, which would be approximately... about 4 pounds extra to pay.

Traveller: Oh, well, I'll take the cheaper one then.

Travel agent: There're no restrictions going down, and the only conditions of this ticket are that if you travel... well, jf you travel on Sunday. you're OK 'cause it's available for return on or after the following day, Monday, so you're OK. Where you can't use it is if you were going down on Monday, for example, you couldn't return on Friday, you'd have to wait till Saturday.

Traveller: Well, I'll take the cheaper one then. the one at 24.55 pounds.

Travel agent: Monthly return to Colchester. One adult. 4.55 pounds. And you're travelling on...?

Traveller: Sunday.

Travel agent: Sunday the 19th?

Traveller: Yes.
Travel agent: That's your ticket. That one's for the outward journey, as it says there, Leeds to Colchester, and the copy is to bring you back.

Traveller: Thank you.

Travel agent: Thank you very much. And 45 pence change.

Traveller: Thank you.




Some may be fond of travelling. For me to travel is to go through a gradual state of nerve wrecking. Once my wife and I decided to take a holiday trip. So I went to an agency to book a cabin on a ship. While I was away my wife was supposed to be packing. To my astonishment it was only half done when I returned as my wife was in doubt whether to take a trunk or just a few suitcases to carry our things in. It was no use urging her to hurry or to be ready at a certain time because she was not the person to be hurried or ordered about. To try to speed her up was to make her excited and bad-tempered.

With only an hour to spare, the packing to do and the city to cross, I could not but be impatient, so I simply began to throw the things into the suitcases without folding them. The suitcase nearly burst, but I was willing to burst a dozen suitcases to catch the train. I knew my wife would have to iron everything again. But I thought it would teach her not to put things off to the last moment. Within 20 minutes or so we were ready to go. I immediately found a taxi which seemed almost too good to be true and requested the driver to hurry and get us to the station alive in time. How the taxi-driver managed to get us to the station alive is difficult to understand because he drove at breakneck speed through the heavy traffic of the city. We got to the station, though strange to relate, quite safety to find the train still there and with a few minutes to spare. Some acquaintances were waiting on the platform to see us off, but we hardly had time to say "hullo" to them. We were almost the last passengers to arrive. This was no time for me to be genteel. Up went the mountains of luggage; down sank my wife in a corner, and away went the train.

In the compartment we were not the only ones to want to put our luggage on the racks. Our fellow passengers wanted to put their as well, only to find there had been no room left to speak of. It was enough to make anyone angry. When they tried to dump their suitcases in the corridor, the conductor would not have them do it. They tried to convince him that it was nothing to make a fuss about but he replied that corridors were to walk through, not to store luggage in. In the end the conductor calmed down. But the people were just bursting to tell us a thing or two.

When we had to change stations to go aboard the ship, my wife wanted me to carry all the luggage. She didn't want to waste money on porters when she had a strong, muscular husband to do it for her. But I had no desire to take the risk of breaking my back and so I went on strike. In the end my wife gave in.

It took the porter three trips to transfer it all and when he had finished he had no breath left to speak of. And the beauty of it was that she had us drag all that luggage only to leave half of it unopened when we did get there.



to book a cabin on a ship to drive at breakneck speed

to go aboard the ship to get to the station

to arrive in/at to see somebody off

to take a holiday trip to change stations




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