Task 3. Answer the questions on the text. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Task 3. Answer the questions on the text.

Пояснительная записка


Методическое пособие предназначено для студентов III-IV курсов неязыковых специальностей, изучающих английский язык. В пособии использованы материалы из оригинальной английской литературы и Интернет-ресурсов.

Педагогическая лексика закрепляется в многочисленных лексико-грамматических упражнениях, нацеленных на формирование всех видов речевой деятельности. Учитывая современные требования к будущим учителям, пособие ставит целью научить молодых специалистов читать и понимать литературу по специальности, общаться с коллегами на профессиональные темы, участвовать в диспутах, обсуждать педагогические проблемы.

Каждый раздел включает аутентичные тексты со словарными пояснениями и систему упражнений, направленных на развитие умений речевого профессионального общения.


It is not an easy thing to choose a profession but I've made my choice and decided to become ateacher. My parents are also teachers and I know that teaching is a very specific and very interesting job. A teacher is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours of 9 a. m. - 5 p.m., but teacher's work is never done. When classes are over teachers stay at school to hold competitions, discoes, meetings of clubs and societies and are busy doing other kinds of extra-curriculum (out-of-class) work. Evenings are mostly spent marking exercise-books and preparing for the next lesson.

While teaching you have to encourage your pupils and keep them interested. A good teacher is a model of competence. He studies his children closely -to discover their interests, their needs and abilities. He plans his work upon what he learns about his children. The relationships between him and his pupils should be based on cooperation and respect for a person.

The function of education is to prepare children for real life situations, to help them live in the community, to bring them up in the spirit of high moral ideals. It is a great responsibility. Teachers develop their pupils' intellect, form their views and characters. They teach children to be honest and kind, to be active and

industrious, loving their native land.

To be a teacher is not so easy as it may seem at first but love for children and great patience combined with deep knowledge would be quite enough to succeed in work.

This teacher's profession is a very hard job, but it is also very interesting and creative. That is why thousands of young people choose this profession and dedicate their lives to the education of younger generation. The schools of Russia are proud of such outstanding pedagogues as Ushinsky, Makarenko, Amonashvili, Shatalov and others.


choose (chose, chosen) – выбирать

hold (held, held) – проводить (мероприятие)

encourage – подбадривать, поощрять

abilities – cnocoбности

relationships – отношения

respect – уважение

community – общество

bring up (brought, brought) = educate – воспитывать

in the spirit of – в духе

responsibility – ответственность

views – взгляды

industrious – трудолюбивый

patience – терпение

succeed – преуспевать


Task 1. Give the Russian equivalents for:

l to choose a professions

l to make a choice

l to hold competitions

l meetings of clubs and societies

l extra-curriculum work

l to mark exercise-books

l to encourage one's pupils

l to keep the children interested

l a model of competence

l a discover one's interests, needs and abilities

l to be based on cooperation and respect

l to prepare children for real life situations

l to bring up children in the spirit of high moral ideals

l to develop intellect

l to form views and characters

l to be honest and kind

l to be active and industrious

l to love one's native land

l great patience and deep knowledge

l to succeed in

l to dedicate one's life to the education of younger generation.


Task 2. Finish up the sentences:

l It is not an easy thing...

l Teaching is...

l When classes are over...

l Evenings are mostly spent...

l The relationships between him and his children...

l The function of education is...

l Teachers develop...

l Thousands of young people...


Task 3. Answer the questions on the text.

1. Why have you chosen the profession of a teacher?

2. What qualities are the most important in a teacher?

3. What do teachers stay at school for when classes are over?

4. What is the main function of education?

5. What is necessary to succeed in teacher's work?

6. What are the tasks and role of school in present-day life?

(Write down the answer in a form of a short resume and exchange your ideas with the partner. Report to the class.)

Task 4. Submit a composition «What is your ideal of a good teacher?»/ «What makes a good teacher?».

For doing this look through the sample composition.


My ideal of a good teacher

I've never supposed that I'11 study at the Pedagogical College. It is interesting for me that I am engaged in pedagogical process. I couldn't guess that problems of pedagogics and teaching generally will be so actual nowadays.

Teaching is the bilateral pedagogical process of communication of

teachers and pupils.And it is a great responsibility for teachers to grow up each child as a person, to bring them up in the spirit of high moral ideals. It is the main purpose of education and simultaneously the most difficult task for pedagogues. So, to be a teacher isn't so easy as it may seem at first. Even if you want to be a teacher you can't become a good one. You must be born one. To my mind, a teacher is like a sculptor: he moulds a personality out of a child like a sculptor creates a beautiful statue out of clay.

I can say that teacher's profession is very interesting and creative. That is why true genuine pedagogues, besides academic competence, should master broad knowledge. In my point of view a real teacher is agood actor, artist and scientist at the same time.

I guess the most inportant qualities in a teacher are:


l Industry

l Patience

l Honesty


Industrious and patient pedagogues loving their children will be successful in work.

Also it will be helpful for teachers to have such qualities as fairness, a sense of humor, and, finally, objectivity. It is really very important treating pupils as anyone of us would like to be treated.

As for me, I assume that all relationships between teachers and pupils should be based on cooperation and respect for a person.

In conclusion l'd like to say that in our modern hectic life such a significant person as a teacher should be swift and mobile, adopting changes. Pedagogues are learning as well as teaching all their life. So a teacher must be willing to continue his education, to perfect his knowledge not to fall behind. Because material wealth can be lost or stolen or can wear away to dust, but the wealth of the knowledgeable mind is with us throughout our lives.



Supplementary Reading.


Task1. Read the text «A Good Teacher: What is he like?» and do the assignments.


Teaching Practice

Teaching is an activity which you can read about, think about, and be tutored in, but in the end it is something which you do. It is an action which is a consequence of thought. And you must do it for yourself in the only place where it can be done — in class-rooms.

Another way of saying this is to say that teaching is an art, not a science. How is this difficult art to be mastered? The mastering can occur only with children in class-rooms. It is this fact which makes the provision of teaching practice an in­dispensable part of the work of any institution whose duty it is to educate students to work as teachers in schools. Without training the concept of a profession is impossible. Without practice in schools, any system of training is impossible.

Teaching practice means an opportunity to prepare the material of one's subject more thoroughly then was necessary to pass one's examinations. The second opportunity which teaching practice presents to the students in training is the opportunity to discover how well he or she likes a subject, or indeed whether he likes it or not.

There are people who do not have power of clear communication, and clear communication means understanding one's pupils, sympathizing with them, being aware of their individual differences and special aptitudes. The good teacher is a psychologist, capable of understanding children in the complex, changing situation of the class-room.

Among other opportunities of teaching practice is the opportunity to understand the social significance of the school. What is done in class-rooms influences tne quality of our society.

Briefly, teaching practice gives the student in training an opportunity to recognize his profession as the highly complex activity and the vital influence which it has.


Supplementary Reading


Translate the text with the help of a dictionary.


Think of three historical figures. What do you know about them? Where did you get your information from? The chances are that you either read it somewhere or someone who read it somewhere told you about it. Did you ever think about who wrote down these facts? How can you be sure that they are true? The thing is, many historical "truths" are historical myths.

Let's take some examples. In America, 4th July is Independence Day, the most important holiday in the American calendar, which the Americans celebrate with parades and fireworks. It was on 4th July, 1776 that Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. It was a good start. However, the struggle continued for another seven years after this, with some of the most brutal fighting in the whole war, as King George III was not willing to grant America total independence, which was the only arrangement that the American leaders would accept. So the fighting continued. The first draft of a Treaty of Peace was signed in November 1782 and in February 1783 the King officially announced that the war would soon be over. This led to the signing of the Treaty of Paris on 3rd September that same year.

Think about the discovery of America. What's the first name that comes to mind? More than likely it's Christopher Columbus. Was America really discovered by him? He had set out to reach Asia and that's where he thought he was when he came to America. But there were many people there before him. The first ones were certainly the Native Americans, thousands of years before 1492. Where had they come from? Even the Vikings had made a number of expeditions, with Leif Eriksson landing there in around 1000 AD. Perhaps Amerigo Vespucci was the discoverer of America. After all, unlike Columbus before him, he was the first fifteenth-century explorer to realise where he was, or rather, where he definitely wasn't. So, maybe the word "re-discover" is more accurate when it comes to Columbus, if history is to give him any credit at all.

Everyone believes such historical "facts" because, like you, they got them from what they thought was a reliable source. But how can such things be written down in the first place? One of the reasons must be that history is seldom "cut and dried". The events are often complicated and messy. The achieving of American independence was a lengthy affair. Presumably 4th July was chosen as the date to celebrate because it was seen as more significant than the date of the actual end of the war. Another reason is that such myths always contain a grain of truth. Columbus was not the first person to travel to America, but he was the first fifteenth-century explorer to go there. His "re-discovery" was, from a historical point of view, extremely significant for Europe since his voyages opened up large-scale commerce between Europe and America.

History has traditionally been written by the winners. If the conquered indigenous peoples had written the history of the discovery of the New World, it would most probably have been very different, but not necessarily objective: the point of view of the conquered can be just as biased as the point of view of the conqueror. But that is not the whole story. The writing of history depends not only on the "side" the writer is on, but also on the culture and attitudes of the era it is written in.

History is always subjective. So, remember: when you read history, take it with a pinch of salt.


A Teacher of Music


«It is the supreme art of the Teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge».

Albert Einstein.


Before I finished school I had dreamed of becoming a singer. Many pupils want to become singers when they are in their junior forms at school. It's a very interesting and attractive profession. But when I grew older, I understood that choosing a profession or a career for your future life was a very serious problem. So, when I left school, I faced that problem.

Since I had always been interested in music I decided to become a teacher of Music.

So I made up my mind to enter Teachers’ Training College (the Department of Musical Education). I know that the Profession of a teacher is very difficult. But I also know that Teachers are special people. Whether they make Shakespeare come alive, algebra seem like child's play, or French feel like our native language, teachers open new doors for us. I love music and believe that music can be an inspiring force only if it is itself inspired. Music influences all of us in different ways because we all are unique.

Music makes our inner world richer because the range of expression is limitless.

We admire many talented musicians. Among them is S. Prokofyev.

Sergey Prokofyev was 5 when his mother gave him his first piano lesson. At the age of 6 he was already composing and actually writing small pieces for the piano.

Shostakovich was 13 when in 1919 he entered the Petrograd Conservatoire. His teachers were the splendid Russian musicians Maximilian Steinberg (composition) and Leonid Nikolayev (piano).

I would like to be a true teacher and I'll do my best to fulfill this task. Learning and studying is the key to success.

There are a lot of music schools and children's choirs in our city where children learn to play different musical instruments, to sing and appreciate music. So, besides guitar, piano is a very popular musical instrument. I'm sure I'll be a very good teacher of Music. At our college we have very experienced teachers. They are teaching me to master my future profession.

I want to be a good and successful teacher of Music. To my mind a successful teacher needs: the education of college president, the executive ability of financier, the humility of a deacon, the adaptability of a chameleon, the hope of an optimist, the courage of a hero, the wisdom of a serpent, the gentleness of a dove and the grace of God. And, you know, there's a Chinese proverb: «Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime».


II. Suggest English equivalents for:

пробуждать радость; знание; взрослеть; столкнуться с проблемой; поступать; вдохновлять;

дать урок по классу фортепиано; сочинять музыку; маленькие фортепианные произведения;

ключ к успеху; детские хоры; ценить; опытные преподаватели; овладевать профессией.



III. Suggest Russian equivalents for:

humility; adaptability; deacon; courage; wisdom; gentleness; dove; grace; God; proverb; feed.



IV. Read the beginning of the sentence and find its end in the text:

1. It is the supreme art of the teacher...

2. But when I grew older...

3. Whether they make Shakespeare...

4. Sergei Prokofyev was 5...

5. I would like to be a true teacher...

6. To my mind a successful teacher needs...

7. And you know, there's a Chinese proverb...





1. Answer the following questions:


· How do school-leavers finally choose their profession?

· What professions are popular with young people who are going to universities?

· Where can young people get information about this or that profession or job?

· What are the advantages and disadvantages of a teacher’s job?

· What qualities are required to become a good teacher?

· What qualities are required to become a good specialist in any job?

· What is your idea of a good job?


2. Make up a dialogue using the following questions:

1) Who in your opinion made the greatest contribution to the mathematics of the 20th century?

2) What modern mathematicians do you know?

3) How has our life changed since you went to school?

4) Who invented the computer?

5) How did it change our life?

6) Are you connected with the Internet?

7) What do you use your computer for?


3. Working in groups discuss the questions:

1) Why is it necessary for children to study Algebra and Geometry at school?

2) How can parents encourage their children to take up Maths?

3) Are you a computer user?

4) What subject did you like most of all at school? Why?

5) Tell your classmates about your favourite mathematician.


4. Make a project on one of the following themes:

1. I wish I were a world-famous mathematician.

2. My favourite mathematician.

3. Maths in Russia. Its past and present.

4. Computers.

5. I want to become a good teacher of maths.

6. My favourite teacher of mathematics.


I want to be a programmer.

I want to become a computer programmer. Many people continue careers of their parents or grandparents but it is not the case with me. My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor. But I want to be neither a teacher nor a doctor.

My favourite subjects in school were mathematics, physics, and, of course, computer science.

My hobby is computer programming and computer games. I have a computer at home and can spend hours working on it. It is much easier to do things on computer, for example to write a composition or to find information you need on the Internet.

I think that the profession of a programmer can give many opportunities. Information science with the ideas and message of processing and storing information is of great importance today. Computers are the most rapidly changing spheres of modern technology. We are living in the age of information. That’s why computer technology must be taught in secondary school. At present programming in our country is paid a lot of attention to by the government and much is being done to set up all necessary facilities for its development. The new subject “basic information science and computing machine” was introduced at schools. The pupils teach computers to investigate school problems. Contact with the machine increases the interest in learning, makes them more serious about studying new subject. In schools pupils can explore the Great Pyramid or study molecules from the inside. School computers are used not only for studying information science, but also examination purposes. Young people who finish school must be trained to operate computers.

I think that the future is just filled with computers. Today, in England or in the USA people can work, go shopping or even go on dates sitting at their computers. Today they form part of our everyday life. The latest thing today is Virtual Reality. A Virtual Reality system can transport the user to exotic locations such as beach in Hawaii or the inside of the human body. Already today Virtual Reality is used in medicine. In hospitals surgeons could plan operations by first “ travelling” through the brain, heart or lungs without damaging the body. It is also used in police training schools.

I think that the profession of a programmer can give many opportunities. We are living in the age of information. That’s why I decided to enter the university and study computer science.



1. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you use a computer?

2. What do you use your computer for?

3. When did you first start using a computer?

4. Who taught you to use it?

5. Do you use a computer at home or at school?

6. Are you connected with the Internet?

7. How often do you go to the Internet-cafe?

8. What forms of Internet communication do you use regularly?



The Wired-up School


Churchill Community School in Somerset is a place where pupils and staff have mastered the art of getting what they want out of their computers. Like many schoolboys, Philip Eagle and his friends enjoy making paper airplanes. The only difference is that these boys are being given tips by a computer. “It’s physics, aeronautics and education,” insists Philip. He forgets to add that it’s also a pleasant way of passing the time during the morning break. He is currently working on his personal statement for the university entrance form.

He is one of the many pupils at Churchill Community School who have chosen to spend their twenty minutes of freedom in the learning resource centre. Here they can borrow books, do last minute homework, catch up on gossip or take a turn on one of the computers that are always available for them to use.

Students use the computers for a wide variety of tasks. Ian Blomfield, for example, used a CD-ROM of back issues of The Times and Sunday Times, along with the electronic encyclopedia Encarta, to find out about environmental damage caused by oil-tanker disasters. But he was able to go a step further. He used E-mail to pick the brains of campaigners and Friends of the Earth. “There was no other way we could have got such up-to-date information,” he says.

Because of a technologically advanced link to the Internet, twenty-eight computers can remain permanently on life. Cliff Harris, the school’s computer technician, explains that pupils can use the Internet as easily as any piece of software. “A lot of students are likely to have a PC at home in their room,” he adds. “They go home and have conversations with their schoolmates on the Internet.”

Most children seem to use their PC in a way that would please any teacher. Charles Palmer, who can also be found in the resource centre at break-time, says, “I didn’t exactly learn to read using a computer, but it was the adventure game Monkey Island that made me really want to learn. If I couldn’t read what was on the screen, I couldn’t play the game.” Charles also uses his PC for designing his family’s Christmas cards.

Helen Brown finds that her PC is an invaluable home tutor that can offer her that little extra bit of help. “Sometimes there are things in algebra or biology that teachers only go over once, and I don’t understand them. But I can use a program I’ve got at home which explains it again and again until I do understand it!” However, she is not impressed by the possibility of computers replacing teachers. “You can’t ask a computer questions,” she says. “It just asks you.”

Her view seems widely shared. “It would be totally boring,” says Chris Richmond. “You’d switch the machine off, or switch off yourself.” Nevertheless, he is currently using his PC to write an article on passive smoking, and claims that he is being given the chance to write the best essay he could possibly write with the use of his computer.

Pupils without access to a computer at home are obviously at some disadvantage. The school tries hard to make up for this, however. They want all pupils to have a chance to take advantage of this valuable, interesting – and often fun – form of technology.




1. Who says that students use their PCs to communicate with each other?

2. Who used a computer to read old newspapers?

3. Who needed to learn to read before he could play a computer game?

4. Who thinks pupils can use the Internet without any difficulty?

5. Who says that computers as teachers would be very boring?

6. Who used a computer to get information about an oil spillage?

7. Who uses a computer for extra help at home?

8. Who is writing an essay with the help of a PC?


3. Read the texts “I want to be a programmer” and “The Wired-up School” again and say how the pupils in the article use computers in terms of communication, information, education, leisure.

4. Working in groups discuss the questions:

1) Do you have a PC at home? For what purposes do you use it?

2) It is said that computers will replace teachers in the future. Do you believe that this statement is true? Why/ Why not?

3) Do computers help us communicate with others?


5. Make a project on one of the following themes:

1. Computers and Modern Life.

2. The History of Computer Science.

3. Virtual Reality.

4. Modern computer technology in education.

5. I want to be a teacher of basic information science and computing machine.

6. The Internet and Modern Life.

Пояснительная записка


Методическое пособие предназначено для студентов III-IV курсов неязыковых специальностей, изучающих английский язык. В пособии использованы материалы из оригинальной английской литературы и Интернет-ресурсов.

Педагогическая лексика закрепляется в многочисленных лексико-грамматических упражнениях, нацеленных на формирование всех видов речевой деятельности. Учитывая современные требования к будущим учителям, пособие ставит целью научить молодых специалистов читать и понимать литературу по специальности, общаться с коллегами на профессиональные темы, участвовать в диспутах, обсуждать педагогические проблемы.

Каждый раздел включает аутентичные тексты со словарными пояснениями и систему упражнений, направленных на развитие умений речевого профессионального общения.


It is not an easy thing to choose a profession but I've made my choice and decided to become ateacher. My parents are also teachers and I know that teaching is a very specific and very interesting job. A teacher is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours of 9 a. m. - 5 p.m., but teacher's work is never done. When classes are over teachers stay at school to hold competitions, discoes, meetings of clubs and societies and are busy doing other kinds of extra-curriculum (out-of-class) work. Evenings are mostly spent marking exercise-books and preparing for the next lesson.

While teaching you have to encourage your pupils and keep them interested. A good teacher is a model of competence. He studies his children closely -to discover their interests, their needs and abilities. He plans his work upon what he learns about his children. The relationships between him and his pupils should be based on cooperation and respect for a person.

The function of education is to prepare children for real life situations, to help them live in the community, to bring them up in the spirit of high moral ideals. It is a great responsibility. Teachers develop their pupils' intellect, form their views and characters. They teach children to be honest and kind, to be active and

industrious, loving their native land.

To be a teacher is not so easy as it may seem at first but love for children and great patience combined with deep knowledge would be quite enough to succeed in work.

This teacher's profession is a very hard job, but it is also very interesting and creative. That is why thousands of young people choose this profession and dedicate their lives to the education of younger generation. The schools of Russia are proud of such outstanding pedagogues as Ushinsky, Makarenko, Amonashvili, Shatalov and others.


choose (chose, chosen) – выбирать

hold (held, held) – проводить (мероприятие)

encourage – подбадривать, поощрять

abilities – cnocoбности

relationships – отношения

respect – уважение

community – общество

bring up (brought, brought) = educate – воспитывать

in the spirit of – в духе

responsibility – ответственность

views – взгляды

industrious – трудолюбивый

patience – терпение

succeed – преуспевать


Task 1. Give the Russian equivalents for:

l to choose a professions

l to make a choice

l to hold competitions

l meetings of clubs and societies

l extra-curriculum work

l to mark exercise-books

l to encourage one's pupils

l to keep the children interested

l a model of competence

l a discover one's interests, needs and abilities

l to be based on cooperation and respect

l to prepare children for real life situations

l to bring up children in the spirit of high moral ideals

l to develop intellect

l to form views and characters

l to be honest and kind

l to be active and industrious

l to love one's native land

l great patience and deep knowledge

l to succeed in

l to dedicate one's life to the education of younger generation.


Task 2. Finish up the sentences:

l It is not an easy thing...

l Teaching is...

l When classes are over...

l Evenings are mostly spent...

l The relationships between him and his children...

l The function of education is...

l Teachers develop...

l Thousands of young people...


Task 3. Answer the questions on the text.

1. Why have you chosen the profession of a teacher?

2. What qualities are the most important in a teacher?

3. What do teachers stay at school for when classes are over?

4. What is the main function of education?

5. What is necessary to succeed in teacher's work?

6. What are the tasks and role of school in present-day life?

(Write down the answer in a form of a short resume and exchange your ideas with the partner. Report to the class.)


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