Business Culture in United Arab Emirates 

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Business Culture in United Arab Emirates

When holding business meetings in the United Arab Emirates, some foreign businesspeople suggest holding the meeting in the lobby of an international hotel rather than in an office. The advantage of this is that there will be fewer people wandering in and out of the meeting. Also, your counterpart’s willingness to come to you demonstrates a true interest. You will also have access to refreshments that may be more to your taste.

Visitors are expected to abide by local standards of modesty, however do not adopt native clothing. Traditional clothes on foreigners may be offensive. Despite the heat, most of the body must always remain covered. A jacket and tie are usually required for men at business meetings. Men should wear long pants and a shirt, preferably long-sleeved, buttoned up to the collar. Men should also avoid wearing visible jewelry, particularly around the neck. Women should always wear modest clothing in public. High necklines, sleeves at least to the elbows are expected. Skirts, if not ankle-length, should at least be well below the knee. A look of baggy concealment should be the goal, pants or pant suits are not recommended. It is a good idea to keep a scarf handy, especially if entering a Mosque.

Avoid admiring an item to an excess, your host may feel obligated to give it to you. When offered a gift, it is impolite to refuse. Often shoes are removed before entering a building. Follow the lead of your host. Do not cross your legs when sitting showing the bottom of your shoe or foot is offensive. The “thumbs up” gesture can also be considered offensive by some.

There are several styles of greetings in use, it is best to wait for your counterpart to initiate the greeting. Men shake hands with other men. Some men will shake hands with women; however it is advisable for a businesswoman to wait for a man to offer his hand. A more traditional greeting between men involves grasping each other’s right hand, placing the left hand on the other’s right shoulder and exchanging kisses on each cheek. A customary greeting is “salaam alaykum”. Shaking hands and saying “kaif halak” follows.

Gifts are not necessary, but appreciated. If you do give a gift, it will be open in private. Gifts to avoid giving include: alcohol, perfumes containing alcohol, pork, pigskin products, personal items such as underwear, knives, toy dogs or gifts that picture dogs, images of nude or partially nude women (even in paintings or sculptures with artistic merit). Alcohol and pork are not consumed by those that observe the Muslim religion. Do not discuss the subject of women, not even to inquire about the health of a wife or daughter. The topic of Israel should also be avoided. Sports is an appropriate topic. In the Muslim world, Friday is the day of rest.


TASK 2. Give your name and the following Ukrainian names in English according to the rules of transliteration

Нечипорук Ольга Яківна; Тарасенко Гліб Григорович; Карповець Сергій Віталійович; Газзаєв Юрій Миколайович; Богдан Анатолійович Мар’янов; Борщ Ігор Святославович; Усенко Світлана Олегівна; Цвєтович Ганна Ярославівна; Олексій Федорович Кияшко


TASK 3. Make a thumbnail (an esquisse) of your business card in English

TASK 4. Fill in the application form

TASK 5. Write your CV in English

TASK 6. Write your Resume in English

TASK 7. As the exporters, write a tactful letter to customers who have complained that the material they have received is not like the samples on which they gave the order


TASK 1. Translate into Ukrainian

Business Culture in India

India is officially called Republic of India (Hindi Bharat), is located in southern Asia and is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. India consists geographically of the entire Indian Peninsula and portions of the Asian mainland. To its north lies Afghanistan, China, Nepal, and Bhutan; to its east is Bangladesh, Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), and the Bay of Bengal; Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar (which separate it from Sri Lanka) and the Indian Ocean are to the south; and on the west is the Arabian Sea and Pakistan. India is predominantly Hindu, with 81 % of the population practicing that religion. Next is Muslim at 12 %, Christian at 2 %, and all others within the last 5 % of the society.

The current leadership of India is implementing sweeping changes to encourage international business in India, from privatization to the liberalization of trade.

Men are generally expected to wear a suit and tie for business, although the jacket may be removed in the summer. Women should wear conservative dresses or pantsuits. When dressing casual, short-sleeved shirts and long pants are preferred for men; shorts are acceptable only when exercising. Women must keep their upper arms, chest, back, and legs covered at all times. Women should wear long pants when exercising. The use of leather products including belts or handbags may be considered offensive, especially in temples. Hindus revere cows and do not use leather products.

The head is considered the seat of the soul. Never touch someone else’s head, not even to pat the hair of a child. Beckoning someone with the palm up and wagging one finger can be construed as an insult. Standing with your hands on your hips will be interpreted as an angry, aggressive posture. Whistling is impolite and winking may be interpreted as either an insult or a sexual proposition. Never point your feet at a person. Feet are considered unclean. If your shoes or feet touch another person, apologize. Gifts are not opened in the presence of the giver. If you receive a wrapped gift, set it aside until the giver leaves.

Business lunches are preferred to dinners. Hindus do not eat beef and Muslims do not eat pork. Do not thank your hosts at the end of a meal. “Thank you” is considered a form of payment and therefore insulting.

There are more than fourteen major and three hundred minor languages spoken in India. The official languages are English and Hindi. English is widely used in business, politics and education.

The word “no” has harsh implications in India. Evasive refusals are more common, and are considered more polite. Never directly refuse an invitation, a vague “I’ll try” is an acceptable refusal. Titles are very important. Always use professional titles.


TASK 2. Give your name and the following Ukrainian names in English according to the rules of transliteration

Гусаревич Катерина Григорівна; Соловій Софія Степанівна; Андрій Геннадійович Карповський; Соломія Юріївна Юрій; Яковенко Богдан Миколайович; Сергій Богданович Бабійчук; Анатолій Васильович Йосипенко; Тарас Віталійович Гузій; Павловський Олексій Петрович


TASK 3. Make a thumbnail (an esquisse) of your business card in English

TASK 4. Fill in the application form

TASK 5. Write your CV in English

TASK 6. Write your Resume in English

TASK 7. As suppliers, reply to a complaint of missing goods, asking customers to make a careful check at their end, as everything was correct when the goods were packed and shipped


TASK 1. Translate into Ukrainian

Business Culture in Brazil

Nearly 50 percent of the population is under twenty years of age. Despite massive economic problems, Brazil is often regarded as a potentially rich country with a strong industrial sector, large agricultural production, and rich natural resources. An example of its potential for efficient utilization of resources is its processing of sugarcane into ethyl alcohol for fueling 1.5 million Brazilian cars.

In Brazil three-piece suits carry an “executive” connotation, whereas two-piece suits are associated with office workers. Conservative attire for women in business is very important. Also make sure your nails are manicured. The colors of the Brazilian flag are yellow and green. Avoid wearing this combination in any fashion.

Touching arms and elbows and backs are very common. To express appreciation, a Brazilian may appear to pinch his earlobe between thumb and forefinger. Flicking the fingertips underneath the chin indicates that you do not know the answer to a question. Make appointments at least two weeks in advance. Never try to make impromptu calls at business or government offices. Be prepared to commit long term resources (both in time and money) toward establishing strong relationships in Brazil. This is the key to business success. Some regions have a casualness about both time and work. However San Paulo is not one of those, and in Rio casual refers to the personal and social events, not business. In these two cities, business meetings tend to start on time.

Never start into business discussions before your host does. Business meetings normally begin with casual “chatting” first. Giving a gift is not required at a first business meeting; instead buy lunch or dinner.

Midday is the normal time for the main meal. A light meal is common at night, unless entertaining formally. Expect to be served small cups of very strong coffee. In Brazil, restaurant entertainment prevails versus at home. If entertained in the home, it is polite to send flowers to the hostess the next day, with a thank-you note. Be cautious when giving someone purple flowers as they are extensively used at funerals.

Handshaking, often for a long time, is common. Shake hands for “hello” and “goodbye”; use good eye contact. When leaving a small group, be sure to shake hands with everyone present. When women meet, they exchange kisses by placing their cheeks together and kissing the air.

Music and long animated conversation are favorite Brazilian habits. When conversing, interruptions viewed as enthusiasm. Brazilians enjoy joking, informality, and friendships. Good conversation topics: soccer, family, and children. Bad conversation topics: Argentina, politics, poverty, religion, and the Rain Forest.



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