Практикум по формированию навыков чтения 

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Практикум по формированию навыков чтения

Практикум по формированию навыков чтения

и устной речи для студентов

I - II курсов неязыковых факультетов.

Часть I



Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 1998

Латфуллина И.Д., Мельникова Л.В. Практикум по формированию навыков чтения и устной речи для студентов I - II курсов неязыковых факультетов. Часть I.

Тюмень: Издательство ТюмГУ, 1998


Практикум включает тексты, диалоги, игры и упражнения для чтения и развития навыков разговорной речи студентов неязыковых факультетов университета Представленный материал включен в 3 раздела: "Personal Background", Flat, Routine Activities".

Овладение имеющимся в практикуме языковым материалом и последовательное выполнение представленных заданий позволяет студентам осуществлять языковое общение в вариативных и наиболее типичных ситуациях общения в повседневной жизни.

Дополнительные тексты предназначены для развития навыков просмотрового чтения, расширения репродуктивного словарного минимума и получения дополнительной информации по теме.


Печатается по решению кафедры иностранных языков естественнонаучных факультетов


Рецензент: Фомина Е.В., старший преподаватель ТГУ.


Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 1998


Grammar: Simple Tenses. Personal Pronouns.

Possessive Pronouns. Types of Questions.

Modal Verb - Can.

1.1 Victor Writes to His American Girlfriend.

Orlov Victor

Flat 7,16 Kama's Street,

Perm, Russia.

Dear Julia,

Thank you very much indeed for your letter and photo. You are a very nice girl. You see that you are my first American pen - friend and I'm glad to know that you are o'k and enjoying your life.

My name is Victor Orlov. Do you see on the photo a tall, grey-eyed boy in a blue shirt? It's me. Another boy is my groupmate. In your letter you ask me to tell you about myself. With pleasure.

I was born in 1978. My native place is Volgograd, it's in the South of Russia. I'm 19. Now I live in Perm. Perm is an old, big and green city. It is situated on the Kama-river in Ural. I live in a flat with my parents. Though our flat is not very large I have my own room. But I'm not the only child in the family. I have a sister. Katya is younger than me, she is a schoolgirl. So, there are 4 of us: my fa­ther, my mother, my sister and me. I'm like my mother more. Both my parents are geologists. They often talk about their job and can discuss any problem. But it's not their only interest. All my family go in for sports. My sister is a good runner, I prefer football and swimming. When winter comes we usually go to ski out of town. The Ural mountains are a beautiful place for skiing. Certainly, I'm interested in some other things, for example, music, photo. And what about you? What's your hobby? I'm sure that you are a very interesting person.

Last year I finished school and entered the University in Perm. So, I'm a first-year student of Physics Faculty. I'd like to be a radio­physicist and naturally to be an educated man. In any way, I'm sure I have many opportunities to become an independent person, but now I'm only the beginner. Frankly speaking, my new students' life gives me much pleasure. And you? Can you tell me about your studies in college? I wonder how you are getting on? What are your plans for the future?

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

V. Orlov.

Read the following words. Mind reading rules.

Letter, much, first, life, to live, nice, to enjoy, group, mate, na­tive, green, about, pleasure, parents, though, flat, own, both, how, speciality, interest, weekend, now, to talk, often, photo, country, to enter, naturally, future, college, to study, to hope, to hear, regard, opportunity.

Memorise the following word-combinations and compose your own phrases.

To be glad to enjoy the life

to be well; to be o'k; to be all right. with pleasure

to be born in.... to be situated in...

native place to be single

to be interested in; to have hobby frankly speaking

to enter the University to study at the faculty.

Match the verbs (A) with the nouns (B).


enjoy, live, prefer, become, have, finish, be, enter, discuss an opportunity, a teacher of biology, a chemist, school, in a house, the life, the problem, tennis, the University

Match the adjectives (A) with the nouns (B).


beautiful, interesting, good, native, educated, independent, old, nice example,swimmer, place, man, job, town, girl, person

Fill the gaps with prepositions (at / in / on).

1. I live... 22 Fairview Road, Penn. 2. My father lives... a small house... North London. 3. My girlfriend's flat is... the seventh floor. 4. Do you live... a house or a flat? 5. "Where is the toilet, please?" "... the second floor." 6. "Is there a doctor near here?" "Yes,... 37 High Street". 7. I lived... America many years ago.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into correct form.

My groupmate's name (to be) Alex. He (to be) born in 1970 in Petersburg. He (to finish) school in 1988 and then he (to enter) the institute. Now he (to be) a fifth-year student and (to work) some days in a week. Nick (to want) to be an engineer. He (to be) married. He (to have) his own family. They (to be) 3: his wife, his little son and he. They (to live) in a small flat and they (to be) very happy.

Change the underlined words using possessive pronouns.

Her husband's birthday is on March. My parents' house is in the suburbs of Omsk. Their children's teacher is German. Our cousin's phone number is 936 73 18. Your wife's nephews are from Warsaw. His son's toys are in the box under the table.

Fill in the gaps using suitable words.

My best.... is Charles. Charles.... 19. He isn't.... son in the family he's... a sister. Martha is... than Charles, she is only 13. They... very different. Charles is... his... more & Martha... the exact copy... her father. Two... ago Charles... school (the same Martha... now) and... the University... Cambridge.... he lives in another... he... his parents very... almost... month. Martha... always glad... him. Martha is interested in.... She... a rich collection...notebooks and... the piano very.... Charles is also fond... music. But he... jazz.

1.10 Answer the questions:

1. What is your name? 2. When were you born? 3. How old are you? 4. What country are you from? 5.What is your native place (town, city, village)? Where is it situated? 6. Where do you live now? 7. Do you live in a flat or a house? 8. Have you got your own room? 9. Do you live with your parents? 10. Have you a family? 11. How many members has your family? 12. Whom are you like more? 13. What's your mother? What's the profession/speciality of your father? 14. Are you the only child in the family? 15. Have you got a brother or a sister? 16. Is your brother/sister older or younger than you? 17. What is he/she? 18. When did you finish your school? 19. When did you enter the University? 20. What faculty do you study at? 21. What is your future profession? 22. Do you want to be an educated man?

1.11 Complete the dialogues in English.

Dialogue 1

- Your name is Mary Bright, isn't it?

- Нет, меня зовут Анна Блэк. Я машинистка. Живу и работаю в Вашингтоне. А вас как зовут?

- My name is John Miller. I am an architect. I live and work in Boston. Are you married, Ann?

- Нет, я еще не замужем. Мне 19 лет. Я живу с родителями. Мой отец художник, а мать - домохозяйка. А вы женаты?

- Yes, I am. I have a wife and two sons. My wife is a sociologist, my sons go to school.

- У вас есть родители?

- Да. Они живут в Германии. Отец работает в офисе, а мать - домохозяйка.

- What is her name?

- Her name is Emily Snow. She is sixty years old. She loves me very much.

- Вы часто навещаете своих родителей?

- Нет. Один или два раза в год. Это очень плохо, не так ли?

- I fully agree with you.

Dialogue 2

- Я знаю, что у вас три сестры. Где они живут?

- My elder sister Carolina lives in Detroit. My younger sister Virginia lives and works in New York. Lucy lives with our parents in Los Angeles.

- У меня тоже есть сестры. Но одна из них живет в Европе, а другая в Австралии. Я очень редко их вижу.

- It's a pity you seldom see them. It makes you unhappy. Am I right?

- Конечно. Мне бы хотелось видеться с ними чаще.

- Don't you want to go to Australia?

- Очень хочу. У меня много работы, и я не могу себе это позволить. (I can't afford it).


Here is a drawing of a family tree. Student A also has a drawing of a family tree but it is not exactly the same as yours. (There are seven differences.) By asking Student A questions, see if you can find the dif­ferences. Put a circle around anything that is different. Before you start, work out the sort of questions to ask. For example:


Who is Mary married to? What does Samantha do? How many children have Brian and Ann got? How old is Alice OR Is Mary's husband called Paul?   OR Is Samantha a hairdresser?   OR Have Brian and Ann got one child? OR Is Alice seventy-two?


When you are both ready, take it in turns to ask and answer questions.

When you have finished, compare the family trees.


Bob (retired 75) and Alice (retired 72)

Wilson Jones

Brian Ann Paul Mary

a journalist a housewife Smith a teacher a doctor

4740 Charles Jennifer 50 46

an electrician a typist

48 48


Samantha Joanna Mark

a hairdresser a nurse a student

20 James Pamela Simon 24 17

bankclerk a shop assistant a student

25 20 15


Bob (retired 75) and Alice (an engineer 72)

Hipkiss Jones

Brian Ann Paul Mary

a journalist a housewife Smith a teacher a doctor

4740 Peter Jennifer 50 46

an electrician a typist

48 48


Samantha Joanna Mark

a hairdresser a doctor a student

20 James Pamela Simon 24 17

bankclerk a shop assistant a schoolboy

25 20 15

1.17 Diana is looking for an assistant. Read the advertisement. Then read the interviews and complete the interview forms.

Microcomputer Centre

is looking for a Marketing Assistant for its London Office

Can you type?

Can you use a computer?

Can you drive?

Can you speak a foreign language?

Do you like travelling?

Then you could be the person we are looking for.

Write to: Ms Diana Pye (Marketing Manager),

14 Clerkenwell Green, London EC 1.

Interview 1.

Diana: Ah, Miss Susan Hayne, isn't it. How do you do?

Please sit down.

Susan: How do you do? Thank you.

Diana: Now tell me, what do you do?

Susan: I'm a secretary for a computer company in Croydon.

Diana: So you can use a computer - and you can type?

Susan: Yes, I can.

Diana: What about foreign languages?

Susan: Um, I can speak Spanish.

Diana: Spanish - can you speak French?

Susan: Not really - no.

Diana: Not to worry - oh, can you drive?

Susan: Yes, I can.

Diana: Good... and what are your interests?

Susan: Well, I like cooking and sport... and music and films.

Diana: Cooking... sport... music... films....

Interview 2

Diana: Could you spell your name, Mr Norton?

Michael: Er, M-O-R-T-O-N. My first name is Michael.

Diana: And you're a teacher, I see.

Michael: Yes, that's right. But I like travelling, so I'm looking for a new job.

Diana: I see. Can you use a computer?

Michael: Yes, I can.

Diana: And can you type?

Michael: Well, no - I can't type. But I can speak a lot of foreign lan- guages - French, Spanish, Italian and Japanese.

Diana: Languages... French... Spanish... Italian... and Japanese.

Michael: And I can drive.

Diana: Oh, that's good. And what about your interests, apart from


Michael: I like swimming - and tennis and football.

Interview 3

Diana: Miss Jean Wallace?

Jean: Yes. You spell it I - S at the end, not A - C - E.

Diana: Oh, thank you. My mistake. So that's W - A - double L-I - S?

Jean: That's right.

Diana: Well now, I see that you can type and use a computer. What do you do?

Jean: Er, I haven't got a job. I'm unemployed.

Diana: Can you drive?

Jean: Yes, I can.

Diana: Good - and can you speak any languages?

Jean: Yes - German and French.

Diana: Excellent - now you say that you like the cinema and the theatre.

Jean: Yes, and I like travelling - and meeting people.

Surname First name




Who do you think Diana chooses for the job?

What are their jobs?

Ex. 1 What do they do? Read the paragraphs and find out what these people do.

1. Patricia works in a.... 4. Sheila is the... of a....

2. Anthony............... 5. Mike is a............ on the

3. Carol is a....... 6. Colin works in a........

Sheila works in a language school, but she is not a teacher. She has an office where she writes a lot of letters. She talks to stu­dents and teachers and to quite a few business men. She's the most important person there.

Patricia reads a lot, both at work and after work. She talks to a lot of people about books. She takes money from people. She works from 9.00 to 5.30, with a break for lunch. She also works on Saturdays but the place where she works is closed on Sundays.

Mike likes pop music. He works in a studio. You hear him talking about the music he plays. You can ask him to play you some music. But you can't see him. You can only hear him.

Anthony works for a company called Window-light. He's got a small office and a company car. He meets a lot of new people every day, but not in his office. He talks to people and shows them pic­tures from his catalogue. He likes people with large houses best. Why?

Colin works in a very big room. People come in to bring books back and take out new ones. He often stands near the door where he checks the books and the cards. He also helps people find the books they want.

Carol's like a doctor, but she doesn't see people who are physically ill. She only helps people who have mental problems.

Ex. 2 Complete the table. Then practice some questions and answers with your partner.


Who which person who is it who sells books/windows? Works with people who are ill? Works on the radio? Writes a lot of letters? Reads a lot? Is a director?   Patricia. Colin does. ................. ... does Sheila is. .................. .................... ... and... do.

Ex. 3 How many questions?

Sue Alto is an English teacher at the Big Ben School of Lan­guages in Sargasso.

How many questions can you make from this sentence? (Questions that can be answered from the sentence). Complete these questions then make some more. Practice asking and an­swering them with a partner.

... is Sue's surname?... is the name of the school?

... does Sue work?... is her first name?

... is the school?


Grammar: There is (are) something somewhere.


+ Some   ? any   - not any = no  


The Nechaev's Flat

The Nechaevs live a 10-storied block of flats in Leninskii Ave­nue. It is just across from the State Oil and Gas Academy. There are many business centres, offices, banks, shops and supermar­kets nearby. All that makes this place lively and crowded with peo­ple. But there is also an advantage of living here as it doesn't take you much time to do every-day shopping.

The Nechaevs have a three-room flat with all modern conven­iences: central heating, hot and cold running water, telephone, electricity and gas. The flat is on the 9-th floor so the view's terrific - a great part of the capital is under your feet. There is an elevator in the building and TV antenna on the roof.

The flat is rather big. There is an entrance hall, a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet, a sitting-room, a bed-room and Volodya's room flat. The mother is very proud of the kitchen. It's repaired, well-equipped and nicely furnished. There is a modem Italian kitchen unit in the kitchen. It includes a gas-stove, a washing-machine, a refrigerator, a dishwasher and a microwave oven. The Nechaevs consider it the cosiest place in the flat. They often gather in it to­gether to have a cup of coffee and discuss what has happened in everybody's life.

The sitting-room is large and light. It has everything for a good rest in the day-time. There is a colour TV-set, a video cassette re­corder and a piano in it. There is a wall-unit, a sofa, 2 comfortable arm-chairs, a table with 4 chairs round it and a lamp-stand in the corner. The floor is covered with a nice thick carpet. The curtains on the window match the walls, the carpet and the furniture.

Volodya's room is the smallest one in the flat. There is a ward­robe, a sofa-bed, an old grandmother's armchair, a chair, a desk and book-shelves with lots of interesting books on them. There is a modern computer with Pentium processor, CD-ROM Drive, Sound Blaster and a microphone on the desk. In the comer of the room there is a small table with a tape-recorder on it.

The bedroom has 2 beds, a wardrobe, 2 night tables, 2 padded stools and a three-leaved mirror.


a 10-storied block of flats - 10-этажный жилой дом

just across from... - как раз напротив...

an advantage - преимущество

an entrance hall - прихожая

a kitchen-unit - кухонный гарнитур

a dishwasher - посудомоечная машина

a wall-unit - мебельная стенка

Pentium processor - процессор Pentium

Sound Blaster - звуковая карта (устройства для записи и воспроизведения звуковой информации)

a night-table - тумбочка

a padded-stool - пуфик

a three-leaved mirror - трельяж

2.2 Read the word correctly & mind the stress.

'lively, 'crowded, 'heating, inc'lude, de'sign, 'nearby, ad'vantage, con'venience, view, proud, re'pair, 'furnish, 'furniture, microwave, micro'phone, 'cosy, e'quip, 'cover, 'curtain, 'wardrobe, 'oven, ele'vator.

Read the letter.

Tucson, 5-th May

Dear Greta.

Well, here we are in Arizona. This is a picture of our motorhome! It's not very big but it's got a big bed over the driver's cabin for Sev and me, and two little beds in the sitting room for the chil­dren. The beds are our sofas during the day, and we've got a tiny dining space with a table and some chairs. There's a nice little kitchen with a stove and some cupboards, and we've even got some plants, over the sink. There isn't a bath, but we've got a good shower - and a toilet of course. It's almost like home! Now for Texas! See you in July.


Lots of love from Julie, Sev, Lucy, James.

  toilet and shower
- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
kitchen area
sitting room
sofa beds
dinning space
bed over cabin
overhead cupboard
What has the motorhome got? With a partner, make two lists under

these headings: It's got It hasn't got

eg. a shower eg. a bath

Compare your lists with other students. Are motorhomes popular in your country? Are they good for long holidays? Are they good for two people or for a family?


Dialogue 1

Student A:   Mrs. White:   Student: Mrs. White:   Student B:   Mrs. White: Student A: Student B: Mrs. White:   Student A: Mrs. White:     Student A:   Student B:   Student A: Mrs. White: Good morning, Mrs. White. We should like to see the rooms you've got to let. Oh, are you the students from University College? I've already had two students looking round this morning. Oh, have the rooms gone? No, they didn't say they'd take them. They really wanted a room with central heating. Oh, we don't mind about that so long as there's a good electric or gas heater. Well, you'd better come in and see the place. Well, this is a big room. It's quite nice. Do you provide bed linen? Oh, yes! That's included in the rent, as well as the laundering. What about the vacations? Well, you have to pay a retaining fee if you go away. You could move in next week if you decide to take it. I like the rent monthly in advance. I certainly like the look of this plase. What do you think? It's much better than any of the other rooms we've seen and the rent is quite reasonable. Yes. Ten pounds a week each isn't bad. Let's take it. I hope you'll like the place.

Dialogue 2

-- I hear you have moved to a new apartment, Steve. Is it true?

-- Yes, it is. One of these days we'll arrange a housewarming party. And I want you and your wife Carol to be present.

-- Thank you for the invitation. How do you like your new apartment?

-- It is very comfortable. It is a three bedroom apartment with modern conveniences: electric stove and a lot of built-in cupboards.

-- On what floor is it?

-- Our apartment is on the tenth floor of a high-rise dwelling house. We've got two elevators which work round o'clock.

-- Is it far from the centre of the city?

--Rather. It takes me about an hour to get to the centre by bus and by metro. If I drive a car, it takes me thirty minutes.

-- I see. Have you bought new furniture?

-- We've bought wall units, two armchairs and a new icebox. We are planning to buy two carpets and a dining set.

-- Good luck!

-- Thanks. Are you going to move to a new apartment?

-- No, I am not. We have been living in our two-room apartment for about eight years and we don't want to move anywhere.

-- Your apartment is comfortable, isn't it?

-- Yes, very. My wife arranged everything very nicely and I like it very much. We don't have much furniture, but we have got eve­rything we need.

-- I am glad to hear it.

Situations to discuss:

a) Imagine you are looking for lodgings in another town.

b) Imagine you have moved to a new flat and you are going to arrange a housewarming party.

The Uncle's Answer

Dear Boy,

Don't worry! The postman has lost your letter.

Your affectionate uncle, Thomas Jones


Dixons. The Estate Agents. 79 Darlington Street.

Wolverhampton. Tel. (01902) 310000.



  NORDLEY BRIDGNORTH 3 miles Delightful Country Property of character in splendid order throughout and enjoying far reaching rural views. Cottage style yet spacious interior with gas CH and DG. Hall, fitted cloakroom, beamed lounge with magnificent inglenook and study area, fine square dining room, sitting room/sun lounge, quite exceptional fitted kitchen, 12ft plumbed utility, master bedroom with elegant en suite bathroom. Two further doubel bedrooms, luxurious house bathroom. Lovely gardens to three sides. Ample space garages, caravan etc. f 225,ooo  
    BUSHBURY, WOLVERHAMPTON Hawkesford Crescent Three Bedroom Semi-Detached Property Benefiting from gas central heating and providing: Hall, lounge breakfast kitchen, plus shower, rear verandah. Parking and gardens to the front and rear. Viewing via Agents (01902) 711211 f 24,950 PATTINGHAM Character cottage with potential for further improvement standing in High Street location (conservation area). Hall, kitchen, 21ft lounge, ground floor bathroom, three double bedrooms, further bathroom, coachhouse, carport. Rayburn central heating, re-wired. Garden: 300ft x 38ft. PRICE GUIDE: f 140,000
DETACHED IS HANDY FOR MOTORWAYS The modern property stands well back from the road in Larchmere Drive, and is handily placed for both the M54 and M6 motorways. Offers based on f89,995 are being invited for the freehold home through Wolverhampton estate agents Jackson Lile and Close. The centrally heated property has a lounge with a brick fireplace, dining room, well equipped kitchen and a utility room. Upstairs are three bedrooms, one with built-in wardrobes, and a bathroom with a shower. The property has ample driveway parking space and a garage. In the lawned back garden is a terrace, ornamental pond and well stocked borders.


Pendeford TALATON CLOSE. Well presented throughout, this ground floor flat is well located for the amenities of Pendeford and comprises: Entrance hall, lounge with "Adams" style fireplace, bedroom with fitted wardrobe, bathroom. Off street parking and garden.   f 34,950 BLAKENHALL, Fowler Street Well presented terraced home offering accommodation which teatures majority double glazing and includes: Living room, dining room, kitchen with a range of fitted base and wall cupboards, downstairs bathroom with shower, three first floor bedrooms. Outside can be found a small rear garden. REDUCED TO f29,000 (F) Ref: V3175

Victor Orlov's Working Day

Victor is not an early riser. It's quite a problem for him to get up in the morning. But the alarm-clock rings at 7 o'clock and there is nothing to be done as to start a new working day. When he was a schoolboy his grandma often said him, "The early birds catches the worm, don't forget it, sleepy." To wake up finally he switches his tape-recorder on with his favourite music and does his physical jerks. Then he goes into the bathroom, which is always taken by his sister when he needs it. ("What do these girls do there for so long time! At last... it's really better to get up a little bit earlier...") He takes a shower, shaves himself, cleans his teeth and brushes him­self. It takes him about 10 minutes to do his bed and to dress him­self. After that Victor goes to the kitchen to have breakfast. It may be a cup of tea or coffee and some sandwiches.

After his morning meals Victor leaves his house and goes to the University. Usually he goes there by bus or trolleybus. As he lives not far from the University it takes him about 15-20 minutes. Classes begin at 8 in the morning. Victor usually comes to the Uni­versity a few minutes before the bell not to be late for the first les­son. Each lesson lasts an hour and a half. There are 10 minute breaks between classes. Usually the students have 3 or 4 lectures or seminars. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon Victor's classes are over. If the weather is fine he goes home on foot as it's very pleas­ant to take a walk in the open air. But sometimes Victor doesn't leave University right after classes because of some out - of - class activities.

So he has dinner either at home or at the student's canteen. When at home he usually has something substantial for dinner, for example, cabbage soup for the first course, hot meat or fish with some vegetables for the second one and a glass of juice for des­sert.

As a rule Victor has no spare time on his weekdays. He usually spends much time to do his homework. Sometimes he has to go to the library either to get ready for his practical classes and seminar­ies or to write a report. He often has to sit up to translate English articles from English into Russian scientific magazines to learn new information he needs on his subject.

Eight o'clock is supper time in the Orlov's family. They all get together in the kitchen to have their evening meal and to discuss different problems.

After that Victor prefers to do a little reading. If a book is very interesting he can read till late night. Sometimes he either watches TV or listens to the music. And every evening he does his best to find time for his computer. It is not untill midnight that he usually goes to bed. So by the end of the week Victor gets tired & needs a good rest.


quite a problem - настоящая проблема

an alarm-clock - будильник

spare time - свободное время

either... or... - или... или...

Week day at an Office

Nora: Donald, you look so tired. You don't feel well, do you?

Donald: It's not that. I am really tired. I need a rest.

Nora: Take a holiday.

Donald: I can't do it now. We've got a lot of work to do.

Nora: Excuse my curiosity, what do you usually do at your office?

Donald: You'd better ask me what I don't do at my office.

As soon as I come to my office I have to answer telephone calls, sign documents, participate in the talks, discuss the terms of the agreements, send letters and telegrams and do many other things.

Nora: When do you start working in your office?

Donald: We start at 9.00 a.m. This is expected to mean 9 o'clock, not 10 past or half past nine. But some departments are on flexitime, which means that you can come to work between 7. 30 and 9 and leave between 3.30 and 5. We have two 15-minute coffee breaks.

Nora: I see. I suppose, you've got a break for lunch.

Donald: Sure. At 1 p.m. we've got a break for lunch which lasts for an hour.

Nora: Do people work very hard?

Donald: Well, some nations have a philosophy that you work when the boss is around. And if he's not there, you can relax and do whatever you want.

Nora: And it's different here?

Donald: You are paid for your time. Employees are expected to help others if their own desks are clear. You never sit idle or do nothing. You owe your boss your time, since s/he's paying for it. Sometimes my boss even works through the lunch hour and takes work home at night.

Nora: Do you sometimes go on business trips?

Donald: Our employees go to various cities and towns in this country and abroad.

Nora: Have you been abroad?

Donald: Yes, several times. I have already been to Canada, Australia and West Germany.

Nora: Have you been to the USA?

Donald: Not yet. I am planning to go there next year. And you, have you been to the USA?

Nora: Yes, I returned from the USA last month. I spend a fortnight there and visited New York, Washington and Boston.

Donald: It was a business trip?

Nora: Sure.

Student A

At... She usually: At... She usu­ally...

  wakes up   gets home
  has a shower takes her dog for walk
  has a cup of tea and reads the newspaper
has breakfast - usually ____________________   has dinner
  drives to work   telephones her ___
    watches the News on television
has lunch - usually at an Italian restaurant     goes to bed
  starts work again   reads for a while
  finishes work   falls asleep

Student B

At... She usually: At... She usu­ally...

  wakes up   gets home
  has a shower  
  gets dressed has a cup of tea and reads the newspaper
has breakfast - usually tea and toast  
  telephones her fa­ther
  start work watches on television
  has lunch - usually at .     goes to bed
  starts work  
  finishes work   falls asleep


Finding the time to meet.


Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions to find the time to meet suitable for both.


Before you start, work out which questions to ask, e.g.

What are you doing / going to do on Friday?

Are you going to be free at 7 on Friday?

A student's diary

Student A

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
07.00- 09.00 get up, breakfast get up, breakfast get up, breakfast get up, breakfast get up, breakfast sleep sleep
09.00- 11.00 English lesson shopping   French lesson philosophy lecture get up, breakfast sleep
11.00- 13.00 French litera- ture lecture   English litera- ture lecture meet tutor   basketball practice get up, breakfast
13.00- 15.00 lunch; stu- dent union meeting   lunch; read in library   lunch; shopping   5-mile run; lunch
15.00- 17.00 basketball practice linguistics seminar   basketball practice philosophy seminar tea with tutor  
17.00 19.00 work on as- signment read in library read in library   work on as- signments work on as- signments  
19.00- 21.00   supper; work on assign-ments supper; go to cinema supper read in library party supper' read  
21.00- 23.00 sports club meeting early night cinema write letters   party pub with friends


Student B

A student's diary


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
07.00- 09.00 get up breakfast get up, breakfast get up, breakfast get up, breakfast get up, breakfast get up, breakfast get up, breakfast
09.00- 11.00   biology lab chemistry lab   biology lecture swim  
11.00- 13.00       philosophy of science seminar   work in library swim
13.00- 15.00 lunch; shopping lunch; computer practice   lunch seminar lunch; shopping lunch; walk in country  
15.00- 17.00 biology lab computer practice chemistry lecture computer practice work in library walk in country  
17.00- 19.00 swim swim   swim swim   visit family
19.00- 21.00   supper; work in library supper; work in library   theatre visit family  
21.00- 23.00 early night   work in library party   theatre visit family

И.Д. Латфуллина, Л.В. Мельникова

Практикум по формированию навыков чтения и устной речи.


Подписано в печать

Заказ N Объем Формат 60х84.16

Тираж Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная.


Издательство Тюменского государственного университета

625000, Тюмень, Семакова, 10

Практикум по формированию навыков чтения

и устной речи для студентов

I - II курсов неязыковых факультетов.

Часть I



Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 1998

Латфуллина И.Д., Мельникова Л.В. Практикум по формированию навыков чтения и устной речи для студентов I - II курсов неязыковых факультетов. Часть I.

Тюмень: Издательство ТюмГУ, 1998


Практикум включает тексты, диалоги, игры и упражнения для чтения и развития навыков разговорной речи студентов неязыковых факультетов университета Представленный материал включен в 3 раздела: "Personal Background", Flat, Routine Activities".

Овладение имеющимся в практикуме языковым материалом и последовательное выполнение представленных заданий позволяет студентам осуществлять языковое общение в вариативных и наиболее типичных ситуациях общения в повседневной жизни.

Дополнительные тексты предназначены для развития навыков просмотрового чтения, расширения репродуктивного словарного минимума и получения дополнительной информации по теме.


Печатается по решению кафедры иностранных языков естественнонаучных факультетов


Рецензент: Фомина Е.В., старший преподаватель ТГУ.


Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 1998


Grammar: Simple Tenses. Personal Pronouns.

Possessive Pronouns. Types of Questions.

Modal Verb - Can.

1.1 Victor Writes to His American Girlfriend.

Orlov Victor

Flat 7,16 Kama's Street,

Perm, Russia.

Dear Julia,

Thank you very much indeed for your letter and photo. You are a very nice girl. You see that you are my first American pen - friend and I'm glad to know that you are o'k and enjoying your life.

My name is Victor Orlov. Do you see on the photo a tall, grey-eyed boy in a blue shirt? It's me. Another boy is my groupmate. In your letter you ask me to tell you about myself. With pleasure.

I was born in 1978. My native place is Volgograd, it's in the South of Russia. I'm 19. Now I live in Perm. Perm is an old, big and green city. It is situated on the Kama-river in Ural. I live in a flat with my parents. Though our flat is not very large I have my own room. But I'm not the only child in the family. I have a sister. Katya is younger than me, she is a schoolgirl. So, there are 4 of us: my fa­ther, my mother, my sister and me. I'm like my mother more. Both my parents are geologists. They often talk about their job and can discuss any problem. But it's not their only interest. All my family go in for sports. My sister is a good runner, I prefer football and swimming. When winter comes we usually go to ski out of town. The Ural mountains are a beautiful place for skiing. Certainly, I'm interested in some other things, for example, music, photo. And what about you? What's your hobby? I'm sure that you are a very interesting person.

Last year I finished school and entered the University in Perm. So, I'm a first-year student of Physics Faculty. I'd like to be a radio­physicist and naturally to be an educated man. In any way, I'm sure I have many opportunities to become an independent person, but now I'm only the beginner. Frankly speaking, my new students' life gives me much pleasure. And you? Can you tell me about your studies in college? I wonder how you are getting on? What are your plans for the future?

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

V. Orlov.


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