Київський економічний институт менеджменту 

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Київський економічний институт менеджменту



Навчальний посібник

З англійської мови

Business Environment

для студентів базової освітии за напрямками

0501 "Економіка i підприємництво",

0502 "Менеджмент"



КИЇВ- 2009






Ректор В.Д.Рожок

Навчальний посібник

З англійської мови

Business Environment

для студентів базової освітии за напрямками

0501 "Економіка i підприємництво",

0502 "Менеджмент"


на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов Вченою радою

Протокол №8 від 07.04.09. інституту Протокол № 10 від 30.06.09



Укладач: Графкіна В.В.,ст. викладач


КИ1В - 2009



Навчальний посібник

З ділової англійської мови

для студентів базової освітии за напрямками

6.0501 "Економіка i підприємництво", 6.0502 "Менеджмент"



Укладач: Графкіна Валентина Володимирівна, ст. викладач







Посібник зділової англійської мови призначається для вивчення англійської мови професійного спрямування i призначений для студентів економічних спеціальностей для вдосконалення рівня володіння англійською мовою фахового спрямування у сфері економіки та бізнссу.

Метою посібника є:

- забезпечення цілісного i послідовного засвоення англіййської граматики, лексики та фахової термшології;

- формування вмінь та навичок професійного спілкування i роботи з фаховою литературою.

Посібник складаеться з 3 розділів (Units), які містять декілька текстів, що висвітлюють теми: бізнес та комерційні організації; організація та персонал; працевлаштування, інтерв'ю; бізнес та економіка; засоби ділового спілкування (Internet, WWW, E-mail), а також включає розділ Additional Reading, який містить додаткові тексти для читання, що допомогають значно розширити словниковий запас студентів сучасною та необхідною лексикою та забезпечує формування умінь і навичок усного мовлення з фаху.

Розділ Grammar review висвітлюе основні випадки вживання граматичних явищ сучасної англійської мови, граматичні вправи забезпечуютьволодіння граматичними структурами.

Посібник можна рекомендувати як для аудиторноїроботи для студентів денної форми навчання, так і для самостійного опрацювання студентами вечірнього та заочного відділень.







needs потреби

satisfy (v) задовольняти

survive (v) вижити; продовжувати існувати

depend on (v) залежати від

consumption споживання

business бізнес,комерційна діяльність,торгове


firm фірма

company компанія

vary (v) відрізнятися; змінюватися

profit прибуток

provide services надавати послуги

corporation корпорація

multinational міжнародна, мультинаціональна корпорація

set up a business створювати бізнес

establish a business створювати бізнес

start-up нещодавно створена компанія

be in business займатися торгівлею, займатися бізнесом

run a business керувати підприємством

do business вести бізнес

trade торгувати

deal with займатися (чимось);купувати (у когось)

go out of business ліквідувати підприємство

expand a business розширювати бізнес

specialize in (something) спеціалізуватися

diversify різноманітити

owner власник

affect діяти на


Business Organization

The economic system is made up of people with basic needs that they must satisfy to survive. As most people cannot produce all the goods and services they need, we depend on other persons or businesses to make them for our consumption.

Business is the activity of producing, buying and selling goods and services.

A business organization is a firm, a company or a business that makes, buys or sells goods, or provides services to make a profit.

Businesses vary in size. Large companies are referred to as corporations. Many consider the corporation the ideal way to organize business. Large companies operating in many countries are multinationals.

Big business can refer to large business organizations or to any business activity



that makes a lot of money. Small companies are referred to as small businesses or small firms.

When we start a business we talk about setting up a business or establishing a business. New businesses are called start-ups. Once a business has been established we talk about being in business or running a business.

To do business means to trade or deal with a company or country. It is not easy to organize a business and to operate it successfully. When a company is not successful, it may go out of business.

The economic situation as well as decisions taken by the owners of a company, affect how it grows and changes. You may expand your business, specialize in something, you may also diversify your business.



1. Answer the following questions:

1.What is the economic system made up of?

2. Why do people depend on businesses?

3. What is business?

4. What is business organization?

5. Do business vary in size?

6. What are corporations?

7. Where do multinationals operate?

8. What do we call ‘ big business’?

9. What does ‘to do business’ mean?

10. When may a company go out of business?

11. What affects a company development?

12. What can a company do to improve its business?


2.Form verbs and adjectives from the following nouns:


profit --------------------------- ------------------------------

operation --------------------------- ------------------------------

economy --------------------------- -----------------------------

decision --------------------------- -----------------------------

change ---------------------------- ----------------------------

expansion ---------------------------- -----------------------------

activity ---------------------------- -----------------------------

success ---------------------------- -----------------------------

diversity ---------------------------- -----------------------------

dependence ----------------------------- ----------------------------


3Give the English equivalents for the following words and word- combinations:

купувати і продавати товари; надавати послуги; отримувати прибуток; заробляти гроші; створювати бізнес; керувати підприємством; торгувати; економічна ситуація; рішення; власник компанії;діяти на; розширювати бізнес;


спеціалізуватися з чогось; задовольняти потреби; залежати від; споживання; нещодавно створена компанія.




classify (v) класифікувати

industry промисловість,індустрія, галузь промисловості

raw materials сировинні матеріали

assemble (v) збирати

finished products готові вироби

manufacturing sector виробничий сектор

wholesale trade оптова торгівля

retail trade роздрібна торгівля

service sector сектор послуг

own (v) володіти

private sector приватний сектор

enterprise підприємство

pursue (v) переслідувати (інтерес)

regulation регулювання

restriction обмеження

public sector державний сектор

nationalize (v) націоналізувати

sell-off розпродаж

privatize (v) приватизувати

supply постачання

utilities комунальні послуги


Business Organization and the Economy

Businesses may be classified according to which industry they are in: for

example, construction, oil, banking, food.

All the companies which make goods from raw materials or assemble

components into finished products work in the manufacturing sector. All the

companies which provide services in areas such as tourism, banking and

finance, communications, wholesale and retail trade work in the service sector.

Besides, a company may be owned by the state, or by the private individuals.

Privately-owned and-run companies work in the private sector. A private

enterprise is a system that allows individuals within a society to pursue their own

interest without governmental regulation or restriction.

State-owned-and-run organizations are in the public sector.

When a private company is bought by the state and brought into public sector,

it is nationalized in a process of nationalization. A nationalized company is state-


When the state returns a company to the private sector in a sell-off, it is

privatized. This is privatization. The first to be sold off in a privatization

programme are often the companies responsible for the public supply of

electricity, water and gas: the utilities.



1. Form verbs and adjectives from the following nouns:

Nounsverbs adjectives

classification ----------------------------- ------------------------------

industry ----------------------------- -----------------------------

owner ----------------------------- -----------------------------

privatization ----------------------------- -----------------------------

regulation ----------------------------- -----------------------------

restriction ---------------------------- ------------------------------

nationalization ---------------------------- ------------------------------

responsibility ----------------------------- ------------------------------



2.Give the English for:

класифікувати, банківська справа,сировинні матеріали, готові вироби, виробничий сектор, фінанси, зв’язок, оптова та роздрібна торгівля, сектор послуг, володіти компанією, приватна особа, приватний сектор, приватне підприємство, державне регулювання, обмеження, державний сектор, націоналізація, приватизація, комунальні послуги.


1. Which is the most interesting to work in:

a manufacturing sector, a service sector.

Choose one of the sectors and speak about the advantages and disadvantages of working there.



join (v) об’єднуватися, приєднуватися

purpose мета

unlimited liability company компанія з необмеженою відповідальністю

limited liability company компанія з обмеженою відповідальністю

be liable for бути відповідальним за

debt борг; зобов’язання

assets майно, активи

sole trader/sole proprietorship одноосібна власність

partnership/general partnership товариство

private limited company (BrE)/ закрита акціонерна компанія

limited liability company (AmE)

public limited company (BrE)/ відкрита акціонерна компанія з

listed company (AmE) обмеженою відповідальністю

shareholder акціонер

share акція

wealth матеріальні цінності, багатство

offer (v) пропонувати

public громадськість

stock exchange фондова біржа


A business is an organization of material, human, financial, and informational resources that are joined together for a specific purpose. Not all businesses are owned and organized in the same way.

In unlimited liability companies the owners are personally and entirely liable for the debts of the company. This means they may lose their personal assets (e.g., their house or their car) if the company is in financial difficulties.

In a limited liability company (Ltd.) the owners are liable only for the amount of money they have invested in the business.

Unlimited liability companies are subdivided into sole traders (BrE)/ sole proprietorship (AmE) (a type of business organization owned and run by one person) and partnerships (BrE)/ general partnerships (AmE) (a firm run by two or more partners). A lot of professional people like lawyers, accountants and so on, work in partnerships.

Limited liability companies are subdivided into private limited companies (Ltd) (BrE)/ limited liability companies (AmE) and public limited companies (PLC) (BrE)/ listed companies (AmE). A private limited company/limited liability company is a company which has shareholders (people who own the wealth of a company) but which cannot offer its shares to the public.

A public-limited company/listed company is a company whose shares can be bought and sold (publicly traded) on the stock exchange.

Notes: A public limited company is privately owned. It is not run by the state.


1. Form adjectives from the following nouns:

organization -----------------------------

material -----------------------------

finance -----------------------------

information -----------------------------

specification -----------------------------

wealth -----------------------------

liability -----------------------------

owner -----------------------------

person -----------------------------

difficulty -----------------------------


2. Give the English for:

фінансові та інформаційні ресурси, компанія з необмеженою відповідальністю, власник, бути повністю відповідальним за борги компанії, втрачати власне майно, фінансові труднощі, компанія з обмеженою відповідальністю, одноосібна власність, товариство, закрита акціонерна компанія, відкрита акціонерна компанія з обмеженою відповідальністю, акціонер, пропонувати акції, продавати акції на фондовій біржі

.3. Match words from list A with words from list В that have a similar meaning.

В sole proprietorship listed company propose aim unite stock arrange individual





sole trader

public limited company






4. Find suitable opposites to the following words and phrases:

poverty, limited liability company, to buy, to disunite, to find, public.

Find the odd word.

1. company, business, firm, corporation, office, enterprise.

2. sole proprietorship, limited liability, public limited company, partnership, private limited company.

3. owner, investor, shareholder, consumer, managing director.


6. Match the verbs in column A with the nouns in B.


sell off debt


pay back asset


issue shares

run into

join partnership


own business



7. These words frequently occur after ‘debt’.


repayment, rescheduling, collector, crises, burden, restructuring.

Find combinations that mean:

1. a person employed to recover money owed by a person or an organization;

2. paying loans back to the lender;

3. renegotiating the form of debts;

4. renegotiating the dates that debts are to be repaid;

5. the overall amount of an organization's debt;

6. a period when a debtor is having trouble repaying their debts.

To offer — to suggest

to offer -to propose something, express willingness to do


e.g. He offered me a job.

to suggest — to propose something to do, to offer an idea or a plan for consideration

e.g. 1. We suggest contacting the manufacturer directly.

2. I suggest we have dinner first.

3. He suggested various ways in which the service could be improved.


relationship відносини

subsidiary дочірня компанія, підконтрольна компанія,


parent company компанія-засновник; компанія, що володіє контрольним пакетом акцій іншої компанії,


holding company холдингова компанія

hold володіти

stake частина(чогось), частка (капіталу), акція

sister company сестринська компанія

conglomerate конгломерат

joint venture спільне підприємство

remain залишатись

separate окремий

legal entity юридична особа

consortium консорціум

undertake (a project) розпочинати,здійснювати (проект)

carry out виконувати, здійснювати


Business Relationship

As businesses expand they may buy shares in other companies, or join with other companies for a particular purpose. There are different relationships these companies can have with one another. A group is a number of subsidiary companies operating under one leading company known as the parent company. A subsidiary is a company that is half or wholly owned by another company (the parent company).

A holding company is one that holds all, or more than half of, the stakes in one or more subsidiaries. It is the leading company in a group.

A holding company's relationship to its subsidiaries is that of parent company, and the subsidiaries' relationship to each other is that of sister companies. The parent company controls its subsidiaries through its capital interests.

A conglomerate is a group consisting of a lot of different companies in different businesses run as one large company.

When two or more companies decide to work together, they form a joint venture. In such cases, the two companies involved remain separate legal entities.

A consortium is a group of companies which come together to undertake a project which any one of the members cannot carry out alone.



1. Form nouns and adjectives from the following verbs:


hold -------------------------------- ---------------------------------

subside -------------------------------- ---------------------------------

separate -------------------------------- ---------------------------------

join -------------------------------- ---------------------------------

relate -------------------------------- ---------------------------------

lead -------------------------------- ---------------------------------

differ -------------------------------- ---------------------------------

expand -------------------------------- ---------------------------------

operate -------------------------------- ---------------------------------

know -------------------------------- ---------------------------------

decide -------------------------------- ---------------------------------

2. Give the English for:

діловi відносини, розширювати бізнес, купувати акції, об'еднуватися з іншими компаніями, провідна компанія, компанія-засновник, філія, холдингова компанія, акція, сестринська компанія, спільне підприемство, юридична особа, здійснювати проекти.


3.Match words from list A with the words from list B that have a similar meaning:



consist stay

stock parent company

separate different from something else carry out make up one’s mind


operate share

holding company fulfill

hold function

decide be composed of

remain own


4. Find suitable opposites to the following words and phrases:

to shorten, to sell, similar, subsidiary, joint, legal, to leave.


5. Match the nouns in the left hand column with the verbs in the righthand column.


stakes form


joint venture hold


project set up


subsidiary develop

6. These words frequently occur before " company ":

Joint-stock, limited, sister, competitive, subsidiary, listed, holding


Find combinations that mean:

1. the leading company of a group that holds all or more than half of the shares of the other companies and usually controls other companies;

2. one of two or more organizations that are part of the same group;

3. a business formed by a group of people using money provided by them all;

4. a company of which at least half the share capital is owned by another company, called a parent or holding company;

5. a company whose shares are recorded on the main market of a stock exchange;

6. a company whose members are only responsible for its debts up to a limited amount

7. a company that offers the same or better goods and services as another and therefore competes for the same customers.


7.. Match the words and phrases with their correct definition from the list below:

To rise - to raise

to rise - is an intransitive verb, i.e. it cannot take an object

e.g. Prices rose last month.

to raise - is a transitive verb, i.e. it is followed by an object,

e.g. They raised the prices.


restructure реорганізовувати, перебудовувати

witness бути свідком (чогось)

market ринок

combine об’єднуватися

voluntarily добровільно, за власним бажанням

merge зливатися

merger злиття

controlling share частка в капiталі компанії,яка забезпечує контроль за її діяльністю

acquire придбати

make an acquisition придбати

take over поглинати (компанію)

hostile takeover (в бізнесі) одержання контролю над компанією проти бажання її менеджменту, вороже поглинання

raider рейдер (приватна особа або корпорація- інвестор, що має намір отримати контроль над компанією шляхом придбання контрольного пакета акцій і призначення нових керівників)

willingly охоче, добровільно

make a bid робити пропозицію (щодо купівлі чогось за

(for something) зазначену ціну)

buyout придбання контрольного пакета акцій, викуп

purchase закупівля,покупка

staff персонал, штат

divest of позбавляти

pull out відмовлятися від участі в чомусь

abandon відмовлятися, залишати



efficient ефективний

profitable прибутковій

aim ціль, мета


Companies' Restructuring

In the world of business we can often witness changes to the ownership or structure of companies and groups of companies. As a rule companies join with or buy other companies in order to have better control of a particular market, to diversify their business, to strengthen their operations to remain profitable. When two companies combine, usually voluntarily, they merge to form one company in an agreement known as a merger.

To buy another company or to win a controlling share of a company is to acquire a business, make an a cquisition or take over a company. There are two types of takeover: a h ostile takeover is a situation in which a company is bought out when the owners do not want to sell. Individuals or companies that want to take over other companies arc called raiders.

A friendly takeover takes place when a company is willingly bought out. When someone wants to buy a company they have to make a bid for it, i.e. offer to buy it at a certain price.

A buyout is the purchase of a company usually by buying the majority of shares, especially by its management or staff.

If a company sells a business, it divests itself of that business. If you pull out of a business activity, you abandon it, perhaps as part of a programme of restructuring: reorganizing a business with the aim of making it more efficient and profitable.




1. Form adjectives from the following nouns:

efficiency -------------------------------

profit -------------------------------

aim -------------------------------

price -------------------------------

will -------------------------------

hostility -------------------------------

volunteer -------------------------------

change -------------------------------

control -------------------------------

activity -------------------------------


2. Give the English for:

світ бізнесу, зміни в структурі компанії, об'еднуватися добровільно, придбати бізнес, поглинати компанію, власник компанії, купувати (продавати) компанію, відмовлятися від діяльності, залишати бізнес, придбання контрольного пакета акцій, персонал, програма реорганізації бізнесу, прибутковий бізнес, мета.



3.Match the words from list A with the words from list B that have the similar meaning:


witness stop participating

buy acquire

aim observer

staff purchase

make an acquisition purpose

enter new types of business gain

win stock

share diversify

hostile takeover offer to sell something at a certain price bid unfriendly takeover

pull out personnel


4. Find suitable opposites to the following words and phrases:

a friendly takeover, to sell, demerger, inefficient, unprofitable, worse, involuntarily, to lose.


5.Match the verbs in column A with the nouns in column B:


increase market


make merger

reduce takeover

take part in

play acquisition

agree to bid


fix price


To learn - to find out

to learn - to gain knowledge; to gain new information about a

situation, event or a person

to find out - to discover a fact or piece of information (something

that was previously unknown)


be in charge of керувати

Board of Directors правління,рада директорів

Chairman of the Board голова правління

customer замовник, клієнт, покупець

day-to-day повсякденний

employee службовець,співробітник, працівник

Finance department фінансовий відділ

Head of a company керівник компанії

hold a position (v) займати посаду

location місце знаходження, розташування

make a decision (v) приймати рішення

Managing Director генеральний директор

Marketing department відділ маркетингу

personnel персонал, штат

Personnel department відділ кадрів

Production department виробничий відділ

report to (v) звітувати; підпорядковуватися

Research and Development відділ наукових досліджень та

department розробок

Sales department відділ збуту

senior executive /manager кepiвник вищого рангу,

top executive/manager менеджер найвищого рівня



Organizational Structure


In business organizational structure means the relationship between position and people who hold these positions.

The structure of organizations varies greatly according to the nature of the business. There are several factors which influence this structure:

♦ the number of locations and employees

♦ the economic sector

♦ the type of a market in which they operate

♦ the type of customers

♦ the degree of management control required

♦ the complexity of the business activities


The company is run by a Board of Directors; each Director is in charge of a department. However, the Chairman of the Board, someone who wears many hats, is in overall control and may not be the head of any one department. The Board is responsible for policy decisions and strategy. The Managing Director (sometimes called the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or President in the USA) is the head of the company, who has overall responsibility for the running of the business. In the US, senior managers in charge of particular areas are often called vice-presidents (VPs).

Most companies have Finance, Sales, Marketing, Production, Research and Development (R&D) and Personnel Departments. These are the most common departments, but some companies have others as well.

Most departments have a Manager, who is in charge of its day-to-day running, and who reports to the Director; the Director is responsible for strategic planning and for making decisions. Various personnel in each department report to the Manager.

People at the head of an organization are often called senior executives or senior managers, top executives or top managers.


1. Form verbs from the following nouns:

location -----------------------------------

employee -----------------------------------

decision -----------------------------------

organization ------------------------------------

operation ------------------------------------

management ------------------------------------

activity ------------------------------------

director ------------------------------------

executive ------------------------------------

development ------------------------------------

2. Give the English for:

структура організації службовець, економічний сектор, клієнт, управлінський контроль, керувати компанією, рада директорів, голова правління, керівник компанії, відділ збуту, виробничий відділ, відділ кaдрів, стратегічне планування, приймати рішення, персонал, підпорядковуватися менеджеру, займати посаду.

3. Match words from list A with words from list В that have a similar meaning:


day-to-day fulfil many functions

customer chief executive officer

be in charge of decide

head staff

make a decision division

department manager

personnel change

managing director client

wear many hats be in control of

vary every day


4. Match the nouns in the left hand column with the verbs in the right hand column:

employee appoint someone to


board of directors hire


personnel dismiss someone from


customer receive

work on behalf of

department be in charge of



5.These words frequently occur before "manager".



employment зайнятість,робота за наймом; надання роботи

reflect відображувати

be self-employed працювати самостійно;працювати не за наймом

work freelance працювати не за наймом;бути вільним художником

flexible гнучкий

employer наймач, роботодавець

entrepreneur підприємець

fixed-term contract строковий контракт

part-time worker робітник,зайнятий неповний робочий день

permanent job постійна робота

temporary job тимчасова робота

administration управління,керування (справами); адміністрація,керівництво

reject відхиляти

Human resources (HR) персонал, людські ресурси

Human resources department відділ кадрів

Recruitment набір (кадрів); надання роботи

staff appraisal оцінка роботи персоналу

welfare соціальне забезпечення; допомога з соціального забезпечення

pension пенсія

ensure забезпечувати,гарантувати

available наявний,доступний

meet the needs задовольняти потреби

team команда, група, бригада

job rotation зміна робіт; ротація робочих завдань


job security гарантія роботи,стабільність роботи,гарантія зайнятості




Work plays a major part in most people's lives. People of all sorts work in business,

and the terms businessman and businesswoman reflect this, referring to a wide range of individuals, from the rich and famous to small company owners, from people in large organizations to those who work for themselves.

Businessmen and women are referred to together as businesspeople.

Many people choose to be self-employed (to have their own business) or to work freelance for several employers.

An entrepreneur is someone who starts their own company.

As the labour market becomes more flexible, many employers respond by increasing the number of fixed-term contracts and part-time workers. We can also speak about permanent or temporary job.

In large organizations, administration of people is done by the personnel department, although this expression is now sometimes rejected. Companies talk instead about their human resources or HR.

The Human Resources department of a company is responsible for planning, recruitment of new people, staff training and development, staff appraisal, welfare, pensions administration and industrial relations. It works to ensure that the right people are available to meet the company's needs.

Some companies move their workers regularly between teams or departments. This is called job rotation. Job security is knowing or feeling that a job will last for a long time.



1. Form nouns from the following verbs:


reflect ----------------------

own ----------------------

refer ----------------------

recruit -----------------------

train -----------------------

appraise -----------------------

administer -----------------------

ensure ------------------------

rotate ------------------------

secure ------------------------

express ------------------------

develop -------------------------



2. Give the English for:

зайнятість, ділова жінка, власник компанії, відділ кадрів, відповідати за

планування, нa6ip нових кадрів, підготовка кадрів, соціальне забезпечення,

задовольняти потреби компанії, бригада, зміна робіт, гарантія роботи, строковий контракт, роботодавець, оцінка роботи, працювати не за наймом, підприємець, постійна робота, тимчасова робота.


3.Match the words from list A with the words from list B that have a similar meaning:


available continue

rich business person

famous personnel department

businessman be in charge of

human resources department performance appraisal

be responsible for wealthy

staff renowned

ensure make sure

staff appraisal terminal contract

last personnel

fixed-term contract obtainable



title, analysis, evaluation, security, hopper, satisfaction, -sharing, description, advertisement


Find combinations that mean:

1. an outline of the main aims and tasks of the work done by a particular employee;

2. examining how much money a job is worth and how much the person doing it should be paid;

3. the name of a person's job;

4. a situation where a job is likely to be permanent;

5. dividing a full-time job for one person between two or more part-time employees;

6. it is earned out to examine a particular job in detail;

7. a kind of notice put by an organization in a newspaper, company bulletin or on the Internet;

8. the feeling of achievement and enjoyment a worker gets from a job;

9. a person who often changes his jobs.

7. Match the words and phrases with their correct definition:

1 self-employed a) a person or company that provides job;

2 human resources b) the people who work in an organization;

3.pension c) having a paid job;

4 entrepreneur d) without a job;

5.unemployed e) an assessment of the quality of the employee's work;

6.team f) an agreement to employ someone for a limited period only;

7.fixed-term contract g) two or more people working together;


8.employer h) the process of interviewing and choosing people to do a job;

9.employment i) personnel, employees;

10.recruitment j) a regular payment made by the state to a person who has retired from a job;

11.staff appraisal k) someone who works for her/himself and is not employed by a company;

12.employees l) a person who starts or runs a business activity, especially one that involves financial risk.



Personal means "belonging to someone", it is also used to refer to an

individual's ideas or preferences.

Personnel means the staff employed.



skills навички

job title назва посади

define визначати

personal assistant секретар-референт

authority керівництво,влада, повноваження

executive керівник,адміністратор,службовець, виконавець

supervisor інспектор, керівник персоналу(на підприємстві), контролер

workforce робоча сила, кадри,штатні працівники

payroll платіжна відомість

on the payroll в штатному складі (підприємства)

monthly-paid staff персонал, який отримує заробітну платню щомісячно

weekly-paid staff персонал, який отримує заробітну платню щотижнево

hourly-paid staff персонал, який отримує заробітну платню погодинно

white-collar worker службовець; білий комірець (працівник, зайнятий інтелектуальною працею)

manual worker робітник фізичної праці

blue-collar worker робітник; блакитний комірець (працівник, зайнятий фізичною працею)

colleague/co-worker колега, співробітник



Human Resources: the people

"Human Resources" means people, plus the skills and experience they bring to an organization. Job titles such as "Accounts Manager" or "Personal Assistant" define what people do.

An employer is a person or company that provides job. Boss is an informal word meaning "someone in authority ", for example an employer or owner of a company, or simply someone in a superior position.

The person who runs a specific part of an organization is called a manager. An executive or, informally, an exec is usually a manager at quite a high level. People at the head of an organization, as it was already mentioned, are senior executives, top executives or top managers. Someone who is in charge of making sure a job is well done e.g. on the factory floor, or in retailing, is sometimes called a supervisor.

People working for a company are referred to as its workforce, employees, staff or personnel and are on its payroll.

Payroll is the list of all the people employed by a company, and the amount of money paid to each of them. The payroll is usually divided into monthly-paid staff, weekly-paid staff and hourly-paid staff.

Professionals or people who perform various office jobs are white-collar workers, while manual workers in factories, on building sites, etc. are called blue - collar workers.


Someone who works with you in your job is a colleague (sometimes called a co-worker).



1. Form verbs from the following nouns:

Employer ----------------------------

provider ----------------------------

runner ------------------------------

manager ------------------------------

executive ------------------------------

supervisor -----------------------------

assistant -----------------------------

authority ------------------------------

owner -----------------------------


2. Give the English for:

людські ресурси; навички та досвід; роботодавець; керівник; службовець (2); платіжна відомість; персонал, який отримує заробітну платню щомісячно/щотижнево/погодинно; робітник; колега; керівництво.


3 Match the words from list A with the words from list B that have a similarmeaning.


specific give

manual co-worker

provide definite

workforce physical

colleague possessor

define personnel

authority specify

owner power


4. Find suitable opposites to the following words and phrases:

employee, blue-collar worker, general, inferior, junior, formal.


Employer - employee

employer - a person, company or organization (hat pays someone

to work for them

employee - someone who works for a person, business, or



Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the words above. Make your own sentences to show that you understand the difference in their meaning.

1. The company has 1200....

2. She asked her... for a pay rise.

3. The steel works used to be the largest... in the town.

4. She is an... of this company.

5. My... is United Chemical.

6. All the company's... are encouraged to take part in training courses.

7. Philips is an equal opportunities....

8. I'll have a word with my... about leaving early this afternoon.

9. We cannot afford to lose skilled....

10. There are plenty of seasonal... in the tourists industry.

11. Their... worked a ten-hour day.

12. Bill's... offered to pay for the course.



recruit наймати на роботу

hire наймати (робітників)

advertise рекламувати

vacancy вакансія

employment/recruitment агентство з добору кадрів


jobseeker людина, яка шукає роботу

headhunter спеціаліст,який підбирає на роботу керівників вищого рангу

search шукати

persuade переконувати

promise обіцянка

golden hello золоте привітання; велика сума грошей чи інша форма фінансового заохочення, яку компанія пропонує керівникам високої кваліфікації, яких запрошує на роботу

financial enticement фінансове заохочення

post посада

apply for звертатися з проханням, подавати заяву

application form анкета, заява

job description посадові обов’язки/ вимоги;посадова інструкція

complete the form заповнити анкету

curriculum vitae (CV, BrE) автобіографія, резюме

resume (AmE) резюме

covering letter супровідний лист

applicant подавець заяви, прохач;кандидат, претендент; заявник


Recruitment Procedure

Personnel departments are usually involved in finding new staff and recruiting (hiring, AmE) them.

Recruitment is the process of employing new people. This process will vary from one organization to another.

When a company needs to recruit or employ new staff, it may advertise the vacancy in newspapers, or may contact an employment (recruitment) agency, a


private company that matches jobseekers with jobs. Companies looking for senior staff may approach people working for another company, a practice known as headhunting. Headhunters a re specialist consultants who search for high-level executives and try to persuade them to leave their current job in order to go to work in another company. Executives may be persuaded to move company by the promise of a golden hello: a large sum of money or some other financial enticement offered by the company they move to.

If you are a jobseeker (a person who is looking for a job) and you are interested in a particular post, you may decide to apply for the job. The first step is to get an application form and a job description from the company. The next step is to complete the form and return it with your curriculum vitae (CV, BrE) or resume (AmE), which is a summary of your work history, education and skills. You should also send a covering letter, supporting your CV. It will explain why you want the job and why you are the right person for it. By doing this you have become an applicant. The company's Human Resources department will select the most suitable applicants and invite them to attend an interview.


Notes: In British English, you hire a person for a job that will last only a short time, but you employ them for a permanent job. In American English, you always hire people whether it is for a short or a long period of time.




1. Form nouns from the following verbs:

involve -----------------------------

employ -----------------------------

vary -----------------------------

identify -----------------------------

apply -----------------------------

advertise -----------------------------

persuade -----------------------------

move -----------------------------

decide ------------------------------

describe -------------------------------


2. Give the English for:

відділ кадрів; наймати на роботу; рекламувати; вакансія; агентство з добору кадрів; людина, яка шукає роботу; переконувати залишити роботу; обіцянка фінансового заохочення; звертатися з проханням про роботу; заповнити анкету; резюме; супровідний лист; претендент.

3. Match words from list A with words from list В that have a similar meaning:


leave position

recruit give back

vary fill in

need resolve

search convince

persuade look for

decide necessity

complete change

return select

post give up


4. Find suitable opposites to the following words and phrases:

to preserve, general, last, state, low level, to stay.


Don’t hire until you take the one you would like to work for

Make sure you have you are getting no information.

If several applicants are equally good and see what happens.

Remember that when you talk start with How?, When?, Who?, etc.

Try to say nothing are quite sure you need someone.

Ask open-ended questions that demonstrate his or her skills.

Ask an applicant to enough time for the intervie


10. Answer the following questions:

1. What are personnel departments involved in?

2. What does a company do when it identifies a need for new staff?

3. When may headhunted be engaged?

4. What are headhunters' duties?

5. How may executives be persuaded to move company?

6. What should a jobseeker do if he or she is interested in a particular post?

7. What is a curriculum vitae?

8. What other document should be sent together with a curriculum vitae?




♦ Minimum 2 year experience in Bank's internal auditing

► Excellent proven organizational, communication and leadership skills

♦ Fluent oral and written English

♦ Proven knowledge of TAX and NBU regulations


♦ Execution of all auditing activities in accordance with guidelines

♦ Examination in form and in fact of all Bank's transactions in all business units

♦ Preparation of recommendations in the course of audit performed


For confidential consideration, please fax CV to


Working for our client means being part of a dynamic, exciting and challenging business.


You will probably be aged between 22-26, have a relevant University degree, fluent English and excellent PC skills. 1 + years of working experience in an international environment on a junior position within the marketing department would be essential In order to succeed in this role, the candidate must be able to demonstrate an interest in and awareness of product development, trade and consumer insights. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are principally required. You will have to demonstrate your commercial and creative thinking.

If you are interested, please apply in writing with a full Curriculum Vitae (Resume) in English and a covering letter.


12. Imagine that you are interested in applying for one of these 2 above-mentioned jobs. Write a letter to the employer in which you:

♦ introduce yourself

♦ say why you think you would be suitable

♦ ask for more information about the job


13. Read an example and write down your own CV/resume:


Personal details

Address: Blvd. Shevchenko, 12, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03004

Tel.: 221-14-51

Nationality: Ukrainian

Date of birth: 4 April 1982



1999 - to date Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics.

Major: Marketing

2000 UCE Business School, Birmingham, Great Britain.

Took courses in Business Administration, Political

Science, etc.

1989-1999 Secondary School No.57 with English Specialization,


Work experience

2001 - to date Eximbank. The work includes some secretary duties and assistance in translation business correspondence.


♦ fluent oral and written English

♦ speak German

♦ excellent PC skills

♦ driving licence



♦ member of university basketball team

♦ keen interest in Greenpeace


Available on request


14. Talk to your group-mate:

. How important are the following factors when choosing a career?


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