Ех. 5. Translate the sentences. 

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Ех. 5. Translate the sentences.

1. Мама не позволяет мне играть в футбол.2. Не заставляйте меня лгать.3. Распорядитесь, чтобы кто-нибудь принес мел. 4. Дай мне знать, когда все выяснится. 5. Надеюсь, я не заставил вас долго ждать. 6. Что заставило его сделать этот шаг. 7. Пусть он курит здесь.

8. Я не могу заставить его бросить курить. 9. Он сказал, что ничто не заставит его зменить свое решение. 10. Дайте мне знать, когда она придет.


Ех. 6. Translate the sentences.

1. Мы слышали, как они спорили. 2. Она видела, как мальчик поднимался по лестнице.

3. Никто не заметил, как я открыл дверь и вышел. 4. Мы наблюдали, как ремонтировали дорогу. 5. Я считаю, что это был смелый шаг. 6. Мы почувствовали, что он не заметил нас.

7. Она видела, что он ее не понимает. 8. Мы не предполагали, что он приедет так рано.

9. Он заметил, как она побледнела. 10.Мы не ожидали, что он примет такое решение.


Ех. 7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Они хотят, чтобы мы послали им телеграмму. 2. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы подождали меня здесь. 3. Он хочет, чтобы его дочь стала архитектором. 4. Она хочет, чтобы ее пригласили на вечер. 5. Хотите ли вы, чтобы я позвонил вам? б. Мы не хотим, чтобы нас прерывали.

7. Доктор не хочет, чтобы я принимал это лекарство. 8. Она любит, чтобы обед был вовремя. 9. Он любит, чтобы ему делали комплименты. 10.Я не хочу, чтобы меня посылали туда.

Ex.8. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Tell me what would you like me to do.2. Seeing her enter the room he rose to greet her.3. Hearing the bell he went to see who was at the door.4. Did you feel the bridge shake? 5. We lay in the shade of the tree, waiting for our friends to come.6. I don’t like you to say such words.7. Put on a thicker coat, I don’t want you to catch cold.8. He asked for a telegram to be sent to his son.9. The buyers wished the goods to be discharged into lighters.10. We consider ourselves to have the right to claim an allowance of 15 per cent.

Задания на СРО:

Do the §182 ex.1 and §183 ex.1 on p. 520 (К.Н. Качалова «Практическая грамматика английского языка», Москва 1998 г.)

Unit 4

Theme: Rocket Engines Engineering

Grammar: The Complex Subject

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing human rights.

Students should know the rule of Infinitive Constructions and fulfill grammar exercises.


Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during two lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Rocket engines engineering”.

Define the basic styles in rocket engineering and its role in our country. Discuss in groups “High energy automatic systems engineering”.

Grammar: Introduce and practice The Complex Subject. Revise the use of Continuous and Perfect Tenses.


Rocket Engines Engineering


To start with I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is... I was born in Biysk in...
I don’t think my childhood and school years differ much from those of other people. At the age of 7 I went to school. At school I was interested in Physics, Maths and Chemistry. Finishing school means the beginning of a serious examination of our knowledge, abilities and character. It is the time when you face the problem of making up your mind and choosing one of the hundreds of jobs. Now I'm... years old. I finished school in 20… and entered the Institute. I took three entrance examinations:.... Now I'm a second year student of Biysk Technological Institute of the Altai Technical University. I study at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty.

Engineers in this field design, test, build and operate machinery of all types. Some mechanical engineers specialize in particular types of machines. A mechanical engineer designs not only the machines that make products but the products themselves and must design for both economy and efficiency.

You probably know that our Institute possesses a high-level technical basis that meets all modern requirements. Studying at the Institute is a long slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But students are trying to do their best and every year a great number of new specialists in different fields graduate from this higher educational institution and get an opportunity to work according to their specialty.

As far as you know the Institute provides three forms of education. As to me I study at the day-time department. A person who studies and works at the same time or has some other occupation, can choose evening or extra-mural courses.

You should know that the Chair of «Rocket Engines Engineering» is in charge of training students in this specialty. Highly qualified instructors and lecturers, the majority of which enjoy academic degrees and ranks, are engaged there. Besides, the Chair is supplied with modern equipment and computer facilities.

My future speciality is Rocket Engines Engineering. It is a science dealing with problems of making, researching and testing motive units of flying vehicles. The dream of space travel is as old as history but in the 20th century the dream became reality. Do you know that in 1926 the first liquid-fuelled rocket was launched that travelled 200 feet? The flying vehicles are being improved constantly. Researchers and engineers develop new types of engines, engine fuel, and new lubricants for machine parts. Many new ideas are widely applied and extended in rocket and space engineering. I hope I'll manage to make my contribution to this process.

As you know at the Institute we study various general and special subjects: Mathematics, Physics, English, Philosophy, Informatics, Physical Training, Theory of Viscoelasticity, Combustion Processes, Mechanics of Fluids, Fundamentals of Rocket Engines Design and so on.

Mechanical engineers have a wide range of job opportunities as they are vital to the running of plants. They may be employed in industries such as food, steel, chemicals and heavy and light engineering. Mechanical engineers’ jobs are demanding and exciting. Mechanical engineers are at the core of production: they manage plant and equipment, they manage people. The graduates of our faculty work at scientific research centre of «Altay», Biysk Oleum Plant and in some private enterprises.

My aim is to get education, successfully defend my diploma and work according to my specialty trying to get more knowledge that I need for my future work if possible. Of course, while choosing a job many factors should be taken into consideration: wages and salaries, job-satisfaction, opportunities to travel a lot and to see much, etc.

I hope this information was interesting to you. Thank you for your time and attention.

Упражнение 10. Найдите в текстах английские эквиваленты.

Интересоваться чем-то, сдавать вступительные экзамены, поступить в институт, специальность, отвечать современным требованиям, высшее учебное заведение, дневное отделение, ученая степень, общеобразовательные и специальные предметы, цель, защитить диплом, работать по специальности, принимать во внимание.

Text A: автоматические роторные линии, производительность, технологический процесс, производство пластмассовых изделий, штамповка, вытяжка, отжим, прессование (выдавливание), ковка, поперечное сечение, порошковая металлургия, заготовка.

Text B: движущиеся части, транспортное средство, улучшать, сделать вклад, смазочный материал, горение, газовая турбина, детали машин, топливо для двигателя, ракетостроение, летательный аппарат, ракета на жидком топливе.


Упражнение 11. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где необходимо.

1. I entered … the Institute … last year.

2. We study … the faculty … Mechanics.

3. Every year a great number … students graduate … the Institute.

4. Highly-qualified instructors are … charge … training students.

5. Engineers develop new types … engines.

6. The chair is supplied … modern equipment.

7. All machines are built … different parts.

8. The engines are based … a piston moving.



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