Unit 2. Higher Education and Student Life in Russia 

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Unit 2. Higher Education and Student Life in Russia


Before You Read

I. Answer the questions.


1. Is it necessary to take exams to enter a university in Russia?

2. Is there a lot of competition?

3. How rich do you have to be to attend a Russian university?


II. Write a diagram showing in detail the system of higher education in this country. Give your comments on it.


III. Scan the text using the vocabulary given below.


The RF Higher Schooling


A higher school system plays an important role in the development of any country. Only highly qualified specialists can solve the most complex problems facing modern society. Knowledge, science and culture open the prospects for the future.

At the beginning of the 20th century the majority of the population in Russia was illiterate. Now Russia is a country with a high educational level for the extension of the access to higher education and the creation of an educational system for adults.

At present there are more than one thousand university level higher education institutions in Russia. The total enrollment in 2005 was about 7 million students. The Russian Academy of Sciences is the higher scientific institution of Russia to carry out research in different fields of science. The efforts of the Russian scientists have always been focused on the fundamental problems of humanities, natural and social sciences.

The basic principle of the educational organization in the Russian Federation is an equal opportunity for all its citizens. It should conform to the spirit and requirements of the time we live. There are two kinds of higher education in the Russian Federation:

– non-university level higher education (educational programmes not leading to academic degrees);

– university level higher education (educational programmes leading to academic degrees).

Educational institutions for non-university level higher education are generally known as Tekhnikums (technical schools) or Uchilishcha (vocational schools). Since 1989, a new type of institution has emerged, namely, the College. Colleges can be independent educational institutions or constituent parts of a university, academy, or institute. They offer educational programmes of non-university level higher education of advanced type as well as two-year programmes leading to the award of the Intermediate Diploma. The diplomas of non-university level higher education entitle their holders either to pursue professional activities in accordance with the qualifications stipulated or to be admitted to university level higher education in the same conditions as for holders of school leaving certificates. University level higher education institutions may give credits and offer shortened programmes to graduates of a Tekhnikum (Uchilishche)or a college who continue their education in the same speciality.

According to the Standard Statute for University Level Higher Education Establishments adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation on 26 June 1993 and based on the Law on Education, higher education in the country is built upon the following typology of establishments:

– Universities,

– Academies,

– Institutes.

Universities are higher education institutions the activities of which are aimed at the development of education, science, and culture through the conducting of fundamental and applied research and the offering of training programmes at all levels of higher, postgraduate, and continuing education in a wide range of natural and social sciences and the humanities. They are scientific, methodological and educational centres in the higher school system of the country. Today their role becomes determining as they offer a broad range of disciplines especially in the fundamental humanities and the sciences.

Academies give training in a single major area of science, technology, or culture. Institute are independent higher education institutions or divisions of universities or academies which offer educational programmes at all levels of higher, postgraduate, and continuing education in a number of fields of science, technology, and culture and conduct research.

Higher education is available for everyone according to their abilities. One of the major entry requirements for higher learning is secondary (complete) general education. Admission to higher education establishments is competitive. The selection is based on entrance examinations, school leaving certificates, interviews, etc. The entrance examinationsare the major component of the selection procedure. Every citizen can get free education in state institutions if he or she passes entrance examinations successfully. Entrance examinations differ depending on the choice of a higher education establishment. Presently most state institutions accept the results of unified state examinations arranged either by secondary or higher schools. After the changes of the early 1990's, higher education institutions have been authorized to allocate a portion of their places to fee-paying students. Since competition for these places is not as high as for the places financed by the state, admission requirements may be lower, and students may be admitted with lower grades.

Apart from state-run higher schools, a lot of non-state institutions of higher learning have been set up in different cities and towns during the last few years. Thousands of young people who for some reason couldn’t enter any of state establishments have got an opportunity to continue their studies and get a higher education. Tuition in them is fee-paying. In 2005 there were more than 400 non-state institutions with about 1,000,000 students compared with 662 state-run institutions with the number of students amounting approximately to 6,000,000. The private sector is expanding. The new private institutions are particularly active in such fields as Law, Management, and Finance.

Higher education establishment in Russia are headed by Rectors. Prorectors are in charge of academic and scientific work. An institute or a university has a number of faculties, each specializing in a field of study. Faculties have specialized councils which confer candidate or doctoral degrees. The ranking of teaching positions is the following: Professor, Dotsent (Associate Professor), Senior Teacher (Senior Lecturer), Assistant (Lecturer).

The academic year begins on 1 September and ends at the beginning of June. The university level higher education curriculum stipulates thirty-six weeks of study a year. The workload of a student in Russia includes the contact workload (classwork) and independent studies. The academic year is divided into two terms, each ending in an examination session. Courses are a combination of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory work. In a lecture the student is one of a large number of students. They listen to the lecturers, take notes, but ask no questions. In a seminar they raise problems and discuss them with their fellow students under the direction of one of the teachers. In a tutorial they discuss personal academic problems with a teacher in small groups. During a term assessing students’ knowledge and skills acquisition is maintained by means of tests, interviews, written papers, independent assignments, etc. At the end of each term students are required to take and to pass examinations after they get their credits. Those who do well receive scholarships or grants. The State final attestation for a Specialist Diploma covers the defense of a project or a thesis and State final examinations. The procedure for the State final attestation and for the award of the Diploma is the same as for the Bakalavr degree. Magistr studies are completed by a State final attestation that includes the defense of a dissertation and the passing of State final examinations.

Higher school students have the opportunity to develop their talents and gifts. Sport has become an essential part of students’ life and they can do any sport they like. One of the major events of the students’ activity is All-Russia “Student Spring” Festival which has recently gained an international status. The festival programme includes the traditional guidelines: student science, discussion centres, student sport, creative work. Its goal is to maintain and enhance scientific, moral, cultural, creative and sports traditions among students, as well as to set up ties between higher education institutions within Russia and extend the opportunities for communication between representatives of Russian and foreign higher schools.

The higher school today does not only give knowledge to students but develops their abilities to think creatively and to work productively. Today’s scientific and technological progress demands of the higher school graduates to be prepared to deepen their knowledge individually and adapt themselves quickly to the changes in the branches of science or industry they have chosen as their speciality. This means that future specialists should be given a good grounding in basic subjects. However, students’ practical work should be given much attention to as well. In order to obtain practical experience all the students of higher schools have practical training in different enterprises, offices, schools. Every year thousands of graduates receive diplomas of higher education (or university degrees) and start working in various branches of science, economy and production of Russia.

The system of higher education in the Russian Federation has been undergoing drastic changes in the framework of the comprehensive transformation of the country as a whole. The reforms first touched the content of education. These changes, when fully completed, are expected to give rise to the training of graduates who will acquire not only high-level professional qualifications but also the ability to analyze in an integral and comprehensive way the complex problems of present-day society and the environment.



enrollment environment goal skills acquisition to acquire to stipulate зачисление в вуз, внесение в списки окружающая среда цель, задача приобретенные навыки приобретать, получать обусловливать, оговаривать

After You Read

I. Find the English correspondences for the following words and expressions in the text.


Училище (ПТУ), техникум, университет, академия, институт, Российская Академия наук, многоуровневая система, сокращенная программа, диплом о неполном высшем образовании, диплом специалиста, бакалавр, магистр, аспирантура, ректор, проректор, профессор, доцент, старший преподаватель, ассистент, самостоятельная работа студента (СРС), аудиторная нагрузка, Всероссийский Фестиваль «Студенческая Весна», творческая деятельность, научно-исследовательская работа студентов (НИРС), аттестация, Госстандарт высшего профессионального образования, Закон об Образовании, дипломный проект, диссертация.


II. Answer the questions.


1. What type of educational programmes (general or professional) is provided by university level higher education institutions?

2. How many university level higher learning institutions are there in the Russian Federation?

3. What is the basic principle of the education organization in our country?

4. Why does the role of universities in the system of higher learning become important?

5. In what way do the students obtain practical experience when studying in higher schools?

6. What are the requirements for the applicants for free of charge education? Do you find state unified exams an effective measurement of students’ excellence at school?

7. What is your attitude to the possibility of getting fee-paying higher education?

8. How is an academic year organized in Russia?

9. What is the traditional structure of a Russian higher school?

10. Does the All-Russia festival “Student Spring” fulfill the task to make the best use of students’ talents? What arrangements are usually provided in the framework of the festival?


III. Read the following information to write a table like the one in exercise 1 of unit 3 in the previous chapter about the current system of Russian university degrees.


Students in the Russian Federation can get a higher education through full-time or part-time (evening or correspondence) courses. All higher schools are controlled by the state and are uniformly administered. Since 1992, Russian higher education has had a multi-level structure meaning that degrees now may be obtained at three levels instead of at only one level, as in the former Soviet Union. In addition to the traditional Specialist Diploma, an Intermediate Diploma (at least two years of study), a Bakalavr Diploma (at least four years of study), and a Magistr Diploma (six years of study) were introduced after the changes in the early 1990's and are modelled on the Anglo-Saxon system of Bachelor's and Master's Degrees. Magistr degree programmes are based on Bakalavr degree programmes, while Specialist Diploma programmes are not. In order to establish the relationship between these qualifications in the future, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of August 1994.

Along with academic courses for undergraduates graduate courses in a great variety of fields are offered. If a person finishes a graduate course and writes a thesis on a chosen scientific problem, he or she receives a candidate’s or a doctoral degree.

The system of public education is being constantly improved and that is a logical process. At present most universities in Russia offer Bachelor, Specialist, Master, post-graduate degree programmes. According to changes in the federal law on education approved in 2007 Russian higher schools have to switch to a two-level system. This means that the majority of universities will be enrolling students into Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes. This change results from the ideas of the Bologna process and aims to provide students with academic mobility.


IV. Make up an oral presentation about Russian higher education system suggesting the examples from your own experience. Deliver it in class.


V. Work in small groups and discuss the following questions. Use the expressions introducing your point of view (see the annex).


1. At what age do you think you should:

– stop listening to your parents and teachers and do what you feel is right?

– be financially independent?

– leave the family home?

2. Have you ever taken your parents’ or teachers’ advice and regretted it?

3. Do you intend to follow in your parents’ footsteps? Why?


VI. Work with your partner. Decide whether you agree or disagree with the following statements using the functional language given in the annex for proving your opinion.


1. Once young people have had a taste of freedom, it’s difficult for them to go back and live with their parents.

2. The more qualifications you have got behind you, the better your chances are of getting a good job.

3. Whether or not you succeed in life is up to you; nobody else can help.

4. Before choosing a University course and starting a career, it’s best to get out of

your system and take a gap year.


VII. Ponder on the following items and present your ideas in class:


– effectiveness of the higher education system in our country;

– ways of improving the Russian higher school system;

– advantages and disadvantages of the change to the Bachelor’s and Master’s system;

– factors stimulating students’ academic mobility;

– innovative methods of teaching and learning.



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