Unit 2. Post-School Education in Great Britain 

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Unit 2. Post-School Education in Great Britain

Before You Read

I. Study the cultural notes on British post-school education:

sixth-form college – приготовительный колледж (среднее учебное заведение для молодежи старше 16 лет; государственное или частное; готовит к поступлению в университет по расширенной программе шестого класса; существует самостоятельно или при единой школе);

further education college – колледж дальнейшего образования (дневной или вечерний; платный; возраст учащихся не ограничен; основная цель – повышение квалификации);

Bachelor – бакалавр (обычно обладатель первой из присваиваемых высшим учебным заведением степеней; соответствует диплому об окончании вуза в России);

Bachelor of Arts (ВA) – бакалавр искусств (обладатель степени бакалавра по одной из гуманитарных или математических наук в университетах);

Bachelor of Science (BSc) – бакалавр наук (обладатель первой ученой степени в университетах, за исключением Оксфордского, где он является обладателем ученой степени выше степени бакалавра);

Master's Degree –ученая степень магистра (вторая ученая степень в новых университетах, присуждается университетом лицам, успешно завершившим по крайней мере год учебы и исследовательской работы после окончания университета);

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – доктор философии (низшая ученая степень доктора; присуждается после защиты диссертации специалистам в области философских и некоторых других наук);

Doctor of Science (DSc) – доктор наук (высшая ученая степень доктора);

mature student – студент-переросток (поступивший в университет в возрасте старше 25 лет после окончания колледжа для взрослых или курсов заочного или вечернего обучения);

the Open University – Открытый университет, Универ­ситет для всех (функционирует с 1971 г., вступительных экзаменов нет, по окончании 5-летнего курса выдает соответствующий диплом);

student loans – займы студентам (метод оплаты за обучение путем получения банковской ссуды и последующего возврата по окончании университета и начала трудовой деятельности);

tutoring – наставничество (университетская система обучения путем прикрепления студентов к отдельным консультантам – тьюторам);

II. Scan the text and render it into Russian using the vocabulary given below and the cultural notes.


Education in Britain after the age of 16


Compulsory education in Britain ends at 16. At 16 young people may finish studying and look for work. However, all 16- and 17-year-olds are guaranteed a place in full-time education or training should they wish to continue studying. Education after 16 takes place in sixth forms attached to secondary schools, sixth form colleges, further education colleges, universities and other higher education institutions.

Those wishing to continue to study have two main options. First, they may study a further two years for "A" levels, which are the usual entry requirement for university.

“A” levels may be studied either at a sixth-form within a school, or a separate sixth-form college. Second, students wishing to gain a range of professional qualifications needed for a particular profession may go to a college of further education for vocational training where they can fol­low a course in typing, engineering, town planning, cook­ing, or hairdressing, full-time or part-time. Further educa­tion colleges have strong ties with commerce and industry.

The percentage of British people gaining a university degree is relatively low at about 20 per cent of the population. The majority of people who chose to study beyond the age of sixteen attend colleges of further education.

In addition to those students who go directly from school to university or college an increasing number of mature students enter university or college after some years of working. The principle that mature students should have the opportunity to further and higher education is felt strongly in Britain, and was the main reason for the appearance of the British Open University in 1971.

There are over 90 universities, including the Open University; they enjoy complete academic freedom. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the 12th and 13th centuries, and the Scottish universities of St Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh from the 14th and 15th centuries. All the other universities were founded in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Full-time university degrees usually last three or four years in England and Wales (four years in Scotland). Medical and veterinary courses usually take 5 years.

Degree titles vary according to the practice of each university. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland the most common titles for a first degree are Bachelor of Arts (ВA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) and for a second degree Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MCs), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). A Master’s degree usually takes one year if it is a taught course or two years if it is by research. A PhD can only be by research and typically takes three to four years full-time. One third of full-time postgraduates in British universities are overseas students.

The Open University is a non-residential university offering degrees and other courses for adult students of all ages. It is notable for the fact that it takes students without prior qualifications, and for its variety of teaching methods, including correspondence tuition, face-to-face tutoring, and the use of TV and radio. Not surprisingly the Open University is the largest university in Britain [1].


correspondence course full-time course higher education institution part-time course tuition tutor   vocational training university degree курс заочного обучения курс дневного обучения (по полной программе) высшее учебное заведение курс вечернего или заочного обучения обучение тьютор, руководитель группы студентов, наставник профессиональное обучение университетская степень  

After You Read

I. Read the text again and answer the questions.


1. What is further education?

2. What types of courses are there in further education?

3. How are school-leavers admitted to the universities?

4. Are British universities controlled by the state?

5. How does the Open University work? What is its effectiveness?

6. How long does the University course last?

7. What types of degrees do British universities offer?

8. What are the requirements for each University?


II. Explain the meaning of the words:





III. Are the statements true or false?


1. A person studying for a degree at a British University is called a graduate.

2. The complete university course in Britain usually lasts five years.

3. A higher university degree is Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Science (MSc).

4. A degree is an academic qualification awarded at most universities and colleges upon completion of a higher educational course (a first degree) or a piece of research (higher degrees).

5. Much further education is work related and vocational.


IV. a) Read the information about student loans. Use the cultural notes for better understanding.


Students applying for a degree course at university in Britain must pay all of their own accommodations and living costs, and some of their tuition fees. Since 1990 the government has offered student loans to help the situation. The loans are between £3,000 and £5,000 per year depending on whether students live with their parents or away from home, and whether or not they live in London. Students have to pay back their loans when they live university, but not until their income reaches £10,000 per year. The interest rates are low and there is no deadline for repayment.


b) Choose the correct answers to the questions.


1. The British government gives loans to help students pay for …

a) their education.

b) their living expenses.

c) both.


2. Loans of £4,000 per year is received by …

a) every student.

b) some students.

c) no student.


3. Students have to pay back their loans as soon as …

a) they finish their degree.

b) they get a job.

c) they start earning a certain sum.


4. There is … time limit on the repayment of student loans.

a) always a

b) sometimes a

c) no

V. Find words and expressions in the texts above that mean the following:

a) a title given by a university to a student who has completed a course of study;

b) a person holding one of the highest degree given by a university;

c) a method of paying for education in which students at universities borrow money from banks and repay it when completing their studies;

d) the process by which a person’s mind and character are developed through teaching, or through formal instruction at a school or college;

e) education at a university or college.


VI. Work in small groups and discuss the following questions. Remember to use the expressions introducing your point of view (see the annex).

1. Do you think students in the UK are in a better or worse financial position than students in Russia?

2. How do the number of those who go on higher education in Britain compare with other countries and yours?

3. Do you think education should be free? Are there any advantages in a fee-paying system?

VII. a) Read the advertisements of various international education centres submitted in the newspapers. Give their Russian translation paying attention to the metaphors used in each text and taking into account peculiarities of Russian advertising discourse.


1. Embryriddle Aeronautical University

Set your sights higher, get your MBA in aviation online.

Are you ready to take a huge leap forward in your aviation career?

Or are you looking for a way to break into this competitive field?

Sign up for the Master of Business Administration in Aviation degree today.

This advanced aviation degree offers the convenience of a fully online program and the prestige of the world’s most trusted name in aviation and aerospace education.


2. University of Phoenix, Europe

Is your future Still or Sparkling?

Online education for today’s business world.

It’s a problem, isn’t? An MBA will energize your management skills.

But taking time out to study for it means that you’re just treading water.

Fortunately, the University of Phoenix MBA is all about problem-solving.

Equipping you for the management challenges and opportunities you’ll face in the real business world, this highly engaging MBA program is available online.

You can study where and when you want, without putting your career on hold.


3. Euromed Marseille School of Management

The 21st Century Leaders are Responsible.

The 21st Century Leaders are International.

Euromed Management (Marseille, France) trains them.

International Master Programmes:

– World Med MBA

– Maritime MBA


4. Lemania College, Lausanne – Switzerland

Aim for top quality education.

Study in Switzerland:

– Intensive language courses (French and / or English)

– Access to university (French & Swiss baccalaureate)

– Intensive French and / or English summer courses

– Multicultural environment

– 2 campuses: teenagers, adults

– International accreditations (BULATS, DELF, Cambridge, Toefl)

– 100 years of experience

– Boarding and day students.


5. European University – Centre for Management Studies

International Education:

– 5 semesters with European University + 2 semesters with Nichols College

– 2 degrees: BBA / MBA

– Small classes

– All courses taught in English

– Excellent mix of theory and practice

– International environment [5].


b) Which of the adverts have you got interested in? Why? Try to write an application form for the University or College you’d like to enter.


c) Make up an advert of your University for potential applicants.


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