Medicinal plants/Лікарські рослини 

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Medicinal plants/Лікарські рослини


1. acorus calamus (sweet flag root) корінь аїру (лепехи)
2. alder buckthorn (alder dogwood) жостір, крушина
3. arnica арніка гірська
4. ashberry горобина
5. betel nut (areca nut) плід (горіх) бетелевої пальми
6. betel palm (areca, areca palm) бетелева пальма (арека катеху, рід пальми)
7. bilberries чорниці
8. birch leaves листя берези
9. buckthorn bark кора крушини
10. burdock root корінь лопуха
11. calendula (marigold) flowers квіти календули (нагідок)
12. camomile flowers квіти ромашки
13. camphor tree (camphor laurel) коричник камфорний, камфорний лавр
14. castor-oil plant (Palma Christi) рицина
15. centaury (common tany, costmary) пижмо
16. cinchona (chinchona) хінне дерево
17. coltsfoot (foalfoot) leaves листя підбілу, мати-й-мачухи
18. echinacea ехінацея
19. eglantine шипшина
20. fennel фенхель звичайний
21. goose grass подорожник
22. haw berries ягоди глоду
23. heather shoots пагони вересу
24. horsetail grass трава хвощу
25. hypericum grass трава звіробію
26. lavender лаванда
27. lime (linden) flowers квіти липи
28. marshmallow алтей лікарський
29. milfoil grass трава деревію
30. nettle leaves листя кропиви
31. opium poppy мак снодійний
32. origаnum (marjoram) grass трава материнки
33. pansy фіалка триколірна, братки
34. peppermint leaves листя м’яти перцевої
35. plantain leaves листя подорожнику
36. raspberry leaves листя малини
37. ribwort (ribwort plantain, ribgrass) подорожник ланцентний
38. sage leaves листя шавлії
39. senna (cassia) олександрійський лист
40. tansy flowers квіти пижми
41. thyme grass трава чебрецю
42. valerian root корінь валеріани
43. walnut leaves листя горіха
44. willow leaves листя верби
45. wormwood (absinth) полин гіркий


Task 3. A. Make up sentences with the following words:


bloom – цвіт, цвітіння

flowers – квіти

foliage – листя

fruitage – плоди

leaves - листя

rhizome (rootstock, rootstalk) – кореневище

root – корінь, коренеплід

tuber – бульба

gastrointestinal disease – шлунково-кишкове захворювання

cardiovascular disease – серцево-судинне захворювання


B. Translate the compositions of these herbal teas into English:


a) склад трав’яного чаю від шлунково-кишкових захворювань: корінь аїру, листя малини, трава кропиви, листя м’яти перцевої, листя подорожнику, листя підбілу, листя шавлії, плоди чорниці, плоди шипшини,трава звіробою, трава деревію,трава материнки, трава чебрецю, квіти липи, квіти ромашок, квіти нагідок;

b) склад трав’яного чаю від серцево-судинних захворювань: корінь валеріани, кореневище лепехи, листя берези, листя м’яти перцевої, листя подорожнику, листя підбілу, листя шавлії, плоди глоду, плоди горобини звичайної, плоди шипшини,пагони вересу, трава звіробою,трава деревію, трава материнки, трава кропиви собачої, трава хвощу, трава чебрецю, листя суниці, квітки ромашки,квітки календули.


Task 4. Read the dialogues and act them out.


Andy: Hello?
Laura: Hi! This is Laura. How are you doing?
Andy: Not so good. I’ve got the flu.
Laura: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What kind of flu is it?
Andy: Stomach flu. You know terribly upset stomach, nausea, vomiting.
Laura: That sounds awful. Is there anything I can do?
Andy: No, I don’t think so. Bob’s taking care of me. I just have to wait until it’s over.
Laura: Well, I hope it doesn’t take long. Try to drink herbal teas. They help me when I am ill.
Andy: How do you make them?
Laura: In your case it’s better to drink a herbal tea which consists of camomile flowers, hypericum and milfoil grass in equal doses. Put 1 teaspoon of their mixture into a cup and pour boiling water in it, then brew for 10-15 minutes. Drink twice a day for some days. You’ll be better soon. Anyway let me know if I can help.
Andy: Okey, I will. Thank you. See you.



Keith: I feel awful. I have a terrible headache. I can do nothing.
Mary: Have you worked under pressure this week?
Keith: Yes, I have. There is much work left to do.
Mary: Forget about it. You are overtired. Your organism needs a rest.
Keith: You are right.
Mary: As a rule headache is caused by blood vessels clogging up. First of all you have to clear the body of chemical waste. Then it is useful to drink a herbal tea with valerian root, peppermint leaves, hypericum grass and wild strawberries. Add dried chamomile and calendula flowers. Pour 1 litre of water into this mixture and warm up for several minutes. Cool and filter it. Drink a quarter of glass twice a day.
Keith: I feel bad. I am not sure that I’ll make this tea properly.
Mary: O.K. I’ll go to the nearest drugstore, buy the herbs and make tea.
Keith: Thank you, Keith. You are a real friend.

nausea - нудота

vomiting - блювання

to brew -заварювати (чай)

blood vessels clogging up (thrombosis/embolism) – закупорювання кровоносних судин

to clear the body of chemical waste – виводити шлаки із організму

to filter – проціджувати


Task 5. Points for discussion:

a)“Local medicinal plants and their storage time”

b) “Instructions how to make herbal teas”

c) “Phytotherapy as a cheap way of treatment ”

Unit 4

Picking, drying and storing up of medicinal plants

Folk medicine is the traditional art of medicine as practised among rustic communities and primitive peoples, consisting typically of the use of herbal remedies, fruits and vegetables thought to have healing power. So, folk medicine is the product of wisdom of all mankind. But each nation in connection with different climatic conditions and peculiar plant world has accumulated its own experience of herbs treatment. It is supposed that local herbs influence local inhabitants’ organisms better. Serious illnesses are treated more successfully with the help of complex mixtures of plants, animals and inorganic origin (from 6 to 70 components).

It’s necessary to remember that every organism has its own peculiarities (depending on temperament, composition of elements). What is useful for one person can be harmful for another one.

For medical needs all parts of a plant or just one are gathered. It is very important to know herbs storage time because plants healing properties depend on it. All parts of a plant are stored at the beginning of blossom. At this time the plants are gathered in which people use an overground part. Some kinds of plants are picked even at exact time (in the afternoon or at night). In buds and blossoming period leaves are gathered in the morning after dew dried (except coltsfoot, the leaves of which appear after blossoming). Buds are cut in early spring before swelling as they will lose their healing properties later. Roots are stored in autumn after juice motion stopping or in early spring before its beginning. Roots are washed in running water, never in warm water. Seeds and berries are picked in the period of their full ripening (except hemlock seeds which are gathered unripe) either in the morning or in the evening. Bark is cut in spring during juice movement. Flowers are picked in warm weather after dew during buds formation.

It is necessary to store fresh raw material (except buckthorn bark which is better to use after 2 years storage; dried hypericum grass keeps its properties during 10 years storage).

The best way to dry medicinal plants is on attics, in sheds or balconies in shadow. Never in the sun! Only roots are dried in the sun. The place of dried medicinal plants storage plays a very important role. As a rule herbs are stored in a close packaging in dry and ventilated place at room temperature. Roots are stored in boxes stuck with white paper, grass in cardboard boxes, dried berries and seeds in paper packets. Each box must be marked outside. Roots andrhizomes storage life is about 2-3 years, flowers and leaves storage life is 1 year. Medicinal plants with fragrances are kept in jars separately.

Active Vocabulary


to pick (to gather) збирати
to dry сушити
to store up заготовляти
medicinal plants лікарські рослини
to accumulate накопичувати
blossoming розквіт, цвіт,цвітіння
buds бруньки
coltsfoot підбіл
healing effect цілющий ефект
running water проточна вода
to ripen достигати (про плоди)
hemlock болиголов
bark кора
buckthorn bark кора крушини ломної
hypericum grass трава звіробою
storage life термін зберігання
essential oil ефірне масло


Task 1. Answer the questions to the text.


1. What is folk medicine?

2. When are roots stored up?

3. When are flowers picked?

4. What is the best way to dry medicinal plants?

5. Does the place of dried medicinal plants storage play a very important role?

Task 2. Match the words.


to accumulate проточна вода
buckthorn bark надземна частина
raw material бруньки
hemlock пахощі, аромат
overground part горище
running water сушити
buds кора крушини ломної
fragrance накопичувати
to dry болиголов
attic сировина


Task 3. Make up sentences using the following words.


1. Has, nation, treatment, accumulated, of, own, each, experience, its, herbs, treatment.

2. Material, is, necessary, store, fresh, to, raw, it.

3. The, art, folk, is, medicine, traditional, of, medicine.

4. Kinds, of, exact, plants, picked, even, at, some, time, are.

5. Running, roots, washed, water, are, in.

Task 4. Translate into English the following sentences:


1. Народна медицина – продукт мудрості всього людства. 2. Краще діють на людину рослини того регіону, в якому вона проживає. 3. Дуже важливо знати, коли заготовляти рослини, тому що від цього залежить вміст цілющих властивостей. 4. Бруньки зрізують рано навесні до їх набухання, інакше вони не матимуть лікувальної цінності. 5. На сонці сушать тільки коріння та кореневища. 6. Термін зберігання коріння і кореневищ – 2-3 роки, квіток і листя – один рік.

7. Лікарську сировину, що містить ароматичні ефірні олії, зберігають окремо від інших рослин, у банках.


Task 5. Make up dialogues using active vocabulary of the lesson on the topics:

a)“Conversation about local medicinal plants and their gathering techniques”

b) “Instructions how to dry parts of plants properly”

c) “Use of herbs by members of your family”

Unit 5


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