At the Gynecological Department 

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At the Gynecological Department

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

breast cancer – рак молочної залози

breast self-examination – самообстеження молочних залоз

lump – пухлина

mammogram - маммографія

an external genital exam – зовнішній огляд статевих органів

a manual exam – мануальне обстеження

endometrial cancer – рак ендомерія

vaginitis – вагініт


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

a major risk to health видалення матки

the presence of a lump пов’язують з безпліддям

multiply rapidly зміни в хімічному складі

cervical cancer значний ризик для здоров’я

removal of the uterus наявність пухлини

early detection of cancer розмножуються швидко

changes in the chemical makeup рак шийки матки

associated with infertility раннє виявлення раку


2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:


At the Gynecological Department

At the Gynecological Department women who suffer from

vaginitis, endometriosis, infertility and other diseases are treated.

To improve and maintain a healthy reproductive system, it is important for a woman to be aware of healthful behaviours and risk behaviours that affect this system. It is also important to plan for reproductive health.

Cancer of the breast is the most common form of cancer in women. Most cases of breast cancer occur after age 25, although some cases have been reported in younger women. Because breast cancer is a major risk to health, women are encouraged to perform breast self-examination. In breast self-examination, a woman checks her breasts to detect the presence of a lump. This examination should be done once a month after each menstrual period. If breast cancer is suspected, a mammogram may be ordered. A mammogram is an X-ray examination of the breasts. Another procedure used is thermography. Thermography is a process used to detect heat in the body. Because cancer cells multiply rapidly, they produce heat. Thermography can detect cancer in a breast.

If cancer in a breast is detected, treatment and cure may include radiation therapy, chemotherapy (хіміотерапія), or surgery. A combination of the three may be used. The treatment recommended will vary with the patient.

A pap smear (мазок) is a simple test in which cells from the cervix are examined in a laboratory for cancer. Should cervical cancer be detected (при виявленні раку шийки матки), options are available (обирається тип лікування) depending on the extent of the cancer. If surgery is necessary, a hysterectomy (екстирпація матки) may be performed. A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. Sometimes, surgical removal of the ovaries is necessary. Scheduling (планування) a pap smear at least once a year is a wise, preventive measure. It is important to remember about early detection of cancer. The earlier cancer is detected, the greater the success of treatment and cure.

Vaginitis (вагініт) is an inflammation or irritation in the vagina. It may result from changes in the chemical makeup of the lining of the vagina. These changes may be due to the prolonged use of medication or other factors that result in certain bacteria growing too rapidly. Some forms of vaginitis may result from sexual contact. Vaginitis can be treated and cured with medication. It can be prevented by practicing proper hygiene.

Sometimes, the tissue that is normally part of the menstrual flow is found grown outside the uterus. The condition is endometriosis and is often associated with infertility.


3. Post-Text Assignments

3.1 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents:

To improve and maintain a healthy reproductive system; affect this system; the most common form of cancer; after each menstrual period; cells from the cervix; surgical removal of the uterus; preventive measure; prolonged use of medication; result from sexual contact; outside the uterus.


3.2 Suggest the English equivalents:

рак молочної залози; самообстеження молочних залоз; виявити наявність пухлини; мамографія; термографія; променева терапія; мазок; швидкий ріст деяких бактерій; лікувати медикаментозно; дотримуватись необхідної гігієни; пов’язують з безпліддям.


3.3 Fill in:

1. Cancer of the breast is the most … form of cancer in women. 2. Most cases of breast cancer occur after age …. 3. This examination should be done once a … after each menstrual period. 4. Thermography is a process used to detect... in the body. 5. Thermography can detect … in a breast. 6. The treatment recommended will … with the patient. 7. A pap… is a simple test in which cells from the cervix are examined in a laboratory for cancer.


3.4 Answer the questions to the text:

1. When do most cases of breast cancer occur? 2. What do the women check in breast self-examination? 3. How often should this examination be done? 4. What is a mammogram? 5. What is used to detect heat in the body? 5. What operation is performed if surgery is necessary? 6. What is vaginitis? 7. How can vaginitis be treated and cured? 8. What is endometriosis often associated with?


3.5 Say if it is true or false:

1. Cancer of the uterus is the most common form of cancer in women.

2. In breast self-examination, a woman checks her breasts to detect the presence of a lump.

3. This examination should be done once a week.

4. Because cancer cells multiply slowly, they produce heat.

5. A pap smear is a simple test in which cells from the cervix are examined in a laboratory for cancer.

6. A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the ovary.

7. The earlier cancer is detected, the greater the success of treatment and cure.

8. Some forms of vaginitis may result from sexual contact.


4. Oral practice:

1. Teach a woman to perform breast self-examination.

2. Explain the necessity of tests and examinations recommended for women.

3. Define the terms "vaginitis", "endometriosis", "hysterectomy".




• We use the Present Perfect Continuous for incomplete actions which were in progress over a period of time in the past. With recently completed actions we use the Present Perfect. We have been living in Kyiv for 12 years. (We're still there now.) They've lived in Luhansk, Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk. (They aren't there now.)

• We often use the Present Perfect Continuous with how long. If we ask how often or how much/many we use the Present Perfect.

How long has she been sleeping? How often have you worn that suit? How many English lessons have you had?


Exercise1. Choose the correct word or phrase in brackets.

1.How long (have you had / have you been having) your car?

2.Ron (has worked / has been working) as a postman for the past month.

3.Mary (has been finding / has found) a good job.

4.I (have written / have been writing) an essay all day.

5. How long (have you been living / do you live) in Kyiv?


Exercise2. Use the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous with the verbs in brackets.

A: How long... you... (try) to find a job?

B: For three years. It... (be) really difficult.

A: How many jobs... you... (have)? B: About thirty, maybe more I... (do) everything. A: How long... you... (stand) here today?

B: I... (wait) since 8:00 this morning, and I'm freezing.

Exercise 3. Write sentences with the Present Perfect Continuous adding for or since.

Example: she / work there / 2003

She's been working there since 2003.

1. how long / they / go out together?

2. I / study English / eight years.

3. you / read that book / months?

4. you / wait / a long time?

5. how long / she / live there?

6. I / rent this flat / three years.

7. she / work here / a long time?


Exercise 4. Read a sentence and then write another sentence with since or for:


I work at the college. (for 5 years) I have been working at the college for 5 years.

1. My brother is studying languages. (for 2 years)

2. Tim and Jane are working in Peru. (since February)

3. They are waiting for us. (for half an hour)

4. Jack lives in Chicago. (since he was born)

5. Ann has a bad cough. (for a few days)

6. It is snowing. (since morning)

Самостійна робота №6

1. Read the text and translate it:

preventive-cure measures – лікувально- профілактичні заходи;

disorder – розлад, хвороба;

progeny – потомство;

appropriate care – належне піклування;

availability – наявність;

pregnancy – вагітність;

delivery – пологи;

ailment – хвороба;


Specialized medical establishments provide appropriate care for future mothers and newborns through diagnostic and preventive-cure measures to help women overcome different disorders and prevent them affecting the progeny.

Women who suffer, for instance, from heart defects are placed at the time of pregnancy and during delivery under the observation of obstetricians, therapeutists, biochemists, immunologists, hematologists.

Thanks to timely medical care and the availability of specific instrumentation and equipment at our hospitals, the women who suffer from such ailments go through pregnancy and delivery successfully. All mother and child health advisory centres conduct disease prevention and cure work.

Our medical science devotes much attention to the health of mother and child.

At present there are some research institutes for pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology and mother and child care in Ukraine. Their research and methods of treatment help controlling infantile infectious diseases and others.


2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. Who provides appropriate care for future mothers and newborns? 2. Where are women who suffer from heart defects placed? 3. Thanks to what do the women who suffer from ailments go through pregnancy and delivery successfully? 4. What work do all mother and child health advisory centres conduct? 5. What do our medical science devotes much attention to?


3. Say if it is true or false:

1. Specialized medical establishments provide appropriate care for future mothers and newborns.

2. All mother and child health advisory centres conduct disease prevention and cure work.

3. Our medical science devotes much attention to the health of mother and child.

4. There are no research institutes for pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology and mother and child care in Ukraine.

5. Their research and methods of treatment help controlling infantile infectious diseases and others.

Lesson 10

A Visit of a Doctor

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

fall ill – захворіти;

a check-up - обстеження;

to examine the patient - оглянути хворого;

to listen to heart and lungs - слухати серце, легені;

to X-ray - робити рентген;

to make tests - робити аналізи;

blood test - аналіз крові;

urine test - аналіз сечі;

to check the blood pressure - виміряти тиск;

to take the pulse - виміряти пульс;


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

to have a sore throat полоскати рот

to stop the bleeding нежить

to have a bad cough запалене горло

to rinse the mouth зупинити кровотечу

to gargle the throat накласти шину

cold in the head сильно кашляти

to put splints полоскати горло


1.3 Fill in:

1. This patient has a... heart. 2.... the throat. 3. Put the... on the broken arm. 4. Put a warm... on the ear. 5.... the mouth after meal. 6. Take a... when you have a headache.

(rinse, gargle, splints, weak, tablet, compress)


2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:

A Visit of a Doctor

One day mother fell ill. She had a running nose, a cough, a bad headache and a sore throat. Her temperature was very high. Father called in a doctor. In some hours the doctor came. He examined mother. The doctor felt her pulse, checked her blood pressure. It was 140 over 8O. That was normal for her. Then he listened to her heart and lungs, examined her throat. The doctor told mother that she had flu. So she had to stay in bed for some days. The doctor prescribed mother some medicine. She had to take them regularly. He gave mother a sick-list. In some days mother felt better.


flu - грип; a sick-list - лікарняний;


3. Post-reading activities

Task 1. Give the English equivalents:

захворіла; нежить; запалене горло; викликав лікаря; оглянув; виміряв тиск;вислухав серце та легені; оглянув горло; залишатися в ліжку декілька днів; прописав ліки; приймати регулярно; видав лікарняний; почувалася краще.


Task 2. Make up sentences:

Mother, did, my, feel, not, well

decided, a doctor, mother, call in, to, my

keep, he, bed, must, in, days, for, some

the, three, a day, times, doctor, him, to take, told, medicine


Task 3. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What happened to mother one day? 2. What was her temperature? 3. How did the doctor examine mother? 4. What was her pulse? 5. What diagnoses did the doctor make? 6. How often did mother have to take medicine?


Task 4 Fill in:

Pete had... and his mother put... on his back.

He... and became very weak.

The doctor... some medicine.

She... her throat 3 times a day.

(Gargled, lost appetite, prescribed, a cough, mustard plasters)


Task 5 Fill in:

He had to stay... bed. (in, on)

She put mustard plasters... his back, (at, on)

I was sitting... her bed for two hours, (in, at)

He was sick... hot milk, (of, on)


Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous утворюється з допоміжного дієсловаto be в Past Perfect та дієприкметника теперішнього часу основного дієслова. Дієслово в Past Perfect Continuous не змінюється за особами:

I (he, she, it, we, you, they) had been working.

Цей час виражає тривалу дію, яка почалася до якогосьмоменту в минулому і або продовжувалася в цей момент, або закінчилася безпосередньо перед ним.

Питальна форма: Had you been working?

Заперечна форма: I had not been working.

Exercise 1 Read the situation and then write a sentence:

Example: The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other had a cut lip. (they/fight) They had been fighting.

1. Tom was watching TV. He was feeling very tired. (he/study/hard all day) He …………..

2. When I walked into the room it was empty. But it smelled of cigarettes. (somebody/smoke/in the room) Somebody …….

3. When Mary came back from the beach, she looked very red from the sun. (she/lie/in the sun too long) She ………….

4. The two boys came into the house. They had a football, and were both very tired. (they/play football) They ……………..

5. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened, and she didn’t know where she was. (she/dream) She ………….

Exercise 2 Read the situation and then write a sentence:

Example: We began playing football. After half an hour there was a terrible storm. We had been playing football for half an hour when there was a terrible storm.

1. The orchestra began playing at the concert. After about 10 minutes a man in the audience began shouting. The orchestra …….. for about 10 minutes when ……..

2. I had arranged to meet Sue in a café. I arrived and began waiting. After 20 minutes I realized that I had come to the wrong café. I …… for 20 minutes when I ……...

3. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins went to live in the south of France. Six months later Mr. Jenkins died. They ….. when …….


Exercise 3 Make up five sentences from each table

I   had been   sleeping waiting for him working here looking for it living there   for an hour for 20 minutes for 5 years for 3 months   when he came before she left by that time by 8 o’clock


Самостійна робота №7

1. Read and translate the text:

At the Doctor's

For a week I felt pain in the stomach and I decided to consult a doctor. Here is the conversation between me and the doctor.

Volkov: Good morning.

Doctor: Good morning. What is your name?

V.: My name is Volkov.

D.: What's the matter with you?

V.: I have a stomachache for a week and I want to find out

what's wrong with me.

D.: Show me the place where it hurts you.

V.: Here, doctor.

D.: Does this pain go to another place?

V.: It goes to my back sometimes.

D.: Does it bother you at night?

V.: Most of the time.

D.: We’ll take X-rays of your stomach and make some more

tests: blood test, urine test. I’ll tell you the diagnosis after I

have all your tests.


2. Post-reading reading activities


2.1 Fill in:

1. What is the... with you? 2. I want to find out what's... with me. 3.... me the place where it hurts you. 4. This pain... me at night. 5. Take... of your stomach.

(X-rays, show, bothers, matter, wrong)


2.2 Give the English equivalents:

Що з вами? турбувати; аналіз; аналіз крові; сеча; аналіз сечі; діагноз.

Lesson 11

First Aid

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

first aid - перша допомога;

to save - рятувати;

injured - потерпілий;

accident - нещасний випадок;

calm - спокійний;

act - діяти;

2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the texts:

First Aid

Everybody must know how to give the first aid. The first aid saves many lives. The first aid is the help which you give to an injured person. You must know different methods of helping in accidents. When you give the first aid you must be calm and act without panic.


Exercise 1 Say it in English:

перша допомога; надати першу допомогу; рятувати життя; бути спокійним; діяти спокійно.


Exercise 2 Answer the questions to the text:

1. What saves many lives? 2. What is the first aid? 3. What must you know? 4. How must you act?


When you fall on your knee you get a bruise on it. The bruised place looks red and swollen at first. If there is scratch on your knee put iodine on it. If your knee hurts you very much, take some cloth, wet it in cold water and put in c the bruise. It will relieve the pain. If the fall or the blow was very heavy, you must consult doctor.

bruise - забій, синець; bruised place - забите місце;

swollen - припухлий; relieve the pain -полегшити біль;


When the blood flows from an artery it is scarlet. When the blood flows from a vein it is dark red.

Stop the bleeding as soon as possible. The simple method is to put clean cloth or a pad of sterile gauze over the wound and fasten it tightly.

If the bleeding is from an arm or leg raise the limb. If a person has nosebleed after a heavy blow you must put a cold compress on the nose. The person must breathe through his mouth. In severe cases doctors make blood transfusion.

scarlet - яскраво червоний; wound - рана;

bleeding - кровотеча; fasten - перев'язати

pad - м'яка прокладка; gauze - марля;

blood transfusion - переливання крові;



1. Answer the questions:

1. What colour is the blood when it flows from an artery?

2. What colour is the blood when it flows from a vein? 3. How must we fasten the wound? 4. What must you do if the bleeding is from an arm, a leg, or a nose?

2. Give the English equivalents:

кров тече з артерії; зупинити кровотечу; накласти чисту тканину; туго перев'язати; носова кровотеча; накласти компрес на...; у важких випадках; переливання крові.



The word "fracture" means a break in a bone. There are two kinds of fractures: closed and open. In a closed fracture there is no wound on the skin. In an open fracture there is a wound. Open fractures are more serious than closed ones. If a person breaks his arm or leg he complains of pain in the place of the break. The pain becomes more severe if he presses the place or tries to move.

Swelling appears quickly. Do not let the person move. Use a splint for the broken limb. Bind the splints to the limb but not at the place of the fracture. Doctors use X-rays to see the break and put plaster casts on the broken limbs.

fracture - перелом; swelling - пухлина;

complain - скаржитися; splint - шина;

plaster casts - гіпсова пов'язка;

X-rays - рентгенівські промені.



1. Say it in English:

відкритий перелом; закритий перелом; місце перелому; біль посилюється; намагатися рухатися; з'являється набряк; не дозволяйте рухатися; зробити рентген; накласти гіпс.


2. Make up sentences using the words-combinations:

It is good to use X-ray to see the break

It is difficult to use a splint for the broken limb

It is important to see the open fracture without X-rays

It is harmful to bind the splints at the place of the fracture

It is wrong to give the first aid immediately

It is correct to move when you have a fracture


1.Read and translate the text:


Burns are injuries resulting from exposure to heat, chemicals, electricity, or radiation. The severity of a burn depends on the temperature of the object or gas causing the burn, how long the skin was exposed to the source, the location and extent of the burn, and the victim's age and medical condition. Burns are classified according to their source, such as heat or chemicals, and their depth. The deeper the burn, the more severe it is. Generally, there are three depth classifications: first degree; second degree; and third degree.

First-degree burns involve only the top layer of skin. The skin is red and dry, and the burn is usually painful. The area may swell. Most sunburns are first-degree burns. First-degree burns usually heal in 5 to 6 days.

Second-degree burns are deeper than first-degree burns. The burned skin will look red and have blisters. Second-degree burns are usually painful, and the area often swells. The burn usually heals in three or four weeks. Scarring may occur.

Third-degree burns extend through the skin and into the structures below the skin. Third-degree burns can be very painful or may be relatively painless if the burn destroyed the nerve endings in the skin. The scarring that occurs may be severe. Third-degree burns are life-threatening. They can cause shock.

If burns are present, follow these four basic care steps:

• Cool the burned area.

• Cover the burned area with dry, sterile dressings.

• Prevent infection.

• Care for shock.


2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What does the severity of a burn depend on? 2. What are burns classified according to? 3. How many depth classifications of burns are there? 4. Are second-degree burns painful? 5. Third-degree burns are life-threatening, aren’t they?



Revise the grammar tenses:

Exercise 1 Open the brackets:

1. Every day we (to go) to the medical school. 2. Yesterday we (to go) to the cinema. 3. Tomorrow I (to come) there at 9 o'clock. 4. The student (to read) now. 4. I (to write) a letter at 5 o'clock yesterday. 5. We (to write) at 2 o'clock tomorrow. 6. They (to finish) their work today. 7. We (to drink) coffee now. 8. He (to give) some medicine to the child by 10 o’clock yesterday. 9. I (to go) to France next month. 10. The doctor (to examine) the patient yesterday at 10 o'clock. 11. He (to write) a letter tomorrow by 7 o'clock. 12. They (to work) for the whole day.


Lesson 12


1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

fainting – втрата свідомості; weak - слабкий;

cause - причина; fatigue - виснаження;

shallow - поверхневий; sweat - піт;

to sprinkle - попирскати; rapid - прискорений;

loss - втрата; poisoning – отруєння;

to loose - послабити; dangerous - небезпечний;

to fall unconscious - втратити свідомість;

feel dizzy - відчувати запаморочення;

to keep him quiet – не турбувати;


2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the texts. Do the exercises.


The cause of fainting may be very different: strong emotion (fright or joy), want of food, fatigue or pain.

In fainting the person loses consciousness. Blood doesn't get to the brain. The face of a person before fainting gets very pale and sweat appears on his forehead. He feels dizzy and weak. The person falls unconscious. His breathing is shallow. His pulse is weak and slow. If you help a person who lost his consciousness:

1. Lay the person flat on his back.

2. Raise his feet a little.

3. Loose his dress.

4. Cover him warmly and open the window.

5. Sprinkle cold water on his face.

6. Give the person to breathe in ammonia water.


1. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

the cause of fainting; want of food; gets very pale; sweat appears; feels dizzy; falls unconscious; shallow breath­ing; weak pulse; slow pulse.


2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What causes of fainting do you know? 2. Does the blood get to the brain? 3. What colour is the face of a person before fainting? 4. What is his breathing? 5. What is the pulse?


3. Put in the right order:

Cover him warmly and open the window.

Raise his feet a little.

Loose his dress.

Lay the person flat on his back.

Give the person to breathe in ammonia water.

Sprinkle cold water on his face.


Shock is very dangerous. Loss of blood can cause shock. Severe pain or strong emotion can cause shock too. The face of a person in shock is usually pale and the skin is cold. Breathing is rapid and shallow. The pulse is rapid. If you help a person who is in shock:

1. Lay him flat on his back.

2. Raise his feet a little.

3. Cover him with blankets to keep him warm.

4. Give him a warm drink.

5. Keep him quiet.


1. Give the English equivalents:

дуже небезпечний; втрата крові; викликати шок; шкіра холодна; прискорене дихання; покласти на спину; підняти ноги; накрити ковдрою; тепле питво.


2. Fill in:

1. When a person is in shock his face is.... 2. The pulse and breathing of a person in shock are.... 3. If you help a person in shock lay him... on his.... 4. It is important... a person in shock.

(pale, rapid, to keep warm, flat, back)


The first aid for poisoning is to empty the stomach. Do it as soon as possible. Give much water to drink - 4-8 glasses. Some poisons cause shock, others - asphyxia. In every case the patient needs prompt medical care.


1. Find in the text "Poisoning" the following words and words-combinations:

перша допомога при...; викликають шок; спорожнити

шлунок; у кожному випадку; пацієнти потребують

швидкої медичної допомоги.


2. Find the right answer to the question "What are the aids for poisoning?":

1. Lay the person down. 2. Give the person four or eight glasses of water. 3. Take off the person's dress. 4. Examine the person's mouth.


Stings and Bites

Sting – укус (ужалити)

Bite - укус

Insect - комаха

Midge – мошка

Flea – блоха

Bedbug – клоп

Tick – кліщ

Mosquitoe – комар

Stings and bites from insects are common. They often result in redness and swelling in the injured area. Sometimes a sting can cause a life-threatening allergic reaction.

If you are in pain or the bite is swollen, you can take painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Insects that bite include: midges, mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs and ticks.

When an insect bites, it releases saliva that can cause:

inflammation (redness and swelling), blisters and irritation.

The symptoms of insect bites can vary depending on the type of insect and the sensitivity of the person who is bitten. For example, some people may have a small, itchy lump after they are bitten, which only lasts for a few hours. Others may develop a more serious reaction, such as blistering and a number of itchy, red lumps.

If you work outdoors or regularly take part in outdoor activities, such as camping or hiking, you are more likely to be bitten by an insect. Exposing large areas of skin, such as your legs and arms, leaves you open to being bitten.

If you have been bitten by a tick, remove it as soon as possible to reduce the risk of getting a tick-borne infection.

2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What do stings and bites result in? 2. What can a sting cause? 3. What do the symptoms of insect bites depend on? 4. When are you more likely to be bitten by an insect?

Узгодження часів

Пряма мова Непряма мова

She says, "I can speak She says that she can speak English". English.

He asked me, "Where He asked me where I had

were you yesterday? " been the day before.

Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect
Past Simple Past Continuous Past Perfect
Past Simple → Past Perfect
Future Simple → Future-in-the-Past


При перетворенні прямої мови на непряму вказівні займенники та деякі обставини часу і місця змінюються так:

Пряма мов а Непряма мова

this that

these those

now then

here there

today that day

yesterday the day before

tomorrow the next day

He said “I live in this He said that he lived in that

house. ” house.

“I’ll go there tomorrow”, He said that he would go

he said. there the next day.

Питальні речення, відтворені непрямою мовою, називаються непрямими запитаннями (indirect questions). При перетворенні запитань з прямої мови на непряму дієслово to say в словах автора замінюється дієсловом to ask або одним з його синонімів.

При перетворенні прямої мови на непряму загальне запитання замінюється підрядним реченням, що з'єднується з головним за допомогою сполучників if або whether:

"Do you know the boy?" I asked him if he knew the

I asked him. boy.

"Have you a pencil?" he He asked me if I had a

asked me. pencil.

Exercise 1 Замініть пряму мову непрямою:

1. My friend says, “I work at the hospital”. 2. My friend said, “I work at the factory”. 3. He asked me, “Will you work at our hospital?” 4. My small niece asks, “What is your occupation?” 5. My group-mate said, “Our professor is performing an operation now.” 6. He said, “This patient has been already examined”. 7. My small niece said, “I got an excellent mark.” 8. Our professor said, “You will be a good specialist.”


Самостійна робота №9

1. Read and translate the text:

Classifications of Drugs:

There are several classifications based on various characteristics of drugs:

- by chemical structure;

- origin (natural, synthetic and mineral);

- by pharmacological groups - the most common classification in Ukraine, based on the drug effect on the human body;

- nosological classification – based on classification of diseases for which treatment is used.

Medications can be classified according to their use or function, the system that they treat and their chemical makeup. For example, they can be classified according to system, as follows:

respiratory medications

cardiac medications

nervous system medications, etc.

They can also be classified according to their function or use. For example, they can be classified as below:

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications

narcotic analgesics

antidepressants, etc.

Lastly they can be classified according to their chemical makeup. Examples include:



opioids, etc.

Most of the medications within a classification group, like alpha-adrenergic blockers, are quite similar although they are not identical. Classification systems enable us to identify the similarities and differences among a large number of medications within and outside of a particular classification.

3. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What are classifications based on? 2. What is the most common classification in Ukraine? 3. Most of the medications within a classification group, like alpha-adrenergic blockers, are quite similar, aren’t they? 4. What do classification systems enable us to do?

Lesson 13

Infectious Diseases

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

cold - застуда;

quinsy - ангіна;

flu (influenza) - грип;

measles - кір;

scarlet fever - скарлатина;

tuberculosis (TB) - туберкульоз

ulcer - виразка;

typhoid - черевний тиф;



1.2 Match the words-combinations:

in most cases висип з’являється

stay in bed вдягати рукавички

feel weak поширення інфекції

sneezing and coughing у більшості випадків

rash appears відчувати слабкість

the spread of infection залишатися в ліжку

wear gloves чхання та кашель


2. Reading activities

2.1 Read the texts carefully and learn about diseases such as measles and influenza.


Influenza is an acute infectious epidemic disease caused by a virus. All ages are liable to the disease. The onset is sudden. The symptoms of influenza are: high temperature, headache and neuralgic and muscular pain. After being infected with influenza patients feel weak and often depressed. There are mild and severe cases of the disease. In most cases, the patient must stay in bed, be warm and drink a lot of liquid. The patient must stay in bed until the temperature is normal. The next two or three days he may be up for only short periods of time. Sometimes pneumonia develops as a complication after grippe.


Measles is a very infectious disease. The disease passes from one child to another. The first symptoms are sneezing and coughing. The disease begins with signs of a heavy cold, a running nose and a dry cough. The temperature is high and the child has a dislike of light.

Rash appears on the third or fourth day behind the ears and around the mouth, and then covers the body.

The nurse must be very careful to prevent the spread of infection. She should wash her hands thoroughly; wear a gown, a mask and gloves when she takes care of an infected patient.


3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

after being infected with influenza; drink a lot of liquid; for only short periods of time; a dry cough; a dislike of light; to prevent the spread of infection; wash her hands thoroughly.


3.2 Give the English equivalents:

починається раптово; почервоніле обличчя; сухий язик; у більшості випадків; інфекційна хвороба; залишатися в ліжку; слабкий і пригнічений; ознаки сильної застуди; нежить; вкриває все тіло.


3.3 Say if it is true or false:

1. Influenza is a very infectious disease.

2. Influenza is not communicated by contact.

3. The disease can be mild or severe.

4. The first symptom of measles is only coughing.

5. Rash covers the body.

6. The patient's temperature in case of measles is usually low.


3.4 Answer the questions to the text:

1. What kind of diseases is flu? 2. What are the symptoms of influenza? 3. What are the first symptoms of measles? 4. When does rash begin in case of measles? 5. How must a nurse look after a patient with measles? 5. The nurse should wash her hands thoroughly, shouldn’t she?



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