The History of Medicine in Ukraine 

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The History of Medicine in Ukraine

The history of medicine in Ukraine begins with the history of folk medicine.

The first medical hospitals in Kyiv Rus were founded in the 11th century and were mostly in the form of alms-houses attached to churches.

In the 14th and 15th centuries new hospitals were built and many physicians gave the first aid to the inhabitants of Ukraine and the soldiers of Bogdan Khmelnytsky's troops.

As the number of physicians was inadequate some medical schools which trained specialists were opened. Kyiv Academy was founded in 1632. It played a prominent role in the development of the Ukrainian medicine. Many graduates of the Academy continued to enrich their knowledge abroad and received their doctors' degrees there. Many former students of this Academy have become well-known scientists. They are the epidemiologist D. S. Samoilovych, the obstetrician N. M. Ambodyk-Maximovych, the pediatrist F. Chotovytsky, the anatomist O. M. Shumlyansky and many others.

At the end of the 18th and during the 19th centuries the medical departments were formed at the Universities of Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv and Odesa. The total number of physicians has increased in Ukraine. The medicine of Zemstvo was widely used at that time. During the Crimean War (1854—1856), upon Pirogov's initiative the first detachment of nurses was trained and sent to Sevastopol help its defenders. It gave the beginning of the organization “Red Cross”.

In 1886 the first bacteriological station was organized in Odesa which was of great importance in the development of microbiology and epidemiology. The famous scientists I. I. Mechnikov and M. F. Gamaliya worked at this station and succeeded much in their investigations. Inspite of favourable conditions for the successful development natural sciences in Russia many outstanding scientists worked in Ukraine. It is known that the brilliant scientist M.I. Pirogov and his followers, as V.0. Karavayev, 0.F. Shimanovsky, M.V. Sklifosovsky and others made valuable contribution in the Ukrainian medicine. The famous scientists V. P. Obraztsov and M. D. Strazhesko were founders of Kyiv therapeutist' school. They made a huge progress the field of cardiology. Much was done in the treatment of many eye diseases by the prominent scientist, academician V.P. Filatov who founded the Institute of Eye diseases in Odesa. Many other outstanding scientists worked in Ukraine whose names are well known in the world.


3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents:

the history of folk medicine; alms-houses attached to churches; gave the first aid; to enrich their knowledge; gave the beginning; successful development; a huge progress; founded the Institute.


3.2 Suggest the English equivalents:

історія медицини; перші лікарні; мешканці України; багато випускників, отримати ступінь; медичні факультети; загальна кількість лікарів; мати велике значення; зробити значний внесок; лікування очних хвороб.


3.3. Answer the questions:

1. What does the history of medicine in Ukraine begin with?

2. When were the first medical hospitals founded in Kyiv? 3. What form were the first Kyiv hospitals in? 4. When were new hospitals built? 5. Whom did many physicians give the first aid to? 6. When was Kyiv Academy founded? 7. Where did many physicians receive their doctors' degrees? 8. What former students of the Academy have become the well-known scientists? 9. What Universities were the medical departments founded at? 10. What medicine was widely used at that time? 11. When was the first detachment of nurses trained? 12. When and where was the first bacteriological station organized? 13. Did many outstanding scientists work in Ukraine? 14. What scientists made valuable contribution in the Ukrainian medicine? 15. What scientists were founders of therapeutists' school in Kyiv? 16. Who founded the Institute of Eye diseases in Odesa?


3.4 Say if it true or false:

1. The first medical hospitals in Kyiv Rus were founded in the 10th century.

2. Many physicians gave the first aid to the inhabitants of Ukraine and the soldiers of Bogdan Khmelnytsky's troops.

3. Kyiv Academy played a prominent role in the development of the Ukrainian medicine.

4. During the Crimean War, upon Strazhesko's initiative the first detachment of nurses was trained and sent to Sevastopol.

5. The first bacteriological station was organized in Kyiv.

6. V.P.Filatov founded the Institute of Eye diseases in Odesa.




Future Indefinite — часова форма дієслова, що виражає дію, яка відбудеться або відбуватиметься в майбутньому.

Future Indefinite утворюється з допоміжних дієслів shall і will та інфінітива основного дієслова без частки to.

Допоміжне дієслово shall вживається в першій особі однини і множини, will — у другій і третій особі:

I shall work. We shall work.

He will work. You will work.

She will work. They will work.

It will work.


I shall come again soon. Я скоро знову прийду.

Your father will be back in a moment. Ваш батько вмить повернеться.

Примітка. Іноді допоміжне дієслово will вживається для утворення Future Indefinite у всіх особах. Особливо часто це трапляється в американському варіанті англійської мови (а також в Шотландії та Ірландії).

В усному мовленні замість shall і will звичайно вживається скорочена форма 'll (апостроф + ll), яка на письмі приєднується до підмета:

I’ll tell it to you after din- Я розкажу вам про це

ner. після обіду.

Не'll be back in an hour. Він повернеться за годину.

У питальній формі допоміжне дієслово ставиться перед підметом:

Shall we come back here Ми повернемось сюди на

to sleep? ночівлю?

When will he be at home? Коли він буде вдома?

У заперечній формі після допоміжного дієслова вживається частка not:

We shall not go there. Ми не підемо туди.

He will not stay here. Він не залишиться тут.


В усному мовленні переважно вживаються скорочені форми shan't замість shall not і won't замість will not:

I shan't go there. Я не піду туди.

She won't go to theatre. Вона не піде в театр.



1. Make up the following negative and interrogative:

1. My friend will come to see me today.2. Iwill see him in the park.3. He will played chess well.4. The boy will drink milk in the morning.5. My motherwillgrow beautiful flowers. 6. His father will go to Kyivnext year. 7. The children will go to bed at nine o'clock.

Read the sentences using the words in brackets in proper form:

1. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema every day. 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to watch) TV tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for school every day? 11. When you (to leave) home for school yesterday? 12. When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow?


Lesson 14

Mykola Pirogov

1. Read and memorize the words and words-combinations:

a scientist of genius – геніальний вчений

career – кар’єра tempestuous – бурхливий

wounded – поранений novel method – новий метод

fractures – переломи compassionate – співчутливий

ingenious method – майстерний метод

to start a new trend – започаткувати новий напрям

plaster of Paris bandage – гіпсова пов’язка

to relieve suffering – полегшувати страждання

to keep up vital function – підтримувати життєву функцію

gunshot wounds – вогнепальні рани


2. Read and translate the text:


Mykola Pirogov was called a scientist of genius even in his life-time. His career as a researcher, excellent surgeon and clinician was tempestuous. At 18, he graduated from Moscow University; at 22, he became a Doctor of Science; at 26, he was a Professor at Derpt (now Tartu) University, one of the largest in Europe, and at 30, he headed Russia's first field surgery clinic. During his first 30 or so years in surgery, he started a new trend in the study of human anatomy and physiology, based on fundamentally novel methods. His major research works in this field contributed enormously to world science. To this day, Pirogov's methods are among the basic methods in the study and teaching anatomy.

Pirogov's life was dedicated to people. He was a field surgeon during four wars (in the Caucasus in 1847, in the Crimea in 1854, in the Franco-Prussian war in 1870, and in the Russian-Turkish war in 1877), selflessly saving the lives of the wounded in the most difficult of conditions.

He in fact created a new medical science, field surgery, and suggested new, rational principles for the grouping, distribution and evacuation of the wounded. His work, "Fundamentals of Field Surgery" (1864), had soon become a reference book for field surgeons in all countries.

He formulated some of the most important principles of treating gunshot wounds, fractures, shock and wound infections and developed the most ingenious methods of performing operations.

He was also the first to apply, on a large scale, plaster of Paris bandages in field conditions (in Sevastopol, during the Crimean war), which was a revolution in field surgery. Almost 90 years later, during the Great Patriotic War, the Pirogov’s plaster of Paris was still widely used during the heroic defence of Sevastopol, and on all other fronts, helping save the lives of many thousands of soldiers.

Genuinely compassionate with the sick and the wounded, Pirogov did all his efforts to find ways of relieving their suffering. He was among the first to realize the importance of general anesthesia and to apply narcosis, doing all he could towards its introduction into surgery. He firmly believed that narcosis not only relieved pain, but created the optimum conditions for keeping up the patient's vital functions during an operation.

3. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What University did he graduate from? 2. What did he start a new trend in? 3. Whom was Pirogov's life dedicated to? 4. What was he during four wars? 5. What medical science did he create? 6. What did he apply in field conditions? 7. Pirogov did all his efforts to find ways of relieving suffering of wounded, didn’t he?


4. Say if it is true or false:

1. To this day, Pirogov's methods are among the basic methods in the study and teaching anatomy.

2. He was a field surgeon during two wars.

3. He created a new medical science, field surgery.

4. Pirogov was among the first to apply narcosis.


Future-in –the Past

В англійській мові майбутня дія, що розглядається з точки зору якогось минулого моменту, виражається окремою формою дієслова, яка зветься Future Indefinite-in-the-Past. Цей час трапляється у розповідях про минулі події при пере­казуванні у непрямій мові слів або думок якоїсь особи стосов­но майбутнього часу:

In his letter Peter wrote У своєму листі Петро пи-

that he would go to Warsaw in сав, що поїде до Варшави в January. січні.

Future Indefinite-in-the-Past утворюється з допоміжних діє­слів should і would та інфінітива основного дієслова без частки to:

I should work (I'd work).

He would work (He'd work).

She would work (She'd work).

They would work (They'd work).

У питальній формі допоміжне дієслово ставиться перед підметом:

Should we work?

Would they work?

У заперечній формі після допоміжного дієслова вживається частка not:

We should not work (We shouldn't work).

She would not work (She wouldn't work).

Exercise 1

Use the verbs in the brackets in the Future-in-the-Past Simple:


1. The student promised that he (to come) to school on time.

2. I don’t know that you (to leave) as soon.

3. We assured them that we (to help) Jonhnson’s.

4. The doctor said he (to visit) them soon.

5. I (to take) that job if they offered to me.

6. He (to light) his pipe and smile at us.

7. Meanwhile Marry (to bring) us some ginger bread and butter.

Самостійна робота №9

1. Read and translate the text:


Danylo Zabolotny

Danylo Zabolotny is a famous Ukrainian epidemiologist and the founder of the world’s first research department of epidemiology. He was born in Vynnytsia region in 1866. Zabolotny graduated from the universities of Novorosiysk and Kyiv and worked as a doctor. He conducted research on a number of infectious diseases, including cholera, plague and syphilis. Zabolotny wrote a lot of works which brought him honour. He was the founder of the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology in Kyiv. He died in 1929.


1. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is Danylo Zabolotny? 2. When and where was he born? 3. What did Danylo Zabolotny graduate from? 4. What research did he conduct? 5. Zabolotny wrote a lot of works, didn’t he? 6. What institute did he found? 6. When did Zabolotny die?

Lesson 15


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