Medical Education in Ukraine 

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Medical Education in Ukraine

1 Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

care – турбота, піклування approve – затверджувати

acquire – набувати to engage – займатися

defend – захищати theses – дисертація

obtain – здобувати degree – ступінь

state examination – державний екзамен

after graduation – після закінчення

curriculum – навчальний план


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

the main task доклінічна практика

train doctors захистити дисертацію

educational establishments головне завдання

medical institutions здобувати ступінь

preclinical training готувати лікарів

the senior students медичні заклади

defend theses студенти-старшокурсники

obtain degrees навчальні заклади


2. Reading activities

2.1Read the text and try to understand it:

Medical Education in Ukraine

The main task of medicine is the care about the people's health. For that reason the training of the medical personnel is very important. Medical and pharmaceutical universities train future doctors and pharmacists. Medical colleges and schools train nurses. Doctors' training takes six years but stomatologists' and pharmacists' training lasts five years. The curriculum for these medical educational establishments is approved by the Ministry of Public Health.

The training course cosists of lectures, practical work in laborato­ries and medical practice at different medical institutions. During the first two years the students of have the so-called preclinical training which includes general subjects, as Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, Biology and others. In the senior years they study clinical subjects, as Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics, Gy­naecology and others.

The senior students acquire practical skills, working at many hos­pitals, polyclinics, sanitary epidemiological stations and chemists's shops. Having passed the state examinations, young doctors begin to work as interns during a certain period.

After graduation from the university they work as different speci­alists at the medical institutions. The most advanced specialists are engaged in research. They defend theses and obtain degrees of candidates of science (medicine).


3. Post reading activities

3.1 Answer the following questions:

1. What is the main task of medicine? 2. What Universities train future doctors and pharmacists? 3. How long does doctors' and phar­macists' training take? 4. Whom is the curriculum for medical educational establishments approved by? 5. What does the training course consist of? 6. Where do young specialists work after graduation? 7. Who is engaged in research?


3.2 Say if it is true or false

1.The main task of medicine is the care about the people's health.

2. Medical and pharmaceutical colleges train future doctors and pharmacists.

3. Doctors' training takes five years.

4. The curriculum for these medical educational establishments is approved by the Ministry of Public Health.

5. In the senior years students study general subjects.

6. After graduation from the university they work as different speci­alists at the medical institutions.


3.3 Choose the proper word:

1. The training of the medical (workers, personnel, assistants) is very important. 2. Medical colleges and schools train (nurses, doctors, pharmacists). 3. The training course (makes, consists, obtains) of lectures, practical work in laborato­ries and medical practice at different medical institutions. 4. The senior students (acquire, obtain, defend) practical skills, working at many hos­pitals. 5. Having passed the state examinations, young doctors begin to work as (nurses, feldshers, interns) during a certain period. 6. The most (advanced, general, senior) specialists are engaged in research.


Lesson 10

History of Medicine

1. Pre-reading activity

1.1 Match the words-combinations:

scientific approach переливання крові

the art of healing усунути загрозу

safeguard ofhealth науковий підхід

the dissection of cadavers допомагають

blood transfusion охорона здоров’я

a thorough examination мистецтво лікування

eliminate the threat розтин трупів

become helpful ретельний огляд

2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:


Prehistoric people thought that desease was caused by the evil (спричинена злим духом), influence of an enemy, a demon, a god, an animal and it must be treated by means of dislodging the malevolent cause (усунути хвороботворну причину). There arose a class of men who claimed skill in the art of healing (мистецтво лікування), and whose methods of treatment included dancing, grimacing and all the tricks of the magician (чарівні трюки).

In Babylon it was a custom to show the sick in the streets, so that passers-by could say how to treat the sick from their own experience. It was not allowed to pass the sick man in silence.

A papyrus was found dated from 1600 B.C. (до нашої ери) about surgery and the treatment of wounds. Then another papyrus was found with about 900 prescriptions, some of these prescriptions doctors use today.

The clinical medicine and safeguard of people's health greatly developed in Roman times. The name of Galen is widely known. Galen worked first as a surgeon at a school for gladiators. Then he went to Rome when he was thirty-two years old and there he had much practice.

Middle Ages date from about 500 A.D. to about 1500 A.D. The period from 500 A.D. to about 1000 A.D. is often referred to as Dark Ages, as there was lack of progress in the ability of people to understand and control their environment.

During Middle Ages many hospitals were built in Europe. In the middle of the 14th century the bubonic plague killed one-fourth of the European population and the scientists became more determined to search for practical, effective methods of dealing with medical problems. This marked the begin­ning of the scientific approach to medicine.

During the Renaissance laws forbidding the dissection of cadavers were relaxed and as a result, the first accurate textbook on human anatomy was published.

In the early 1600s, the English physician William Harvey discovered how blood circulates in the body and published the first medical book describing this circulation and the role of the heart. In 1667, the first blood transfusion was performed.

In the 19th century, modern surgery was made possible by two revolution­ary discoveries: the invention of safe methods of anesthesia and the control of wound infection by the use of antiseptics and sterile equipment. Besides a set of diagnostic procedures, requiring a complete case history and a thorough physical examination, become common medical practice. In 1895, Roentgen discovered the X-ray to detect abnormalities inside the body.

The 20th century has brought medical advances in nearly every area of medi­cine. Open-heart surgery has been developed. Organ transplants are often suc­cessful. Vaccines have almost eliminated the threat of poliomyelitis. The elec­trocardiogram (EKG), electroencephalogram (EEG) and computed tomography help physicians to detect heart and brain malfunctions. Due to early diagnosis and more effective treatment more and more cancer victims are surviving. X-ray examination helps to make more accurate diagnosis and more effective treat­ment. Lasers become very helpful in surgery. As people change their lifestyles and their environment new diseases appear. That's why health workers always search for better medical care.


3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Answer the questions to the text:

1. What was the desease caused by in the view of the prehistoric man? 2. What methods of treatment did the healers use? 3. What custom was there in Babylon? 4. When were laws forbidding the dissection of cadavers relaxed? 5. Who published the first medical book describing this circulation and the role of the heart? 6. When did Roentgen discover the X-ray to detect abnormalities inside the body? 7. What has the 20th century brought in nearly every area of medi­cine?


3.2 Say if it true or false:

1. Early man may have attributed desease to a separation of soul and body.

2. The clinical medicine and safeguard of people's health greatly developed in Roman times.

3. Galen worked first as a surgeon at a school for gladiators in Rome.

4. In the middle of the 14th century the bubonic plague killed one-third of the European population.

5. In the early 1600s, the English physician William Harvey discovered the role of the lungs.

6. As people change their lifestyles and their environment new diseases appear.


Present Indefinite

Present Indefinite — одна з часових форм дієслова, що вживається для вираження дії, яка відбувається в теперішньому часi.

Стверджувальна форма дієслова в Present Indefinite в усіх особах однини й множини, крім третьої особи однини, збігається з інфінітивом (неозначеною формою дієслова) без частки to:

І work. Я працюю.

We work. Ми працюємо.

You work. Ви працюєте. (Ти працюєш.)

They work. Вони працюють.

У третій особі однини в Present Indefinite до інфінітива (без частки to) додається закінчення -s або -es:

to run бігати — he runs

to help допомагати — he helps

to teach навчати — he teaches

Закінчення -es додається у таких випадках:

а) якщо основа дієслова закінчується на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x.

to dress одягатися — dresses

to wash умиватися — washes

to teach навчати — teaches

to watch спостерігати — watches

to mix змішувати — mixes

б) якщо основа дієслова закінчується на з попередньою приголосною; при цьому перед -es буква у змінюється на і:

to study вивчати — studies

to cry кричати — cries

Але: Якщо перед у стоїть голосна, то до дієслова додається лише закінчення -s:

to play грати — plays

to stay залишатися — stays

в) якщо основа дієслова закінчується на :

to go іти — goes

to do робити — does

Закінчення третьої особи однини в Present Indefinite вимовляється:

[ s] — після глухих приголосних звуків:

Не works. Він працює.

She writes. Вона пише.

It helps. Це допомагає.

[ z ] – після дзвінких приголосних і після голосних:

She reads. Вона читає.

He sees. Він бачить.

The bird sings. Пташка співає.

[iz] — після свистячих і шиплячих звуків:

Не dresses. Він одягається.

She washes. Вона вмивається,

The sun rises. Сонце сходить.

The weather changes. Погода змінюється

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I ___ to bed at 11.00 p.m. (go)

2. Jack ___ fluent French. (speak)

3. Her children ___ game shows and cartoons. (enjoy)

4. She always ___ funny jokes. (tell)

5. My sister and I often ___ to read newspapers in English. (try)

6. People ___ personal computers at home. (use)

7. It ___ him about half an hour to get home from college. (take)

Самостійна робота №7

Tibetan Medicine

1. Read the words and words-combinations to the text:

ancient - стародавній vision – зір

treatise – трактат Джуд Ші hearing – слух

violation – порушення smell – нюх

vital sources – життєві сили taste – смак

hue – відтінок, різновідність touch – дотик

the suffering of the entire organism – страждання всього організму


2. Read the text “Tibetan Medicine”. Find the statesments providing that:

- the theoretical ideas of Tibetan medicine are different from modern medicine but logical;

- Tibetan doctors thought that a disease reflected the suffering of the entire organism;

- during the examination the doctors used different senses;

- their chief postulate was: "Everything that surrounds us may be used as a medicine";

- Tibetan medicine has helped the modern medicine.

Tibetan Medicine

Tibetan medicine is very ancient. It was over thousands of years when the ancient treatise on medicine "Chjud-shi" was written.

At present the scientists study various books about Tibetan medicine. The methods of treatment used by Tibetans are different from modern medicine but the theoretical ideas are quite logical. Tibetan doctors thought that:

- diseases were caused by the violation of the equilibrium of the main «vital sources»;

- a disease reflected the suffering of the entire human organism and not just the separate organ. They considered that it was necessary to treat the entire organism.

One of the reasons causing diseases was food. They considered that food was useless and bad. Tibetan doctors were gifted specialists. During the examination of the patients they used different senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

To diagnose the disease they differentiated between 400 different hues of pulse and it was felt by the doctor on the patient's both arms.

The chief postulate of Tibetan medicine was: "Everything that surrounds us may be used as a medicine". Tibetans made medicines from raw plants, animals and mineral materials. They used precious metals and stones. The doctors took gold, silver, emerald, pearls and others. They also used insects and molluscs. They burned the animals and used ash from their inner organs as a medicine for the patients. They considered that such as ash could contain useful substances, necessary for the patient. Their medicines were not toxic for the patients. They used various medical herbs for treating.

Tibetan medicine has helped the modern medicine in treating dif­ferent diseases. At present our doctors often use medical herbs as medicine.

The modern medicine has the same commandment as the Tibetan medicine. It is "Do not harm".

Lesson 11


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