Тема:Історія розвитку в медицині 

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Тема:Історія розвитку в медицині

Знати: інформацію про етапи розвитку медицини і лабораторної діагностики; усвідомлення внеску видатних вчених-медиків у розвиток науки

Вміти: оволодіти основними правилами перекладу професійно-орієнтованих іншомовних джерел


Text 5. Prominent Scientists and Physicians of Ukraine

Well-known Ukrainian scientist О.М. Shumiyansky was the prominent anatomist-microscopist of the century. He was the first who discribed the kidney .
O.M. Shumlyansky was born in 1748 'in the village Yakivtsi of Poltava region. His father was an Ukrainian Cossack-peasant. He graduated from the medical school in Petersburg and worked as a surgeon. Then he went abroad where he improved his education in the field of obstetrics and received his doctor's .
After his returning to Russia О.М. Shumlyansky became a profes­sor of the medical surgical school in Moscow. He was the author of many works in the fields of surgery and .
Prominent surgeon and scientist M.V. Skliphosovsky (1836-1904) was born in Moldova and in a in Odesa. After successful graduating from the University he wrote his and became a professor of the Medical Academy in Peters­burg. He was one of the organizers of the surgical school in Russia.
M. V. Skliphosovsky liked Ukraine and often visited Odesa and other Ukrainian cities. In 1871 he bought an in the of Poltava and rested there in summer. Then he removed to Poltava and worked as a physician at the regional hospital. It should be noted that he took care of poor people. He treated them free of charge and tried to create in the hospital. A new school was built for poor children on his initiative and his daughter was a teacher there.
In his estate he cultivated his orchard and worked there being in old age.
Outstanding clinicist and scientist of Ukraine M.D. Strazhesko (1876-952) was an initiator in establishing Kyiv Institute of Clinical Medicine and worked there as an academician during a long period. Under the of his teacher prof. V. P. Obraztsov he was the first to differentiate and describe the clinical picture of myocardial infarction.
M.D. Strazhesko was the author of many classical works describing cardiac and . He used Pavlov's scientific ideas in his clinic. In his research work he used the scientific data from biochemistry, microbiology, physiology and other sciences. He paid much attention to the clinical researches of his patients.
Together with his teacher V.P. Obraztsov they worked out a new method of of the abdominal cavity organs that won the world .

[ ′tekst∫ә] тканина
– звання, ступінь
[ri′sз:t∫] наукове дослідження
- акушерство
- виховувати
[′t∫æriti sku:l] школа для бідних дітей
[′ði:sis] дисертація
[is′teit] маєток
[′aυtskз:ts] околиці; передмістя
– сприятливі умови
[sju:pә′vi3n] нагляд
– шлунково-кишкові хвороби
– ковзна пальпація
– здобути визнання


Answer the following questions:

2. What was O.M. Shumlyansky?


3. When and where was he born?


4. What school did he graduate from?


5. Where did he receive his doctor's degree?


6. Was he the author of many research works?


7. What was M. V. Skliphosovsky?


8. Where was he brought up?


9. When did he become a professor of the Petersburg Academy?


10. Where did he move then?


11. What did he do in Poltava?


12. What was M.D. Strazhesko?


13. Who was an initiator in establishing Kyiv Institute of Clinical Medicine?


14. Was he the author of many classical works?


15. What method did M.D. Strazhesko and his teacher V.P. Obraztsov work out?



Самостійна робота № 15 до Практичного заняття № 29

Тема:Видатні вчені медики

Знати: інформацію про етапи розвитку медицини і усвідомлення внеску видатних вчених-медиків у розвиток науки

Вміти: оволодіти основними правилами перекладу професійно-орієнтованих іншомовних джерел

Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) came from a Scottish family of farmers. He was born in August 1881, at Lochfield Farm, the youngest of eight children. He did research work at St. Mary’s Hospital under Almroth Wright, pioneer of vaccine therapy and became interested in bacterial action and antibacterial drugs. After military service during which he was able to make further studies of the problems of infections and use of antiseptics, Fleming returned to laboratory work. He was interested in antibacterial tissues.

The first fruit of his search was discovery of the lusoryme. One day Fleming’s assistant brought him a plate on which was a colony of dangerous bacteria.”This plate cannot be used for the experiment, - said the assistant. – There some mould has founded on it. I shall take another plate.“ Fleming was ready to allow him to do so. Then he looked at the plate and saw that there were no bacteria around the mould. Fleming began to study that phenomenon. He grew more colonies. By means of numerous experiments on animals he determined that this new substance was no toxic to the tissues and stopped the growth of the most common pathogenic bacteria. He called this new substance penicillin. His epochal discovery was in 1928 and had a great triumph. He became у a father of antibiotics.

A. Fleming received the Nobel Prize for his great discovery. But he said: “Everywhere I go people thank me for saving their lives. I don’t know why they do it. I didn’t do anything. Nature makes penicillin. I only found it.”

2. Abridge the text by writing out only topical sentences .


3. Fill in the suitable words:

1. A. Fleming was interested in bacterial … and antibacterial …. ____________________________________________________

2. His epochal …in 1928, of antibacterial powers of the would from which penicillin is derived, was a great … ____________________________________________________

3. A. Fleming is known as the “father of …”. ____________________________________________________




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