Work of a Laboratory Assistant 

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Work of a Laboratory Assistant

If a person consults a doctor, he must undergo different tests: blood analyses, urinalyses, biochemistry studies, stool ova or larvae of parasities test, bacteriological studies, histological studies, etc.

All these tests are performed by a laboratory assistant.

The laboratory assistant must remember that the bacteria with which he is working can produce a disease. So he must be very careful when he works with cultures, slides all the material that may be in contact with living microorganisms. That’s why he must remember the following rules:

1. Microscope slides and cover slips must be put into jars with disinfectant solution.

2. Don’t moisten labels with the tongue.

3. Don’t eat, drink or smoke in the laboratory.

4. Heat inoculating needles in the flame until red hot for sterilization. Do it before and after use.

5. Keep test tubes with cultures in test tube racks.

The laboratory is equipped with different apparatuses and instruments. There are microscopes, analytical balances, distillators for obtaining distilled water as the running water contains various impurities, burners to heat solutions and thermometers.

The apparatuses necessary for carrying out analyses are clamped to ring stands. When working in the laboratory, a laboratory assistant should put on a white gown and thoroughly wash his hands in running water before work and after it.

A laboratory assistant must write down all the work carried out in the laboratory into the laboratory report book. All the observations during experiments must be written down into this book in the following form:

1. Title of the experiment and the date.

2. The object of the experiment.

3. Description of the methods used.

4. The names and description of organisms.

5. The results.

6. The conclusion of the results.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the aims of the clinical laboratory?


2. What are the duties of a laboratory assistant?


3. What is the laboratory equipped with?


4. What can you say about the report book?


Exercise 3. Name the rules, which must be followed by a laboratory assistant.

Exercise 4. Choose one of the dialogs below. Act it out with your fellow student.

Exercise 5. Read and learn the following words.

test tube – пробірка

flask – колба

glass – склянка

measuring glass – мензурка

glass cap – скляна кришка

pipette – піпетка

vessel – посудина

cylinder – циліндр

centigrade scale – стоградусна шкала

record – записувати; реєструвати

findings – дані

jar – банка

heat – нагрівати

label – ярлик; етикетка

slide –

culture –

moisten –

cover slip –

inoculating needle –

rack –

ring stand –

Report book-

title –

object –

description –

conclusion balancer –

solution –


Самостійна Робота № 9 до практичного завдання 14


Get some more information.



The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location. Ukraine’s territory lies in the moderate temperate belt. In general, the country’s climate is temperately continental, being subtropical only on the southern coast of the Crimea. The reason for Ukrainian weather being different is caused by many factors: the latitude, relief, altitude and proximity to seas and oceans. A characteristic feature of the climate is an increase in its continental nature from west to east.

A feature of Ukraine’s climate is the considerable fluctuation in weather conditions from year to year. Alongside very wet years there can be droughts, whose effect increases to the south and east. There are frequent oscillations in weather in the regions of the Crimean and Carpathian Mountains. On the southern coast of the Crimea the climate is subtropical Mediterranean. These climatic features have contributed to the creation of the one of the best resort areas in Ukraine.

Winter is rather cold in Ukraine. There is much snow in the northern and western parts of the country. Average temperature of January is 7-8 degrees below zero. It often rains in the Carpathian Mountains. In the south and east the weather is dry especially in summer. The average yearly temperature in Ukraine varies between +5,5….+7 °C in the north and +11….+13 °C in the south.

In Zhytomyr region the climate is close to continental. We have hot summers and cool winters without heavy snowfalls and frosts. In spring and autumn the climate is moderate. They say the climate in Ukraine like anywhere else is getting milder with every coming year. It depends on many reasons.


2. Match the answers with the appropriate questions below.

a) Ukraine’s territory lies in the moderate temperate belt.

b) The latitude, relief, altitude and proximity to seas and oceans.

c) In the regions of the Crimean and Carpathian Mountains there are frequent oscillations in weather.

d) The Crimean Mountains obstruct the movement of cold Arctic air to the coast.

e) The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location.

f) In Zhytomyr region the climate is close to continental.

1. What are the main factors that affect the weather in Ukraine?

2. What is the climate in Zhytomyr region like?

3. By what is the climate of Ukraine determined?

4. What parts of the country are very changeable in weather?

5. In what zone does Ukraine’s territory lie?

6. Why are the Crimea resorts considered to be one of the best in Ukraine?




Самостійна робата № 10 до Практийного завтдання №15

Знати: найуживаніші вислови, необхідні для ведення бесіди з лікарями, письмово обґрунтовувати причини хвороб та пропонувати шляхи їх подолання; лексико-граматичний мінімум та найуживаніші вирази зі

спілкування пацієнта з лікарями-спеціалістами


Вміти: написання дискурсивних есе за визначеною темою; доцільно використовувати в спілкуванні найуживаніші вислови, необхідні для ведення бесіди з лікарями, письмово обґрунтовувати причини хвороб та пропонувати шляхи їх подолання


Make sure you know the meanings of the following words/word combination.

To be run down – перевтомлюватися;

to measure smb’s blood pressure вимірювати тиск;

sick list – лікарняний;

to suffer from – страждати від;

to strip to the waist – роздягатися до пояса;

filling – пломбування зуба;

keep one’s bed – постільний режим;

to feel/to have pain in – відвідувати/мати біль в;

short sight – короткозорість;

long sight – далекозорість.


Suggest Ukrainian equivalents for the following word combinations.

Consulting room________________________________________________________

to send for/to call a doctor________________________________________________

to see the patient________________________________________________________

medical aid____________________________________________________________

first aid_______________________________________________________________

first-aid station _____________________________________________________________

to give first aid___________________________________________________________

to check/to sound lungs_________________________________________________________

to listen to heart_________________________________________________________

to see one’s tongue________________________________________________________

to feel one’s pulse_________________________________________________________

to keep one’s breath________________________________________________________

to take a deep breath________________________________________________________


Match the following English words and their definitions.

1.temperature a) smth that is done to cure someone who is ill

2.nurse b) a building where sick people receive medical treatment c) a vehicle that is used to take people who are ill to hospital d) a general condition of your body and how healthy you are

5.ward e) a disease of the body or the condition of being ill

6.treatment f) used as a measure of whether you are sick or not

7.medicine g) someone whose job is to look after people who are ill

8.complication h) a medical problem that makes treatment more difficult

9.patient i) a substance used for treating illness, esp. liquid you drink

10.ambulance j) someone who is receiving a medical treatment from a doctor

11.illness k) a large room in a hospital where sick people stay

1.___ 5.___ 9.___

2.___ 6.___ 10.___

3.___ 7.___ 11.___

4.___ 8.___


Complete the table.

Verb Adjective Noun

Complete the first half of each sentence with the best second half.

1. If you have a fever a. you have some pain and redness

2. If you feel faint b. you have difficulty sleeping

3. If you have insomnia c. you feel hot

4. If you have a sore throat d. you chest may hurt

5. If you have a bad cough e. the contents of your stomach come out of your mouth

6. If you have an inflected wound f. you have difficulty talking and swallowing

7. If you vomit g. you have difficulty standing up

1.___ 4.___ 7.____

2.___ 5.___

3.___ 6.___



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