Для організації позааудиторної 

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Для організації позааудиторної

Робочий зошит

Для організації позааудиторної

самостійної роботи студентів

З предмету

“Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням” Спеціальність

5.12010105 «Лабораторна діагностика» III курс

База 9 класів

(для студентів денного відділення)

V Семестр


Студента(ки) групи ______________________________________

Відділення “Лабораторна діагностика”

Курс ___________ Група ____________________________

Викладач _______________________________________________

Міністерство охорони здоров’я України

Криворізький медичний коледж, заснований на спільній

Власності територіальних громад сіл, селищ і міст

Дніпропетровської області


Робочий зошит

Для організації позааудиторної

самостійної роботи студентів

З дисципліни

“Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням.” Спеціальність

5.12010105 «Лабораторна діагностика» III курс

База 9 класів V семестр

(для студентів денного відділення)

2013 рік


Робочий зошит для організації позааудиторної самостійної роботи студентів відділення «Лікувальна справа» з предмету “ Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням ” (для студентів денного відділення). Видання перше. – 2012 р. – с.



Рецензенти: Мікушина І.В.., викладач англійської мови, голова циклової комісії іноземних мов Криворізького медичного коледжу


Потрясова В.Б. методист Криворізького медичного коледжу



Укладач: Костиря В.М., викладач іноземних мов, Криворізького медичного коледжу



Посібник являє собою робочий зошит для організації позааудиторної самостійної роботи студентів, який складено у повній відповідності до програми з дисципліни «Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням» для вищих медичних (фармацевтичних) навчальних закладів І-ІІІ рівнів акредитації, які здійснюють підготовку молодших спеціалістів відповідно до освітньо-кваліфікаційної характеристики і освітньо-професійної програми підготовки фахівців, затвердженої Управлінням освіти і науки МОЗ України в 2011 році та навчальних планів 2011 р.

Робочий зошит студента з курсу англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням є спробою допомогти студентові у підготовці до позааудиторної самостійної роботи студентів.

За умови відсутності необхідної кількості підручників та посібників цей зошит надасть змогу студентам використати поданий їм теоретичний матеріал з найбільшою долею ефективності, доцільно опрацювати його, набути знань, умінь та навичок у виконанні завдань, ситуацій, задач. Окрім цього, у зошиті подані завдання, які можуть бути виконані студентами в ході самого заняття, обговорені ними спільно.


Пояснювальна записка


Знання необхідні кожній людині. Знаючи, вона прагнутиме до удосконалення власних можливостей. Успіх у професійній діяльності будь-якого спеціаліста значною мірою залежить від наявності у нього системи знань і уміння їх, повсякденно застосовувати у своїй життєдіяльності.

Самостійна робота студентів є основним засобом засвоєння студентами навчального матеріалу в час вільний від обов’язкових навчальних занять. Надзвичайно важливим завданням є самостійна робота, яка полегшує розуміння і закріплення матеріалу в пам'яті, дає можливість засвоїти великий обсяг теоретичних знань, допомагає встановити і зіставити зв’язки між окремими ланцюгами нової інформації.


Предмет допоможе студенту:

- використовувати можливості особистого зростання

- підвищити самооцінку

- набути навичок

- дізнатися про свої проблеми


Цей робочий зошит для самостійних робіт та студентів ІІІ курс

«Лабораторна діагностика», яку вивчають англійську мову, згідно програми «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням».

Робочий зошит складається з 4 самостійних робіт. У кожній самостійній роботі представлена мета, питання для самостійних підготовки, медичні тексти, завдання для засвоєння матеріалу, контрольні завдання для контролю знань. Завдання розроблені таким чином, щоб студенти змогли одночасно засвоїти граматичні правила і тематичну медичну лексику. У роботах приділяється увага латинським та грецьким термінам.


Розглянуто і схвалено

на засіданні ЦМК іноземних мов

протокол № ____від_____

Голова ЦМК______________

Самостійна робота


№ з/п Назва теми   Кількість годин
  Пояснювальна записка  
  Іноземна мова — мова міжнародного спілкування.+  
  Написання резюме для прийому на роботу.+  
  Українська-державна мова.  
  Культура і традиції України та Великобританії.+  
  Написання службового або особистісного листа.+  
  Психічне та фізичне здоров’я.+  
№ з/п Назва теми Кількість годин
  Влив погоди на настрій та здоров’я людей.  
  Погода в Україні.+  
  У лікаря.+  
  Моя майбутня професія  
  Я — студент-медик.+  
  Загальний аналіз крові.+  
  Історія розвитку медицини в Україні.+  
  Видатні вчені-медики.+  
  Медична освіта в Україні  


Самостійна робота №1 до практичного завдання № 1


Тема: Іноземна мова — мова міжнародного спілкування.

Знати: Лексику з теми, про важливість вивчення іноземних мов для студентів-медиків.

Вміти: самостійно працювати над завданням, правильно використовувати словник та граматичний посібник під час самостійної роботи; складати резюме про важливість знання англійської мови для майбутнього фахівця.

Кількість годин: 3 год.

Exercise 1. Read the text «English as Means of International Communication» and do the tasks to it.

II. Read and translate the following text.

We study a foreign language

The students of our college study two of four foreign languages. They studied English or German at school so our students continue to study these foreign languages at the medical college.

The total number of languages in the world is about 5000. The most widespread languages are Chinese, English, Spanish, Russian and others. These languages are alive, i.e. they are in use. In addition to these, there are ”dead” languages which are no more means of communication. There are old Greek, Latin, Old Slavonic. There is also a number of artificial or universal or world languages. The world-known artificial language is Esperanto. There are also programming languages that are used in computers. These are specialized languages.

English is one of the richest languages and spoken practically all over the world. But the language itself has a long history of development.

The ancient inhabitants of Great Britain were the Celts. The language then was not like the English of today. Only a few their words remained in the language now, spoken by the English people. Then G.B. was occupied by the Romans. The Roman period of British history lasted 465 years. The Romans brought a few Roman words into the English: Street, Lincoln, Doncaster and some other names. Then the Saxons came and settled down in the land they conquered. These Germans were the founders of the English nation. By and by came other Germanic tribes who settled on different parts of the coast. Among these tribes were people called the Angles. When the Angles and Saxons grew into one, they were called Anglo-Saxons or Angles (English). The general name they gave to the country in which they had settled was England. The Saxons as well as the Angles called their speech English.

The Normanns came then. Though the Normanns became the masters of England and the Saxon became their servants, the Saxons didn’t want to speak their language and the Normanns had to learn English to make the English people understand their orders. In this way Anglo-Saxons’ changed a little by the Normanns became real English language of the future, and that’s why the pronunciation of English words differs so much from their spelling.

Now English is the mother tongue throughout the continent of North America (the USA and Canada) in the British Isles, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

For a long time English was the most important of the languages of the colonial countries in Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania. English was imposed of the enslaved nations as the only means of communication. With the growth of national liberation movement most of the former British colonies have gained their independence. With the end of the British Empire, English, however, has not lost it’s dominant position in the former colonies.

English is also the international language of commerce. It is one of five languages used in the United Nations Organisation. English is studied as a foreign language in our secondary and higher schools. I am a first year student of State TAX Service Academy. I study English. It is one of my favourite subjects.

At our English lessons we learn to speak English. We study pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.

I can understand spoken English all right, but I find it difficult to speak. My great desire is to have a good knowledge of English & to speak English fluently: I’d like to visit G.B. too.

Comments (Active vocabulary).

1.The total number – загальна кількість

2. the most widespread languages – найпоширеніші мови

3. alive – живий

4. in addition – на додаток

5. all over the world – в усьому світі syn. throughout the world

6. the ancient inhabitants – древні жителі

7. to occupy – займати

8. to settle down – оселитись

9. to conquer – захоплювати

10. that’s why – ось чому

11. to differ from – відрізнятись

12. spelling – правопис

13. to impose – нав’язувати

14. as the only means of communication – як єдиний засіб спілкування

15. liberation movement – визвольний рух

16. to gain one’s independence – здобути свободу

17. to speak fluently – розмовляти вільно

How to write a resume

No matter what method of job hunting you use, inevitably somebody will ask you for a resume. Most companies require a resume before seriously considering a job candidate from the outside. Resumes are sometimes also required in order to receive a job transfer within a company. The purpose of a resume is to help you obtain a job interview,not a job. Very few people are hired without a personal interview. Effective resumes are straightforward,factual presentations of a person's experience and accomplishments. They are neither overdetailed nor too sketchy. A general rule is that two or three pages in length is best. One page seems too superficial; a four-page (or longer) resume may irritate an impatient employment official. Some writers suggest that a chronological (the standard-type) resume be used; others argue for an accomplishment resume. A useful resume should include both your experiences and key accomplishments. When sent to a prospective employer,a resume should be professionally reproduced,with particular attention to misspellings,typographical errors,and careful spacing. To attract attention,some job seekers print resumes on tinted paper, in a menu-like folder, or on unusual-sized paper. If done in a way to attract positive attention to yourself, these approaches have merit.



  • inevitably [ in'evitebli] – неминуче,неодмінно
  • to require [ri'kwaie] – вимагати
  • to hire ['haie] – наймати,брати на роботу
  • accomplishment [e'kvmpliment] – виконання,досягнення
  • superficial [sju:pe(e)l] – поверховий
  • to irritate ['iriteit] – дратувати
  • tinted [' tintid] paper – тоновий кольоровий папір
  • merit [ ' merit] -гідність



  1. What is the purpose of a resume?


  1. What are effective resumes?


  1. What is the length of effective resumes?


  1. What should a useful resume include?


  1. How should a resume be reproduced?


The Ukrainian Language

The Ukrainian language is the second most widely spoken language of 12 surviving members of Slavic group of the large Indo-European language family. Geographically, it is classified together with Rassian and Belarusion as on East Slavic language group.

Ukrainian is basically represented by a set of dialects, some of which differ significantly from the others. Generally, however, dialectical divisions in Ukrainian are not as they are, for example, in British English or German. Traditionally, scholars divide Ukrainian dialects into three main groups: northern, south western and southeastern.

Standard Ukrainian is a superstructure built on this dialectal foundation. It is the only form of Ukrainian taught at school and used in literature. The standard language is based mainly on the Poltava – Kyiv dialects of the southeastern group. The status of the Ukrainian language on Ukrainian territories was defined, except during the period of independent, by foreign powers. As s rule, the role of the Ukrainian language was restricted. In the former USSR, for example, there was no special language legislation; Russian was the only official language. Ukrainian Constitution of 1937 guaranteed the use of z in schools. In fact, Russian continued to be the only language of instruction for the Ukrainian population.

On 28 October 1989, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR passed the law «On Languages in the Ukrainian SSR» which made the Ukrainian language official and providet its use in legislation, ministries, civil organization and enterprises, the court system, international treaties and agreements, the school system from kindergarten to higher educational institutions, scientific publications and the mass media.


Answer the questions.


1. What family of language does Ukrainian belong tо?


2. What dialects is Ukrainian divided into?


3. What dialects is standard Ukrainian based to?


4. When was the Law on language passed in Ukraine?


5. What status does it give to the Ukrainian language?


6. Was the role of Ukrainian restricted? In what way?


II. Answer the questions.

1. Why do people travel?


2. What are the ways of travelling?


3. Which is the fastest?


4. What disadvantages does it have?


5. Can you name advantages of travelling by train?


6. What ways of travelling are for pleasure?


7. What way of travelling helps us to keep in good form?


8. What is your favourite way of travelling?


9. What can you tell us about your last remarkable journey?


Curriculum vitae


Surname Arkusha
First name Yury
Date of birth 9th January, 1969
Place of birth Markovka, Lugansk Reg.
Nationality Ukrainian
Religion Orthodox
Personal status Married
Children Daugther Olga, 1993
Profession Pharmaceutist
Present occupation Head and pharmaceutical chemist of pharmacy No 2 of “FORMA LTD” Research and Production Medical and Stomatological Company of Lugansk
Language proficiency Ukrainian: mother tongue Russian: reading,writing,speaking-well English: reading,writing-with the help of dictionaries
Education ● Ukrainian Pharmaceutical academy (Kharkiv), from 1987 to 1993, majors: nine subjects in chemistry,pharmacology,pharmacognosy,pharmaceutical and factory technology of medicine production,organization and economics of pharmacy,marketing and management ● Secondary School No 9 (Belovodsk,Lugansk Reg.), from 1976 to 1986
Working experience ● Head and pharmaceutical chemist, Pharmacy No 2 of “Forma Ltd” Research and Production Medical and Stomatological Company of Lugansk,from 1997 ● Head and pharmaceutical chemist,Pharmacy No 2 of “Doctor Watson” Pharmaceutical Centre,from 1996 to 1997 ● Pharmaceutical chemist,Pharmacy No 2 of “Doctor Watson” Pharmaceutical Centre,1996 ● Commercial Director and Pharmaceutical Chemist,Lugansk branch office of “Askol'd” Private Business, Wholesale and Retail Sale in Medicines,from 1995 to 1996 ● Deputy Head,Reception Department of Lugansk Regional Pharmaceutical Warehouse,from 1993 to 1995 ● Military Service,as a part of Academic Studies,from 1998 to 1989 ● Turner of II Grade in Metal, Specialized Mobile Column No 48 (Belovodsk,Lugansk Reg.),from 1986 to 1987
Personal features Easy to contact and communicate,active,sociable,enterprising
Driving license and experience ABK No. 483953 of 1988,ABC categories,experience of car and truck driving
Contact address Ap.35,9 Dzerzhyns'kyi kvartal,Lugansk 349040
Contact telephone (0642)22 33 99(Home)
Remarks All the members of my family deal with medicine. My wife has got higher pharmaceutical education and works as a pharmaceutical chemist in a commercial pharmacy. My mother, father and elder brother have got higher medical education and all work as doctors in hospital and out- patient clinics




Rig Medical College

Rig Medical College - a modern educational institution which prepares nurses as specialists and bachelors in two specialties
Study in Rig Medical College has always been prestigious, because nurses - is the principal assistant and doctor and patient


Speciality Therapeutic case


Learning: full
Apprenticeship: from basic general education (9 years) - 3 years, 6 months, on the basis of secondary education (11 classes) - 2 years 6 months.
Graduates receive a qualification of junior specialist "medical assistant" and is entitled to occupy primary positions:
• paramedic on sea and river vessels
• paramedic stations (departments) and Emergency Medical care
• Paramedic FAP,
• paramedic health units of industrial enterprises

Specialty Nursing case

Learning: full
Apprenticeship: from basic general education (9 years) - 3 years and 10 months, based on full secondary education (11 classes) - 2 years and 10 months
Graduates receive a qualification of junior specialist "nurse" and can hold primary positions:
• Nurse medical schools, childcare and school facilities, spa facilities.

Specialty Pharmacy

Learning: full
Duration of training: on the basis of secondary education (11 classes) - 1 year 10 months.
Learning: Correspondence
Duration of training: on the basis of secondary education (11 classes) - 2 years 6 months.
Graduates receive a qualification of junior specialist "pharmacist" and is entitled to occupy primary positions:
• Head of Department of Pharmacy,
• Head pharmaceutical item
• laboratory chemical analysis
• pharmacist pharmacy.

Specialty Obstetric case

Learning: full
Duration of training: on the basis of secondary education (11 classes) - 2 years 6 months.
Graduates receive a qualification of junior specialist "midwife" and is entitled to occupy primary positions:
• nurse,
• paramedic
• midwife.


Report book-

title –

object –

description –

conclusion balancer –

solution –



Get some more information.



Complete the table.

Verb Adjective Noun


Fluid –рідіна

Hemoglobin –гемоглобін

Granulosyte- гранулоцит

Eosinophile –еозинофіл

Basophile - базофіл

Neutrophile –нейтрофіл

Erythrocyte –еритроцит

Leukocyte –лейкоцит

Lymphocyte –лімфоцит

Monocyte - моноцит

Haisyn Medical College.

Soon our Medical College will celebrate its 80th anniversary.

Our College was a medical school for Jews.

The students paid money for their studying during the fist year. The first director of the school was N.A. Polyakman. He made a great contribution to the development of the medical school. The first students graduated in 1931. Before the Great Patriotic War the College trained about one thousand specialists who took an active part in that War.

After the our school began to train nurses, medical assistants and obstetricians.

Today more than 600 students study at the nursing, obstetric and medical assistant departmens. They listen to lectures and attend practical classes. We have well-equipped classes for studying general and specialized medical subjects.

Well-trained teachers and doctors teach students to be good specialists in their future profession.


To attend lectures -відвідувати заняття

Practical classes -практичні заняття

To be proud of smth - гордитися чимось

To make good progress in smth -робити успіхи в чомусь

Specialized rooms- спеціалізовані кабінети

To be equipped with smth - бути обладнаним чимось


ІІ. Write how has your life changed after you became a student. Write a composition on the theme “I am a student now” about your studing at the college. Give the following information about: the history of your educational establishment, the departments,the department you are study at, the numbers of students in your college, some information about your group,main subjects.



Тема:Загальний анліз крові

Знати: лінгвістичні особливості перекладу іншомовних джерел; дослідження різних типів; структури проведення різних досліджень; переклад абревіатур тестів

Вміти: засвоїти класифікацію досліджень, що проводяться у лабораторіях різного профілю; оволодіти правилами досліджень іноземною мовою


There’s more to the make-up of your blood than the obvious red blood cells. A large percentage of your blood is actually made up of plasma, which is, in turn, largely composed of water. The red and the white cells plus platelets make up the rest of your ever-flowing life force. Here’s a bit more about what makes up your blood:

Plasma: Mostly water, a small percentage of plasma is composed of proteins, nutrients, waste and gas. Albumin, fibrinogen and immunoglobin are all proteins found in plasma.

Platelets: The body’s little firemen. Platelets are always putting out “ fibers” in the body by beginning the clotting process and putting a stop to any blood escaping from a compromised vessel.

Red blood cells: Also known as erythrocytes, these cells contain hemoglobin, a protein composed of molecules containing globin and iron. Red blood cells carry oxygenated blood throughout the body.

White blood cells: Called leukocytes. These are the double agents of the cardiovascular system. They work as the body’s homemade antibiotics, fighting germs in both the bloodstream and in tissue fluid and lymph fluid.

Path of the blood. Veins carry blood back to the heart via the superior and inferior venae cavae. The superior (meaning “near the top”) vena cava takes blood from the upper body to the right atrium; the inferior (meaning situated below) vena cava carries blood from the lower body to the right atrium, which then empties the blood into the right ventricle. The ventricle con tracts, expelling the blood into the pulmonary artery. Pulmon is the Latin word for “lung”. The pulmonary arteries carry blood through the lungs where it is oxygenated. From there the pulmonary veins carry the oxygenated blood back to the left atrium, which then moves the blood into the left ventricle, which pumps the blood into the aorta.Thank good old Aristotle for the word aorta, meaning “that which is hung”. The philosopher named it so because of the upside-down, hanging curve of the artery.


Task II

Answer the questions:

1. What kind of tissue is the blood?


2. What colour can the blood have?


3. What are the functions of the blood?


4. How much blood has the human body?


5. Can you name all constituents of the blood?


6. What is plasma’s function?


7. What is the main function of red blood cells?


8. What is the main function of white blood cells?




Task III

Task IV

Complete the table

English Latin/Greek Ukrainian
plasma   плазма
  leukocytus лейкоцит
thrombocyte platelet   тромбоцит
  haemolysis гемоліз
hemoglobin   гемоглобін
leukemia leukaemia  
thrombocytopenia   тромбоцитопія


Тема:Видатні вчені медики

Знати: інформацію про етапи розвитку медицини і усвідомлення внеску видатних вчених-медиків у розвиток науки

Вміти: оволодіти основними правилами перекладу професійно-орієнтованих іншомовних джерел

Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) came from a Scottish family of farmers. He was born in August 1881, at Lochfield Farm, the youngest of eight children. He did research work at St. Mary’s Hospital under Almroth Wright, pioneer of vaccine therapy and became interested in bacterial action and antibacterial drugs. After military service during which he was able to make further studies of the problems of infections and use of antiseptics, Fleming returned to laboratory work. He was interested in antibacterial tissues.

The first fruit of his search was discovery of the lusoryme. One day Fleming’s assistant brought him a plate on which was a colony of dangerous bacteria.”This plate cannot be used for the experiment, - said the assistant. – There some mould has founded on it. I shall take another plate.“ Fleming was ready to allow him to do so. Then he looked at the plate and saw that there were no bacteria around the mould. Fleming began to study that phenomenon. He grew more colonies. By means of numerous experiments on animals he determined that this new substance was no toxic to the tissues and stopped the growth of the most common pathogenic bacteria. He called this new substance penicillin. His epochal discovery was in 1928 and had a great triumph. He became у a father of antibiotics.

A. Fleming received the Nobel Prize for his great discovery. But he said: “Everywhere I go people thank me for saving their lives. I don’t know why they do it. I didn’t do anything. Nature makes penicillin. I only found it.”

2. Abridge the text by writing out only topical sentences .


3. Fill in the suitable words:

1. A. Fleming was interested in bacterial … and antibacterial …. ____________________________________________________

2. His epochal …in 1928, of antibacterial powers of the would from which penicillin is derived, was a great … ____________________________________________________

3. A. Fleming is known as the “father of …”. ____________________________________________________



Exercise 5.



1.Translate and learn the following words.Use the dictionary.

-to assert - _____________________________ -to facilitate - _____________________________

-tremendous - ___________________________ -network - _____________________________

-impact - ______________________________ -therapeutist - ____________________________

-sustainable- _____________________________ -appointed - _____________________________

-medical care - ___________________________ -to assign - ______________________________

-longevity- ______________________________ -ambulance -____________________________

-available - ______________________________


2.Find substitutes for the following word combinations:


1. The condition of body,especially whether or not you are ill a)therapeutic

2. A system provided by a government or official organization b)care

3. for the needs of the public c)health

4. Helping to treat or cure illness d)treatment

5. Effort and attention e)service

6. The process of providing medical care

3.Translate the following word combinations into English:


Відстоювати свої права-________________________________________________________

служіння громадським інтересам - _______________________________________________

обман зору-___________________________________________________________________

медичний сервіс- ______________________________________________________________

запалення легень-______________________________________________________________

суспільна увага- _______________________________________________________________



перша допомога-_______________________________________________________________

вирішити проблему-____________________________________________________________


Medical services,free of charge,assert one’s rights,first aid,public eye,optician centers,public spirit,optical illusion,pneumonia,solve a problem,bronchitis.



Робочий зошит

для організації позааудиторної

самостійної роботи студентів

З предмету

“Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням” Спеціальність

5.12010105 «Лабораторна діагностика» III курс

База 9 класів

(для студентів денного відділення)

V Семестр


Студента(ки) групи ______________________________________

Відділення “Лабораторна діагностика”

Курс ___________ Група ____________________________

Викладач _______________________________________________


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