Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions where necessary. The table from Ex.1 may be helpful for you. 

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Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions where necessary. The table from Ex.1 may be helpful for you.

1) For my cousin getting …………… university isn’t as easy as his academic performance …… school was never good.

2) To enter …… Oxford or Cambridge universities you must satisfy the university entrance requirements.

3) ……. most Ukrainian universities students sit ……… their finals in June.

4) Catherine took a three-year course ……… Business Administration …… Ealing College of Higher Education.

5) Most university courses lead …….. either bachelor’s or master’s degree.

6) Studies ……. new British and American universities are not based …… faculties or departments but ……. schools, which combine a broad range …… relatedsubjects.

7) There are two types …. courses. The first type deals ……. one main subject and its additional subjects …….. related fields.

8) The combined or double honours course covers.….. two main subjects ….. related fields.

9) If you skip classes and don’t revise properly ……your exam, you’ll do badly ……… it.

10) Some teachers give their students tests every week to see if they are making progress …….. the subject. They also use continuous assessment with marks …… essays and projects during the term instead of final exams.

11) Susie was expelled …….. her third year ……… her bad academic performance.

12) My granny taught me never to put …… my project work even if it was due to be handed …… a month later.

13) Try never to be late ………. classes as your late arrival disturbs the lesson.

14) When I went to school I was always good ……. languages but didn’t do well ……. sciences.




1. Answer the questions about your entering the PoltNTU and your student life. Comment on your expectations from studying at Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University using the expressions from the Useful Language Box .


1) Why did you decide to go on for higher education?

2) What or who helped you to make a decision to apply to this university?

3) What papers did you have to submit to the admissions office?

4) In what subjects did you have to sit university entrance examinations?

5) Is your education free or do you have to pay for it?

6) What subjects do you major in?

7) How many lectures and seminars do you have a day?

8) What subjects do you study in your first year? Which one do you like most?

9) How many years do you have to study to receive your bachelor’s degree?

10) What qualifications will you get when you graduate from the PNTU?

11) What in your opinion is it like to be a student?

12) Which do you like better: your school life or your student’s life?

13) How did your life change after you entered the PNTU?

14) Do you manage to do well and to have some fun with your friends?

15) Did you expect your student’s life to be easier or more difficult? Why?


The Useful Language Box
2 I expected to … 2 Я очікував(ла)…
2 My parents/teachers wanted me to … 2 Мої батьки/вчителі хотіли, щоб я …
2 But I changed my mind and decided to… 2 Та я передумав(ла) і вирішив(ла)...
2 I think I have a good chance of doing (smth) 2 Я вважаю, що маю хороші шанси…
2 When I graduate from PNTU I’m going to… 2 По закінченню ПНТУ я збираюся…
2 I hope I’ll be able to… 2 Сподіваюсь, що зможу…
2 I want(ed) to be… 2 Я хотів(ла) стати...
2 I would like to… 2 Я б хотів(ла)…


Match the words with their definitions.


a dean a.A person, who teaches students at colleges, institutes, universities and conducts lectures, seminars and controls experiments and tests in university’s laboratories
a deputy dean(замісник декана) b.The head of the university, usually a professor, who controls educational process at the university, cultural life, work of faculties, finance and business relations with other educational establishments
a vice-rector (замісник ректора / проректор) c.A teacher in a British University or college who gives private instructions to one student or a small group of students
an instructor=a university teacher d.A person next in rank below the rector in authority, who can represent him/her or is responsible for a certain area of work in a university or college
a lecturer e.A person, usually a Candidate or a Doctor of Science, who is at the head of a chair
a professor f.All the teachers in a department or university
teaching stuff=faculty (AE) (педагогічний колектив, викладацький склад) g.A person, who is the head of a faculty and is wholly responsible for educational, cultural process at his/her faculty and its chairs
head of a chair(завідуючий кафедрою) h.A university teacher of the highest rank
a tutor(репетитор, куратор) i.A university teacher, who conducts lectures for a great number of students, usually an associate professor or professor
a rector j.A person who is directly below the dean in rank, and who is officially in charge when the dean is away; a person responsible for a certain area at a department or faculty



5. Complete the sentences, using the following words: a rector, a dean, a tutor, deputy deans, a vice-rector, instructors, professors, lecturers, teaching stuff, university teachers, faculty. The first one was done for you.

1) So many subjects at the university, so many … instructors..., who are all clever, experienced and respectful people.

2) University’s ……………… consists of approximately 800 ………………………, among them assistant lecturers, instructors, substitute teachers, part-time teachers, senior teachers, associate professors, professors, academicians.

3) Lectures on specialized technical sciences are usually delivered by ……………., mostly associate professors or professors with broad experience.

4) A person for the …………..’s post is chosen between two deputy deans, if they both have academic degree.

5) In Ukraine ……………… is in charge of a group of freshmen, he/she supervises students’ marks, takes them to exhibitions, museums, theatrical performances, and helps them see eye to eye with other instructors.

6) There are very few ………………….. at Poltava universities, as it is the highest rank of a university teacher, and it is very difficult to achieve it, having written one more, larger and more innovative thesis.

7) ………….. usually accounts for almost everything at the university, but, as it’s the second person after rector, he/she isn’t usually as famous and popular with students, as the rector himself.

8) When a dean is away, he is, on a temporary basis, substituted by one of ……………………...

9) …………………… represents the university. He speaks to press and deals with other educational establishments.

10) ……………. are the most important people at the university, as they provide educational process.




6. Say who:

1) is the second most important person in a faculty after a dean;

2) is above heads of chairs, but beyond the rector and vice-rectors;

3) watches closely the academic performance (академічна успішність) of a group he/she is in charge of and may advise students how to deal successfully with any problems;

4) runs the chair and arranges the executive schedule of his/her subordinates;

5) shares his/her knowledge of a discipline with students;

6) has already defended his/her doctoral thesis and is highly experienced;

7) is in charge with public relations, administers the university, including the teaching stuff, students, technical services, accounting department;

8) lectures dedicated disciplines in front of the audience;


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