Next to each letter write a word, a phrase or a sentence characterizing a student. Follow the example. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Next to each letter write a word, a phrase or a sentence characterizing a student. Follow the example.

Методичні вказівки

до практичних занять

із дисципліни «англійська мова»

для студентів 1-го курсу всіх спеціальностей

денної форми навчання

Student life.

Higher education and ways to science.



Частина 1.


Полтава 2012

Методичні вказівки до практичних занять з дисципліни «Англійська мова» для студентів 1-го курсу усіх спеціальностей денної форми навчання. Частина 1. Student life. Higher education and ways to science. – Полтава: ПолтНТУ, 2012. – 39 с.


А. К. Павельєва, викладач

С. І. Мангура, викладач

Відповідальний за випуск: завідувач кафедри іноземних мов В. В. Стрілець, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент.


Рецензент: Ю.І. Кузнєцова, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов.


Затверджено науково-методичною радою університету

від «__» ________ 20__ р., протокол №___




Верстка А.К. Павельєва

С.І. Мангура


Шифр: наприклад, код (39 – номер кафедри (додаток Е); 12 – номер дисципліни “Кондиціонування повітря”; 05 – номер різновидів видань (додаток Ж), у даному випадку методичні вказівки до лабораторних робіт; 01 – порядковий номер цього виду видань із даної дисципліни).


Методичні вказівки призначені для студентів першого курсу всіх факультетів та спеціальностей денної форми навчання та для студентів груп з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови. Вони можуть бути використані як під час самостійної роботи, так і в аудиторії під керівництвом викладача. Дані методичні вказівки складаються із двох частин: «Student life», і «Higher Education and Ways to Science». Тематичний матеріал кожної частини закріплюється системою завдань, які поділяються на вправи для роботи з лексичними одиницями, словосполученнями, реченнями та текстом. Подано теоретичні матеріали, довідкову інформацію, навчальні тексти і вправи.

Основним завданням є засвоєння відповідної лексики та навчання іншомовного спілкування з теми «University: student life». Методичні вказівки забезпечені англо-українським словником до кожного підрозділу, що робить їх зручними у користуванні. За структурою методичні вказівки являють собою завдання для студентів та рекомендації щодо їх виконання для викладачів. У методичні вказівки уходять: текст для читання; предтекстові і післятекстові вправи навчального характеру, які мають забезпечити практичне засвоєння матеріалу.

Методичні вказівки були апробовані у кількох групах першого курсу Полтавського національного технічного університету імені Юрія Кондратюка. Орієнтовні норми часу: 5–6 аудиторних годин на кожний розділ, залежно від рівня підготовки студентів.

Матеріали, що використані у методичних вказівках, мають сприяти розвитку умінь та набутих навичок читання, аудіювання, письма, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.




University Life...................................................................................................... 5

Ways of Studying............................................................................................... 15

English Universities............................................................................................ 23

The Academy...................................................................................................... 25

Oxford University............................................................................................... 29

Vocabulary......................................................................................................... 34

Supplementary Exercises.................................................................................... 37

References........................................................................................................... 39


Topic: University Life

What we learn with pleasure we never forget.
Alfred Mercier



Next to each letter write a word, a phrase or a sentence characterizing a student. Follow the example.

S – serious when dealing with serious matters

T –

U -

D -

E -

N -

T’ -

S -

L -

I -

F -

E –

Students’ Vocabulary

Unjumble some words from Students’ Vocabulary.

E.g.: iansodisms ficofe ® admissions office

Ueadatrg   Geisrert  
Rujion   rpogu oiortmn  
Mrpoohoes   Emfansrh  
Srnieo   dugaeruatednr  
Nalaicptp   stop regadtau  


Complete Martin’s story about his brother, Luc, and his student life. Use Students’ Vocabulary and fill in the blanks. Use an article if necessary. One word is repeated twice, but not all of them are used in this text. The first one was done for you.

My brother’s main ambition in life was to go to university. He was very hard-working and did well at school. The subjects he was especially good at were Mathematics and Physics. He applied to 1 Harvard University and became one of the successful …. applicants (1), who scored 2 high and managed 3 to take a place in this university and become ……………… (2). Besides, he was appointed 4…………………… (3) and his duty was to keep the group’s ……………… (4). A year later when he was ………………………. (5), he started to major in5 Civil Engineering and made good progress in his studies. He did serious research work though he was only ………………… (6) student. All the professors noted his abilities 6 and considered 7 him a promising researcher 8 in future. When he became ……………………….. (7) student, he began working for his first degree 9. After he completed his university degree successfully, he had every chance to go on to ……………………………. (8) studies for his master’s degree. He is now……………………… (9) student and doing his research in the field of Metal and Wooden Constructions and working at his thesis. Our family is really proud of him.

Work in pairs.

Change the roles.

2) Find out: if (whether) your partner is afraid of exams.

E. g.: Are you afraid of exams? (or You are afraid of exams, aren't you?)


1. he was afraid of his (her) entrance exams; 2. the exams were difficult; 3. he passed them well; (change roles) 4. he finished school this year; 5. he took four entrance exams; 6. he has been studying English for 5 years; 7. he will graduate from the University in five or four years; (change roles) 8. he will conduct investigations; 9. he has always been working hard; 10. he will get only good marks; 11. he has written any term-papers already; (change roles) 12. he studied any optional subjects at school; 13. he is interested in mathematics; 14. he will study it in future; 15. he likes to study here.



16. Complete the story about Viktor’s student life with the following words: twice, sophomore, passed, monitor, attend, senior, applied to, scored, finals, number of, junior, managed, admissions offices, freshman, degree, applicant

I was only 16, when I finished school and became an …………….. It was very difficult for me to decide, what university to choose. At last I and my mom handed in my documents to the …………… ………. of Poltava National Technical University, Poltava National Teachers’ Training University and Poltava State Agricultural Academy. I ………… …. the most significant higher educational establishments of Poltava. Then I …………… exams in Mathematics, Physics and Ukrainian language,………….high and was accepted into PNTU and PNTTU. I chose the PNTU and became the ……………. The first course was the most difficult and intense: I had to ……….a lot of lectures on a……………….. ………. different subjects. I spent a lot of time in the reading hall and in university laboratories. Besides, I was appointed a group…………. and had to hold the register. Being a ………………. was a little bit easier, and I even …………….. to visit dancing club in October Street……….. a week. As a …………….., I underwent my summer practice at “Plasticom” Enterprise and was offered to work there part - time. So, when I was a ………….., I often played truant because of my work. Nevertheless, I did well and passed all my ………… successfully, so, in the end, I got honours …………...


17. Masha, the editor of the university newspaper “Visnyk PoltNTU”, is interviewing Viktor, PoltNTU’s graduate, about his university studying. Unfortunately, her Dictaphone got wet in the heavy rain yesterday, and part of the conversation was lost. Help Masha to complete the dialogue with the appropriate questions and answers.


Masha: Hi, Victor!..........................................................!

Viktor: I’m glad to see you too, Masha!

Masha: Is it true, that …………………………………………………………?

Viktor: Yes, it’s true. I was only 16, when I finished school and became an applicant.

Masha: How did it happen, that you were such a young school-leaver?

Viktor: You see, I was one year younger, than other school-children, when I went to school. I was only ……..years old, not 6, when I became a pupil of school No 3.

Masha: …………………………………………………………………………?

Viktor: Oh, yes, it was really difficult for me to decide, what university to choose.

Masha: As far as I know, you handed in your documents to the admissions offices of several universities at once, did not you?

Viktor: ………………………………………………………………………….

Masha: Why did you apply to Poltava National Technical University, Poltava Teachers’ Training University and Poltava State Agricultural Academy?

Viktor: I applied to …………………………………………………..of Poltava.

Masha: What subjects did you pass exams in?

Viktor: …………………………………………………………………..

Masha: What…………………………………………………………..for you?

Viktor: Hmm…let me think…. Presumably 5, the first course was the most difficult for me. I had to attend a lot of lectures on a number of different subjects. Moreover, I spent a lot of time in the reading hall.

Masha: ………………………………………when you became a sophomore?

Viktor: Yes, I had more time, and studying at the university was easier, that in the first year. I even visited dancing club in October Street and sometimes went to Konkord-cinema with my friends.

Masha: Where did you undergo your summer practice, when you were a junior?

Viktor: ………………………………………………………..

Masha: But, nevertheless, you did well and passed all your finals successfully, did not you?

Viktor: Yeah, I even got ……………………………………

Masha: Congratulations! So, Viktor, I want to wish you good luck in your future life! It was a pleasure for me to speak to you!

Viktor: Thank you! …………………………, Masha!

Masha: Bye-bye, Victor

Topic: Ways of Studying




a dean a.A person, who teaches students at colleges, institutes, universities and conducts lectures, seminars and controls experiments and tests in university’s laboratories
a deputy dean(замісник декана) b.The head of the university, usually a professor, who controls educational process at the university, cultural life, work of faculties, finance and business relations with other educational establishments
a vice-rector (замісник ректора / проректор) c.A teacher in a British University or college who gives private instructions to one student or a small group of students
an instructor=a university teacher d.A person next in rank below the rector in authority, who can represent him/her or is responsible for a certain area of work in a university or college
a lecturer e.A person, usually a Candidate or a Doctor of Science, who is at the head of a chair
a professor f.All the teachers in a department or university
teaching stuff=faculty (AE) (педагогічний колектив, викладацький склад) g.A person, who is the head of a faculty and is wholly responsible for educational, cultural process at his/her faculty and its chairs
head of a chair(завідуючий кафедрою) h.A university teacher of the highest rank
a tutor(репетитор, куратор) i.A university teacher, who conducts lectures for a great number of students, usually an associate professor or professor
a rector j.A person who is directly below the dean in rank, and who is officially in charge when the dean is away; a person responsible for a certain area at a department or faculty



5. Complete the sentences, using the following words: a rector, a dean, a tutor, deputy deans, a vice-rector, instructors, professors, lecturers, teaching stuff, university teachers, faculty. The first one was done for you.

1) So many subjects at the university, so many … instructors..., who are all clever, experienced and respectful people.

2) University’s ……………… consists of approximately 800 ………………………, among them assistant lecturers, instructors, substitute teachers, part-time teachers, senior teachers, associate professors, professors, academicians.

3) Lectures on specialized technical sciences are usually delivered by ……………., mostly associate professors or professors with broad experience.

4) A person for the …………..’s post is chosen between two deputy deans, if they both have academic degree.

5) In Ukraine ……………… is in charge of a group of freshmen, he/she supervises students’ marks, takes them to exhibitions, museums, theatrical performances, and helps them see eye to eye with other instructors.

6) There are very few ………………….. at Poltava universities, as it is the highest rank of a university teacher, and it is very difficult to achieve it, having written one more, larger and more innovative thesis.

7) ………….. usually accounts for almost everything at the university, but, as it’s the second person after rector, he/she isn’t usually as famous and popular with students, as the rector himself.

8) When a dean is away, he is, on a temporary basis, substituted by one of ……………………...

9) …………………… represents the university. He speaks to press and deals with other educational establishments.

10) ……………. are the most important people at the university, as they provide educational process.




6. Say who:

1) is the second most important person in a faculty after a dean;

2) is above heads of chairs, but beyond the rector and vice-rectors;

3) watches closely the academic performance (академічна успішність) of a group he/she is in charge of and may advise students how to deal successfully with any problems;

4) runs the chair and arranges the executive schedule of his/her subordinates;

5) shares his/her knowledge of a discipline with students;

6) has already defended his/her doctoral thesis and is highly experienced;

7) is in charge with public relations, administers the university, including the teaching stuff, students, technical services, accounting department;

8) lectures dedicated disciplines in front of the audience;


Topic: English Universities


1. Work in groups. Find out the name of the rector of your university and the chair he works at; the first and the last name of your tutor, his/her chair and the subject he/she conducts; the approximate number of associate professors and professors at your faculty; who the dean and deputy deans of your faculty are and what subjects all of them teach. Who’s your favourite instructor? What’s his/her rank? Why do you like him/her?

2. Pre-reading activity. Write a brief story, using each word: university, subjects, to give lectures, to discuss, hostels, faculty, department, a staff of teachers, students, term-paper, practical training.

3. Pre-reading activity. Answer the following questions:

1) What English universities do you know? What are they famous for?

2) Would you like to study at one of them?

3) Do you think English education is better, than Ukrainian? Why or why not?



4. Skim over 1 the text and outline a plan 2 of it. Answer the following questions:

1) Do English universities usually have faculties or departments?

2) Who helps professors (heads of faculties)?

3) What kind of knowledge do colleges provide?

4) Do English universities admit both sexes?

5) What are the faculties at English universities?

6) What are the types of colleges in England?

7) What departments of English universities can you name?

8) Who gives lectures to students?

9) Who is at the head of each faculty?

10) What do those, who want to become teachers, study and learn at colleges?

  ENGLISH UNIVERSITIES All universities usually have both faculties and departments. The faculties are arts1, law2, medicine, science and theology3. The departments include engineering, economics, commerce4, agriculture, music and technology5. At the head of each faculty there is a professor. A staff of teachers called lecturers helps him. Professors and lecturers give lectures to large numbers of students or study with small groups, and here the students have a chance to discuss. All universities admit 6 men and women, but in some universities there are colleges specially for one sex 7. Most of the universities provide 8 hostels for their students. There are many types of colleges in England. There are colleges within universities. There are teachers’ training colleges. There are also technical colleges of various types, colleges of arts and commerce. Colleges give a specialized training. Those who wish to become teachers spend three years at a teachers’ training college. They study various subjects and learn how to teach, and after that they have practical teaching at schools. 1 – [ɑːts] – образотворчий 2 – [lɔː] – юридичний 3 – [θɪ'ɒləʤɪ] – богослов'я 4 – ['kɒmɜːs] – торгівельний (подібний до укр. – фінансово-економічний) 5 – [tek'nɔləʤɪ] – технологічний, технічний 6 – [əd'mɪt] – приймати, допускати 7 – стать 8 – [prə'vaɪd] – надавати, забезпечувати
  WRITING ACTIVITY 5. Find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations    
штат викладачів (професорсько-викладацький склад)  
образотворчий коледж    
читати лекцію    
педагогічний коледж    
різноманітні предмети    
мати шанс    
провести 3 роки    
спеціалізоване навчання    
торгівельний (фінансово-економічний) коледж    


Topic: The Academy




Let me tell you about my Polytechnic1 Academy. I am really glad that I study here. It is one of the finest country’s higher educational institutions. Studying at our Academy gives a solid background 2 in all spheres of knowledge and prepares for practical work. Our academy is quite large and old. It is a large educational establishment3 where more than 5000 students are currently enrolled 4. About 3000 of them are full-time students 5, like me, and the rest are part-time students 6. There are also about 150 graduate students. They carry out independent research work and have pedagogical practice. The course of study in my academy lasts five years. The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term students pass examinations. There are many faculties in my academy. Here are some of them: The Faculty of Industrial Automation 7 and Robotics 8, the Faculty of Plastics, the Faculty of Machine Tools 9 and the Faculty of Metalworking 10. Our academy is large and we have several buildings. One of the buildings is for lecturers and seminars only. We have two laboratory buildings which are equipped with 11 up-to-date equipment and students can carry out lab works and various experiments there. Many students from my group do their own research work. There are also several dormitories 12 or hostel buildings on the campus 13 where students from other cities live.     1 - [ˌpɒlɪ'teknɪk] – політехнічний 2 - ['bækgraund] – підготовка, кваліфікація 3 - [ɪ'stæblɪʃmənt] – установа, заклад 4 - [ɪn'rəuld] – прийнятий (до інституту тощо) 5 – студенти стаціонару 6 – студенти заочного / вечірнього відділення 7 – автоматизація промислового виробництва 8 – робототехніка 9 - [mə'ʃiːnˌtuːlz] – машинне обладнання 10 – металообробка 11 – обладнані (чимось) 12 - ['dɔːmɪt(ə)rɪz] – студентські гуртожитки 13 - ['kæmpəs] – територія університету, академії

Topic: Oxford University


Pre-reading activity 1. Answer the questions:

1) What’s the name of a famous university city in your country?

2) Would you like to live in a popular university or tourist city? Why? / Why not? Think of some positive and negative points and note them down. The words below may help you.


crowded dirty polluted noisy beautiful interesting lively fashionable pleasant


3) Do you know where Oxford is?

4) Why is it famous?

5) Would you like to go there? Would you like to study there?



Oxfordis the most popular tourist attraction in Britain after London and Stratford-upon-Avon. Oxford is famous for its university, which is the oldest in Britain and the third oldest in Europe.
The university has thirty-five separate 1 colleges. For many years, only five of these colleges were for women. However, since 1979nearly all the colleges have accepted both men and women. 1 – ['sep(ə)rət] – adj. – окремий, ізольований  
Oxford is not only a university city, it is also a market town, where ordinary 2 people live and work. With over one million visitors a year, it is very difficult nowadays for the residents of Oxford to live their daily lives. Sometimes they feel that the city does not belong to them. 2 - ['ɔːd(ə)nərɪ] – adj. – пересічний, звичайний

Answer the questions.

1) What is Oxford?

2) Why is Stratford-upon-Avon more popular, than Oxford? Who is it famous for?

3) Can you guess what two European universities are older, than Oxford?

4) How many colleges does the Oxford University consist of?

5) How many visitors do come to Oxford every year?

6) Why is it difficult for the residents of Oxford to live their daily lives?



Exercises for Translation


1. A Way to Success: English for University Students. Year 1 (Student’s Book). Unit 19. Learn while you are young / Н. В. Тучина, І. В. Жарковська, Н. О. Зайцева та ін..; Худож. – оформлювач О. С. Юхтман. – Харків: Фоліо, 2004. – 336 c. – С. 317-335.

2. Abbs B., Freebairn I. Oxford (Unit 5) / B Abbs, I Freebairn. Blueprint Two. Students’ Book. – Edinburh Gate, Harlow Essex C20 2JE, England: Pearson Education Limited, 2000. – Pp. 11-12.

3. Do or make explained. English as a second language.

4. Агабекян И. П. Text 2. English Universities / И. П. Агабекян. Английский язык для ссузов: учебное пособие. – Москва: Проспект, 2011. – 288 с. – С. 132-134.

5. Агабекян И. П. Text 3. My Academy / И. П. Агабекян, П. И. Коваленко. Английский для инженеров – Изд. 8-е, стер. – Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2011. – 317 [1] c. – (Высшее образование). – С. 21-23.

6. Англо-русский словарь синонимов. Тезаурус. – М.: Иностранный язык; Издательство «Оникс», 2005. – 412 с.

7. Бекреньова І. І. Використовуємо сучасні підходи у викладанні англійської мови. – Х.: Видавнича група «Основа»: «Тріада+», 2007. – 96 с. – (Бібліотека журналу «Англійська мова та література»; Вип. 9 (57).

8. Близнюк О. І., Жилко Н. М. Англійська мова на уроці. Посібник для вчителів. – Ніжин: «Наука-сервіс», 2007. – 56 с.

9. Бородіна Г. І. та ін. Англійська мова: Підручник / Г. І. Бородіна, А. М. Спєвак, Т. Г. Богуцька; За заг. ред. Г. І. Бородіної. – К.: Вища школа, 1994. – 205 с.: іл. – англ., укр.

10. Кулиш В. Г. Способы запоминания английских слов / В. Г. Кулиш. – М.: АСТ; Донецк: Сталкер, 2005. – 302, [2] c. – (Твой английский).

11. Курашвили Е. И., Михалкова Е. С. Английский для технических вузов: Начальный курс: Учеб. – 2-еизд., перераб. – М.: Высш. шк., 1991. – 412 с.

12. Наконечна А. П. Сучасна англійська мова. – Донецьк: ТОВ ВКФ «БАО», 2007. – 224 с.

13. Трибуханчик А. М. Довідник з корекції мовленнєвих помилок: Для студентів та учнів, що вивчають англійську мову. – Ніжин. – НДПУ, 2002. – 120 с.

14. Федорова Л. М. Английский язык для специальных целей: учебник / Л. М. Федорова, С. Н. Никитаев. – М.: Издательство «Экзамен», 2007. – 319, [1] с. (Серия «Учебник для вузов»).

15. Чечель Е. Г., Андренко Е. М., Королев П. Г. Учебник английского языка для технических вузов. – Киев: Головное издательство издательского объединения «Вища школа», 1988. – 304 с.


Методичні вказівки

до практичних занять

із дисципліни «англійська мова»

для студентів 1-го курсу всіх спеціальностей

денної форми навчання

Student life.

Higher education and ways to science.



Частина 1.


Полтава 2012

Методичні вказівки до практичних занять з дисципліни «Англійська мова» для студентів 1-го курсу усіх спеціальностей денної форми навчання. Частина 1. Student life. Higher education and ways to science. – Полтава: ПолтНТУ, 2012. – 39 с.


А. К. Павельєва, викладач

С. І. Мангура, викладач

Відповідальний за випуск: завідувач кафедри іноземних мов В. В. Стрілець, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент.


Рецензент: Ю.І. Кузнєцова, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов.


Затверджено науково-методичною радою університету

від «__» ________ 20__ р., протокол №___




Верстка А.К. Павельєва

С.І. Мангура


Шифр: наприклад, код (39 – номер кафедри (додаток Е); 12 – номер дисципліни “Кондиціонування повітря”; 05 – номер різновидів видань (додаток Ж), у даному випадку методичні вказівки до лабораторних робіт; 01 – порядковий номер цього виду видань із даної дисципліни).


Методичні вказівки призначені для студентів першого курсу всіх факультетів та спеціальностей денної форми навчання та для студентів груп з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови. Вони можуть бути використані як під час самостійної роботи, так і в аудиторії під керівництвом викладача. Дані методичні вказівки складаються із двох частин: «Student life», і «Higher Education and Ways to Science». Тематичний матеріал кожної частини закріплюється системою завдань, які поділяються на вправи для роботи з лексичними одиницями, словосполученнями, реченнями та текстом. Подано теоретичні матеріали, довідкову інформацію, навчальні тексти і вправи.

Основним завданням є засвоєння відповідної лексики та навчання іншомовного спілкування з теми «University: student life». Методичні вказівки забезпечені англо-українським словником до кожного підрозділу, що робить їх зручними у користуванні. За структурою методичні вказівки являють собою завдання для студентів та рекомендації щодо їх виконання для викладачів. У методичні вказівки уходять: текст для читання; предтекстові і післятекстові вправи навчального характеру, які мають забезпечити практичне засвоєння матеріалу.

Методичні вказівки були апробовані у кількох групах першого курсу Полтавського національного технічного університету імені Юрія Кондратюка. Орієнтовні норми часу: 5–6 аудиторних годин на кожний розділ, залежно від рівня підготовки студентів.

Матеріали, що використані у методичних вказівках, мають сприяти розвитку умінь та набутих навичок читання, аудіювання, письма, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.




University Life...................................................................................................... 5

Ways of Studying............................................................................................... 15

English Universities............................................................................................ 23

The Academy...................................................................................................... 25

Oxford University............................................................................................... 29

Vocabulary......................................................................................................... 34

Supplementary Exercises.................................................................................... 37

References........................................................................................................... 39


Topic: University Life

What we learn with pleasure we never forget.
Alfred Mercier



Next to each letter write a word, a phrase or a sentence characterizing a student. Follow the example.

S – serious when dealing with serious matters

T –

U -

D -

E -

N -

T’ -

S -

L -

I -

F -

E –

Students’ Vocabulary


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