VI. What are your relatives? 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


VI. What are your relatives?

Example: My father is a doctor

father a farmer
mother a pensioner
sister a worker
brother a dancer
cousin an economist
nephew an agronomist
niece a doctor
aunt a student
uncle a pupil
grandfather a housewife
grandmother a computer operator
husband a teacher
wife a businessman

VII. You want to get a job. Fill in this form:

1. Name ___________________________________________

2. Family name _____________________________________

3. Place of birth _____________________________________

4. Country (Where do you live?) ________________________

5. City (village) _____________________________________

6. Age ____________________________________________

7. Profession (Occupation) ____________________________

8. Married or single __________________________________

9. Children _________________________________________

10. Your wife’s (husband` s) name _______________________

11. Your hobby ______________________________________

12. What kind of job would you like to have _______________

VIII. Say it in English:

3, 15, 4, 40, 50, 500, 568, 705, 1008, 4563, 6008, 75137, 426712, 2035673.


IX. Transform the following cardinal numerals into ordinal ones:

1, 11, 21, 2, 13, 56, 8, 18, 80, 300, 426, 1000, 1015, 6843.

X. Write in English:

11 січня 1957 року, 31 березня 1980 року, 22 вересня 2000 року, 24 грудня 1931 року, 25 травня 1950 року, 14 липня 2011 року, 13 лютого 2010 року, 30 січня 1986 року.

XI. Choose the correct form of the personal pronouns:

1. I often meet (they / them) at the railway station.

2. She sits near (I / me).

3. We always tell (she / her) about it.

4. The teacher helps (they / them) to solve the problem.

5. I want to talk with (he / him).

6. (She / her) works hard at her English.

7. I ask (he / him) many questions about his plans.

8. Tell (we / us) about your trip!

9. (They / them) are both French.

10. She wants to send (he / him) a letter.

11. There are 2 tickets for (we / us).

12. (We / her) were in Britain last year.

13. (She / her) is very polite.

14. I want to give (they / them) some money.

15. Mary is heavier than (I / me).

16. Is it true that (he / him) is here?


XII. Choose the correct form of the possessive pronouns:

1. We like (our / ours) job.

2. They are fond of (their / theirs) work.

3. Whose books are those? Are they (your / yours)?

4. Give them (your / yours) dictionary! They have left (their / theirs) at home.

5. I want to have (my / mine) baggage registered.

6. We are waiting for (our / ours) parents here.

7. (My / mine) daughter is a teacher at school.

8. We have got our books. Has she got (her / hers)?

9. (My / mine) picture is on the card.

10. I have no pencil. May I borrow (your / yours)?

11. Is it your coat? – Yes, it is (my / mine).

12. We have our dinner at 2 p.m. Do you have (your / yours) at 2 p.m. too?

13. I was in time for my classes but she was late for (her / hers).

XIII. Use the correct form of the verbs in Present Indefinite:

1. We (to learn) English at the university.

2. She (to play) tennis very well.

3. My friend (to work) at the office this year.

4. He usually (to walk) a lot in the evening.

5. The porter (to call) a taxi.

6. He usually (to stay) at this hotel.

7. We (to take) the exams in January.

8. Ben (to go out) to parties every week-end.

9. The manager always (to solve) all the problems.

10. They (to have) dictations at every lesson.

11. This room (to have) a bath and a shower.

12. They (to be) students of the Economic Department.

13. He (to be) a handsome man.

14. My working day usually (to last) 8 hours.

15. Jane (to be) fond of sport.

XIV. Complete the questions with “ do ” or “ does ” and answer them:

1. Where … she work?

2. How … he usually get to his work?

3. … he drive a car?

4. When … her working day begin at the University?

5. How often … Ann watch television?

6. How many languages … you speak?

7. What time … you usually get up?

8. Where … your parents live?

9. Why … you like to read foreign books?

10. How much … your coat cost?

11. What marks … you usually get at your exams?

12. … you play the piano well?

13. … he like playing football?

14. What … he always do in the morning?

15. What … they eat for breakfast?

16. How often … she take medicines?

17. Where …he go on Sundays?


XV. Make the positive sentences negative:

1. They live in a cottage.

2. He is good at his job.

3. We are students of the Biology department.

4. She often prepares meals.

5. He has a car.

6. His flat faces the street.

7. My flat is on the 10th floor.

8. They like travelling by train.

9. She works at school as a teacher.

10. He lives in the centre of Chicago.

11. Tom plays football on Saturdays.

12. She goes to her work by bus.

13. Susan is often late for her lessons.

14. Classes at the university always start at 9.

15. My brother drives a car very well.

16. She helps her mother every day.


XVI. Ask the questions to the underlined words:

1. Ann often works in a reading room. (2)

2. Tomworks for a big company. (3)

3. His car often breaks down. (2)

4. Different wheat species grow in Ukraine. (2)

5. Waterboils at 100 degrees Centigrade. (3)

6. She speaks 2 foreign languages. (2)

7. The Earth goes round the Sun. (2)

8. The river Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean. (2)

9. Hischildren study at a college. (3)

10. Ourdining-room is big and cosy. (3)

11. Sheoften writes letters to her friend. (3)

12. We usually grow various vegetables in ourgarden. (4)

XVII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb “ to be ” in Present Indefinite:

1. What... your name? — My name... Shirley Prank.

2. What... your address? — My address... 175, Grand Central Parkway.

3. What... your phone number? — My phone number... 718-1930.

4. Where... you from? — I... from New York.

5. I... a student.

6. My father... not a teacher, he... a scientist.

7.... your aunt a doctor? — Yes, she....

8.... they at home? — No, they... not at home, they... at work.

9. My brother... a worker. He... at work now.

10.... you an engineer? — Yes, I....

11.... your sister an agronomist? — No, she... not an agronomist, she... a student.

12.... your brother in the library? — Yes, he....

13.... your sister at the university? — No, she... at school.

14. My sister... at home.

15.... this your watch? — Yes, it....

16. She... an ac­tress.


XVIII. Translate into English:

1. Де навчається ваша племінниця? – Вона навчається в аграрному університеті, вона – студентка першого курсу.

2. Які овочі вирощує ваш дядько на своєму городі?

3. Ви розмовляєте вдома російською мовою? – Ні, ми розмовляємо українською.

4. Твоя сестра заміжня?

5. Де ви живете? – Ми живемо в селі і маємо великий будинок із садом.

6. Де працює твоя двоюрідна сестра? – Вона та її чоловік працюють на фермі.

7. Які книжки ви любите читати? – Я надаю перевагу історичним романам українських авторів.

8. Мій племінник – агроном, він вирощує різні ягоди у своєму саду: суниці, малину, аґрус, червону та чорну смородину.

9. Коли ви готуєте своє домашнє завдання? – Я готую його ввечері.

10. Студенти часто працюють y читальних залах університету? – Ні, не дуже часто.

11. Ми вивчаємо англійську мову в університеті. На заняттях ми читаємо і перекладаємо тексти, виконуємо вправи та розмовляємо англійською мовою.

12. Мій брат працює в лікарні. Він любить свою роботу. Його дружина – студентка. Вона навчається в економічному університеті.

13. Які овочі полюбляє твоя жінка? – Вона любить огірки, помідори і капусту.

XIX. Read and translate these dialogues and dramatize them:

1. - Is your family large?

- Not very. We are four: my wife, my two children and I.

- How old are your children?

- My son is 14 and my daughter is 19.

- What are they?

- My son is a schoolboy and my daughter is a student.

- I see.

2. - Are you married?

- Yes, I am.

- What is your husband`s name?

- Roman.

- What is he?

- He is a farmer. He works on a big vegetable growing farm.

- Do you work on the same farm?

- Yes, I do. I work there as an economist. It is a very difficult work but I enjoy it.

- That`s fine to work on the same farm together!


XX. Answer the questions:

1. What is your name?

2. What are you?

3. Have you got a large family?

4. Have you got a sister or a brother?

5. Are you married or single?

6. How old is your son (daughter)?

7. What is your husband`s (wife`s) name?

8. What is your hobby?

9. Have you got any friends? What are their names?

Lesson 2

Text: On the Farm.

Grammar: Past IndefiniteTense.




last (adj) останній
visit (v) відвідувати
mountain (n) гора
sunbathe (v) засмагати
swim (v) плавати
horse (n) кінь
sheep (n) вівця
pig (n) свиня
meadow (n) лука
cow (n) корова
corn (n) зерно, кукурудза
carrot (n) морква
beans (n) квасоля, боби
beet (n) буряк
keep (v) тримати, розводити
hen (n) курка
chicken (n) курча
cock (n) півень
duck (n) качка
feed (v) годувати
field (n) поле
vegetable (n) овоч
wheat (n) пшениця
barley (n) ячмінь
weed (v) полоти
on the farm на фермі
on the right справа
sweet cherry черешня
in the country в селі
not far from недалеко від
round the house навколо будинку
behind the house за будинком
near the river біля річки

Read and translate the text.

On the Farm

Last summer Peter Brown visited his friend David who lived in the country on the farm. It was not far from the town. There were some mountains on the right of the farm and near the mountains there was a river. Peter and his friends sunbathed and swam in the river. There was an orchard round the farmhouse. Apple, cherry, sweet cherry, plum and pear trees grew there.

There were a lot of farm animals on that farm. Peter saw many horses in the field near the river and some sheep and cows on the meadow behind the house. Some of the cows were brown others were black and white. There were fields of corn, wheat and barley not far from the farmhouse.

The farmer grew potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beet, beans and other vegetables in his vegetable garden. The farmer's wife kept hens, cocks, chickens, ducks and pigs. They also had a dog and two cats.

Peter helped to work in the field and in the garden, weeded vegetables and fed farm animals. He liked that work and learned a lot about farm life.


I. Give English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

гора, засмагати, вівця, недалеко, справа, капуста, буряк, годувати качок, за будинком, півень, ячмінь, допомагати, біля річки, в селі, в полі, картопля, вирощувати, кінь, тварина, різні овочі та фрукти,тримати тварин, працювати на городі, полоти овочі.


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