Agree or disagree using the clichеs. 

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Agree or disagree using the clichеs.

I think you are right. I think you are wrong.

I agree with you. I don't agree with you.

That's right. That's not quite right.


1) Transportation is an important aspect in the total tourist in­dustry.

2) During the 18th century railroads that spread across Europe, North America and many other parts of the world formed the first successful system of mass transportation.

3) In the second half of the 20th century the automobile has re­placed the railroad for most local travel.

4) By 1900 steamships were used for carrying passengers.

5) For long-distance travel, the airplane has replaced the rail­road and the ship as the principal carrier.

6) The railroads have lost much of their business on short-dis­tance routes.

7) Motor buses have replaced railroad passenger service on many local routes.

8) The tourists can take advantage of car ferries across the Eng­lish Channel or the Strait of Gibraltar.

9) There are three kinds of airline operations.

10) A nonscheduled airline operates according to the timetable.

11) A scheduled airline is, in other words, a charter operation that rents its aircraft to fly when and where the service is de­sired.

12) IT means inclusive tour, a tour package that offers transpor­tation, accommodations, and often other conveniences.

13) Charter inclusive tours are sold at higher fares than the inclu­sive tours on the scheduled airlines.


Answer the questions.

1) What part does transportation play in the tourism industry?

2) When did railroads spread?

3) When were steamships developed?

4) Why have railroads and ships lost much of their business?

5) What means of transportation has become the principal car­rier for long distance travel?

6) Why are cars the most popular means of transportation?

7) Why do ships play an important part in tourism?

8) What is a cruise?

9) What is a car ferry?

10) What are the two kinds of airline operations?

11) What is the difference between scheduled and nonscheduled airlines?

12) What does IT stand for?

13) What does CIT mean?


Speak on the problems.

a. The history of transportation development.

b. The most important means of transportation today.

c. Different kinds of airline operations and special air fares.

d. Sea transportation.


Read and translate text 1.

Text 1


Food services are a feature of hotels. The typical modern "package I hotel" includes a restaurant, a cafe shop for quicker and less expensive meals, and a bar or cocktail lounge. Many larger hotels have several restaurants, often featuring different kinds of foods, as well as different j prices. Hotels provide room service — food and drink that are brought I to the guest's room In addition, catering service is usually provided in j the hotel's recreational areas. The poolside bar and snack bar for quick food are normal part of the service at a resort hotel.

Food, in fact, may be one of the reasons why people travel Many people go out of their way to visit France; for example, be­cause of the gourmet meals those are served there. Similarly, the ex­cellent restaurants of Hong Kong constitute one of its principal tourist attractions.

The range of food service in hotels and restaurants today is ex­tensive. In the first category, there are restaurants offering the high­est grade of service with a full a la carte menu. These include dishes served by the waiter from a trolley in the dinning-room and are known as gueridon service. The gueridon waiter has to cook special­ity dishes at the table.

A second type of service is silver w here the menu can be either a la carte or table d'hote. In this system, the food is prepared in the kitchen and then put on to silver plates and presented to the guests in the dinning-room.

A third form of table service is plate service. The waiter receives the meal already plated from the service hotplate and only has to plate it in front of the guest. Plate service is offered where speedy service is necessary.

In a fourth type of service, called self-service, a customer collects a tray from the service counter, chooses his dishes and selеcts the appropriate cutlery for the meal.

Today, with increasing needs for economy, many establishments usually prefer a variety of types of service. Tourist hotels, for example, frequently offer a combination of self-service and plate service for breakfast and another combination of self-service and silver service for luncheon.


2.Explain the meanings of the following expressions taken from the text.

1) extensive range of food service

2) dishes served from a trolley

3) the meal plated from the service hotplate

4) to select the appropriate cutlery


Find the right definitions for the following words.

1) gourmet a) a catering service in which food and rink are brought to a guest's room in a hotel
2) room service b) a service including dishes served by a waiter from a trolley
3) gueridon service c) a service where the meal already plated from the service hotplate is placed by the waiter in front of the guest
4) silver service d) a lover of good food
5) plate service e) a service where a customer collects a tray from the service counter, chooses his dishes and selects the appropriate cutlery
6) self-service f) a service where the food prepared in the kitchen is put on to silver plates and present­ed to the guests in the dining-room



Answer the questions.

1) What does the service with a full a la carte menu include?

2) What does silver service mean?

3) What is the difference between silver service and plate ser­vice?

4) What type of service is called self-service?

5) Why is self-service often used by hotels?

6) What combination of services do tourist hotels offer?


Complete the dialogue translating from Russian into English.

1. I wonder what range of food service your hotel offers Наш ресторан предлагает следующие услуги: меню «а ля карте», обслужива­ние у столика, самообслуживание на завтраках и «табльдот».
2. Какие услуги предлагает «табльдот»? Plate service and silver service are offered with a table d'hote menu.
3.Oh, it’s very interesting! But I don’t understand what plate service is. В этом случае официант получает еду, уже разложенную по тарелкам на кух­не, и разносит ее посетителям.
4. What does silver service mean? Эта услуга предполагает следующее, еда также готовится на кухне, но рас­кладывается в серебряную посуду. Официант разносит еду посетителям ресторана.



Read text 3 twice and do the tasks below.

Text 3


The service food system of "'the Swedish Board" type is a great advantage for the guests — they needn't wait for the waiters and checks. Breakfast is served from 8 to 10, dinner from 12 to 15, sup­per from 6 to 8. As a rule supper is arranged for conferences, con­gresses and symposia.

Various juices, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, salads, cercals. meat, milk and egg dishes, butter, pan-cakes cheese-cakes and pastry are recommended for breakfast.

Fish assorty and fresh vegetables, fish in marinade, jellied fish, meat assorty, Russian salad, herring in dressing, mixed green salad can be recommended for appetizers for dinner. For soups guests can have clear soup and toast or patty, borshch or vegetable soup. In season — okroshka or cold beetroot soup. For the main course — fried fish and chips (chipped potatoes), plain beefsteak and vegeta­bles, poultry or game dishes.

For a sweet we can recommend ice-cream with jam, fresh and stewed fruit, tea with lemon, black coffee, mineral water and special beverages. Before dinner iced water is served.

Fresh red caviar, spicy fish snacks — sprats, salt-sprats, sardines; hot and cold smoked fish, ham, jellied tongue, cold meat cuts and also roast chicken, turkey, hazel grouse, suckling-pig; soda-water, mineral water, lemon squash, juices and special cooling beverages are served for supper.

The assortment of appetizers, dishes and beverages should be various. The guests should taste a little of each dish.

National traditions and other peculiarities should be taken into account.

The Swedish Board is placed in the centre of the hall, the tables for four guests are near the walls. The plates with snacks and other dishes are served in the centre of the Swedish Board (and also sets for taking food).

The snack-plates are served near the edge.

The guests come up to the Swedish Board, take the snack-plates, make choice of the appetizers, dishes and cooling beverages and take their seats at the tables.

For dessert a separate table is arranged close by. The waiter can help the guests if necessary.

The guests can buy vodka, wines, cigarettes, beer, coffee, miner­al water and pastry for cash money in the restaurant hall.



advantage   преимущество   sets for taking food   приборы для перекладывания пищи
peculiarity [pikju:li 'riti] особенность    
to take into account принимать в расчет, учитывать edge   край (стола)  







Word List

1. research исследование
2. to involve вовлекать, включать в себя; вызывать (последствия), влечь за собой
3. market рынок
4. to be engaged in to engage; привлекать (внимание); занимать (время) заниматься чем-л.
5. to promote promotion содействовать, поощрять, поддерживать; рекламировать содействие, поощрение, стимулирование; рекламирование
6. to regulate regulation контролировать; регулировать правило, предписание, инструкция, регулирование
7. requirement требование
8. entry formalities формальности при въезде в страну, нормы и правила въезда в страну
9. to discourage ant.: to encourage отговаривать, отсоветовать; расхолаживать поощрять, поддерживать; стимулировать
10. to restrict ограничивать
11. fee вступительный (членский) взнос; гонорар, вознаграждение; плата за обучение
12. to maintain поддерживать; сохранять; содержать (в исправности, в чистоте)
13. expenditure трата, расход; потребление
14. impact влияние, воздействие
15. to undertake предпринимать; брать на себя определенные обязательства
16. benefit польза, выгода, преимущество
17. to attempt пробовать, пытаться
18. environment окружение; окружающая среда; окружающая обстановка
19. to be in favour of   быть за...; стоять за что-либо; быть сторонником чего-либо
20. government   правительство
21. to relax   ослаблять, смягчать, делать менее строгим
22. day-to-day повседневный
23. county графство (англ.), округ (америк.)
24. development развитие; сооружение






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