The pen is the tongue of the mind 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


The pen is the tongue of the mind

The pen is the tongue of the mind

Miguel Cervantes (1547-1616)

Дидактические материалы к элективномукурсу

«Письменная речь в

Повседневном английском»

Для учащихся 11 класса

(II полугодие)


Замотаева Елена Юрьевна,

учитель английского языка

первой квалификационной категории

МОУ СОШ № 9 пос. Нейво-Рудянка

Свердловской области


Стратегии выполнения письменной части экзамена

1. Внимательно прочитайте задание и выделите главные вопросы, о которых нужно написать, определите формат письменного задания (вид письма и тип сочинения)

2. Определите, кому адресовано письмо и выберите соответствующий стиль письма.

3. Составьте план письма / сочинения и подберите необходимые слова и выражения.

4. Пишите в соответствии с планом и помните о делении текста на абзацы.

5. Старайтесь использовать не только простые предложения, но и сложноподчинённые, используя средства логической связи.

6. Старайтесь правильно употреблять временные формы глагола, используйте разнообразные грамматические структуры.

7. Внимательно проверьте работу, обращая внимание на следующие моменты:

· Соблюдается ли формат и стиль высказывания;

· Логично ли текст делится на абзацы;

· Правильно ли использованы средства связи внутри предложений, между

предложениями, между абзацами;

· Проверьте правильность написания каждого слова

Клише для написания личного письма (в формате ЕГЭ)

Структура письма

Что требуется в письме Рекомендации Примеры
  Адрес Address Адрес пишущего указывается в правом верхнем углу · В принятом в Великобритании порядке: номер квартиры, корпуса, дома, улица, почтовый индекс, страна · Слова Flat, Block, Street, Avenue, Prospect пишут с заглавной буквы Можно пользоваться общепринятыми сокращениями, которые тоже пишут с заглавной буквы (Fl, Apt, St, Ave, Pr) (полный) Flat 5 Block 1 12 Grazhdansky Pr St Petersburg 195299 Russia   (краткий) St Petersburg Russia
  Дата Date Под адресом дата (пропустив строку) · Можно писать цифрами или буквами · Названия месяцев пишут с заглавной буквы В зависимости от задания (адресата) можно писать британский вариант: дата/ месяц/ год или американский вариант: месяц / дата / год Saturday, March 1st, 1999 9 September 1999  
  Обращение Greeting Письмо начинается с обращения, после которого ставят запятую. (с новой строки, пропустив строку) Dear Sally, Dear Mr Brown, My darling,  
  Начало письма Introduction В начале письма автор обычно · Благодарит адресата за ранее полученную корреспонденцию   · Извиняется, что не писал раньше   Thanks for…, Many thanks for…, How nice of you …, I was awfully glad to get your letter…   I must apologise for not writing…, I really should have written sooner….  
  Основная часть письма Main Body   В ней должны быть раскрыты все аспекты, указанные в задании. Каждый параграф пишут с новой строки, пропустив строчку.  
  Конец письма Conclusion     В конце письма автор упоминает о дальнейших контактах. (с новой строки, пропустив строку) I’ll write again soon. Looking forward to seeing you. Hope to hear from you soon.
  Завершающая фраза письма Ending   Эта фраза зависит от степени близости автора и адресата, после неё всегда ставится запятая. (с новой строки, пропустив строку) I love you so much, Lots of love, Much love, Best wishes, All the best, Yours…..,
  Подпись автора   Личные письма подписывают без указания фамилии (с новой строки, пропустив строку) Sally, David

Your address   The date   Greeting Dear….,   Introduction (§ 1-opening remarks)   Main Body (§§ 2-3 - development of the subject)   Conclusion (§ 4 - closing remarks)   Ending (say goodbye and sign your name)
Образец написания письма


· Greeting

· - never begin Dear friend / Pen friend; write the name Dear Jane,


- reasons for writing; / - an apology for a delay in writing / - a thank you to the person for his last letter

Main Body

-divide your letter into paragraphs and include 2-3 points in each paragraph


-an excuse to stop writing/ - greetings to the person’s family (friends) / - an invitation/ -a promise to write again soon, / - a request to the person to reply soon


- Lots of love/ Best wishes + your first name

  St Petersburg Russia } пропустить строчку January 1st Dear Mary, } пропустить строчку Thank you for your lovely birthday card, I have not written sooner as I wanted to invite you round and would never find a suitable time. } пропустить строчку (каждый параграф начинать пропуская строчку) We are having a small party next Friday night to celebrate Tony’s return from Canada, and we would be very happy if you and Simon could join us, around 8 p.m. Do come if you can. } пропустить строчку Looking forward to seeing you. } пропустить строчку Yours, } пропустить строчку Anna



Useful Vocabulary

Вводные фразы Заключительные фразы
· It was great to get your letter…. · Thanks for your letter. It was great / lovely to hear from you. · Thanks for your long letter. It was really great to hear all your news, after not hearing from you for ages….. · Sorry I haven’t written for so long but….. · I’m very sorry about not replying to your letter sooner but I’ve been extremely busy. · Sorry for not writing earlier but I’ve……… · How are things with you? I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but …… · I was really pleased to hear that…. · I thought I’d better write and tell you about…. · I would really like you to visit me this summer. Write to me and tell me your plans. · Thanks for sending me… Please write to me again soon, and tell me all your news. · Please give/send my regards (love) to your…. And write and tell me your plans for…. · I would really love to see you. Why don’t you come and visit me this….. Write back soon! · If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line. · Well, that’s all for now. Do write back soon. · That’s all my news for now…  

Writing Task

Read the short letter of invitation and correct the mistakes in bold.

(Источник: Reading/ Writing (Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley) Express Publishing

Dear Sally,

I'm writting to invite you to our cottage near Wynton for the first weekend on June, when Wynton has its annual fair. Its always great fun, and I'm sure you are enjoy it. The fair takes place in the Saturday, with a flower show, a funfair and lots of others things, and there is usualy a big dance at the evening.

The next day Barry and I am going to have a barbecue if the weather will be fine. Most of our freinds have been invited, so you'll meet some interesting people.

Please let us know if you can make it. Looking forward to seeing you.

Lots of love,



Asking for Advice. Письма с просьбой дать совет

Вводные фразы

· I am writing to ask for your advice.

· Can you give me your advice?

· Give me your advice about...

· Can you think of anything that...?

· I've got a problem and I need your advice.

· I've got a problem, and I think you can help.

Заключительные фразы

· What do you think I should do?

· Give me/Send me your advice soon.

· Do you think I should...?

· Do you have any idea about...?

· Please let me know what to do

· Please let me know what you think I should do.

· I'd like to know what you think about...

· Write back soon and tell me what you think.

· Your advice would help me a lot.


Giving Advice. Письма-советы

Вводные фразы

§ I'm sorry to hear...and I think I can help.

§ Cheer up/Don’t worry too much.

§ Don't let it get you down.

§ I'm only too glad to help.

§ I just got your letter and I think...

§ Here's what I think you should do.

Фразы основной части

§ Why don't you...?

§ If I were you/in your position, I'd... I wouldn't...

§ Have you thought of / about...+ Ving?

§ Don't forget to...

§ It would be a good idea to...

§ What you should do is...

§ How about + Ving...? What about + Ving...?

§ I think you should...

§ The best advice I can give you is...

§ Another good idea is to...

Заключительные фразы

§ I hope that this/my advice help.

§ Let me know what happens.

§ Let me know how it went.

§ Let's hope that things get better.

§ Let's hope that everything turns out all right.

§ Hope this helped.

§ If you do this, you would...

Письмо личного характера

Наиболее распространёнными ошибками учащихся при написании письма личного характера являются:

· Неполное выполнение коммуникативной задачи или, напротив, сообщение нерелевантной информации

· Несоблюдение принятых норм этикета (например, в письме отсутствует благодарность за полученную корреспонденцию или ссылка на предыдущие контакты)

· Несоблюдение принятых норм оформления письма (учащиеся забывают написать или неправильно пишут адрес и дату, не оставляют пропущенную строку между адресом и датой, между датой и обращением, не делят письмо на абзацы и т. д.)

· Использование языковых средств, не соответствующих неофициальному стилю, принятому в данном типе письменных сообщений

Ознакомьтесь с письмом-образцом и перепишите, расставив части в нужном порядке

§ Anyway, I’ve got to go now. Loads of homework (unfortunately!)

§ I’m sorry to hear you’ve had an argument with your best friend and that you’re not speaking at the moment. Yes, it has happened to me too, and it’s awful, isn’t it?

§ Carol

§ Dear Sally,

§ Write back soon!

§ Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you! Well done on passing your exams!

§ I think you need to ask yourself one question: what’s more important – that argument or your friendship? I remember when I asked myself that it all became clear. I realized my friendship with Chris was far more important. I called him immediately and told him. We became friends again immediately. Maybe you should do the same thing. Let me know what happens! Good luck!

§ 23 Portland Street



24th September

§ Lots of love




Выявите наименее официальные выражения в списках, сгруппированных по их функциям и подчеркните

• Opening a letter (Dear Jane / Dear Sir / Dear Ms. Jones)

• Initial greetings (It was great to hear from you /I am writing with reference to your letter / Thanks for writing to me)

• Congratulations (Well done! /I would like to offer congratulations on /Let me congratulate you on…)

Opinion (In my opinion / To my mind /I hold the view that / Personally, I have no doubt that / My own thoughts are…)

Advice/Suggestion (Why not try / What about trying /It is recommended that you …/You could… /I urge you to /I suggest that / If I were you)

• Linkers (Moreover /Also / Then again /Furthermore / Better still / As well as that / What's more / Additionally)

• Endings (Do drop me a line if you have time /I look forward to hearing from you without delay / Hope to hear from you soon / Keep in touch /I hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience)

Closing a letter (Yours faithfully / Yours sincerely / Love).



Writing Task

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Daniel who writes

… I know the climate is not the same in different parts of your big country. As we have agreed I’ll be visiting you at the end of May. What is the weather like in May in the place where you live? I’d like to know what clothes to bring with me. By the way, what season do you like best and why?  


Write a letter to Daniel and answer his questions.

Write 100 – 140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


Writing Task

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Ann who writes:

I like to go shopping with my friends when we have free time. How often do you go shopping? What do you like buying when you go shopping? What kind of shops are there in the place where you live? Sorry, I must finish now as I have to take my dog for a walk…


Write a letter to Ann.

In your letter

- answer her questions;

- ask three questions about her dog.


Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.




Writing Task

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mary who writes

I'm going to St. Petersburg next month and I'll have to make new friends. The problem is I'm really shy! Are you good at making new friends? How do you do it? Have you ever been in a similar situation? Any suggestions would be useful.   Looking forward to hearing from you.   Love,   Mary  


Write back to Mary answering her questions.

Write 100 – 140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.



Задание С1 –письмо личного характера (На след. странице – критерии его оценивания)

How to write an essay

При написании сочинения применим тот же принцип C-L-O-S-E. По содержанию сочинение в англоязычной традиции - это текст, выражающий мнение пишущего (обычно за или против чего-то). Организация (т.е. структура, композиция) текста предполагает наличие в нем нескольких абзацев, выполняющих определенные функции. Она обязательно выделена зрительно с помощью отступа или пропущенной строки и подчинена строгим правилам: за введением следуют основные части, содержащие мнение и аргументацию, затем формулируется заключение. Сочинения без абзацного деления, без вступления и заключения, нередко наблюдаемые у учащихся из России, оцениваются очень низко, т.к. считается, что эти внешние факторы свидетельствуют о недостаточном владении письменной речью, неумении делить тему на составляющие элементы, ясно и убедительно выражать свои мысли.

Пример реального сочинения, задание к которому –

Write an essay, giving your opinion on the following statement:

'Newspapers used to carry news, but their main role today is to shock and entertain us '

Учительские пометы на сочинении показывают, на что нужно обратить внимание пишущих



Тип сочинения и примерный план

"For" and "Against" Essays


§1 - present the topic and state the problem, make a general remark about it without giving your opinion

A lot of people think that... We all know that... Can you imagine...? Have you ever thought of...? There are both advantages and disadvantages...Let's begin with...

Main Body


- Arguments "for" (3 points)

To introduce points

The main / most important /greatest advantage of... is that...

Another advantage/disadvantage of... A further advantage / disadvantage of...

One point of view in favour of / against... The best /worst thing

To list points

In the first place...First of all...To start with...To begin with...



Finally...Last but not least...

To add more points to the same topic

- What is more... Furthermore... Moreover...

- In addition to this... Besides...

Apart from this...

- Arguments "against" (3 points) (support your arguments with examples)

To make contrasting points

- on the other hand... however... in spite of the fact that... despite the fact that...

-while... nevertheless... even though... although... it can be argued that...

To introduce examples

-for example...for instance... such as... in particular...




- your opinion based on the given arguments

To conclude

- to sum up... all in all...on the whole... in conclusion...

- taking everything into account.../as was previously stated

- All things considered,

- Although there are some dis­advantages..., I believe it is...

- All in all, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages...

Opinion essays



- introduce the subject and state your opinion

- Nowadays, we are often told... Every day...

There is no doubt that...

- Over the past few years,...

Are you among those who...? Why has...become...?

- The British poet... once said that "... "

- There are various facts that support this opinion.

To express opinion

-In my opinion...

I believe...

It seems to me...

The way I see it...

Main Body

Or more paragraphs

- first viewpoint supported by reasons/examples

- second viewpoint supported by reasons/examples

- the opposing viewpoint supported by reasons/exam­ples

To list points

-In the first place... First of all... To start with... To begin with...

— Secondly... Thirdly...

Finally...Last but not least..


To add more points to the same topic

What is more... Furthermore...Moreover...

In addition to this... Besides...Apart from this...


To introduce contrasting viewpoints

It is argued that... People argue that... Opponents of this view say...

— There are people who oppose... Contrary to what most believe...

To introduce examples

-for example...for instance.

such particular...




- summarise what you've said

- restate your opinion using different words

To conclude

— to sum up... all in all...all things considered... on the whole... on the whole...taking everything into account.../as was previously stated

All in all, I still feel that the benefits of..outweigh the disadvantages.

Тип сочинения и примерный план Introduction Main Body Conclusion
1 ‘For’ and ‘Against’ essays (formal style) § 1 -present the topic and state the problem -make a general remark about it without giving your opinion § 2,3 -Arguments “for”(3 points) -Arguments “against”(3 points) (support your arguments with examples) § 4 - your opinion based on the given arguments
  2. Opinion essays (formal style)   § 1 - introduce the subject and state your opinion   § 2-4 – or more paragraphs - first viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples -second viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples - the opposing viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples § 5 - summarise what you’ve said -restate your opinion using different words    


To list and add points:
Firstly/In the first place/To start/begin with...;

Secondly/ In addition /Furthermore/ Moreover/ Besides...;

Thirdly/ Finally/ Last; Last but not least; etc

To introduce or list advantages:
The first/ main/ most important advantage of...;
One/Another/An additional advantage of...;
One point of view in favour of...;

It is often suggested/believed/argued that...;
Some/Many people suggest/feel/argue that...; etc

To introduce or list disadvantages:
The main/most important disadvantage/drawback of...;

One/Another/An additional disadvantage/negative effect of...;

One point/argument against; etc

To introduce examples/reasons/results:
For example/instance; such as; like;

in particular; therefore;

for this reason; because; as; since; as a result; etc

To show contrast:
On the other hand;

However; still; but;

Nonetheless; Nevertheless;

Although; Even though;

Despite/ In spite of (the fact that); etc

To introduce a conclusion:
In conclusion; To conclude/sum up;

All in all; Finally; Last; All things considered;

Taking everything into account/ consideration; etс



Schools, parents and children themselves must share the responsibility for the food children eat. Children who eat well do better at school and will probably go on to be healthy.

Попробуйте самостоятельно выполнить следующее задание:

You have 40 minutes to do this task. Comment on the following statement.

The Internet is a new way to communicate. Some people think it has more drawbacks than advantages.

What can you say for and against communicating by using the Internet?
Write 200-250 words using the plan.


How to write an essay

When we write about the pros and cons of an issue, we consider a topic from opposing points of view, outlining the advantages and disadvantages.

  • In the first paragraph we introduce the topic. In articles and compositions, we may use any of the following techniques to make the beginning more interesting to the reader:
    - a reference to an imaginary scene or situation
    - addressing the reader directly
    - a rhetorical question
    - a quotation
  • The main body usually consists of two paragraphs. One presents the points for the issue, along with our justifications or examples. The other presents the points against the issue with supporting sentences.
  • In the final paragraph we give our opinion and/or a balanced summary of the topic. To make the ending of the composition more effective, we can use one of the following techniques:
    - state a personal opinion
    - give the reader something to consider
    - use a quotation or rhetorical question
  • Do not include opinion words (I believe, I think, etc) in the introduction or the main body of compositions, reports and articles.
  • Pros and cons can be found in articles, compositions, reports or letters. The style of writing is usually semi-formal or formal.

Also All in all But However


Nowadays, with better co-operation, and relation with foreign countries, some students choose to study at a foreign university rather than a local, one.________________, there are drawbacks to studying in another country.
A reason why people want to study in another country is that they have the opportunity of learning the language of that country.___________, you learn to be more independent because you do not have your family nearby to rely on.__________________, you have the chance to get to know people from a different country and, apart from making new friendships and contacts, you become familiar with another culture and way of life. This helps to broaden the mind.
_________________, studying abroad can be very expensive and your family may have to give up things like holidays to be able to afford to send you to another country.______________, you may get homesick and unhappy there because you are far away from your family. ____________ you might mix only with other students from your own country and so, will not experience a different style of living.
________________, whether you would enjoy studying abroad depends on what kind of person you are and how much you can afford. If you have strong family ties, then it might be better to study in your own country. ___________ if you are the type who mixes well with people from different cultures, then it could be a challenging experience.
2. Найдите в сочинении аргументы «за» и «против»


Task takenfrom Successful Writing –Upper Intermediate, Virginia Evans, Express Publishing

Put these jumbled sentences in the correct order. Then write them out in two separate paragraphs, one including all the advantages, the other all the disadvantages. Finally, write a suitable beginning and ending for this topic.

Plan 1

Paragraph 1. Introduction (Introducing the topic).

Paragraph 4. Conclusion.

Второй тип несколько отличается от первого тем, что в его основной части противопоставляются разные мнения по поводу одной и той же проблемы, обозначенной в вводной части. Это наглядно представлено в плане такого сочинения:

Plan 2

Paragraph 4. Conclusion.

Вы должны раскрыть все пункты содержания, упомянутые в плане, не превышая лимит слов и времени; продемонстрировать умение использовать письменную речь для решения коммуникативной задачи; дать четкие и весомые аргументы в пользу своего мнения.

Письменные высказывания с элементами рассуждения имеют чет­кую структуру текста, а именно:

1. Вступление (формулировка темы, основной идеи; выдвижение общего тезиса).

2. Основная часть (раскрытие темы; развертывание тезиса: аргу­менты «за» и «против»/ высказывание чужого и своего мнения).

3. Заключение (общие выводы).

Организация текста письменного высказывания с элементами рас­суждения также предполагает правильное деление на абзацы, логич­ность изложения, использование средств логической связи, в том числе связующих слов. Написав текст, проверьте языковое оформление пись­ма: правильное употребление лексико-грамматических средств, соблю­дение правил орфографии, и пунктуации, поскольку все это будет оце­ниваться.

Ваше сочинение покажется скучным и примитивным, если будет со­стоять только из простых предложений (подлежащее + сказуемое + до­полнение). Старайтесь использовать сложные распространенные пред­ложения, чтобы ваш стиль в полной мере соответствовал принятому стилю сочинения с элементами рассуждения.

Упомянутые выше особенности структуры сочинения-рассуждения требуют определенных слов и выражений, например: firstly, secondly, on the one hand, on the other hand, in summary, etc. Помните, что сочи­нение пишется обычно в полуофициальном стиле. В нем необходимо четко изложить свои суждения и выразить свое мнение, подкрепляя их вескими аргументами. Обратите внимание на употребление оценочной лексики. Не забудьте проверить то, что вы написали.

Задание для учащегося

С2. You have 40 minutes to do this task.

Comment on the following statement:

Many parents encourage their children to study well by giving extra pocket money for each good mark.

What can you say for and against this practice? Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

1. Introduction (State the problem).

2. Arguments «for».

3. Arguments «against».

4. Conclusion.

Текст письменного высказывания с элементами рассуждения, вы­полненного экзаменуемым

Many parents encourage their children to study well by giving extra pocket money for each good mark. Is it correct to do so? There are different opinions on this problem. Let's discuss some of them.

Some people think that this is the only way to encourage their children because to study is boring and difficult. Children have different subjects at school. Some of them such as maths and chemistry are very difficult. Some of them like geography and biology are boring. Children work at school all the morning and when they come home they must prepare their homework. So they work almost all day. Perhaps, many parents think that if they are given money for their work, why not to give money to the children for their work? They think the money will make their children to study better because they would like to have money for sweets and different games. Otherwise the children save the money for games not eating breakfast at school.

Unfortunately, this is not true. Firstly, children get used to study only if they are given money. So, their marks become worse and worse if parents can't give them money every day. Secondly, if there are many children in the family, it's impossible to give them all money for every good mark when they start going to school. Thirdly, children must study well not for the sake of money but because it's interesting and because the good knowledge will help them to make a career and to find an interesting work they like.

As for me, I wouldn't give extra pocket money for each good mark to my children. My parents sometimes gave me money for good marks and it didn't make me work better. But, I think, it's right to give children extra pocket money on holidays or when they ask for it. Otherwise they will find different ways to find the money they need themselves.


Это первый и наиболее важный критерий, посмотрим, полностью ли учащийся сумел раскрыть содержание. Основные пункты включены, в тексте представлено рассуждение об уместности поощрения хороших оценок деньгами, дана обоснованная и развернутая аргументация «за» и «против», сделаны общие выводы. К сожалению, учащийся во введении полностью использовал формулировку проблемы, данную в задании, без ее переосмысления и перефразирования. Приведены два развернутых аргумента «за». Первый аргумент: Children work at school all the morning and when they come home they must prepare their homework. So they work almost all day. Perhaps, many parents think that if they are given money for their work, why not to give money to the children for their work?

Второй аргумент за то, чтобы давать деньги за хорошую учебу, таков: Otherwise the children save the money for games not eating breakfast at school. Затем даны три развернутых аргумента «против», которые чет­ко выделены вводными словами: Firstly, children get used to study only if they are given money. So, their marks become worse and worse if parents can't give them money every day. Secondly, if there are many children in the family, it's impossible to give them all money for every good mark when they start going to school. Thirdly, children must study well not for the sake of money but because it's interesting and because the good knowledge will help them to make a career and to find an interesting work they like.

Сделан вывод и указаны причины, которые к нему привели: As for те, I wouldn't give extra pocket money for each good mark to my children. My parents sometimes gave me money for good marks and it didn't make me work better.


Коммуникативная задача полностью выполнена. По данному крите­рию учащийся будет высоко оценен.


Организация текста

Четкость структуры: есть вступление и заключение.

Связность и целостность: текст довольно логичен. Четко выделены абзацы «за» и «против». Между абзацами употреблены свя­зующие слова unfortunately; as for me, но желательно было бы между главной частью и заключением дать связки In conclusion или to sum up вместо as for me. Уместно использованы связующие слова между пред­ложениями внутри одного абзаца (firstly, secondly, thirdly в третьем аб­заце), которые не только придают целостность этой смысловой части текста, но и подчеркивают особенности стиля рассуждения. Таким об­разом, по критерию организации текста эта работа будет оценена до­статочно высоко.

Языковое оформление сочинения: учащийся пытается использовать сложные грамматические структуры и явления, например: сложное до­полнение, предложения условия (реальные и нереальные), модальные глаголы. Наряду со сложными грамматическими явлениями использу­ются и явления базового уровня, например структура there с глаголом to be. Грамматические встречаются там, где автор пытается использо­вать более сложные конструкции, например сложное дополнение: make their children to study. Есть ошибки в использовании артиклей. Наблю­дается повторяемость некоторых лексических единиц, например слов otherwise, boring, difficult. Есть русифицирование лексики, например использование «to become worse» вместо to get worse. Однако эти ошиб­ки в целом не препятствуют коммуникации. Есть ошибки в пунктуа­ции вследствие интерференции русского языка: выделяются запятыми вводные слова, например / think; ставится запятая перед that. В целом же по языковым критериям автор получит неплохие оценки.

Сфера применения языка

Использован язык рассуждения и аргументирования, лексика, от­носящаяся к межличностным отношениям и образованию. Нейтраль­ный стиль соответствует поставленной задаче.

Предполагаемый читатель письменного высказывания с элемен­тами рассуждения

Коммуникативная задача выполнена. Читатель достаточно полно проинформирован о возможности денежного поощрения успехов детей к учебе и о мнении автора по ее поводу.

Объем сочинения: превышает требования на тридцать слов. В этом случае эксперт проверит только часть, содержащую 250 слов. В нашем случае — конец сочинения, а именно предложения: But, I think, it's right to give children extra pocket money on holidays or when they ask for it. Oth­erwise they will find different ways to find the money they need themselves не будут проверены. К счастью для автора, в данном случае оценка не будет снижена, так как учащемуся уже до этого удалось высказать свое мнение и сделать вывод. Однако превышать объем сочинения опасно, потому что часто отсекаются выводы, что приводит к снижению оценки за содержание.


Раздел 4. Письмо

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Tom who writes

... In Great Britain most young people want to become independent from their parents as soon as possible. Could you tell те what you and your friends think about not relying оп your parents? Are you ready to leave your family immediately after you finish school? Is it easy to rent а house or an apartment for students in Russia? As for the latest news, I hаvе just rеturned from а trip to Scotland...


Write a letter to Tom.

In your letter

- answer his questions

- ask three questions about his trip to Scotland

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

You have 40 minutes to do this task.

Comment on the following statement.

Some people prefer to travel abroad; others say that there is тисh to be seen in our own country.
What can you say for and against international and domestic tourism?

Write 200-250 words.

Use the following plan:

- make an introduction (state the problem)

- express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

- give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it

- draw a conclusion


The pen is the tongue of the mind

Miguel Cervantes (1547-1616)

Дидактические материалы к элективномукурсу

«Письменная речь в

Повседневном английском»

Для учащихся 11 класса

(II полугодие)


Замотаева Елена Юрьевна,

учитель английского языка

первой квалификационной категории

МОУ СОШ № 9 пос. Нейво-Рудянка

Свердловской области



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