Text 3. Read and discuss the text. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Text 3. Read and discuss the text.


A job interview is your opportunity to present your talents to a prospective employer. During the interview, the employer judges your qualifications, appearance, and general fitness for the job. Equally important, the interview gives you a chance to evaluate the job, the employer, and the company. The interview helps you decide if the job meets your career needs and interests and whether the employer is the kind you want to work for. To present your qualifications most advantageously, you have to prepare for the interview: you should know how to act to make the interview an opportunity to "sell" your skills.

Careers officer speaking:

What makes a good interview? First, good preparation before the interview. Three simple guidelines will help you. Guideline number one is - find out as much as possible about the company where you are going for an interview. For example, you can get a lot of useful information from the company's brochures, annual reports, and catalogues. Two, find out if the interview is with one person or with a group of people, and what their jobs are. It's very useful to know something about the interviewers before you meet them. And three, make a check-

list of the questions you want to ask at the interview. Remember an interview is a two-way process. The company finds out as much as possible about you, and you find as much as possible about the company.

So, that's what you need to do before the interview.

Now the interview itself. There are seven more guidelines to remember here.

Guideline number four: dress smartly. A suit or something formal is best. Five, arrive in good time. Arriving late for the interview is the worst thing you can do. Rule number six: create a good first impression. First impressions are very important. Start the interview with a smile, a firm handshake, and a friendly manner. Guideline number seven: try to stay positive and relaxed during the interview. I know that's difficult. As a rule, people don't feel relaxed, but your body language gives the interviewer a lot of information about you. You want that information to be positive. Number eight: don't give only "Yes" or "No" answers. Talk freely about yourself, give reasons for your opinions, and explain why you're interested in the job. Nine: ask questions. Remember the checklist of questions you prepared before the interview. Show you're interested! Finally, guideline number ten: learn from the interview. Analyze your performance afterwards and think how you can improve the next time!


Ex.1. Complete the list of ten guidelines on preparing for, and attending an interview.

A. Preparing for the interview 5.
1. Find out as much as possible about the company you are going to for an interview. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8. Don't give only "Yes" or "No" answers. Talk freely, give reasons and opinions, and explain why you are interested in this job.
B. Attending the interview 9.
4. 10.


Ex.2. Look at the list often guidelines and answer the fol­lowing questions.

1. Which guidelines do.you think are the most important? Why?

2.Can you give any other advice to a candidate?


Ex.3. Use the words from the box to complete the descrip­tion.

Job requirements; candidate; job advertisement; experience; job vacancy; interview; job title; career prospects; personal details; cov­ering letter; resume (CV); salary; short list; appointments; work­ing conditions; qualifications


The company usually advertises the j_____ v_____ in a newspa­per. The j_____ a_____ usually gives the j_____ t_____ and describes the j______ r______. It sometimes gives the s_____ and gives the description of the w_____ c_____ and c_____ p_____ as well.

The applicant then sends in and a c_____ l_____ and a r_____ or c_____ v_____, which gives p_____ d_____ and lists q_____ and e____ The company then makes a s_____ l_____ of the most suitable candidates and invites them for an i_____. The company then chooses the best c______ and makes an a.

Ex.4. Write your own resume.




Getting acquainted

Read these dialogues:

At the gate

- Excuse me, are you Mr. Miller from Bonn?

- Yes, that’s right.

- I’m Wallace Jones, Mr. Stanton’s assistant manager.

- Pleased to meet you. Mr. Jones.

- I’m glad to meet you too. I hope the flight wasn’t very tiresome.

- Oh, no, not at all. I killed the time looking through some papers.

- I see. Well, Mr. Miller, the car is waiting for you. This way, please.


At the office

Jones (coming in, to the secretary): Hello, Jane. We are a bit late, aren’t we? These traffic jams... Mr. Miller, this is Jane Bright, Mr. Stanton’s secretary.

Mr. Miller: Good morning. Miss Bright.

Secretary: Good morning. Mr. Miller. Welcome to Britain. Did you enjoy the flight?

Mr. Miller: Yes, quite. Thank you, Miss Bright.

Secretary: Oh, just call me Jane. Mr. Stanton is waiting for you.

Mr. Stanton: How do you do?

Mr. Miller: How do you do? (they shake hands)

Mr. Stanton: Please, sit down. I think it’s your first visit to our town, isn’t it? I hope you’ll loke it.

Mr. Miller: I’m sure I will. I’ve always dreamt of visiting your country and was looking forward to strolling about London. I remember Dr. Johnson’s well-known saying: “If a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.”

Mr. Stanton: Oh, I admire your English and your knowledge of English literature too.

Mr. Miller: Thank you, you are very kind.

Mr. Stanton: But I really mean it! Now, if you don’t mind, I want you to meet my assistants. (Presses the button) Jane, please, ask Mr. Parker and Mr. McClean come in.

Mr. Stanton: Mr. Miller, this is Mr. Parker, our executive manager, and Mr. McClean, my first assistant.

Mr. Miller (shaking hands): Happy to meet you.

Mr. McClean: I’ve heard a lot about you and “Trading International Inc.”, but unfortunately we have never had the please of doing any business with your firm.

Mr. Miller: That’s true. I hope the situation will change for the better in the near future. I’ve got some proposals and hope you’ll be interested in them.

Mr. Stanton: Fine. I believe our cooperation will be successful.



Ex.1. Answer the questions, checking if you understood everything correctly.

1. Who has arrived in Britain?

2. Who met them in the airport?

3. What did they talk about?

4. Who did Mr. Miller speak to first on arriving to the office?

5. Has Mr. Miller ever been to England before? How do you know?

6. Mr. Miller’s English is perfect, isn’t it? Why do you think so?

7. Who was Mr. Miller introduced to?

8. What posts do Mr. Parker and Mr. McClean hold?

9. Did Mr. Miller come to London on business? Prove it.

10. These people are partners, aren’t they?

Ex.2. Agree or disagree with the following.

1. Mr. Miller arrived in Britain in on holidays.

2. Some people met him in the airport.

3. He took a taxi to get to the office.

4. The secretary greeted him in the office.

5. Miss Bright asked Mr. Miller to call her by the name.

6. This is Mr. Miller’s second visit on Britain.

7. They had no business contacts before.

8. Mr. Stanton is an old acquaintance of Mr. Miller’s.

9. Mr. Miller’s English is rather poor.

10. Both assistants hope their cooperation will be useful.


Ex.3. Find the English equivalents for:

Вибачте, радий, переглянути, документи, проводити час, запізнюватися, ласкаво просимо, добре долетіти, з нетерпінням чекати, мріяти про щось, відомий, вислів, захоплюватися чимось, виконавчий директор, радий познайомитися, найближчим часом, цікавитися, співробітництво, багато чути про щось.


Ex.4. Fill in the missing remarks.

1. How do you do, Mr. Stanton? -……………………...……......................

2. Did you enjoy the flight? - …………………………................................

3. Is it your first visit to our country? - ………………………….................

4. I’m a bit late, I’m afraid. - ……………………………............................

5. Hello, Miss Bright. - …………………………….....................................

6. Your English sounds perfect. - …………………………….....................

7. Unfortunately we haven’t had the pleasure of doing any business with your firm.-...................................................


Ex.5. Act as an interpreter.

1. – Вибачте, Ви містер Міллер з Бонна? - Yes, that’s right.

2. – Радий познайомитися з Вами, містер Міллер. - Happy to meet you too.

3. – Сподіваюсь, переліт не був стомливим? - Oh, not at all. It was fine.

4. – На нас чекає машина. Ми одразу ж поїдемо, якщо не заперечуєте. - Not in the least.

5. – Ми трохи затримались, на дорогах „пробки”. - It’s all right. Mr. Stanton is waiting for you.

6. – Це ваш перший візит до нашого міста? - Yes, I’ve always dreamt about going to Britain.

7. – Я в захопленні від вашого знання англійської мови. - Thank you.



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