XVII. Забезпечення відкритості та прозорості при проведенні прийому до університету 

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XVII. Забезпечення відкритості та прозорості при проведенні прийому до університету

17.1. На засіданні приймальної комісії мають право бути присутніми представники засобів масової інформації не більше двох осіб від одного засобу Порядок акредитації затверджується рішенням приймальної комісії.

17.2. Громадські організації можуть звернутися до Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України із заявою про надання їм права вести спостереження за роботою приймальних комісій. Громадські організації, яким таке право надано Міністерством освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, можуть направляти на засідання приймальних комісій своїх спостерігачів. Приймальні комісії зобов’язані створити належні умови для присутності громадських спостерігачів на своїх засіданнях, а також надати їм можливість ознайомлення з документами, що надаються членам комісії до засідання.

17.3. Голова приймальної комісії, як правило, оголошує про засідання комісії не пізніше дня, що передує дню засідання. В особливих випадках - не пізніше ніж за три години до початку засідання. Оголошення разом із проектом порядку денного засідання оприлюднюються.

17.4. Подання вступником недостовірних персональних даних, недостовірних відомостей про наявність права на зарахування поза конкурсом, права на першочергове зарахування, права на зарахування за співбесідою, про здобуту раніше освіту, про проходження зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання, є підставою для відрахування студента.

17.5. Інформування громадськості про подання заяв на вступ до Університету здійснюється за даними Єдиної державної електронної бази з питань освіти інформаційною системою «Конкурс».

Приймальна комісія зобов’язана подавати у встановленому порядку отримані від вступників відомості до Єдиної державної електронної бази з питань освіти.


Ministry of Culture of Ukraine

Kyiv National I.K.Karpenko-Karyi University

Of theatre, cinema and television


of enrolment for foreigners and persons without citizenship


Kyiv National I.K.Karpenko-Karyi University of theatre, cinema and television is the leading multifield educational institution of 4 accreditation level in the sphere of higher art education. Here are trained students in two courses:

Theatre art


- Acting art of drama theatre and cinema (full-time education) – bachelor, specialist;

- Acting art of puppet theatre (full-time education) – bachelor;

- Directing of drama theatre (full-time education, part-time education) – bachelor, specialist;

- Directing of puppet theatre (full-time education) – bachelor, master;

- Scenography of puppet theatre (full-time education) – bachelor;

- Drama study (full-time education, part-time education) – bachelor, master;

- Management of theatre business (full-time education, part-time education) – bachelor, master;

Cinema and television art


- Directing of feature film (full-time education) – bachelor;

- Directing of documentary film (full-time education) – bachelor;

- Directing of scientific-popular film (full-time education) – specialist;

- Directing of television (full-time education, part-time education, evening tuition) – bachelor, specialist;

- Sound directing (full-time education, part-time education, evening tuition) – bachelor, specialist;

- Speaker and presenter on television (full-time education, part-time education) – bachelor, specialist;

- Directing of film photography, cameraman (full-time education, part-time education) – bachelor, specialist;

- Cinema studying (full-time education, part-time education) – bachelor, master;

- Management of cinema and television production (full-time education, part-time education) – bachelor, master;


1. Training of foreigners and people without Ukrainian citizenship is carried out according to the following documents: the Law of Ukraine “About legal status of foreigners and persons without citizenship” (with changes), the President's decrees of 25. 03. 94 Nr. 112 “About measures as to the development of economic collaboration of Ukrainian regions with neighboring regions of Russian Federation”, and of 03.06.94 Nr. 271 “About measures as to the development of economic collaboration of Ukrainian regions with neighboring regions of Belorussia Republic and administrative territorial units of Moldova Republic” and decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of 26.02.93 Nr. 136 “About Studying foreign citizens in Ukraine” (with changes) and 05.08.98 Nr. 1238 «About approval of Regulation of enrolment to higher educational institutions for foreigners and persons without citizenship”.

According to the mentioned above documents a foreigner that gets education in Ukraine has to live on the Ukrainian territory and to be registered in the local internal affairs bodies.

Normative content and the studying time with all educational and qualification degrees are determined by the standards of higher education in Ukraine.

2. Enrolment of foreigners for studying is carried out on the base of:

- international agreements of Ukraine;

- general state programs;

- treaties concluded by higher educational institutions with juridical and physical persons.


3. Foreigners, that get state scholarship due to the international treaties, general state programs or others international duties of Ukraine, are admitted on the ground of assignment to study from the Ministry of Education and Science within the total state order.


4. To be admitted for studying and getting specialist or master degree foreign citizens submit correspondent documents about obtained education (in their country) to the Entrance Examination Board. These documents will be ratified by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine during the first year of their studying at University.


5. Foreigners that got general secondary education in foreign schools with the studying of Ukrainian language, and foreign Ukrainians are admitted to institutes of higher education in Ukraine after interview in subjects, set by the rules of enrolment to the institute of higher education for an entry on direction of training (specialization), within the limits of the set quotas by guidelines of national cultural Ukrainian societies and diplomatic establishments of Ukraine abroad.

The taking of statements and documents, entrance examinations, competitive selection and enrolment on the studies of entrants is conducted in terms specified in points 4.2., 4.3., to a 4.4. section IV of Rules of enrolment to the Kiev National I.K. Karpenko-Karyi University of theater, cinema and television in 2013 year.


6. Foreign Ukrainians with the assignment to study from national cultural Ukrainian societies, while entering to the institute of higher education in Ukraine have the same rights as the citizens of Ukraine on education, including admission for study due to the state order. They take part in the contest to be enrolled on the same terms as the citizens of Ukraine.

The taking of statements and documents, entrance examinations, competitive selection and enrolment on the studies is conducted in terms specified in points 4.2., 4.3., to a 4.4. section IV of Rules of enrolment to the Kiev National I.K. Karpenko-Karyi University of theater, cinema and television in 2013 year.


7. Foreigners and persons without citizenship, which are in Ukraine on legal grounds, have a right on the higher education, except for a right on the getting of higher education due to the State budget of Ukraine, local budgets, if other is not set by international agreements which is compulsive according to the consent of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. They take part in the contest to be enrolled on the same grounds, as well as citizens of Ukraine.

The taking of statements and documents, entrance examinations, competitive selection and enrolment on the studies is conducted in terms specified in points 4.2., 4.3., to a 4.4. section IV of Rules of reception to the Kiev National I.K. Karpenko-Karyi University of theater, cinema and television in 2013 year.


8. Enrolment of foreign citizens for studying at Kyiv National I.K.Karpenko-Karyi University of theatre, cinema and television is carried out in accordance with effective legislation of Ukraine and with the license of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine series АБ Nr. 175409 of 26.07.2005.


9. Entrance examinations are held in the way of a creative testing. Access to the exams for foreign citizens is possible after interview with a future artistic master.


10. Foreign citizens are enrolled to the University on the competitive base according to the results of creative testing (interview) on conditions that he/she paid tuition fee and concluded the treaty between him/her and the University. The enrolment of the student is carried out in accordance with the results of creative interview and the University Rector’s order.


11. Foreign students and the persons without citizenship have to submit the following documents to the Enrolment Board of the University:


a) original documents about the education and subject marks -school leaving certificate or diploma (consular legalization - notarized Ukrainian translation);


b) copy of certificate about ending preparation department;


c) document about absence of HIV-infection, if there is no stipulation in the international treaties of Ukraine;


d) medical certificate about the health, that confirms the absence of any medical contradictions for studying in Ukraine (consular legalization);


e) copy of the insurance policy with granting of emergency medical help


f) copy of the document about birth (notarized Ukrainian translation);


g) copy of national passport (notarized Ukrainian translation);


h) 16 pictures size 35x45 mm;


i) return ticket to the homeland with an open datum for one year


* Documents, mentioned in points “a”, “d”, “f”, “g” must be attested according to the legislation of the country where they were taken and legalized (Ukrainian translation and notarized confirmation) in prescribed manner if there is no stipulation in the international treaties of Ukraine.

In case when a foreigner has certain privileges or a Permanent Residence permit (certificate) in Ukraine he/she has to inform the Entrance Examination Board about this fact while submitting the documents.


Foreign citizens and persons without citizenship must know Ukrainian language.


12. The term of admission documents of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship is from July 1st till September 15, 2013.


13. Entering tests (interview) for getting “bachelor”, “master” and “specialist” degree are passed in the period from July 21 till September 29, 2013.


14. Enrollment of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship which was successfully interviewed is held by 30.09.2013.


15. Enrollment of foreigners for bachelor educational level is held by the results of the interview or entrance examinations and estimated on 100 grade scale (from 100 to 200 grades) on the ground of concluded treaties.


16. Admission of foreigners for master, specialist educational level is held on the ground of bachelor educational level on the assumption of entering similar training course by the results of the interview in the professional subjects. The results of entering exams are estimated on 100 grade scale (from 100 to 200 grades)


17. Foreigners, enrolled for studying, get the Student’s card. A sample and the order of its getting are determined by Ministry of Education and science in accordance with Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ukraine.


18. The tuition fee for foreigners is determined by the University in the order constituted by Ministry of Education together with Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economics in Ukraine.


19. Conversion of foreign students from one higher educational institution into another in Ukraine is carried out according to the agreement between educational institutions.


Відповідальний секретар ПК В.В. Білан



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