Спряжение глаголов в Future Simple. 

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Спряжение глаголов в Future Simple.

I, we shall (will) work.

We, he

you, she will work

they, it

Will he work?

Will they go?

He will not (won’t) work.

We shall not (shan’t, won’t) work.

Употребление Future Simple.

Future Simple употребляется:

1. Для выражения обычного факта в будущем как правило, с наречиями типа tomorrow, next morning, one of these days – на днях, in 2 minutes – через 2 минуты, in 2010, next year (winter):

I will apply for the job next week.

2. Для выражения регулярно повторяющегося действия в будущем (обычно с наречиями типа as a rule, in general, generally, as usual, usually, always, never, seldom, rarely, often, sometimes, in the morning, on Monday, in September, in winter, at 5 o’clock, every day):

We’ll always have our examination sessions in January and June.

3. Для выражения общеизвестной истины в будущем:

Our planet will die if we don’t stop to pollute it.

4. Для выражения ряда последовательных событий в будущем:

Soon I will pass my exams, buy a ticket and go to Sochi.

5. Будущее запланированное действие может быть также выражено временем Present Indefinite, Present Continuous и конструкцией «to be going to do something (собираться делать что-то») в Present Continuous:

He leaves for London in a week.

He is leaving for London in a week.

He is going to leave for London in a week.

6. В придаточных предложениях условия и времени вместо будущего времени употребляется настоящее:

I will have more money in my bank account if I earn more.



Раскройте скобки, используя Present Simple or Future Simple:

1. If I (to go) abroad next summer I (to visit) a lot of places of interest.

2. If I (to lose) my credit card I (to inform) the bank immediately.

3. I (to ask) the bank manager for a loan if I (to need) some money.

4. If I (to find) some mistakes on my bank statement, I (to change) to a different bank.

5. If my sister (to earn) more money she (to be able) to save more.

6. If I (to order) a chequebook I (to get) it before the end of the week.

7. If I (to have) more money I (to invest) it on the Stock Exchange.


Настоящее продолжительное время.

The Present Continuous Tense.

Present Progressive образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола «to be» в Present Somple (am, is, are) и причастия настоящего времени (Present Participle) смыслового глагола (going):

I am going, he is taking, they are doing.

Глаголы в Present Progressive обычно переводятся на русский язык глаголами несовершенного вида в настоящем времени.

They are working now.

Is he reading now?

They aren’t listening to me.

Употребление Present Progressive.

Present Progressive употребляется:

1. Для выражения длительного действия, происходящего в момент речи или в определенный момент в настоящем (обычно с наречием «now»):

He is reading a scientific book now.

He is working at the Reading Room now.

Примечание: глаголы чувства и восприятия (to see, to understand, to know, to notice, to remember, to forget, to recognize, to love, to like, to hate, to want, to wish, to seem) не употребляются в Present Progressive, а только в Present Simple:

You are speaking English so quickly now that I don’t understand you.

2. Для выражения процесса в настоящем времени

He is looking for a new job.

They usually stay at the Hilton, but this time they are staying at the Hotel Intercontinental.

3. Для выражения длительного действия в настоящем, происходящего одновременно с другим настоящим длительным действием, обычно с союзом while (пока, в то время как)

While he is reading a journal, I’m writing my course paper.

4. Для выражения будущего запланированного действия с глаголами движения (to go, to leave for, to start for, to arrive in\at, to move, to come):

I am leaving for London tomorrow.


Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Simple or Present Continuous:

1. Candidates (to know) what questions to expect.

2. Now these companies (to get) more careful about hiring.

3. Who he (to talk) to? - To the manager.

4. I (to meet) the production manager this afternoon.

5. The flight (to leave) at 18.00

6. James (to work) at home until his new office is ready.

7. This company (to sell) electronic equipment.

8. They (to arrange) international fairs every year.


Interview assessment.

Articulate and well presented, Paul Sutherland is an excellent candidate for the post of Directors Software Development. He _________ (want) to leave his present employer, a small computer company, because he ________ (feel) that he ________ (not use) his knowledge of software engineering to the full. He _______

(look for) a more challenging position where his field of specialization can be exploited in a more stimulating environment. He _______ (realize) that our company ______ (grow) rapidly, and that he would be expected to contribute to that growth. He is familiar with our existing range of software and regularly _______ (read) our publications.

Although at present he _______ (live) in the south, he _______ (say) that he is willing to go wherever we ________ (decide) to send him. He occasionally ______

(travel) to various European countries for trade fairs and exhibitions and ________ (enjoy) meeting people of different nationalities. At the moment he ________ (attend) a training course at the Goethe Institute in order to perfect his German.

Прошедшее продолженное время.

The Past Progressive Tense.

Past Progressive образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола «to be» в Past Simple (was, were) и причастия настоящего времени (Present Participle) смыслового глагола (reading):

I was reading, they were reading.

Глаголы в Past Progressive обычно переводятся на русский язык глаголом несовершенного вида в прошедшем времени.

I was reading Was I reading? I was not reading

You were reading Were you reading? You were not reading


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