Since (because) the equator is closest to the sun, the 

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Since (because) the equator is closest to the sun, the

Atmosphere around it absorbs the most solar energy.


1. The air near the equator absorbs more solar energy. The air

near the equator is much hotter than the air near the poles.

2. Hot air rises. Low-pressure areas develop at the equator.

3. Low-pressure areas are like gaps in the atmosphere. Cold air

moves in from the poles to fill the low-pressure areas.

4. This cold air is warmed by the equatorial heat. This cold air

also expands and must rise.

5. This pattern is a cycle. Air almost always moves toward the

equator on the surface and away from it at high altitudes.

6. Hot and cold air flow in this cycle. Our atmosphere is

continually in motion.

On Your Own Summarize the information given in the preceding

exercise by answering these questions in your own words.

1. Why is the area around the equator the hottest part of our


2. Why does the atmosphere move in a cycle?


Exercise 35:

Combine the following sentences, using because,

since, therefore, thus, as a result, consequently, accordingly, and for

this reason. Use each at least once. Change words and add

punctuation when necessary.

The Earth's Rotation and Weather

Example:The rotation of the earth and its atmosphere affects air

patterns. Air does not move directly north and south.

The rotation of the earth and its atmosphere affects

Air patterns; as a result, air does not move directly

North and south.


1. Outer space is frictionless. The earth's atmosphere moves at the

same speed as the earth.

2. The earth's circumference at the equator is almost 25,000 miles.

The air at the equator travels 25,000 miles each day.

3. There is little surface wind at the equator. The earth and the

air move at the same speed.

4. Away from the equator, the surface speed of the earth decreases.

The earth's circumference grows smaller toward the two poles.

5. Away from the equator, the air and the earth do not move at

the same speed. The midlatitude winds are born.

6. Wind patterns become extremely complicated. The earth's

surface affects wind patterns.

T. The oceans and mountains break wind patterns. High-altitude

winds going to the poles can lose their heat.

8. These high-altitude winds lose their heat. These high-altitude

winds sink and mix with the surface winds below.

On Your Own Summarize the information given in the preceding

exercise by answering these questions in your own words.

1. Why is there normally little wind at the equator?

2. Why do winds develop away from the equator?

3. What are three factors that affect wind patterns?


Exercise 36:

Each selection uses transitions of contrast. Rewrite

the sentences in bold type to include clauses with although, even

though, though, while, where, or whereas.


1. Fog

The earth cools at night, and water vapor condenses in

damp areas, such as river valleys, producing fog. We call it

by a different name; nevertheless, fog is simply a cloud that

Forms near the ground. Clouds are formed when warm air

rises and is cooled; on the other hand, fog is formed when

Air cools near the ground or ocean.

Cirrus Clouds

Because high-altitude winds pull cirrus clouds apart, these

wispy clouds often look like spider webs. Cirrus clouds

often mean warm weather; however, they are the coldest

clouds. Because they often rise to heights of 40,000 feet, the

moisture contained in cirrus clouds is frozen into ice


Clouds and Oceans

Because the land and the sea affect clouds differently,

sailors often use clouds to help navigate. Clouds will often

form over land; the skies out at sea, on the contrary, will

Remain cloudless. Early Polynesian navigators did not have

compasses; nevertheless, they could sail from island to

Island by reading the clouds.

Exercise 37:

Complete the following sentences, using ideas about

your area or country. Then, give any additional information you

may know on the topic.

Examples:The United States has a Clean Water Act that


The United States has a Clean Water Act that should

Control or prevent pollution.


Despite this law, many companies pollute.


1. My government has many programs to help....

In spite o f....

2. We have laws to protect....


3. We also have laws against....


4. The most important resources in my area (country) are....

In spite o f....

5. Farmers in my area (country) produce....


6. Our major energy sources are....

7. We don't produce enough....

In spite o f....

8. Politicians in my area (country) are not supposed to....



Exercise 38:

Read the following pairs of sentences and decide

whether the information shows concession or opposition. Then

combine the sentences with while, where, whereas, although, even

though, or though. Be sure to change or omit words and to add

punctuation when necessary.

Example:Each year, 80,000 cubic miles of water evaporate from

the oceans. Fifteen thousand cubic miles of water

evaporate from land, (opposition)

Each year, while 80,000 cubic miles of water evaporate

From the oceans, 15,000 evaporate from land.


1. Land contributes less than 15 percent of the water vapor in the

atmosphere. Land receives over one-quarter of the world's

annual rainfall (approximately 24,000 cubic miles).

2. The actual locations of rainfall depend on geography and winds.

The total annual rainfall in the world is enough to provide every

human an average of 22,000 gallons every day.

3. Every year, 470 inches of rain fall on Mt. Waialeale in Hawaii.

Desert regions in Africa get less than 1 inch of rain annually.

4. Each year, 1.7 inches of rain fall in California's Death Valley.

A few hundred miles away, in the Pacific Northwest, 140 to 150

inches of rain fall.

5. All precipitation begins with the cooling and condensing of

water vapor. It may reach earth as rain, sleet, snow, or hail,

depending on air currents, temperature, and humidity.

6. In clean air, only temperature and humidity determine when

vapor condenses into water. In polluted air, chemicals and

particles of dust affect the process.

7. In clear air, condensation happens slowly. In particle-filled air,

condensation occurs much more rapidly.

8. Meteorologists do not know all the effects of air pollution. Many

believe that pollution can and will change our weather patterns.

Now, rewrite your sentences from the preceding exercise with the

transitions however, nevertheless, on the contrary, or on the other


Exercise 39:

Combine the following sentences, using although,

Even though, however, nevertheless, while, where, on the other hand,

or on the contrary.

Example:Water exists in three forms—gas, liquid, and solid. The

most common freshwater form on earth is ice.

Although water exists in three forms—gas, liquid, and

Solid—the most common freshwater form on earth is



1. Almost three-quarters of the earth's surface is water. We cannot

easily use most of this water.

2. Seventy-one percent of the earth's surface is covered by

saltwater ocean. Seventy-five percent of all the world's fresh

water is in glacial ice.

3. Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (O degrees Celsius). Snow

and ice depend on other factors that influence temperature,

such as altitude.

4. Land masses in the Northern Hemisphere are large enough to

influence and even create climates. Land masses in the Southern

Hemisphere are too small and too far from the South Pole

to create cold climates.

5. The Arctic is a frozen ocean, covered by sea ice and surrounded

by land. The Antarctic is a frozen continent, covered by glacier

ice and completely surrounded by sea.

6. Snow and ice cover the peaks of many mountains. The regional

"snow line" varies greatly according to latitude.

7. Near the poles, the snow line is at sea level. In the tropics, the

snow line is above 20,000 feet (6,000 meters).

8. Glaciers can exist on moderately high mountains in the middle

latitudes. Near the equator, glaciers exist on only the highest

peaks, such as Chimborazo, Kilimanjaro, and Mount Kenya.

On Your Own After you have finished combining these

sentences, use them to write a paragraph on snow and ice. You

may want to rewrite, add, or omit portions in order to vary your


Activity In pairs or in small groups, use the following to learn

how to read a weather map. Check the weather map in your local

newspaper and prepare a short forecast of upcoming weather. Tell

what you are basing your predictions on, using as many connectors

of cause, purpose, or contrast as you can.


Exercise 40:

Rephrase the following sentences, changing clauses

of opposition to clauses of comparison. Give at least two new

versions for each.

Example:Mt. Waialeale, Hawaii, gets 460 inches of rain annually,

while the Atacama Desert in Chile gets almost no rain.


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