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Whistle while you don't work

Britain is also still under pressure from its partners to drop its opt-out from an EU directive imposing a maximum 48-hour working week. It fended off one such effort at this week's meeting of employment ministers, but the French, Italians and Spaniards will persist. When Europe is losing market share to harder-working Asians and Americans, it seems mad to stop the few people who want to work long hours from doing so. There is a similar hostility to workers from the east. Earlier this year a Danish carpenter, noting that Polish carpenters can do the same job for a quarter of the price, said bluntly that was "not the kind of competition we want in Europe".

Worse, the benefits of the single market seem surprisingly modest to many. And Mr Verheugen himself has put the cost of complying with EU regulations at as much as?600 billion a year. No wonder a recent poll of British businessmen found a majority claiming to believe that the costs of regulation outweigh the benefits of the single market.

It is fair to concede that there are doubts about all cost-benefit calculations applied to regulation. The EU is more than just a single market; there are many other benefits to membership. Regulation is bound to cost money-if it did not, it would not serve its presumed purpose. If EU red tape did not exist, much of it would be reinvented at national level. (Some national regulatory regimes might be more onerous than EU ones, although others would surely be lighter.) It is also true that deregulatory zeal is still alive in parts of the commission.

Still, it is plain that the benefits of the single market have been less than enthusiasts hoped, and the costs may have been bigger. And, to judge by the changing climate of opinion about the single market, few people are ready to do anything about this.


Приклад лексико-граматичного тесту:


This test will check your knowledge of the structure and grammar of the English language. The items in this section will include a number of sentences which contain errors. You will be required to find the mistakes and correct them by choosing the right answer. Other sentences will be incomplete. For these, you must choose the answers that correctly complete the sentence. In a recent examination, there were 40 questions in this section. To study for this test, turn to the Structure and Written Expression Review.


I. DIRECTIONS: Questions 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A),(B),(C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.


1. Although the weather in Martha's Vineyard isn't ---- to have a year round tourist season, it has become a favorite summer resort.

(A) goodly enough

(B) good enough

(C) good as enough

(D) enough good



2. Doctoral students who are preparing to take their qualifying examinations have been studying in the library every night ---- the last three months.

(A) since

(B) until

(C) before

(D) for


3. Canada does not require that U.S. citizens passports to enterthe country, and ----.

(A) Mexico does neither

(B) Mexico doesn't either

(C) neither Mexico does

(D) either does Mexico


4. Several of these washers and dryers are out of order and ----.

(A) need to be repairing

(B) repairing is required of them

(C) require that they be repaired

(D) need to be repaired


5. Having been selected to represent the Association of American Engineers at the International Convention, ----.

(A) the members applauded him

(B) he gave a short acceptance speech

(C) a speech had to be given by him

(D) the members congratulated him



6. Kubrick's going to be nominated to receive the Academy Award for best director, ----?

(A) won't he

(B) didn't he

(C) doesn't he

(D) isn't he

7. The speaker is ----.

(A) very well acquainted with the subject

(B) recognized as an authority who knows a great deal in terms

of the subject

(C) someone who knows well enough about the subject which he

has undertaken to do the speaking

(D) a person who has close awareness of the subject that he

speaks about so much


8. Although one of his ships succeeded in sailing all the way back to Spain through the Cape of Good Hope, Magellan never completed the first circumnavigation of the world, and ----.

(A) and most of his crew didn't too

(B) neither most of his crew did

(C) neither did most of his crew

(D) and most of his crew didn't also


9. The 'Consumers Price Index' lists ----.

(A) how much costs every car

(B) how much does every car cost

(C) how much every car costs

(D) how much are every car cost


10. Fast-food restaurants have become popular because many working people want ----.

(A) to eat quickly and cheaply

(B) eating quickly and cheaply

(C) eat quickly and cheaply

(D) the eat quickly and cheaply


11. After seeing the movie 'Centennial', ----.

(A) the book was read by many people

(B) the book made many people want to read it

(C) many people wanted to read this book

(D) the reading of the book interested many people


12. The examiner made us ---- our identification in order to be admitted to the test center.

(A) showing

(B) show

(C) showed

(D) to show


13. A telephone recording tells callers ----.

(A) what time the movie starts

(B) what time starts the movie

(C) what time does the movie start

(D) the movie starts what time


14. Thirty-eight national sites are known as parks, another eighty-two as monuments, and ----.

(A) the another one hundred seventy-eight as historical sites

(B) the other one hundred seventy-eight as historical sites

(C) seventy-eight plus one hundred more as historical sites

(D) as historical sites one hundred seventy-eight.


15. Perhaps the oldest theories of business cycles are ----that linked their cause to fluctuations of the harvest.

(A) whatever

(B) everything

(C) those

(D) them

16.---- in the world export diamonds.

(A) Only little nations

(B) Only few nations

(C) Only a little nations

(D) Only a few nations


II. DIRECTIONS: in questions 16-30 each sentences has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A),(B),(C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.


17. Upon reading (A) 'Innocent Abroad' by Mark Twain, one(B) begin to understand the (C) value of your (D) common sense.


18. If Robert Kennedy would have (A) lived a little(B) longer, he probably (C) would have won (D) the election.


19. It was her (A) who represented(B) her country in the United Nations and later became(C) ambassador to(D) the United States.


20. Historically there has been (A) only two major (B) fractions (C) in the Republican Party – the (D) liberals and the conservatives.


21. The registrar has requested that each (A) student and teacher signed (B) his (C) name on the grade sheet before submitting (D) it.


22. The Chinese were the first and large (A) ethnic group to work on (B) the (C) construction of the transcontinental railroad system(D).


23. The president, with his wife and daughter, are (A) returning from(B) a brief vacation at (C) Sun Valley in order to attend a press conference this (D) afternoon.


24. Even a professional psychologist may (A) have difficulty talking(B) calm (C) and logically about his own(D) problems.


25. Despite of(A) many attempts to introduce a (B) universal language notably(C) Esperanto and Idiom Neutral, the effort has met(D) with very little success.


26. As (A) every other nation, the United States used(B) to define its (C) unit of currency, the dollar, in terms(D) of the gold standard.


27. It is necessary that one(A)met(B) a judge before signing(C) the final papers(D) for a divorce.


28. According to(A) the graduate catalog, student housing (B) is more(C) cheaper than housing off(D) campus.


29. John Dewey thought that children will learn (A) better through(B) participating in experiences(C)rather than(D) through listening to lectures.


30. An unexpected raise(A) in the cost of living as well as(B) a decline in employment opportunities has resulted(C) in the rapid creation by Congress of (D) new government programs for the unemployed.


III. Translate into English:

1. Так як ви вже заплатили початковий внесок, то можете користуватися цим страховим полісом як юридичним документом.

2. Комісія прийняла рішення про нагородження його великою сумою за дослідницьку роботу.

3. Цей метод не настільки точний, аби дати вірні результати. Ваші висновки занадто поспішні.

4. Підписання нової угоди буде пов'язано з додатковими витратами, тому що розцінки на виконання робіт зросли останнім часом.

5. Боюся, що я не зможу зустрітися з вами 20 квітня, тому що в цей час я буду брати участь в переговорах з нашими партнерами в Бостоні.

6. Ми співпрацюємо з вашою фірмою вже давно і знаємо, що ви гарантуєте якісну роботу обладнання протягом 2-х років.
7. Працівники збираються брати участь у програмі поліпшення якості, що передбачає виплату премій.
8. Він проводить дослідження, щоб з'ясувати, які товари цієї галузі користуються попитом.
9. Я працюю у відділі маркетингу вже кілька років і маю відповідний досвід для участі в розробці нової рекламою кампанії.
10. Коли ми увійшли в зал засідань, дискусія вже розпочалася. Вона стосувалася поточної ситуації на ринку.

Ключи до завдань:

I. II.


1.b 2.d 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.d 7.a 8.c 9.c 10.a 11.c 12.b 13.a 14.b 15.c 16.b 17.b 18.a 19.a 20.a 21.b 22.a 23.a 24.c 25.a 26.a 27.b 28.c 29.a 30.a





1. As you have paid the first installment you may use this insurance policy as a legal document.

1. The commission took a decision about his awarding with a large sum of money for the research work.

2. This method isn’t precise enough to give correct results. Your conclusions are too fast.

3. Signing a new agreement will be connected with extra costs as charges for this kind of work have risen lately.

4. I am afraid I won’t be able to see you on the 20th of April, because I will be participating in negotiation with our partners in Boston at this time.

5. We have been cooperating with your company for a long time and you guarantee quality work of your equipment during 2 years.

6. Employees are going to take part in a quality improvement programme which considers paying bonuses.

7. He is doing research to know which products of this industry are in demand.

8. He is conducting the research to understand which goods are in great demand.

9. I have been working in the marketing department for some years and have some appropriate experience for participating in developing a new advertising campaign.

10. When we came to the board room a discussion has already begun. It concerned the current situation on the market.



1.David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent. Market Leader Intermediate Business English. Course Book. – Pearson Education Ltd: Longman, 2000. – 176 p.

2.David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent. Market Leader Intermediate Business English. Practice File. – Pearson Education Ltd: Longman, 2000. – 168 p.

3.Peter Strutt. Market Leader. Business Grammar and Usage. – Pearson Education Ltd: Longman, 2000. – 221 p.

4.Bill Mascull. Business vocabulary in use. – Cambridge University Press, 2005. – 172p. (B.V.)

5.Tricia Aspinall and George Bethell. Test your business vocabulary in use. – Cambridge University Press, 2006. – 102 p. (T.B.V.)

6.Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов гуманитарных и экономических вузов: Учеб. Пособие / Л.Я. Лычко, Н.В. Коноваленко, О.П. Гулякова и др.; науч.ред. Л.Я.Лычко. – Донецк, 1999. – 312 с. (E.G.)

7.R. Murphy. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. – 1998. – 350 p.

8.Kathy Cuoles and Michael Duckworth. Matrix. Pre-intermediate student book. – Oxford University Press, 2002. – 134 p.

9.Kathy Cuoles and Michael Duckworth. Matrix. Pre-intermediate workbook. - Oxford University Press, 2002. – 112 p.

10.Liz and John Soars. New Headway. English Course. Intermediate. Student’s book. – Oxford University Press, 1996. – 137 p.

11.Liz and John Soars. New Headway. English Course. Intermediate. Workbook. – Oxford University Press, 1996. – 113 p.



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