Ex.3 Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the polysemantic meanings of words in bold type. 

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Ex.3 Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the polysemantic meanings of words in bold type.

1. There are clock that mark time with an accuracy of one second per 300 years. 2 He gets only good and excellent marks for his answers at all exams. 3. You must review grammar rules regularly. 4. You English instructor will return your paper with a review. 5. Let us centre our attention on the research. 6. The consultation centre of the Institute is not far away front my job. 7. To pass an exam by Physics you must give the subject much attention and time. 8. When you come to the place you must show your pass at the entrance.

Ex.4 Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the words in bold type:

1. The use of light metals in industry will amount to a higher and higher per cent. 2. There is a great amount of titanium in the Urals. 3. A square thing does not fit into a round hole. 4. The Earth round once in one day and one night. 5. There is a bus stop round the corner. 6. In order to come to the station you must round the corner. 7. The Earth makes its yearly round in 365 or 366 days.

Ex.5 Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the words in bold type:

1. Television is. an important means of communication-2. This fact means that the number of radio stations in our country will increase. 3. All technical means will be perfect in future. 4. A number is modern houses will be constructed in this region 5.The instrument cabin of a spaceship houses various transmitters, power sources and other equipments. 6: This system houses all technological and auxiliary services. 7. The obtained result is of great practical importance for the development of these systems. 8. The application of powerful outer space relays result in better communication. 9. Engineers achieved great results in constructing semiconductor devices. 10. The application of semiconductor devices results in better operation of this equipment. 11. The total number of power stations in the world is growing constantly. 12. All the devices of this laboratory total about two hundred

Ex.6 Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the word "provide" (забезпечувати, поставляти} as the verb and "provided" (за умови, якщо тільки) as the conjunction.

1. Solar batteries provided much energy for this system operation; 2. A sell supplies electric energy provided its electrodes are different materials. 3. The electrical properties of germanium may be changed provided germanium is exposed to light. 4. A capacitor stores electric energy provided that a voltage source is applied to it 5. These experiments provided necessary data for studying this phenomenon. 6. Provided the laboratory is equipped with up-to-date instruments we shall be able to carry out the important scientific researches. 7. A direct current flows provided a direct voltage source is applied; to the circuit.

Ex.7 Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian, pay attention to the meaning word in bold type,

1. Work is measured by the product of the moving force times the distance through which the force acts in overcoming the resistance. 2. It is best to have the value of an alternating current or varying voltage with time according to the sine wave. 3. The word "phase”, when property used in a.c. terminology, refers to time. 4. The experiment was repeated many times, and the temperature conditions varied slightly. 5. With metal filament lamps the power radiated as light is nearly three times as great as the power radiated heat. 6. We could study the reaction mentioned above very thoroughly because it lasted over a long time. 7. Large turbines have an economy of three or four times that of steam units in a small plant 8. We know that iron molecules are magnets at all times.


Самостійна робота № 6

Текст: The atmosphere’s energy.

Лексико-граматичні основи перекладу та вправи: Переклад конструкцій to have + іменник + дієприкметник ІІ, to have + іменник + інфінітивForming the nouns using the following suffix –ity and the adjectives using suffixes –ic, -al, -ous


Ex.1 Remember the following words and word combinations:

Ex.2 Translate the following word combinations:

Ex.3 Give the initial form of the words. Define the part of speech of the words:


Ex.4 Read and translate the text:


A convenient way to examine the workings of the atmosphere is through the energy budget. The law of conservation of energy requires that we account for all of the energy received by the earth, so by looking at all forms of energy and transformations we have a guide to atmospheric phenomena.

Practically ail (99.98%) of the energy that reaches the earth comes from the sun. Intercepted first by the atmosphere a small part is directly absorbed, particularly by certain gases such as ozone and water vapor, Some of the energy is reflected back to space by the atmosphere, its clouds and the earth's surface. Some of the sun's radiant energy is absorbed by the earth's surface. Transfers of energy between the earth's surface and the atmosphere occur in a variety of ways, such as conduction, evaporation and convection. Kinetic energy (air in motion or wind) results from difference in temperature within the atmosphere. And, finally, friction is constantly bleeding off some of the energy of motion, converting it to heat. The combination of these many processes produce the complex phenomena called weather.

Heat energy can be transmitted from one place to another by conduction, convection and radiation.

Conduction is the process by which heat energy is transmitted through a substance by point-to-point contact of neighboring molecules. Solid substances, especially metals, are usually good conductors. Heat conduction in air is so slow (hat it is of little importance in transmitting heat within the air

itself; however, it is significant in the exchange of heat between the earth's surface and the air in contact with it.

Convection transmits heat by transporting groups of molecules from place to place within a substance. Thus, convection occurs in substances in which the molecules are free to move, i.e. in fluids. The convective motions that carry heat from one point to another within a fluid arise because the warmer portions of the fluid are less dense than the surroundings and therefore rise. A circulation of fluid, i.e. a closed circuit of fluid motion is thus established between the warm and cool regions.

Radiation is the transfer of heat energy without the involvement of physical substance in the transmission. Heat may therefore be transmitted through a vacuum and if the radiation takes place through a completely transparent medium, the medium itself is not heated or affected. The transfer of heat energy from the sun to the earth is by means of the radioactive process. Earth also loses its heat energy to outer space in the same way: by radioactive transfer.

Text B

The sun is not an unusual star, either in brilliance or in size, A slowly rotating body of hot (several million degrees Celsius), very dense gas, with a diameter of about 1,400,000 kilometers, it is surrounded by a very tenuous atmosphere that extends several solar diameters from the surface. It generates a tremendous amount of heat, but the earth intercepts very little. Measurements made on the earth indicate that the rate at which energy impinges on a surface perpendicular to the sun's nays at the mean solar-earth distance is about 2,00cal/cm3 min. This value is known as the solar constant.

Ex.5 Arrange the words to form a sentence. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. varies, lapse, considerably, in time and space;

2. clouds, with, instability, are associated, Cumuliform;

3. turbulent, strong, flow, rapid, causes;

4. the role, in the atmosphere, is great, of moisture;

5. rotates, an axis, the earth, about:

6. around, the earth, moves, the sun;

7. varies, in both hemispheres, the total daily energy received, little, the poles and the equator, between, in summer.

Ex.6 Answer the following questions:

1. What does the law of conservation of energy require?

2. What is reflected back to space by the atmosphere, its clouds and the earth's surface?

3. How do transfers of energy between the earth's surface and the atmosphere occur?

A. By means of what physical processes can heal energy be transmitted from one place to another?

5. What do you understand by the term "conduction"?

6. What is meant by the term "convection"?

7. Please explain the term "radiation".

Ex.7 Explain the meaning of "as" in the following sentences and translate them;

1. The movement of water as it relates to the earth is called "the hydrological


2. The science of meteorology encompasses the behavior of the weather

elements as they occur in the atmosphere and on the surface of the earth and other planets.

3. As rain continues, the earth's surface becomes covered with a film of


4. Snow as it falls varies greatly in its water content.

5. There is also.some question as to whether the ocean regulates the

concentration of carbon dioxide by absorbing any excess.

6. The difficulty with such a fact as an explanation of climatic changes is that

different areas would be affected at different times.

7. There was a marked lag between the melting of snow and the appearance

of the resulting water as runoff in the streams.

Ex.8 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the list below and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

CLOUD S.... are to be considered as the result of the condensation of... in the atmosphere. They are known to consist of" minute... particles, or.. crystals at temperatures well enough below freezing. The principal methods of... production have to be classified according to the following...: 1) the direct ascent of... caused by convection or topography, 2) the gradual ascent of air over a large..., as in front of the warm sector or a cyclone, 3) the mixing of two unsaturated... of different temperatures

water, ice, clouds, air, cooling processes, area, water vapor, cloud


Ex.9 Give English equivalents for the following:

Закон збереження енергії, атмосферний тиск, зручний спосіб, потік енергії, поглинати, досягати землі, назад у простір, проводимість, випарювання, конвекція, тертя, енергія руху, точковий контакт, тепловий обмін, конвективний рух, замкнений ланцюг, прозоре середовище, радіаційний процес, зовнішній простір.

Ex.10 Suggest a suitable title for the passage. Express the main idea in Ukrainian:

The ocean changes extremely little in temperature between day and night as compared with land. Here are five reasons for this: 1) A large amount, about 40% of insolation, which is reflected from the surface and thus lost without heating the water. 2) The remaining 60% of the insolation, which is absorbed, is transmitted to a considerable depth. Thus, it is not a thin surface layer, but a layer of a considerable depth and great mass that is heated. 3) A considerable amount of evaporation lakes place from the surface of the ocean. 4} A large amount of heat is required for raising the temperature of a given quantity of water than of other known substance. 5) The water of the ocean is in continual motion. Thus, again it is not a small surface layer that is heated but a considerable amount of water. Therefore the temperature of the ocean rises very little during the day and fells little during the night.

Ex.11 Instead of saying:" By weighing the material which ix absorbed before and after the measurement, the mass of wider vapour in the sample can be determined" We can. say: "By weighing the material absorbed before and after the measurement, the mass of water vapour..."

1. Water vapour, which is normally most abundant near the ground is carried up and diffused.

2. Collection of reports which are needed for a complete analysis requires extensive communication facilities.

3. Winds as flying levels are determined by means of small balloons which arc released to float freely in the air.

4. The signals which are sent out by the transmitters are used to track the satellites orbit.




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