Poetry of Kz. Main directions 

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Poetry of Kz. Main directions

Kazakh Literature

Primary sources of Kazakh literature are the epics "AlypEr Tonga", "ShuBatir," created in 11.3 centuries BC. The scientific studies proved that the events described in them are closely connected with the ancient history of the Kazakh people. Old-Turkic written documents showed that the Turkic tribes of the art word is poetic force, depth of thought and richness of content.
Folk heritage of Turkish literature represented by legends, tales, proverbs, sayings, heroic and liroepicheskimi poems. Among the samples of the heroic epic of the imperishable world's people are "Alpamys", "Қобыланды, favorite Kazakh people in social and everyday epics -" ҚозыҚорпеш - Bayan Sulu "," ҚызZhibek, later stories - Ayman - Sholpan " "Күлше-қыз", "Мақпал-қыз. From folklore written literature abundantly drew ideas, artistic images.
In 9-12 centuries with the development of oral folk literature and written literature forming the first concept of the imagery, artistic, educational value of art expression. Dictionary Diwaniyahlugat al-Turk, Mahmud Kashgar - vivid evidence of the cultural level of the Turkic peoples in the 11 century. Despite the linguistic character, the dictionary is considered a literary-historical and ethnographic collection. It also has several hundred lines of poetry, dozens of proverbs, sayings, wise aphorisms. Dastan "KutadguBilig (didactic work" virtuous knowledge ") - a set of wise counsel, guidance Yusuf KhasHajibiBalasaguni, one of the highly Turkic poets and writers. Dastan connects literature with oral poetry. The dialogue is combined with a form aytysa. Kazakh bard enriched the ancient writing poetry themes, genres, continued philosophical and educational traditions, have made a patriotic motives, features realistic images. The first prominent representatives are CodanTaisha, AsanKaige, Kaztuganzhyrau. In their work reflects the historical events of the period of formation of the Kazakh khanate and the Kazakh people. On the development and flourishing of poetry, particularly influenced by the work activities and DospambetabatirShalkiizazhyrauTilenshiuly. Shalkiiz enriched Kazakh poetry and in poetry. In their work found its final form the basic principles of versification bard, which formed over the centuries. Occupying several centuries in the chronological periodization of Kazakh literature, poetry zhyrau often provoke debate and controversy, and only in the late 80's during the 20 th century was an appropriate assessment.
Prominent members of the poetry akyns 18 century - Cocteau and Shal. Motive works Koktema (1745-1818) - sorrows and hardships of the poor. In come down to our time poetichkom heritage akynShala (1748-1819) raised questions of religion, ethics and morality. 19 century marks a new stage in the history of Kazakh literature. Its development was due to creativity Otemisova M., S. Zharyngasova, S. Aronov. Great contribution to the development of the Kazakh poetry in the 2 nd half of 19 century have akyns B. Kozhagulov (Birzhan fats), A. Naymanbaev, A. Koramsauly (Akan Seri), J. toad.
Creation of a poet ZhambylZhabaeva developed under conditions of acute political events, which was seized by the Kazakh territory in the late XIX early XX centuries. From childhood actively taking part in the steppes of poetry competitions - aytysah, Zhambyl honed his talent improviser. His work is marked by sharp social orientation, expressed in exposing the arbitrariness of the big feudal lords and royal officials.
Abaya's creations (Ibrahim) Kunanbaev (1845-1904) opens a new stage of Kazakh realistic literature. Power Abaya, as the words of a great artist, with exceptional force manifested in the poem "octave". The main line of his work - the call to goodness, knowledge, culture, honest labor, justice, love for people and native land. Thin connoisseur of Russian poetry, Abai translated about 50 works by Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov. The works of the poet repeatedly issued in Russian and other languages.
In the 20's. 20 th century, the process of formation of prose in Kazakhstan. B. Mailin, M. Auezov, S. Seifullin, I. Zhansugurov, S. Mukanov, S. Sharipov, J. Tlepbergenov, G. Musrepov, Mustafin, U. Turmanzhanov, E. Bekenov and others wrote stories, essays, novels. They found the appropriate realistic. colors to create a bright human. images and characters, images, portraits of characters. "Bitter Line" (1931; in the Kazakh language in 1972, translated A. Ospanova), "Hate" (1932, translated H. Esenzhanova) are significant works of modern literature of that period in the genre of the novel. During the 2-nd World War in the novel AA Beck "Volokolamsk Highway" (1943) established the heroic images of B. Momyshuly, I. Panfilov. In the postwar period, published the novel "The face of the sun" I. Shukhov (1950), "The reference point of the VD Vanyushina (1952). NI Anov in the novel "Wings of Song" (1959) reflected the socio-historical position of Kazakhstan in the 20 years shown in the product formation and development of national art, created images of talented artists (I. Baizakov, A. Kashaubaev, K. Munaitpas, AV.Zataevicha etc.). Issued novel IG Shchegolikhina "snowstorm" (1961), the tale GV Chernogolovinoy "Nedozhdlivoe time," novel "Risk Zone" (1981). In the novel, MD Simashko "Commissioner Zhangildin" created a vivid image of the son of the Kazakh people. Dm. Snegina in dilogii "In the morning and at noon" (1976, 1982), expanding the boundaries of historical subjects, has created images geroichiskih personalities, among which occupies a special place O. Zhandosov. The poetry of a new generation of talented poets: VA Antonov, AK Elkov, DE Ryabukha, LV Skalkovsky, FA Morgun, VA Smirnov.

By the 17th century, if not before, there had emerged two types of professional bards: the zhıraw and the aqın. These were primarily—though not exclusively—male professions. The zhıraw performed both the epic zhır and the didactic tolgaw and terme. Prior to the later 18th century, when Kazakhs began to lose their political autonomy, zhıraw s were sometimes advisers to sultans and khans, which granted them high social status. The aqın was an oral poet who competed with other aqın s, usually of different clans, at weddings or other celebrations; these competitions centred on improvised songs (also called terme s). While the zhır was the province of the zhıraw, the improvised song had stylistic variants that could be performed by either professional. Songs that praised a host, poetry, or a musical instrument, for example, were performed by both zhıraw s and aqın s.

The outstanding figure of Kazakh literature during the Soviet era was MukhtarAuez-ulï (Auezov). A graduate of universities in Russia and Uzbekistan, he became a successful scholar, publishing editions of Kazakh epic texts. He began writing fiction while still a student. By the 1920s he had begun to study Abay, who had been a major cultural influence on his own family. This study led to the historical novel Abaĭ (1945–47; Eng. trans. Abai). Epic in scope, it depicts the social environment from which Abay emerged. It is both a moving narrative and a unique document of Kazakh life during the period of the Russian conquest and thereafter, when the Kazakh people were faced with fundamental economic and cultural choices for which their traditional culture had not prepared them.



Realism is a widely used term in the arts. In literature, it came into being as a response to Romanticism. While Romanticism focused on the inner, spiritual side of human nature, and was skewed toward the exceptional and Sublime, Realism focused on the mundane, the everyday. Realism focussed on the ideology of objective reality and revolted against exaggerated emotionalism of Romanticism. As an artistic strategy, it was an attempt to focus literature on the objective, the concrete; Characters were portrayed in their social setting, which shaped their actions and their choices. Realism is often referred to as an attempt to portray things "as they are," but in fact, it was itself another artistic strategy, employing verisimilitude for artistic ends.

Literary Realism began as a cultural movement with its roots in France, where it was a very popular art form, not only in France but the in rest of Europe as well, from the mid to late 1800s. It was aided with the introduction of photography—a new visual source that created a desire for people to produce things that looked “objectively real.” It became popular in America largely in the early twentieth century.In the visual arts it refers to a style of depiction that attempts to portray subjects as they appear in everyday life, without embellishment or interpretation. The term is also used to describe works of art which, in revealing a truth, may emphasize the ugly or sordid. Realist artists focused on that side of "reality" which had often been excluded in Romantic art, the unflattering truth of the underside of elite culture.In American literature, the term "realism" encompasses the period of time from the Civil War to the turn of the century, during which William Dean Howells, Rebecca Harding Davis, Henry James,Mark Twain, and others wrote fiction devoted to accurate representation and exploration of American lives in various contexts.


· Renders reality closely and in comprehensive detail. Selective presentation of reality with an emphasis on verisimilitude, even at the expense of a well-made plot

· Character is more important than action and plot; complex ethical choices are often the subject.

· Characters appear in their real complexity of temperament and motive; they are in explicable relation to nature, to each other, to their social class, to their own past.

· Class is important; the novel has traditionally served the interests and aspirations of an insurgent middle class. (SeeIanWatt, TheRiseoftheNovel)

· Events will usually be plausible. Realistic novels avoid the sensational, dramatic elements of naturalistic novels and romances.

· The realism of James and Twain was critically acclaimed in twentieth century; Howellsian realism fell into disfavor as part of early twentieth century rebellion against the "genteel tradition."



In the arts, a theme is a broad idea or a message conveyed by a work, such as a performance, a painting, a motion picture, or a video game. This message is usually about life, society or human nature. Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a work. Themes are usually implied rather than explicitly stated. Deep thematic content is not required in a visual work; however, some observers would say that all visual work inherently projects some kind of outlook on life that can be taken as a theme, regardless of whether or not this is the intent of the author. Analysis of changes (or implied change) in dynamic characteristics of the work can provide insight into a particular theme.

A theme is not the same as the subject of a work. For example, the subject of Star Wars is "the battle for control of the galaxy between the Galactic Empire and theRebel Alliance". The themes explored in the films might be "moral ambiguity" or "the conflict between technology and nature".

Themes differ from motifs in that themes are ideas conveyed by the visual experience as a whole, while motifs are repeated symbols found inside an overarching theme. Simply having repeated symbolism related to chess, does not make the story's theme the similarity of life to chess. Themes arise from the interplay of the plot, the characters, and the attitude the author takes to them, and the same story can be given very different themes in the hands of different authors.

Identifying the main idea means determining what is central to a text – what the writer most values or wants to emphasise. In a narrative, this might be the theme or themes, which will probably relate to people and how they live their lives. In a transactional text, it might be the key information or the particular idea about the topic that the writer wants readers to understand. In some transactional text forms, such as reports or letters to the editor, the main idea is often made explicit at the beginning. In fiction, the main idea is more often implied, in a variety of ways, throughout the text. A text may have more than one main idea or theme, but this comprehension strategy involves identifying the idea or ideas that are most important throughout the text, not ideas of lesser importance and not those that feature only in one section of the text.

Identifying the main idea does not mean identifying the topic or content of a text. For example, a story might be about a character breaking his leg, but the main idea (theme) of the text might be about the way the character overcomes adversity or discovers the value of friendship. Often it is relatively easy for a reader to state what a text is about, but it may be more difficult to decide what the main idea is. The reader needs to interpret the writer’s thinking by making connections to their prior knowledge, hypothesising, inferring, and synthesising several aspects of the text in order to identify the main idea.



Literary words serve to satisfy communicative demands of official, scientific, poetic messages, while the colloquial ones are employed in non-official everyday communication. Though there is no immediate correlation between the written and the oral forms of speech on the one hand, and the literary and colloquial words, on the other, yet, for the most part, the first ones are mainly observed in the written form, as most literary messages appear in writing

The literary vocabulary consists of the following groups of words:

1. common literary; 2. terms and learned words; 3. poetic words; 4. archaic words; 5. barbarisms and foreign words; 6. literary coinages including nonce-words.

Special literary vocabulary

Literary words, both general (also called learned, bookish, high-flown) and special, contribute to the message the tone of solemnity, sophistication, seriousness, gravity, learnedness. They are used in official papers and documents, in scientific communication, in high poetry, in authorial speech of creative prose.

Poetic and Highly Literary Words Poetic words are mostly archaic or very rarely used highly literary words which aim at producing an elevated effect..

V. V. Vinogradov gives the following properties of poetic words: poetic words and images veil the reality, stylizing it according to the established literary norms and canons. A word is torn away from its referent.

Poetical tradition has kept alive such archaic words and forms as yclept (p. p. of the old verb clipian—to call, name); quoth (p. t. of cweð-an — to speak); eftsoons (eftsona,— again, soon after), thee (you) which are used even by modern ballad-mongers.

Poetical words in an ordinary environment may also have a satirical function, showing them as conventional metaphors and stereotyped poetical expressions.


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