VII. Выпишите и переведите: из 3-го абзаца предложение, содержащие страдательный залог, а из 4-го – инфинитив в функции составной части сказуемого. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


VII. Выпишите и переведите: из 3-го абзаца предложение, содержащие страдательный залог, а из 4-го – инфинитив в функции составной части сказуемого.

VIII. Прочтите 4-й абзац и данный ниже вопрос к нему. Из приведенных ответов ответа укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос:


How can people solve energy problems?

1. People must use solar energy.

2. People must use the energy of fusion of hydrogen atoms.

3. People must use the vast store of hydrogen in the ocean.



Вариант 4

I. Перепишите предложения, определите в каждом из них видо-временную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого (см. образец). Переведите предложения на русский язык:


1. Huge concrete panels are being used in the construction of new projects.

2. Good harvests have been gathered in many districts this summer.

3. Science and engineering have made great progress during the last thirty years.

4. We were invited to the lecture on the International situation last week.



II. Перепишите предложения и переведите их, учитывая разные значения слов it, that, one:


1. This house built much sooner than that one.

2. It is known that there are rich deposits of coal in that district.

3. As l’ve not read the book, I can’t tell you anything about it.

4. It was after he had returned from Leningrad that I told him the news.



III. Перепишите предложения и переведите их, имея в виду различные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do:


1. I have to go to the library to get some more books on this problem.

2. A new power station is being built in this town; it is to be ready by the next year.

3. My friend is a very good student. He does everything accurately and in time.

4. We have a large library at our Institute.

5. I had finished my work by five o’clock.

6. He doesn’t have enough time now, so he will do this work during his holidays.



IV. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение:


1. I thought he had graduated from the Institute in 1970.

2. We decided we should go the Crimea next summer.



V. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива в предложении:


1. To raise the standards of people’s culture is an important problem.

2. He worked hard not to lag behind the other students.



VI. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го по 5-й, 7-й и 8-й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите с 1-го по 5-й абзацы текста.


The Orbital Stations of the Future


1. Long-term1 orbital research stations are very useful to scientists today for weather forecasting, agriculture, geology, sea and air transport, and for protecting the environment.

2. A modern long-term orbital station is a research laboratory in space, where the researches can be done that are quite unconceivable on Earth.

3. Take physics. Because there is no atmosphere in space, physicists can study cosmic rays, carry out experiments that may help discover new nuclear reactions and elementary particles.

4. Then, too, in weightlessness we could get purer materials. When molten metal cools of on the Earth, the density will always be slightly uneven because the surrounding temperature is uneven while gravity upsets the structural balance by distorting the crystallization leaving us with an imperfect end product.

5. In space these problems are avoided, there is no gravity and no atmosphere, so the quality of crystals is sharply improved. The crystals grown in weightlessness are extra pure substances which can be used for semiconductors, lasers, computer engineering and in medicine.

6. There will be space observatories too – the research is already under way. From orbit, one can watch the development of cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, predict when they will strike and give an advance warning2. The study of the Earth is a big part of the space programme. Colour and black-and-white photographs of the Earth help geologists.

7. Modern orbital stations are built quite big, some of them weighing up to 20 tons. It is only natural that scientists and experimenters want much bigger stations. It is only natural that scientists and experimenters want much bigger stations. And during the next decade the orbital stations will probably get bigger.

8. A multipurpose station is useful for all kinds of research – astrophysics, technology, medicine, biology etc. But a wide range of equipment we require for such research has obvious disadvantages for the instruments will never all be in use. So, the future emphasis will probably be on specialized stations.



1long-term - долгосрочный; рассчитанный или предназначенный на длительный период

2to give warning - сделать предупреждение, предупредить



VII. Выпишите и переведите: из 7-го абзаца предложение, содержащее страдательный залог, а из 8-го – предложение, содержащее бессоюзное подчинение.


VIII. Прочтите 6-й абзац текста и вопрос к нему. Из приведенных вариантов ответа укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос.


What helps geologists in their work?

1. The study of cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons helps geologists in their work.

2. Colour and black-and-white photographs of the Earth help geologists in their work.

3. The study of space helps geologists in their work.



Вариант 5



I. Перепишите предложения, определите в каждом из них видо-временную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого (см. образец). Переведите предложения на русский язык:


1. The cultural standards of our people have been immeasurably raised.

2. Scientists and engineers have worked out many special devices.

3. The new cosmic achievements are much spoken about.

4. The students were shown the latest types of electronic devices.



II. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, учитывая разные значения слов it, that, one:


1. This book is more interesting than the one we read last week.

2. It is reported that the delegation has left Moscow.

3. It was not till she returned home that she learned the truth.

4. One must always keep one’s word.



III. Перепишите предложения и переведите их, имея в виду различные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do:


1. He had to prepare this report, but he is ill. You will do it instead of him.

2. They are to begin this work at once.

3. We shall have a new tape-recorder at the laboratory of foreign languages.

4. That new plant is being designed by a group of young specialists from our town.

5. Do you go to the institute in the evening?



IV. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение:


1. I was sure he had already left Moscow.

2. He hoped I should find him there.


V. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива в предложении:


1. To create an abundance of goods is the task of economy.

2. To understand the importance of this event you should know all the facts.



VI. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го по 4-й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2 и 4-й абзацы.


Robot Technology


1. Robots are machines of special type. They are considered to replace man wherever he is to do hard, monotonous or hazardous work1. Robots are sophisticated machines2. Many of them are fitted with artificial intellect systems, special programming devices and electronic controllers. Their development required the work of specialists in several technical fields, together with specialists in biophysics and physiology.

2. The idea of robot technology was born in the forties, when the foundations of atomic power engineering3 – the basis of technological progress – were laid. The materials scientists must deal with are radioactive. Besides, the equipment used in obtaining and studying them is dangerous for man. At the same time work with radioactive substances, assembly and disassembly of atomic reactors, the servicing of machines and devices in radioactive zones require human effort. Remote-controlled equipment4 helps to solve this problem.

3. Research into radioactive materials is becoming ever more complicated, new problems arising in atomic power engineering and space technology. This calls for5 newer manipulators and devices to be handled by an operator. An analysis of these and their solutions show two entirely different approaches. The first one is to bring the operator as close to the object as possible, the other requires remote control. Both approaches have already found practical application not only in atomic power engineering but in underwater exploration as well.

4. Our research and design organizations create robots for assembly operations, robots being used today for assemblying various electronic circuits. Mention should be made that robots are in wide use for performing welding and painting.

5. Robot technology emerged at the junction of two sciences – mechanics and control theory. Its further progress requires a wide application of modern control machines and systems, handled by scientists specializing in the theory of working processes, biology and physics.



1hazardous work - опасная работа

2sophisticated machines - сложные машины

3power engineering - энергетика

4remote-controlled equipment - оборудование с дистанционным управлением

5call for - требовать



VII. Выпишите из 3-го абзаца предложение, содержащее инфинитив в функции определения, и переведите его письменно.


VIII. Прочтите 5-й абзац текста и укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос:


What does further progress of robot technology require?

1.... scientists specializing in the theory of working processes.

2.... a wide application of modern control machines and systems.

3.... machine mechanics and control theory.







Содержание программы

Методические указания

Контрольные задания

Контрольное задание № 1

Контрольное задание № 2

Контрольное задание № 3



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