In some of these sentences much is incorrect or unnatural. Change much to many or a lot (of) where necessary. 

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In some of these sentences much is incorrect or unnatural. Change much to many or a lot (of) where necessary.

1. We didn't spend much money. _RIGHT_

2. Sue drinks much tea. _a lot of tea_

3. Jim always puts much salt on his food.

4. We'll have to hurry. We haven't got much time.

5. Did it cost much to repair the car?

6. It cost much to repair the car.

7. I don't know much people in this town.

8. I use the phone much at work.

9. They've got so much money they don't know what to do with it.

7. Fill in the gaps:

1. He is a wicked boy. I’m sure he did it… (by \on) purpose. 2. She shouted (at/ to) me that I was wanted (on / to) the phone. 3. Take a pen. You can’t sign contracts (by/ in)pencil. 4. The voyage was tiring. The sea was rough and we had to be (in/ at) sea more than a fortnight. 5. He lives (at/ on)a farm somewhere in Texas. 6. Put your signature (on/ at) the bottom of the page. Don’t write (at/ in)the middle, put it (at/ on) the right. 7. She made this sweater herself (at/ by) hand. 8. He through an egg (to / at) the speaker. 9. The car that was going (with / at) the speed of 70 miles per hour braked (on / at) the traffic lights. 10. The participants of Greenpeace rally were standing (by / in) a line (in front of / before) the house of the mayor. 11. He was (on / at) work (before / until) 3 o’clock yesterday. 12. He was sent (in / to) prison for shoplifting (by / at) age of seventeen. 13. (In / On) the whole, I liked our journey. But next year I’d like to go (on / to) cruise.

Fill in along, through, across, past

1. Our cottage is rather far. You should drive—the church,--a small wood, then—the river (there is a wooden bridge) and finally—the wide road. Our house is by this road. 2. Paul is a good swimmer. He can swim—the river. 3. She went—me without saying a word. 4. The burglar got into the house—the open window. 5. He ran—the lawn and came up to the French window. 6. They went—the bank of the river talking loudly. 7. Oil flows—a pipeline. 8. When she was going—the jewellery shop, her attention was attracted by a necklace in the shop window.


Read and translate the text

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer, Mozart was born in 1756 in Salchburg, Austria. His father, a violinist and a composer, noticed wonderful talent of his son and taught him how to play musical instruments and to compose.

Being 4 years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was 5 or 6 years old he started composing music» At the age of 8— 9 Mozart created his first symphonies, and at the age of 10-11 his first creations for musical theatre.

When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and his sister to the big cities of Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria, France, England, Switzerland» The audience was delighted to see such a small boy playing the clavier.

When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He could not imagine his life without music.

By the age of 19 he was the author of ten major musical works.

At the age of 26 he moved from his native town to Vienna. Though he didn't have a great success as a composer in Vienne, Mozart wrote many songs, serenades, symphonies.

Burdens of life, poverty and desease speeded up his death. He died at the age of 35.

The real fame came to Mozart only after his death. Many people now know and like his music.


1. When was Mozart born?

2. How old was he when he started to play musical instruments?

3. When did he start to compose music?

4. What countries did young Mozart visit?

5. When did the real fame come to Mozart?

6. When did he die?


Разговорные темы:

- My ideal weekend;

- My flat;

- My native city (town);

- Shopping in my life;

- My favourite film


Индивидуальное задание: подготовить, прочитать и перевести текст на 5000 печатных знаков.







Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Present in the statements.

1. I(to take) my sister to school every day. 2. He (to help) his father very often.3. They usually (to go) to the river for a swim. 4. She (to play) the violin every day. 5. He (to sleep) every night. 6. We (to drink) tea every morning. 7. They (to go) to school every morning. 8. I (not to sleep) in the daytime. 9. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch. 10. We (not to watch) TV in the morning. 11. You (to work) every day?

Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Present in the statements.

Example: I _____ in the lake. (to swim) Answer: I swim in the lake.

1) We ___ our dog. (to call)

2) Emma___ in the lessons. (to dream)

3) They___ at birds. (to look)

4) John___ home from school. (to come)

5) I ___ my friends. (to meet)

6) He___ the laptop. (to repair)

7) Walter and Frank ___ hello. (to say)

8) The cat___ under the tree. (to sit)

9) You___ water. (to drink)

10) She ___ the lunchbox. (to forget)

Use the correct possessive adjectives.

16. I have a pen. ______ pen is red.

17. Nacho forgot ______ book.

18. Luis and Miguel talk like ______ father.

19. Alex and I were late for ______ class.

20. Princess Leticia is wearing ______ new Chanel glasses.

Fill in the gaps

This weekend I am going to the beach. I am not sure which car I should take. I could take ____ mother’s car but I am not sure if _____ is running properly. I think I will take ____ father’s car because _____ is new and is running well. I definitely cannot take _____ because I crashed it last week when I was driving too fast. I also need to take some sun block with me. I don’t have time to buy some myself, so I guess I will ask ___ neighbors if I can borrow ________. I could use the sun block that I found at school but I am scared to use it because I don’t know ________ it used to be. I just know that it is important to always cover _____ body in sun block before being

exposed to intense sunlight.

Decide whether you have to use a little or a few.

1. There will be­­­___ rain this week.

2. ___friends are coming over tonight.

3. I need ___ sleep.

4. Could you buy___ bottles of water for me?

5. My parents give me ___ pocket money every week.

6. All we need is___ luck.

7. I would like to eat___ biscuits now.

8. There is still___ bread left.

9. My friend knows____ English poems.

10. There are____ birthdays to celebrate this month.

Some of these sentences need a. Put in a where necessary. Put 'RIGHT' if the sentence is already complete.

1. She's lucky. She has _few problems._ _RIGHT_

2. Things are not going so well for her. She has _few problems._ _a few problems_

3. Can you lend me _few dollars?_

4. I can't give you a decision yet. I need _little time_ to think.

5. There was _little traffic_, so the journey didn't take very long.

6. It was a surprise that he won the match. _Few people_ expected him to win.

7. I don't know much Spanish--_only few words._

7. Complete with words below:

among, between

1. Differences in pronunciations—British English and American English are numerous. 2. For her there is not much choice—Paul and Nick. 3. She could see him – people in the crowd. 4. You may divide this money—you both. 5. There is an oak tree – birches and pines near my house.

8. Complete this passage with prepositions (to, by, over, into)

1. When we came the game was …

2. He went … school.

3. She came … my room, no resolution.

4. The book was brought … the girl.

5. The pencil belongs … me.

6. The document was signed … the director.

7. The ball fall … the water.

8. She is going … the sea.

9. Repeat the texts … again.

10. He quickly climbed … the fence.

11. I think … your propositions.

12. The sunny weather will be all … the country.

13. She went … the river.

14. They go … home.

15. The pupils came … the classroom.

16. The dog went … the lake.

17. Put money … the pocket.

18. He couldn’t sleep and turn side … side.

19. The lamp is… the bookcase.

20. My sister prefers travelling … car.


Read and translate the text

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1756. From the very beginning of his life in Salzburg» Austria, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a master of music. His father, Leopold Mozart, sacrificed his own career as a respected composer and theorist so he could concentrate on fostering his prodigy son's talents. He taught Mozart the violin, piano and musical theory, all of which Mozart excelled at. At the age of four, Mozart was writing piano concerts and he completed his first opera, when he was eleven.

Mozart spent most of his childhood touring Europe with his sister and he got his first job at the age thirteen for the Archbishop of Salzburg. He worked here for twelve years until the archbishop dismissed him. Mozart moved to Vienna, the musical capital of the world at the time. He had been successful there as a child prodigy but as an adult had difficulty in finding work.

It was in Vienna that Mozart met Haydn, who took Mozart under his wing and nurtured Mozart' talents like a second father. To make a living, Mozart wrote operas which were becoming very popular. Musical ideas sprang from Mozart's mind. His only task in composing was actually writing the music down on paper. Around this time he fell in love with a woman called Aloysia Weber. He asked her to marry him but she declined and so he married her sister Constanze instead. For their wedding, Mozart wrote his great C-minor composition.

Mozart had more success as a composer when he visited Prague. He was commissioned to write several operas and he enjoyed a successful career.

Mozart was convinced while he was writing Requiem commissioned by an unnamed stranger that it was his own requiem and he was right. He raced to finish it but in the end only completed a few movements and a sketchy outline of the rest of the piece. He died probably from poor health when he was just thirty five years old. The Requiem was completed by one of Mozart's pupils, Sussmayr.

Mozart was apolitical. He was very classical. He appreciated Bach and had a large output: 49 symphonies and 18 operas.


1. When was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born?

2. Did his father help him with music?

3. What was Mozart taught by his father?

4. When did Mozart get his first job?

5. Did he travel a lot in his childhood?

6. What was the musical capital of the world at the time of-Mozart?

7. Whom was Haydn for Mozart?

8. Did Haydn help Mozart?

9. What was Aloysia Weber?

10. Who became the wife of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

11. What was the last composition of the great composer?

12. When did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart die?

Разговорные темы:

- My ideal weekend;

- My flat;

- My native city (town);

- Shopping in my life;

- My favourite film


Индивидуальное задание: подготовить, прочитать и перевести текст на 5000 печатных знаков.



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