Cultural differences. Body language 

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Cultural differences. Body language

1. Standing with your hands on your hips is a gesture of defiance in Indonesia.

2. Carrying on a conversation with your hands in your pockets makes a poor impression in France, Belgium, Finland and Sweden.

3. When you shake your head from side to side, that means «yes» in Bulgaria and Sri Lanka.

4. Crossing your legs to expose the sole of your shoe is really taboo in Muslim countries. In fact, to call a person a «shoe» is a deep insult.

Physical Contact

5. Putting a child on the head is a grave offence in Thailand or Singapore, since the head is revered as the location of the soul.

6. In the Oriental culture, touching another person is considered an invasion of privacy, while in Southern European and Arabic countries it is a sign of warmth and friendship.


7. Be on time when invited for dinner in Denmark or in China.

8. In Latin countries your host a business associate would be surprised if you arrived at the appointed hour.

Eating and Cooking

9. It is rude to leave anything on your plate when eating in Norway, Malaysia, or Singapore.

10. In Egypt, it is rude not to leave something.

11. In Germany and Great Britain, margarine and butter are used.

12. In Italy and Spain, cooking is done with oil.

Other Social Customs

13. InSpain, there is a very negative attitude toward life insurance. By receiving insurance benefits, a wife feels that she is profiting from her husband's death.

14. In Western European countries, many consumers are still reluctant to buy anything (other than a house) on credit. Even for an automobile, they will pay cash having saved for some time.

An Illustrative Example

Tone of Voice is no less important. A person lowers voice asking for a favor or showing a positive attitude to business, to partners.

Eye Contact. In China keeping an extended eye contact while doing business can give a wrong expression. Try to avoid it. In China there is a belief that avoiding eye contact is a sign of respect.

Status. A person's position or statuses are more important in Asia, especially in China than in America. In China or Japan when business persons meet the first thing they do is a business cards exchange. It allows knowing the rank, post or status of each other and establishing the proper relationship in China and the USA.

6. Discuss these points:

1. What nationality do you think is easier to communicate with? Say, if it is easier for you to communicate with British people than with French people. Explain why.

2. How can we avoid making culturally related business blunders?

3. Give some examples of cultural differences between the two cultures you are familiar with. How could these differences lead to problems in business relationship?



7. Read and translate the text.


The word "fax" comes from the word "facsimile". A fax machine will send a duplicate of the message, document, design or photo that is fed into it.

Faxing is a means of telecommunication that has developed very quickly over the past few years. There are various models of fax ma­chines which connect to a telephone socket and which work on a system similar to the telephone system.

Charges are measured in telephone units and therefore vary ac­cording to the time of day and where the fax is being sent. The advantages of fax include instant reception of documents and documentary evidence of what has been transferred. A document can be relayed from one source to hundreds of other receivers, for example, if the head office of a chain store wants to circulate a memo or report to its branches.


8. Complete the dialogue.

A: Where does the word "fax" come from?


A: What can a fax machine do?


A: When did this means of communication develop?


A: How does it function?


A: And how are charges measured?


A: What are the advantages of fax?



9. Read and translate the text. Write out the unknown words.

The Telex

The mobile telephone, fast train and air travel have cut the problem of distance for today's business executives. However, where the addressee cannot be reached by telephone, the fax and the telex messages may still prove valuable. Generally speaking, telex machines are now used only where there is a need for a legal proof and when a fax message is unacceptable.

The telex is a machine like a typewriter, but with a dial on its casing. A message can be sent by dialing the receiver's number, by dialing and using the keyboard for some countries, or by ask­ing the operator to connect you.

The telex has all the advantages of sending a cable and in addition it operates in the office and offers a direct line. It is available twenty-four hours a day, and can send cables as well as telex messages.

Operating the telex: once the telex operator has dialed the code, an answerback code will appear on the teleprinter indicating that the sender is through. If the wrong code appears, the sender dials again. The message is typed, as with a normal typewriter, and appears on the receiver's machine.

Corrections are made by typing five X's: WE ARE SEDXXXXXSENDING ORDER.

Each telex message is finished with + sign, if the end is not clear; + + sign is used after the last message; +? sign at the end of a message means either “reply, confirm” or “A further message will be sent”.


10. Study the layout and the language of telexes.

The Layout of the Telex:

Answerback Message   Sender’s name Collation 194381 FL NT Q CONSIGNMENT PL 1350 ONLY ACCEPTABLE AT 33 O/O TRADE DISK NOT THE 25 O/O OFFERED PLS CFM TRACER LONDON PL1350 33 O/O+?


Telexes have their own language. Some words are left out altogether, e.g. articles, prepositions, pronouns “I”, “you”, auxiliary verbs “to be”, “to have”, “will”. Instead of “I'll write soon” it is written “WRITING SOON” or “LETTER FOLLOWS”; instead of “Please will you write soon” –“PLEASE WRITE SOON”.

Telex charges depend on the time it takes to send the message, so telex operators have developed their own abbreviations:

ASAP, SOONEST – as soon as possible

ATTN – attention

CFM – confirm, I confirm

EEE – error

ETA – estimate time of arrival

EXT – extension

FIN - I have finished my message now

FR – from

L/C – letter of credit

MGR – manager

MOM – waits, waiting

PLS, SVP – please

RAP – I shall call you back

RECALL – call me back

RODS – regards

THRU – through

THKS – thanks

TLX – telex

U – you

W – words

X – error

Figures and symbols should be written in words, e.g.: FIFTY DOLLARS for $50.00; AT for @; PER CENT for %.

The word “telex” can be used as a noun, a verb and a participle, e.g.: “Please telex as soon as possible” or “We received a telexed reply”.

11. Decode the following two telexes






Додаток А

1. I am applying for the teaching position you advertised in The Springfield Herald.

As you will notice from my enclosed resume, I have several years’ experience as an English teacher and I recently earned my MA degree from Springfield University. During my graduate work I was particularly interested in adult education and did my thesis research in this area. In addition to my teaching experience I have developed instructional materials designed to teach English as a second language to adults.

My skill set includes outstanding communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills, proven leadership skills, computer literacy, a short learning curve with excellent retention, and the ability to work independently or as an effective team member.

At this time I am seeking a full-time teaching position. I am confident that my qualifications and experience will be of benefit to your organization and would appreciate the opportunity to interview with you at a convenient time. I may be reached at the phone number and address listed on my resume.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Я маю намір влаштуватися на посаду викладача, вакансію якої ви розмістили в …

Як помітно з вкладеного резюме, я маю декілька років досвіду в якості викладача англійської мови і нещодавно отримав ступінь магістра … університету. Під час написання магістерської роботи я особливо був зацікавлений в освіті для дорослих і виконував пошукову роботу в цьому напрямку.Крім викладацького досвіду я розробив навчальні матеріали для викладання англійської мови як другої іноземної мови для дорослих.

До здобутих навичок хочу віднести відмінні комунікаційні навички, навички міжособистісного спілкування, навички вирішення проблем, впевнені лідерські навички, навички комп’ютерної грамотності, здатність до швидкого навчання, а також можливість працювати самостійно або в якості ефективного члена команди.

Наразі я шукаю посаду викладача на повний робочий день. Я впевнений, що мої кваліфікація і досвід будуть якісним вкладенням для вашої компанії і тому буду вдячний за можливість отримати запрошення на інтерв’ю в зручний для вас час.

Дякую за увагу. З нетерпінням чекатиму відповіді від вас.


2. In response to your advertisement in the Springfield Herald, I wish to apply for the post of Office Manager. Prior to some family problems last year, we ran a successful carpet cleaning business for 5 years. I ran the office, supervising two office workers and a cleaning staff of 12.

Although my associate degree in accounting was acquired more than 5 years ago, I have built extensively on the skills I learned at school, including taking formal classes, several of them related to computer literacy. These are described in more detail in the attached resume.

I can offer your company a strong work ethic, a wealth of experience, and a willingness to learn. I would be pleased to discuss the position and my qualifications further when you have had a chance to review my resume. You can reach me at 555-5555.


У відповідь на Ваше оголошення в …, я хочу подати заяву на посаду офіс-менеджера. До певних сімейних обставин в минулому році ми вели успішний бізнес чистки килимів протягом 5 років. Я очолював офіс, маючи в якості підлеглих двох офісних робітників і 12 прибиральників.

Хоча мій диплом про закінчення оданном в області бухгалтерського обліку був отриманий більш ніж 5 років тому, я опирався широко на навички, які отримав в школі, в тому числі на звичайні заняття, деякі з них пов’язані з комп’ютерною грамотністю. Вони детально описані в оданному резюме.

Я можу запропонувати вашій компанії міцну трудову етику, багатий досвід, і бажання вчитися. Я був би радий обговорити посаду і мою кваліфікацію детальніше, коли у вас буде можливість ознайомитися з моїм резюме. Ви можете зв’язатися зі мною по 555-5555.


3. Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing you to find out if you would be interested in hiring a person with a strong background in English to work with your firm in its dealings with Russian or American partners.

I have graduated from the State University of St. Petersburg with a Master's degree in Russian language and literature.

I am a resident of St. Petersburg. I have had experience working with computers and my training has focused on work of translating between English and Russian.

In addition I have driver's license and can drive rather well. In considering a job I have flexibility in terms of working hours.

I am interested in working in your firm to use the skills that I acquired es well as to learn new skills that would develop my professional qualifications further.

I hope you can give my letter serious consideration and that it would be possible to meet with you to discuss this matter further.

Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours;

S. Kouznetsov


Уважаемые господа!

Я обращаюсь к вам, чтобы узнать, заинтересованы ли вы в принятии на работу в вашу фирму человека с хорошим знанием английского языка для ведения дел с российскими или американскими партнерами.

Я окончил Санкт-Петербургский государственный универ­ситет с дипломом магистра по специальности «Русский язык и литература».

Я постоянно проживаю в Санкт-Петербурге. У меня есть опыт работы на компьютере, и я также специализировался в переводе с английского.

Кроме того, у меня есть водительские права, и я доволь­но хорошо вожу машину. Что касается работы, то я могу вы­полнять ее в любое время.

Я заинтересован в работе у вас, так как считаю, что смогу использовать те навыки, которые уже получил, а также при­обрести новые, которые повысят мою профессиональную квалификацию.

Я надеюсь, что вы серьезно рассмотрите мое письмо и предоставите мне возможность встретиться с вами для дальнейшего обсуждения этого вопроса.

Спасибо за внимание.

Искренне ваш

С. Кузнецов


4. Dear Sirs,

I would like very much to offer myself as a candidate for the summer vacation job as advertised in the newspaper St. Petersburg News.

I am a graduate student of the State University of St. Petersburg (Russia) and would greatly appreciate an opportunity to train in your firm.

At present I am engaged in postgraduate research in the field of mechanics and practical experience with your firm would be very useful.

I have attached a short resume.*

I would be very grateful if you would consider my application.

Yours faithfully,



Уважаемые господа!

Я хотел бы предложить свою кандидатуру для работы во время летних каникул, которая рекламируется в вашем объявлении в газете «Санкт-Петербургские новости».

Я выпускник Санкт-Петербургского государственного уни­верситета (Россия) и был бы рад возможности стажировать­ся в вашей фирме.

В настоящее время я занимаюсь научно-исследователь­ской работой в области механики, и практика в вашей фир­ме была бы мне очень полезна.

Прилагаю краткую автобиографию.

Я был бы очень благодарен, если бы вы рассмотрели мое заявление.

С уважением


5. Dear Sirs,

I am a graduate of Moscow Technical University and I would like to inquire about the possibility of an interview with you to discuss what I have to offer your company.

I currently work for International Products Ltd., as a manager.

As you can see from the enclosed resume, I have three years experience in this position.

I hope that this past experience coupled with the practical nature of my completed training would make me a good candidate for a job with your company.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,



Уважаемые господа!

Я выпускник Московского технического университета и хотел бы узнать о возможности встречи с вами, чтобы об­судить мое предложение о работе в вашей компании.

В настоящее время я работаю в «Интернейшнл Продактс Лимитед» в качестве менеджера. Из прилагаемой мной биографии следует, что у меня есть трехлетний стаж работы в этой должности.

Я надеюсь, что этот прошлый опыт в сочетании с практи­ческим характером пройденного мною обучения делают ме­ня подходящим кандидатом для вашей компании.

Жду вашего ответа.

С уважением


6. Deer Sir;

I would like to apply for the position of assistant computer programmer as advertised in the magazine Computers.

I feel that I am especially qualified, and would appreciate your sending me an application form.

Please send the application form to the following address.

Thank you for your help.

Sincerely yours,



Уважаемый господин!

Я бы хотел подать заявление о приеме на работу на долж­ность помощника программиста, о которой было объявлено в журнале «Компьютеры».

Полагаю, что моя квалификация вполне соответствует этой должности, и буду признателен, если Вы вышлете мне бланк заявления о приеме на работу.

Отправьте, пожалуйста, этот бланк по адресу, указанно­му ниже.

Благодарю Вас за помощь.

С уважением


Додаток Б


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