Using a dictionary complete the chart with the appropriate word form. In some cases there may be more than one answer. 

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Using a dictionary complete the chart with the appropriate word form. In some cases there may be more than one answer.


  Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
3.       fitly
4. measure      
5.   serviceability    
6.     expansive  
7. produce      
8.       additionally
9.     occupational  
10. vary      

240 Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей





8. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the functions of the verb to be.


His pen is on the table. — Его ручка находится на столе. Не was asked to come. — Его попросили прийти. Не was waiting for her at 10 o'clock yesterday. — Он ждал ее вчера в 10 часов.

Не is to come at 3 o'clock. — Он должен прийти в 3 часа.

1. Each layer of bricks is called a course. 2. Masonry is the building of structures from individual units laid in and bound together by mortar. 3. Where the bricks are to remain fully visible, this is known as face-work. 4. Apartments rents are high, so I am looking at ads for roommates. 5. The thickness of a wall which is to be considered in evaluating the quantity of brickwork is called nominal thickness of a wall. 6. Water is used in mixing the mortar to produce a paste in which the bricks can be firmly bedded. 7. Concrete masonry units are usually much larger than ordinary bricks and so are much faster to lay for a wall of a given size. 8. Mobile homes are becoming more popular, because they are comfortable and inexpensive. 9. There is a problem when I type. There must be a problem with the keyboard. 10. When a wall is built of bricks, the bricks are set in mortar.

9. Read and translate the following sentences paying special attention to the functions of the verb to have.


He has a new car. — У него есть новая машина. (Он имеет новую машину.)

He has sent a letter to her this morning. — Сегодня утром он послал ей письмо.

Не has been waiting for her for two hours. — Он ждет ее в течении двух часов.

Не has to get up early every day. — Ему приходится (он вы­нужден) вставать рано каждый день.

1. When you have decided which area you are interested in and thought realistically about what sort of person you are, then you can decide what sort of engineer you want to be. 2. The blocks sometimes have grooves or other surface features added to enhance this interlocking, and some dry set masonry structures forego mortar altogether. 3. The bricklayer has to be very skillful to keep the courses exactly level and the thickness of mortar between each course of bricks the same throughout the length and depth of the wall. 4. Mathematicians and scientists (and their universities) have been electronically exchanging information over the Internet since the mid-70s. 5. Some suburbs consist of housing estates, while others were originally villages that have become joined to the town as it has grown. 6. He has been waiting for a municipal house for the last three years. 7. When bricks are built in curves, as in arches or curved walls, the bricklayer has to shape the bricks in order to fit them together. 8. A concrete block typically has a lower water absorption rate than a brick. 9. The system has been programmed not only with grammatical rales, but also with the analysis of a vast quantity of office correspondence. 10.1 am moving to Los Angeles in the fall, but I have to find someplace to live.

10. Complete the following sentences, using the verbs a) to be or b) to have in different functions. Put the verb to create into the most suitable active or passive tense form.

a) 1. The first labour union_______ in 1905. 2. The first

labour union_________ next year. 3. The first labour union

________ last year (arrangements/plans). 4. The first labour


242 I Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей



union_________ when the plant began doing well. 5. They

_________ the first labour union when he became the director of

the plant.

b) 1. The first labour union_________ this year. 2. The

first labour union________ to protect the workers' rights at the

plant now (necessity). 3. He________ the first labour union

at the plant this year. 4. He_________ the labour union to

protect the workers' rights at the plant now (necessity). 5. The first
labour union_______ a lot of members now.

11. Read and translate the following sentences paving attention to the functions of the verbs shall/will.


I (we) shall write a letter to him. — Я напишу ему письмо.

Shall I read this text? — Мне читать этот текст?

The first payment shall 'be made within five days after the delivery of the cargo. — Первый платеж должен быть {будет) произве­ден в течение пяти дней после доставки груза.

You will see her tomorrow. — Вы увидите ее завтра.

Will you close the window? — Закройте, пожалуйста, окно.

1. Will you be happiest working in an office, in a factory, or outdoors? 2. Will you shut the door, please? 3. We shall attend the professor's lecture on building construction tomorrow. 4. According to the specification the stone used shall be hard, sound and free from defects of any kind. 5. What shall I say when the phone rings and someone asks for you? 6. Almost everything we use in modern life is made by engineers. For example, if a manufacturer wants a faster car, a small personal stereo, or a better pen, they will ask a design engineer to find a practical solution. 7. According to the specification as far as possible the stones selected for the face work shall be nearly equal in size. 8. I shan't tell anyone what happened. 9. Will you turn down the sound, please? 10. Shall we stay in this country or go abroad?

12. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the functions of the verbs should/would.


He shouldhelp them. — Ему следует (Он должен) помочь им.

Would you mind opening the window? — Будьте добры от­крыть окно.

Не would go to the cinema if he had time. — Он пошел бы в кино, если бы у него было время.

Не said he would return soon. — Он сказал, что он скоро вернется.

She would sit for hours on the river bank. — Она бывало сиде­ла часами на берегу реки.

1. At the time of the Renaissance in the 15th and 16th centuries a new sort of building specialist emerged. He was usually a philosopher or artist, rather than a craftsman, who would get together a team of building workers and make arrangements to pay them. 2. If non-concrete (clay-based) brick is to be used, care should be taken to select bricks suitable for the climate in question. 3. What general principals would you keep in mind while supervising brick work under construction? 4. He would finish his project if he weren't ill. 5. In the 19th century, different contractors would calculate what it would cost to complete a project and then the lowest estimate would be chosen. 6. The bricks should be laid on a full bed of mortar. 7. He would have done that great discovery earlier if he had had better conditions for work. 8. All the joints should be properly filled with mortar so that no cavity is left in between. 9. Advances in science meant that building designers could calculate in advance how a building should be constructed to ensure that it would stand up, instead of relying on a system of trial and error, for it sometimes happened that a building would collapse while it was being built. 10. Would you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate.

Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей






13. Before you read Text 11A "Bricklaying and Concrete Blocks", think about the statements given below and say if they are true or false.

a) The bricks must be carefully bonded in order to provide for the mixing of mortar.

b) Bricks have lower water absorption than concrete blocks.

c) Cavity walls do not prevent heat from escaping from the building.

d) The bricklayer has to be skilful to keep each layer of bricks horizontal.

e) Soft bricks or rubbers can be built with thin mortar joints after shaping them.

0 Concrete blocks are used for the walls of industrial buildings.

g) A stucco surface is a sort of decoration.

h) Surface-bonding cement does not make a wall stronger.


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