My Future Speciality: Interesting or Prestige? 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


My Future Speciality: Interesting or Prestige?

• Reading and speaking.


Pre-reading task

Read the notes

1. What are you? – Хто ви (за фахом)? Чим займаєтесь?

Запитання має те ж саме значення, що What do you do?

2. In order – в порядку

out of order має протилежне значення –“поламаний, не в порядку”

3. Дієслово to make означає "робити" в значенні створювати щось, виготовляти, в той час, як to do вживається в більш загальному значенні. Наприклад:

What does Mr Smith do? - Чим займається Містер Сміт?

He makes parts of machines. – Він виготовляє деталі машин



Read and translate

Mechanical, mechanics, mechanic

Electrical, electricity, electrician

Special, speciality, specialist

Technical, technique, technician,

Program, programming, programmer

Technological, technology, technologist

To manage, managing, manager


Text: Professions

Who are you? I am Mr Smith. What do you do? (What are you?) I'm a mechanic. I work with machines. I must keep them in order. I repair them.

Who are you? I am Mr Brown. What do you do? I'm a technician – technologist in treatment of metals.

Who are you? I'm Mr Jones. What do you do? I'm a welder. I work with iron and steel. I join pieces together and cut pieces.

Who are you? I'm Mr Hawk. What do you do? I'm a turner. I make parts of machines. I have a lathe to work on.

Who are you? I am Mr Gray. What do you do? I am a technician – electrician. I work with electrical machines, wires which carry electricity and motors which use electricity.

Who are you? I am Mr White. What do you do? I am a programmer. I make programs. I use mathematical formulas, numbers to make programs. Every meaning can be represented as some combination of numerals.

Who are you? I am Mr Calendar. What do you do? I am a technician in repairing of computers. I keep them in order and repair them.



1. Fill the gaps with the names of professions

I am -. He is -. Nick is -. Mr Smith is -. We are future -.

2. Fill the gaps with the following words: a part, old, repair, out of order, a piece, join.

Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

Give me – of paper, please. Here you are. Thank you. My machine is -. Can you – it? – the pieces together. This is – of the machine. It is not new. It is -.


3. Insert to make or to do.

What do you – in the evening? What work do you -? I – my lessons in the evening. He – parts of machines. She works with machines which – electricity.


4. Join the following pairs of simple sentences with conjunction which in order to get the compound sentences.

Model: I work with machines. I keep them in order.

I work with machines which I keep in order.

I work with iron and steel. I use them for parts of machines

I work with machines. They make electricity and use electricity.

I live in a house. It is in Sverdlov street.


5. Answer the questions to the pictures.

This is a machine.

Is it in order?


Can you repair the machine?





This is a lathe.

What do you make on it?




These are machine parts.

Can you make them?



How do you make them?



This is a generator.

What is this?


What does the generator make?







What does the computer consist of?


Read the text

My Future Speciality (КВП)

I study at the department of operation of assembling, servicing of facilities and automatic systems of technological production. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist - technician-electromechanic.

The students of our department are specializing in automatic of technological processes and automated control systems, industrial electronics, electrical engineering. The educational plan foresees the studies of such subjects: basic electronics, digital circuit technique, basic telemetric engineering, the theory of automatic control and others.

As future younger specialists we get a thorough knowledge in these subjects.

Our students are prepared for the work in the producing sphere, in the offices, in organizations on the posts of the chief of the shop, the chief of the division, the foreman in repairing of electronic devices of micro processing technique and automatic devices.

The specialist gets additionally working trades: a fitter of instrumentation, computer operator and others.

Highly qualified teachers conduct lectures and provide the studies. Our practical training and laboratory works are done in well-equipped laboratories. It is also combined with practical training at the advanced enterprises. All these help the students to become highly skilled younger specialists.

The best school-leavers of the Technical Secondary School have the opportunitytoenter National State University of Food Technologies and Cherkasy State Technological University in the result of discussion.


Word List


operation of assembling servicing of facilities and automatic systems of technological production монтаж, обслуговування обладнання і автоматичних систем технологічного виробництва
Qualification кваліфікація
technician-electromechanic Технік-електромеханік
are specializing спеціалізуються
automatic of technological processes автоматизація технологічних процесів
automated control systems автоматизовані контролюючі системи
industrial electronics промислова електроніка
electrical engineering електротехніка
basic electronics Основи електроніки
digital circuit technique цифрова схемотехніка
basic telemetric engineering Основи телемеханіки
theory of automatic control теорія автоматичного керування
thorough knowledge хороші знання
the producing sphere виробнича сфера
the post of the chief of the shop посада начальника цеху
chief of the division начальник підрозділу
the foreman in repairing of electronic devices of micro processing technique and automatic devices майстер по ремонту електронних приладів мікропроцесорної техніки і автоматичних приладів
a fitter of instrumentation слюсар – інструментальник
well equipped laboratories добре обладнанні лабораторії
have the opportunity мають можливість


My Future Specialty (ОМР)

I am a student of Smila technical secondary school of food technologies. I study at the department of treatment of materials with lasers and automatic lines. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist - technician-technologist.

The students of our department are preparing for industrial-technological activity at the enterprises of machine-building complex.

The younger specialist is able to fulfill different technological tasks:

- designing of production technological processes into simple kinds of production and its elements;

- choosing and proving of methods of getting a blank to provide the most efficient production;

- to make drawings of the blank;

- to organize a technological succession of treatment of a blank to getting of a given detail;

- to choose facilities for treatment of metals;

- to make the regime of production;

- to foresee the production parties for providing the rhythmic work of the plant:

- to calculate the norms of the raw materials, utilities and services consumption.

The technician-technologist is able to work on the laser machine-tools and to fulfill a highly-skilled work. The younger specialist can occupy the posts of technician-technologist, foreman of the division, operator of the lasers with program control, manager of the middle rank, to fulfill the designing tasks or industrial marketing.

Our students are able to use modern technologies of complex technical preparation of industry with the help of computer technique. They can work with assurance at the newest enterprises.

Highly qualified teachers conduct lectures and provide the studies. Our practical training and laboratory works are done in well equipped work-shops and laboratories. This is combined with practical training at the best enterprises. All these help the students to become highly skilled younger specialists.

The school-leavers have the opportunity to enter Cherkasy Technological University the third course in the result of discussion.

Word List

technical secondary school of food technologies технікум харчових технологій
department of treatment of materials with lasers and automatic lines відділ обробки матеріалів різанням і автоматичними лініями
term of studies термін навчання
Qualification кваліфікація
younger specialist молодший спеціаліст
technician-technologist технік - технолог
industrial-technological activity промислова технологічна діяльність
Enterprises підприємства
is able в змозі
to fulfill виконувати
Designing проектування
choosing and proving of methods вибір і забезпечення методів
getting a blank отримання заготовки
to make drawings of the blank робити креслення заготовки
Technological succession of treatment технологічна послідовність обробки
to choose facilities вибір обладнання
to foresee передбачати
insurance parties запасні частини


My Future Speciality (ПРГ)


I study at the department of programming for electronic calculating technique and automatic systems. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist - technician-programmer.

The students of our department are specializing in organizationof collectingand treatment of information with computing devices, in exploitation of computer technique, in storage of data banks, in treatment of data and making tables, in diagnosing. The school-leavers have good skills in using data banks in local calculating nets:

- in collecting and systematization of indexes of operating and information funds;

- in exploitation of computing net as a manager of the group;

- in location and switching on the computing devices. The educational plan foresees studies of such subjects: basic discrete mathematics, algorithmic languages and programming, economy of enterprises, computers and micro processing system, theory of probability and so on.

Our students are prepared for the work in the producing sphere, in the offices, in organizations, in small business at the posts of operator of computers, technician-programmers, engineering posts, dealing with exploitation of computing technique.

Highly qualified teachers conduct lectures and provide the studies. Our practical training and laboratory works are done in well-equipped laboratories. It is also combined with practical training at the best enterprises. All these help the students to become highly skilled younger specialists.

The best school-leavers of the Technical Secondary School have the opportunity to enter Kyiv Polytechnic Institute the third course in the result of discussion.

Word List

department of programming for electronic calculating technique and automatic systems Відділення програмування для електронної обчислювальної техніки та автоматизованих систем
the term of studies термін навчання
qualification кваліфікація
technician-programmer технік – програміст
are specializing спеціалізуються
collecting and treatment of information збір і обробка інформації
computing devices комп’ютерні приводи
exploitation of computer technique експлуатація комп’ютерної техніки
treatment of data обробка даних
using data banks використання банку даних
local calculating nets місцеві обчислювальні мережі
collecting and systematization of indexes збір і систематизація індексів
information funds інформаційні фонди
manager of the group менеджер групи
location and switching on the computing devices розміщення і підключення комп’ютерних приладів
the educational plan навчальний план
Foresees передбачає
basic discrete mathematics основи дискретної математики
algorithmic languages алгоритмічні мови
micro processing system мікропроцесорні системи
theory of probability теорія ймовірності
producing sphere виробнича сфера
dealing with exploitation має справу з використанням
highly qualified teachers високо кваліфіковані вчителі
provide the studies забезпечують навчання
well equipped laboratories добре оснащені лабораторії
practical training практичне навчання
best enterprises найкращі підприємства
highly skilled younger specialists високо кваліфіковані молодші спеціалісти
the opportunity to enter можливість поступити
in the result of discussion в результаті співбесіди


My Future Speciality (СОІ)


I study at the department of operation of information treatment systems and decision-making. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist - technician-programmer.

The students of our department are specializing in organizationof collectingand treatment of information with computing devices, in exploitation of computer technique, in storage of data banks, in treatment of data and making tables, in diagnosing. The school-leavers have good skills in using data banks in local calculating nets:

- in collecting and systematization of indexes of operating and information funds;

- in exploitation of computing net as a manager of the group;

- in location and switching on the computing devices.

The educational plan foresees studies of such subjects: basic discrete mathematics, algorithmic languages and programming, economy of enterprises, computers and micro processing system, theory of probability and so on.

Our students are prepared for the work in the producing sphere, in the offices, in organizations, in small business at the posts of operator of computers, technician-programmers, engineering posts, dealing with exploitation of computing technique.

Highly qualified teachers conduct lectures and provide the studies. Our practical training and laboratory works are done in well-equipped laboratories. It is also combined with practical training at the best enterprises. All these help the students to become highly skilled younger specialists.

The best school-leavers of the Technical Secondary School have the opportunity to enter Kyiv Polytechnic Institute the third course in the result of discussion.

Word List

department of operation of information treatment systems and decision-making Відділення експлуатації систем обробки інформації та прийняття рішень
the term of studies термін навчання
qualification кваліфікація
technician-programmer технік – програміст
are specializing спеціалізуються
collecting and treatment of information збір і обробка інформації
computing devices комп’ютерні приводи
exploitation of computer technique експлуатація комп’ютерної техніки
treatment of data обробка даних
using data banks використання банку даних
local calculating nets місцеві обчислювальні мережі
collecting and systematization of indexes збір і систематизація індексів
information funds інформаційні фонди
manager of the group менеджер групи
location and switching on the computing devices розміщення і підключення комп’ютерних приладів
the educational plan навчальний план
Foresees передбачає
basic discrete mathematics основи дискретної математики
algorithmic languages алгоритмічні мови
micro processing system мікропроцесорні системи
theory of probability теорія ймовірності
producing sphere виробнича сфера
dealing with exploitation має справу з використанням
highly qualified teachers високо кваліфіковані вчителі
provide the studies забезпечують навчання
well equipped laboratories добре оснащені лабораторії
practical training практичне навчання
best enterprises найкращі підприємства
highly skilled younger specialists високо кваліфіковані молодші спеціалісти
the opportunity to enter можливість поступити
in the result of discussion в результаті співбесіди

My Future Speciality (ОКС)


I am a student of Smila technical secondary school of food technologies. I study at the department of computers integrated and robot-engineering systems operation. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger

specialist - technician-electronic.

The younger specialist – technician-electronic is prepared for the professional activity for developing and servicing of computing systems of control, computing and electronic technique and the enterprises of different forms of ownership, at the offices, organizations, research institutes and designing bureau.

The younger specialist can work in different branches of industry at the first posts of

technician-electronic, technician-electrician, technician-electromechanic, technician-operator.

The educational plan foresees studies of such subjects: engineering drawing, computing drawing, theoretical basic of electrical engineering, basic of electronics and microelectronics, programming, theory of probabilities and mathematic statistics, economics, planning and organization of production, basic of enterprise and controlling and so on.

The best school-leavers of the Technical Secondary School have the opportunity to enter Kyiv Polytechnic Institute the third course in the result of discussion.


My Future Speciality (ВЦР)


I am a student of Smila technical secondary school of food technologies. I study at the department of production of sugar substances. The term of studies is 3 years and 8 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist - technician-technologist.

The younger specialist – technician-technologist gets knowledge and skills for the period of studies for the work in all branches of food and processing industry, in laboratories and centers of standardization and certification. The younger specialist can occupy the posts of the chief of the shift, technician of raw materials, laboratory technician.

The school-leavers are able to use modern devices of computing and automatic systems of control of technological processes.

The educational plan foresees studies of such subjects: analytic, organic, inorganic and physical colloid chemistry, microbiology, technology of sugar and refine sugar, technochemical control, metrology, standardization and certification and others.

The school-leavers are working successfully not only at the enterprises of sugar industry, but at the Cherkasy Sponge cake factory, enterprises of Cherkasy product company and others.

My Future Speciality (МЕХ)


I am a student of Smila technical secondary school of food technologies. I study at the department of exploitation and repairing of facilities of food industry. The term of studies is 3 years and 10 months. I shall get the qualification of the younger specialist - technician-mechanic.

The younger specialist – technician- mechanic is preparing for the professional activity at the enterprises and producing units of food industry, at the shops of agricultural enterprises and technological complexes of small power in manufacturing of food production. Technician-mechanic can occupy the posts dealing with assembling, exploitation and repairing of facilities, technique.

Knowledge and skills of practical activity, which the specialist of technician-mechanic gets, allows him to service the modern facilities and technique of farms, autoservicing enterprises and other enterprises of different forms of ownership.

The educational plan foresees studies of such subjects: construction and exploitation of facilities, processes and apparatuses, basic hydraulics, computing of manufacturing, repairing and assembling of facilities and so on.

The best school-leavers of the Technical Secondary School have the opportunity to enter National State University of Food Technolologies and Cherkasy State Technological University in the result of discussion.



Lesson 11


Модуль 2

Курс 1

Варіант 1


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