Our Technical School. Historical Pages. 

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Our Technical School. Historical Pages.

• Reading and speaking.


You are going to read about your educational establishment.

Pre – reading task.


1) Check the meaning of these words in your dictionary.,

establishment (n) serving (n)
duke (n) a birthplace (n)
a sugar-refinery (n) to come back (v)
facilities (n) essential (adj)
a foreman (n) to provide (v)


2) Read the words and word – combination with the translation.


it takes me 15 minutes to get to the technical school це займає в мене 15 хвилин добратися до технікуму
at 20 minutes past 8 20 хвилин дев’ятого
to have 4 pairs of lessons a day ми маємо 4 пари кожен день
to make a good progress робити гарні успіхи
term семестр
a specialized room навчальний кабінет
normally як правило
a workshop майстерня
metal – work робота по металу
a laboratory лабораторія
a cloak – room гардероб
to equip обладжувати
a dining їдальня
a gymnasium спортивний зал
a competition змагання


Sort out the school subjects given in the box according to the timetable you have this year (had in the final year of your school life). Add any other subjects that you have (had):

Algebra Geometry Home Economy classes Ukrainian Literature Geography
Chemistry English World Literature Handicraft classes Valeology
Music History Physical Education (PT) Computer Studies Physics
Arts Biology Ukrainian Language Russian Language  


Lesson Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Match the subjects given in Activity 2 to the things they study:

1. This science studies forces or qualities such as heat, light, sound pressure, gravity and electricity and the way they affect objects. ______

2. A branch of mathematics in which letters are used to present possible quantities. _____

3. The study of the world, land formation, climate, seas, towns and population. ______

4. The scientific study of the characteristics and composition of substances and the way they react with other substances. ______

5. Sports and games. ______

6. A mathematical science concerned with the measurement of lines, angles, curves and shapes. ______

7. Activities such as embroidery, knitting, pottery, carving, etc. which involve making things with your own hands. ______

8. Classes that teach students to use electronic machines that can quickly make calculations, store and rearrange information. ______

9. A subject that deals with the past. ______

10. A study of novels, plays and poetry. ______

11. The science which is concerned with the study of living beings. _____

12. A science that studies a system of a communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which are used by the people of a particular country for talking or writing. _______

13. A school subject at which students create paintings or sculptures by themselves. _____

14. Classes where students get knowledge how to lead a healthy life. ______

15. Classes in which students learn how to do work about the house. ______

Smila Technical Secondary School of Food Technologies one of the oldest secondary establishments of Ukraine is called a smithу of specialists.

It was rewarded by the Diploma of The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in honor of its 100 anniversary from the date of its establishment for the success in preparation of staff for the industry.

The appearance of the technical school in Smila is closely connected with a development of sugar industry. The development of sugar industry depends on the existed qualified staff. That is why a school of technicians was started in Smila which prepared technicians-chemists and foremen of sugar industry. In 1882 on the will of prince Volodymyr Oleksiyovych Bobrynsky 2-classes private school at the sugar refinery plant was opened. Two years later with the support of Russian Technical Society technical classes were officially opened in 1884. Technical classes were opened in the memory of prince Oleksiy Bobrynsky. Each pupil of the technical classes costed 145 karbovantsi for Kyiv Technical Society for 2 years of studies. There were 60 pupils in these classes. The timetable for every week was composed in such way that it gave the opportunity to pay more attention to practical work at the enterprises. For example, the number of lessons for a week was:

  I form II form
Law of God 1 lesson 1 lesson
Sugar Production 2 lessons 4 lessons
Chemistry 2 lessons 4 lessons
Physics 3 lessons 4 lessons
Mechanics 3 lessons 5 lessons
Drawing 4 lessons 2 lessons

МSuch form

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Technical classes finished 440 persons during the32 prewar years. The leaders of the educational establishment were all country famous talented organizers and teachers: M. V. Tcherikovskyi, who wrote works in methods of sugar whitening, D.I. Katchenovskyi, P.O. Ilienkov and others.

Technical progress in the improvement of sugar making put a question in 1911 of reorganization of technical classes into secondary chemico-technological school. The construction of the new building started.






Great changes in the life of town Smila began from 1838, when the town with neighboring villages were bought by princess Sophia Oleksandrivna Bobrynska(maiden name Samoilova).She was married with Oleksiy Oleksiyovych Bobrynskyi. The grandson of Katherine II, the prince was a talented person. He was one of the first in Russia who paid attention to sugar industry in agriculture. He personally studied the technology of growing of sugar beets and its processing from masters of this affair in France and Belgium. And he brought his activity as to the growing and industrial processing of sugar beets to Kyiv Gubernia.


fore bobrynskyi the commercial activity of the town was limited by water mills on Tyasmyn which provided flour not only for povit and in great amount touhman, Kremenchuk, Mykolayiv and Odesa.Since 1838 the enthusiasm and the capital of the new owners opened the new opportunities for commerce and earning moneyfor the large quantyity of people – at Smila sugar reinerieswhich soon became known all over the country.Oleksiy oOleksiyovuych put the production of beets on the industrial level. Sufficient quantity of raw materialsallowed to create: in 1838 – Smila-, in 1939 – Balakliya and Yablunivka -, in 1845 – Hrushivka -, 1846 – Kapitaqnivka sugar refineries.

In 1840 was founded a big Smila sugar refinery plant by Bobrynskyi. With the history of this enterprise the grouth of education,medicine,organization of cultural life and leasure of people started. The same year prince Bobrynskyi built mechanical workshops, where the equipment for sugar refineries and technique for agriculture was produced..

The the second birthday of Smila sugar beet plant the year 1848 may be considered.Bobrynskyi himself was supervising the construction of the plant. The member of the committee of sugar makers N.P /shishkov wrote about his energetic activity: “ Bobrynsky spared no pains to see the success of industry which was borning and promised tremendous profits for the Motherland. He worked very often as a simple worker for two days and nights without rest in order to watch the innovations and improvements of the process”.

The aim of the prince was to teach the workers of sugar making. There was a need to have their own specialists in servicing the facilities of these plants. They had to prepare these specialists or invite them from abroad. So in 1884 the first mechanical classes appeared which prepared the specialists and the foremen for these plants.

In some years only Russian technologist were working at the sugar plants. And you couldn’t find the sugar plant in Russia were the technician from Smila wouldn’t work. Greatgrandson Olexander of Bobrynsky writes in his memories when Oleksiy Oleksiyovych was asked: “ Why do you do it? You are preparing competitors for you”, he answered: “ Don’t forget that I’m working not for myself but for the Motherland”.

In 1872 a monument to prince O.O.Bobrynsky was erected in Kyiv on donated money. It was the first case in the Russian Empire when the monument was erected not to the monarch, not to the statesman or military man, it was erected to express the honour to the person who made so much for the development of the economy of the land – one of the founders of the state sugar industry. On February 6, 1872 at the opening of the monument to prince O.O.Bobrynsky the leader of Kyiv noblemen P.D.Seletsky said: ”If he touched some branch of knowledge, if he touched some deed, he always fulfilled his idea and provided it into life in any price, in any expenses and he spared no pains to do it. He achieved the necessary perfection in all the things by patients, insistence, by deep learning of the subject, overcoming all the obstacles”.




Prince Bobrynskyi generated the idea and built the first railway in Russian Empire from Petersburg to Tsar Village. Prince was the almost the first photographer in Russia.

After finishing the civil war the question of renewal of sugar industry and also establishment of new branches of food industry such as bread making, fat, butter, alcoholic and others arises. It stipulated reorganization of the chemical technological school. In 1921 the reorganization was completed. Technical secondary school of sugar industry started its work. At the same time the vocational school with chemical and mechanical departments was opened.

In 1928 the technical secondary school was reorganized in Smila institute of sugar industry. The institute existed some years and in 1934 was transferred to Kyiv. It was united with Kyiv chemical technological institute of sugar industry. But in Smila Mechanical-technological technical school of sugar industry was created. This educational establishment not only prepared highly skilled specialists for the enterprises of food industry but it was the city centre of enlightenment on fight with illiteracy, the carrier of new culture at the enterprise and in the life of people.

During the Great Patriotic war the fascist invaders destroyed the building of the technical school and robbed property. After the liberation of Smila from fascists the building and laboratories were reconstructed. Since 1944 Technical school was given a new name – Smila technical secondary school of food industry. This change is explained by special attention to the food industry in the after war years, especially such branches as sugar, bread making, tinned and others. The development of these branches demanded preparation of all educated and highly qualified staff of the middle rank, especially masters of their work.

During the years of Soviet power this smithy of specialists prepared more then 15 thousand specialists for the economy of the country. The school-leavers of the technical school took and are taking an active part in reconstruction of enterprises of the cities, district centres of independent Ukraine and in all parts of the former Soviet Union.

Many of them defended Motherland with a weapon in hands in the years of the great Patriotic war. Two school leavers of the technical school are awarded the greatest reward of Motherland — Hero of Soviet Union for valour and courage in the battles with fascists. They were O.F.Konyakin and U.A.Voinshin.

Nowadays the technical school has a large material base. Two new educational buildings were built in recent years with spacious classrooms and laboratories. There is a well-equipped assembly hall and a gymnasium, a canteen for 220 seats and nice halls. Two hostels for 570 people, modern educational production workshops with mechanical, metalwork, electromechanical workshops and laboratory of machine-tools, many computer classes and laboratories at Smila sugar plant were created. Study rooms and laboratories are equipped with modern facilities and devices - from the tables to modern powerful computers. More then 1500 students get the knowledge at the full-time and extra-mural departments.

Lesson 9


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