List of trades and professions. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


List of trades and professions.

a full - time student студент денного відділу
to be in the second (first, third) year вчитися на другому (першому, третьому) курсі
agronomist Агроном
actor Актор
architect Архітектор
ballerina Балерина
ballet-master Балетмейстер
builder, constructor Будівельник
accountant Бухгалтер
veterinary Ветеринар
driver Водій
docker Докер
milkmaid Доярка
welder Зварник
engineer Інженер
collective farmer Колгоспник
combine-operator Комбайнер
designer Конструктор
correspondent кореспондент
tailor Кравець
cook Кухар
founder Ливарник
doctor Лікар
foreman Майстер
painter Маляр
locomotive engineer, engine driver Машиніст
mechanic Механік
musician Музикант
bricklayer Муляр
oil worker Нафтовик
shepherd пастух, чабан
interpreter, translator Перекладач
barber, hairdresser перукар чоловічий (жіночий)
writer Письменник
poet Поет
fireman Пожежник
salesman, seller, shop-assistant Продавець
book-keeper Рахівник
fisherman Рибак
worker Робітник
pig-tender свинар (ка)
secretary Секретарка
sculptor Скульптор
employee Службовець
fitter, locksmith Слюсар
steel-worker Сталевар
stenographer стенографістка
telephone operator Телефоністка
carpenter Тесляр
technician Технік
Weaver Ткач
Turner Токар
tractor driver Тракторист
Scientist Учений
Teacher Учитель
Farmer Фермер
Physicist Фізик
milling-machine operator фрезерувальник
Chemist Хімік  

Lesson 2

1. Family Relations. Traditions.

• Reading and speaking.

You are going to read about the family traditions.

Pre-reading task.

1). Check the meaning of these words


united — згуртований family circle — родинне коло

to relax — відпочивати common — спільний




1.I am attending language courses now.2.I live with a foreign student and I want to tell him about my family traditions.3. My family is like thousands other families: it consists of my mother, father, brother and myself.4. My parents are 45 years old, and my elder brother, Sashko, is 20.5. I think our family is very united and we always help each other.6. I usually help my mother to cook and to lay the table, while my father is doing the shopping.7. It is a tradition that every Saturday my brother and I clean our flat.8. We always celebrate together such holidays as New Year, the 8th of March Easter, the holidays in May, and, of course, birthdays. 9.We often invite guests but usually on holidays we gather in the family circle. 10. Some holidays, except the Women’s Day, Sashko celebrates with his friends. 11. On that day my father cooks, does everything about the house and takes care of my Mum and me. 12.Usually in the evenings we get together in the living room and discuss the events of the day. Joke or watch interesting TV programs and films.13. In April and May we often go to the country to visit our grandparents. 14. At such moments everybody relaxes and try to forget about everyday problems. 15. I think our family traditions are the same as in most of the families.16.And how big is your family? 17.Do you celebrate holiday together?18. What holidays do you celebrate?19. Is your family united?20. How do you help each other?21. You see, you don’t celebrate New Year, but Christmas is a great holiday for your family. 22. There are many common traditions in many families. 23. The main common thing is that we help each other and like to be near each other very much.

Comprehension check

1 Are the sentences true (v ) or false (X)? Correct the wrong statement.

I am attending language courses now.

I live alone in the room.

I want to tell about family traditions.

My parents are 45 years old.

My older brother Sashko is 25.

I think our family is very united and we always help each other.

I always help my mother to cook.

My brother lays the table.

It is a tradition that every Saturday my brother and I clean our flat.



1. Answer the following questions.


1. How many members are there in your family?

2. What holidays do you like to celebrate most of all?

3. How do you spend time with your relatives?

4. Do you like to invite friends?

5.Who usually does the work about the house?


A Dialogue:

2 Read the dialogue in pairs and compose your own.


Mike: I want to ask about your family traditions. How many members are there in your family?

Victor: My family is like thousands other families: it consists of my mother,father, brother and myself.

M.: What holidays do you like to celebrate most of all?

V.: We always celebrate together such holidays as New Year, the 8th of March, Easter, the holi­days in May, and, of course, birthdays. We often invite guests but usually on holidays we gather in the family circle.

M.: How do you spend time with your relatives?

V.: Usually in the evenings we get together in the living-room and discuss the events of the day, joke or watch interesting TV programs and films. In April and May we often go to the country to visit my grandparents. At such moments everybody relaxes and tries to forget about everyday problems.

M.: Do you like to invite friends?

V.: Oh, yes! We play computer games with my best friend Serhiy practically every Saturday. And I invite my friends to my birthday.

M.: Who usually does the work about the house?

V.: 1 usually help my mother to cook and to lay the table, while my father is doing the shopping. It is a tradition that every Sat­urday my brother and I clean our flat.

Speak on:

Your family traditions. Imagine that you live in one room with a foreign student during the studies at the language courses. He\ She is interested in your family traditions.

1). Tell about members and age of your family, family traditions.

2).Ask about family traditions of your friend.

3). Express your opinion what common is and what difference is in traditions of your families.


Act out the following situations:

1).You are sharing your impression on a visit to the courses to Great Britain.

2).You went to the summer camp. Ask your new friend about his\ her family.

3). Ask about the holidays they like to celebrate in their family.


§ Choose the correct continuation to complete the following statements:

1.Conflicts are

a) part of my family life

b) part of its development

c) very often in the society.

2. In literature we find conflicts in

a) poems

b) stories

c) novels.

3). We try to solve the conflicts by

a) discussion or joke

b) force

c) insistent request

4). I am happy to say that my parents

a)do not know about my problems

b)do not interfere with me

c)understand me

5). Sometimes I go to

a)disco or to the school party

b)the café

c)the restaurant.

6).At last everybody

a)is angry



§ Read the text and... smile.

A Very good Son

“ Have you a family, madam?

“Yes, one son.”

“Does he smoke?

“No, he doesn’t.”

“That’s very good. Tobacco is a poison. Your son must be a very good young man.How old is he?”

“Four month today.”


Word list and expressions.

United - згуртований

to relax - відпочивати


family circle - родинне коло


common - спільний

to lay the table - накривати стіл

is doing the shopping – робить покупки

to celebrate – святкувати

Easter - Паска

to take care - піклуватися

to joke - жартувати

to relax - відпочивати


Lesson 3

Behavior. Character. Feelings and Emotions.

• Reading and speaking.

Pre-reading task.

1). Remember the meaning of these words.

character ['kaerakta] — характер

generous ['djenaras] — щедрий

rude fru:d] — грубий

greedy ['gri:di]— жад1бний

clothes of latest fashion ['kleuds av 'leitast faejn]—новомодний

• Read the text


When we speak about somebody's character, we can characterize a person as polite, friendly, good-natured, kind-hearted, generous,, thoughtful or, on the contrary, hard­hearted, ill-natured, rude, greedy, uncommunicative. Now I'd like to describe my close friend. Her name is Kate.She is a beautiful girl of 16.Kate is not very tall. She is always very elegant, she wears the clothes of latest fashion.Kate has fair curly hair and dark blue eyes. Her eyelashes are very long and thick.. Kate's face is oval and she has a turned-up nose..She is a well-bred, merry and. kind person. She is very tactful and shy. Kate is a pleasant person to deal with, she never loses her temper.She also has a kind heart and a strong will.She is always ready to help her (riends.Kate always manages to be amusing end cheerful.She is an easy-going girl.I am very happy to have such a friend.

turned-up nose[te:nd лр nauz] — кирпатий Hie to deal[di:l] — мати справу to manage['maenids] — удаватися easy-going['i:zi 'gauirj] — добродушно-веселий


1. Howcan we characterize a person?

2. What is a good-natured person?

3.What does it mean rude and greedy?

4.How can you characterize yourself?

5.What features of your best friend's character do you like and dislike?

Lesson 4


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