I had scarcely started before a man came up to me. 

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I had scarcely started before a man came up to me.

(Hardly had I started …). Invent sentences. Make use of the pattern above.


Mr Kelada was about to speak when he caught sight of Mrs Ramsey's face.

Paraphrase the following after the pattern above.


I was on the point of saying it when something held me back. He was on the point of asking her about it when he realized he'd better not. I was on the point of trying on the dress when I remembered I was short of money. I was on the point of inquiring about it when I realized I’d rather not. He was on the point of ordering the dish when he saw the price of it on the menu. I was on the point of touching upon the subject when it occurred to me I’d better not.

Vocabulary exercises


Ex. 1

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. My fellow - … was a very pleasant man and I enjoyed my journey.

2. You will have to… with whatever you are offered because it is the first night and the tickets are not …. 3. He … cabin with Mr Know –all, and besides, he couldn't make a step without Mr Kelada's accompanying him. 4. The decembrist's wives … their lot and went to Siberia, too. 5. She was … at hearing it. 6. When we came on … we saw a beautiful ship with very convenient cabins. 7. He … stuck a … onto the suit-case. 8. She looked very nice with a flower … in her hair. 9. Friends should … together, no matter what happens. 10. Judging by her … she is a native. 11. We had a long … over a cup of tea yesterday. 12. Didn't it … to you to help the girl? 13. The news caused everybody's excitement and after it we couldn't … the conversation. 14. Though she tried to look calm, I understood it was hard to … the spirits after such terrible news. 15. I decided to … my text-book with me as I wanted to revise the material once again. 16. The child … to a multistoreyed building and asked his mother what it was. 17. Why not have a … if you are so sure of it? 18. The fire … so fast that we were afraid lest the rest of the houses should catch it. 19. He is not a person to make an … and do it for her sake. 20. I say it … for your own good. 21. The agent said the latest time of … at the airport was 1.30 p.m. 22. John offered to book a … for them. He was sure they would enjoy the voyage. 23. Trains never run ahead of …; they run either on or behind time. 24. I've got to … my booking because my sister has been taken ill. 25. The train is … to arrive at 6 a.m. 26. I haven't had my newspapers … yet. 27. The conductor asked him what his place of … was.


Ex. 2

Let your fellow-students answer your questions. Ask her/ him:

1. if the passenger traffic on suburban lines is very heavy; 2. if hotel accommodation in Moscow is easy to get; 3. if she can easily put up with injustice; 4. what berth she prefers when travelling by train – a lower or an upper, and what she thinks the advantages and disadvantages are; 5. what synonym of the word-combination " to live in the same room" she knows; 6. if she has ever been dismayed in her life, on what occasion; 7. if she has ever travelled on board a big liner; 8. if she usually has a big luggage when going away for a holiday; 9. if it is a habit with her to stick labels onto her suit-case; 10. if she has ever travelled abroad, and if she has, what countries she has been to; 11. if she can speak English and German fluently enough; 12. if she wouldn't mind coming to your place for a chat over a cup of tea; 13. if it frequently occurs that long distance trains run behind schedule; 14. if she prefers to travel by air, by train or by sea and why; 15. If Comrade N. is a person to have everything her (his) own way; 16. if it is easy for her to resume spirits when she is upset; 17. if bad news spreads very quickly and why; 18. why tickets for Moscow theatres are not always available; 19. if she prefers to book tickets when going away for a holiday and have them delivered or if she prefers to queue for them and why; 20. if she is accustomed to keeping late hours; 21. if she usually buys a single or a return ticket when going to the country (which is more convenient).


Ex. 3

Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs wherever required.

1. No one except Carrie could put … … Gert's temper. 2. He was pleased to be given a passage … a cabin … only two berths … it. 3. She is not a person to share her last piece of bread … you. 4. She seemed to be dismayed … the news. 5. I feel sick and giddy when travelling … board a ship but I feel nothing of the kind … board … a plane. 6. It hurts me to see the blind man feeling his way … the wall … a stick. 7. Everyone called her "scout" and the nickname stuck … her. 8. Don't listen to what we are speaking about. Stick … business. 9. The road was very bad, and our car stuck … the mud. 10. I don't think it was very polite of him to speak to your mother … his hands stuck … his pockets. 11. Have I never told you it is not polite to point … people or … objects? 12. Mr. Ramsay suggested betting … a hundred dollars … it. 13. Will you spread some jam … my bread? 14. We checked … our luggage and made our way … the crowd. 15. I am sorry, we are all booked …. 16. I booked two berths … sleeper. 17. What time does the plane take …? 18. The agent told me the train was due … … 7.30 p.m. 19. If our train were running … schedule, we should be already in Kiev now. 20. Only after we had seen her … we realized how much she meant … us. 21. You never know who you are going to be put … …, - said Mr. Kelada. 22. How can such an idea have occurred … him? 23. Did he come … business or just … a chat? 24. The letter was addressed … Mr. Kelada. 25. " Do you remember how we first met? – she addressed … me.



Ex. 4

a) Suggest synonyms of the following words, word-combinations and phrases.

to occur; to live in the same room; to sit at the same table; to be fellow-passenger; to insist on what one used to say before; to continue a story after the interruption or a pause; to take up the previous job; to show smth. with one's finger; to check in one's luggage; to reserve tickets; it was impossible to get tickets; the train is to arrive at 6; to go to bed late; to make a speech; to run late (about trains); to try hard to do smth.; talkative;


b) Suggest antonyms of the following.

to change trains; to go to bed late; to run behind schedule; single ticket; to meet smb.; an upper berth; to be calm; to speak slowly;


c) Paraphrase the following.

1. I hope that it will never happen again. 2. It was summer and there were no vacant rooms in the hotel. 3. I wonder how it could have come to your mind. 4. Why did this idea never come to your mind before? 5. Unfortunately such scenes often happen there. 6. He was too stubborn and insisted on what he used to say though he was perfectly aware of his mistake. 7. After she had recited the poem, the girl returned to her seat. 8. He couldn't buy any practice and decided to return to the previous job. 9. He showed us some colour pictures and then went on with his story. 10. It hurt me to think he didn't even try to do anything for her. 11. Hurry up or we shan't have enough time to check in our luggage. 12. The lady was too talkative and he prepared to be attentive listener. 13. I don't think the book can be got anywhere. 14. He didn't want a night flight because his child wasn't used to going to bed so late. 16. Shall I have to change trains? 17. Soon Lanny's pupils could read quite well. 18. The situation grew from bad to worse and Andrew said he couldn't stand it any longer. 19. Hardly had I resumed my story when she interrupted me again. 20. Why not take your child with us?


Ex. 5

Differentiate between: to share – to divide; to bet – to argue (a bet – an argument); to see smb. off – to accompany; scarcely – nearly.

a) "to share" or "to divide"?

1. I can't say I … his opinion. 2. He … the last piece of bread into three equal parts and … them among the boys. 3. Lets … into smaller groups so that the enemy shouldn't see us. 4. If we … 60 by 12, we'll get 5. 5. Let me … your trouble. 6. 36 doesn't … into 5. 7. Only we two … the secret. 8. Lanny and his Caps-Town friends … everything-joys and hardships. 9. Don't … the apple – I've got one more for myself, too. 10. He was perfectly aware that he was to … the responsibility, too. 11. I … the page into two parts and wrote the Russian variant on the left side and the English – on the right. 12. I … your likes and dislikes. 13. … the blackboard into two parts, will you? 14. When we were fellow-students, we used to … a room in the hostel.

b) "to bet" or "to argue"; "a bet" or "an argument"?

1. Mrs Ramsay said it was not honest to … on a certainty. 2. Their hot discussions and … were interminable. 3. What are you … about? 4. It wasn't an even …. 5. He … five pounds on the horse. 6. I … against your winning. 7. They … for a long time but didn't come to any decision. 8. He … a hundred dollars I would not be able to do it. 9. What's the use … about it? 10. He is fond … but he never …. 11. What's the use … about it?

c) "to see off" or "accompany"?

1. He couldn't make a step without Mr Kelada … him. 2. I wanted someone to … me because my luggage was too heavy and big. 3. Andrew asked Cristine if he might … her home but she answered she was to wait for the Watkinses. 4. I am usually in low spirits when I have to … my friends. I prefer to meet them. 5. We … her to the station and … her.

d) "scarcely (hardly)" or " nearly"?

1. I had … looked the door when I heard the telephone rung. 2. Mr Brown said that one cigar a day had … killed him at first. It was no joke to start smoking at the age of 68. 3. Mr Kelada had … opened his mouth when he caught sight of Mrs Ramsay's face that was as white as snow. 4. I had … made up my mind to tell them the truth when I saw some disapproval on their faces and I thought I'd rather not. 5. He knew … everybody in the town and we thought he might know them as well. 6. He had packed … everything when it occurred to him that he had put his tooth-brush on the very bottom of the suit-case.


Ex. 6

Suggest the English for the following.

1. Это было пари с равными шансами, и мне было интересно, кто выиграет. 2. Мать сказала, что ей надоели их бесконечные споры и ссоры по пустякам (over trifles). 3. Джон подумал, что если бы не спор, который он проиграл, ему бы теперь не пришлось отдавать Роджеру 5 фунтов, и он мог бы потратить деньги на что-нибудь действительно полезное. 4.Он был уже почти уверен, что проигрывает пари, но он был слишком упрям, чтобы сказать, что он ошибается. 5. Что толку спорить, если Вы не можете придти к какому-либо решению? 6. Я не могу сказать, что разделяю его вкусы, но, что касается этого фильма, я вполне разделяю его точку зрения и считаю, что фильм не стоит смотреть. 7. Мейбл нужно было, чтобы кто-нибудь разделил её беду, и она решила сказать обо всём Лэнни. 8. Марта разделила батон хлеба на две половины и положила внутрь масло. 9. Мать разделила пирог на 4 равные части и поделила их между детьми и больным мужем, ничего не оставив себе. 10. Он считал, что достаточно неприятно ехать в одном купе с кем-угодно, но, если бы его спутником оказался англичанин, он не был бы так недоволен и встревожен. 11. Не утруждайте себя и не провожайте меня домой. Я доберусь благополучно. 12. Вошла высокая девушка в сопровождении интересного пожилого джентльмена, который оказался её опекуном. А я подумал, что они отец и дочь, - так они были похожи. 13. Я не очень люблю рыбу. Я бы лучше съел бифштекс с жареным картофелем на гарнир. 14. Едва я начал свой рассказ, как меня опять перебили. 15. Я чуть не забыл об этом, но он вовремя мне напомнил. 16. Была почти полночь, когда мы подходили к деревне. 17. Только я начал делать уроки, как мне позвонил друг и пригласил в театр. Я не мог не принять его приглашения, т.к. это был великолепный спектакль, поставленный молодым многообещающим режиссером. 18. Нет книги, которой она бы не читала. Она знает почти всё на свете. Я не встречал более образованной женщины в своей жизни. 19. Он много раз был за границей и побывал почти везде. 20. Мы уже почти закончили наш жаркий спор, как вошла Алиса и сказала, что она изменила решение.




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