Ex.11. Read and translate the following sentences. State the function of gerunds. 

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Ex.11. Read and translate the following sentences. State the function of gerunds.

1) Fences and other devices are built for protecting the tracks against snow and for keeping the livestock away from the railway. 2) They insisted on examining goods before loading. 3) There was still some hope of catching the last train. 4) Working on the computer requires much attention. 5) One of the very first railways in the USA, which was 3 miles in length, used horses for pulling wagons. 6) On entering the compartment a man introduced himself to his fellow travelers. 7) Using computers will enable us to increase the efficiency of work. 8) Instead of increasing fares the Railway Management should concentrate on reducing its costs and improving its efficiency. 9) In 1996 several Asian countries founded the Pan-Asian railway organization with the aim of uniting their individual railways into a continuous network. 10) After laying sleepers upon the roadbed, the workers began fastening the rails to them. 11) The first steps in designing robot engine driver for heavy high-speed trains were made in 1960s. 12) As the railways have a standard gauge now, it is possible for passengers to travel over several lines without changing cars. 13) Flying from Los Angeles to Tokyo on board a new supersonic aircraft will take two hours. 14) As the seats in Metro cars are arranged in rows on both sides of the carriage, the passengers can easily take their seats without causing trouble to other people. 15) He made a lot of money by buying tickets in advance and selling them for twice the price on the day of the train departure. 16) A long tunnel was bored through the mountain but laying railway tracks in this tunnel was not planned. 17) The motor has broken from overheating. 18) This car needs fuelling every 300 miles.

Ex.12. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1) Подъемный кран – это механическое устройство, которое используется для поднятия [to lift] грузов. 2) Он ушёл, на подождав нас. 3) Было решено [to decide] реконструировать вокзал вместо того, чтобы строить новый. 4) Стоимость перевозки пассажиров и грузов можно уменьшить путём [by means of] увеличения длины и веса поездов. 5) После проведения эксперимента ты должен проветрить [to ventilate] лабораторию. 6) Метод управления движением всех поездов на линии с центрального пункта называется диспетчерской централизацией. 7) Лететь на самолете быстрее, но он предпочитает путешествовать поездом. 8) Количество рабочих было уменьшено после установки нового оборудования. 9) Много лет инженеры пытались найти новый материал для производства шпал.


Ex.13. Answer the following questions. Pay attention to gerunds in different functions.

1) Do you realize the importance of learning foreign languages? What about your friends? Do you have much experience in speaking English?

2) Do you take much interest in reading English books in the original?

3) What ways of learning words do you find most effective?

4) How can you improve your English if you haven’t much chance of speaking it?

5) Do you remember taking the first entrance exam? What do you remember about the day?

6) Which do you like better, asking questions or answering them?

7) What films do you consider worth seeing?

8) What are you fond of doing?

9) What is your friend busy doing now?

10) Do you enjoy traveling by air? Why?

11) Do you prefer traveling by first class carriages or by second class ones? Why?

12) What are you looking forward to?

13) What arrangements do you make before starting on a holiday?

14) You book a ticket in advance instead of leaving it to the last day, don’t you?

15) Do you ever go to another town without saying good-bye to your friends?

16) What do you do on arriving at the place where you are going to spend your holiday?

17) What do you do to enjoy yourself during a holiday besides swimming or lying in the sun?

18) You gain a lot by visiting different places of interest, don’t you?

Ex.14. TEST.

By means of this test find out more about yourself and your acquaintances.

Are you extrovert or an introvert?

1) You are invited to the party. What is your reaction?

a) Good! I enjoy going to the parties because I have a hope of meeting some new people.

b) I don’t want to go! Nobody spoke to me at the last party.

c) I like going to the parties because I like being t he center of attention.

2) You are at the party. Everyone is telling jokes.

a) You are capable of telling dozens of jokes.

b) You manage to remember a couple of jokes.

c) You can’t think of a single joke or avoid telling something in public.

3) You realize that you have nothing planned for Saturday evening.

a) You are frantic. You hate spending spare time alone. You ring some friends up and arrange an outing to the cinema.

b) You think, “It is time I have an evening in.”

c) You think, “It’s a good opportunity of reading my new library book.”

4) Do you like risks?

a) Sometimes.

b) Never.

c) Often.

5) You are asked to help organize a group excursion.

a) You accept willingly. You are sure that you are capable of organizing the excursion perfectly well.

b) You hesitate for a moment and then accept.

c) You are terrified. You refuse.

6) How do you spend most of your leisure time?

a) By yourself.

b) With one or two friends.

c) With a group.

7) Do you ever think about the meaning of life?

a) Sometimes.

b) Often

c) Never. I’m too busy living.

8) Do you find it easy to make decisions?

a) It depends.

b) It is always easy to decide.

c) I can never make my mind.

9) You have a new boy-friend/girl-friend. Your friends tease you about him/her and make jokes.

a) You don’t pay attention to their words.

b) You can’t help smiling. You don’t mind being teased.

c) You are embarrassed. You don’t like people making fun of you.

10) Somebody in your group is saying horrible things about you.

a) You get worried about it.

b) You don’t care what they say.

c) You begin saying horrible things about them.


  a b c   a b C
1.       6.      
2.       7.      
3.       8.      
4.       9.      
5.       10.      


35–60 points: You are a true extrovert. You enjoy being in a group. You have lots of self-confidence. You are an active practical person, and you are outward-looking. You enjoy making decisions and taking risks. But be careful; don’t be too much sure of yourself. Remember that you can hurt sensitive people by your lack of understanding.

26–34 points: Like many people, the outside world is as important to you as your own inner world. You are sometimes in between the extrovert and the introvert, and you can have the good qualities of both. But be careful that you haven’t all the bad qualities!

10–25 points: You are a true introvert. Your inner world of dreams and ideals is more important than the external world. You are neither realistic nor practical. You do not like showing your feelings to other people, in case they hurt you. Use your sensitivity to appreciate beautiful things and understand other people’s feelings.


Ex.15. Translate the following sentences paying attention to –ing forms.

1) They stopped a fast-running taxi. 2) Helicopters need very little space for taking off and landing. 3) Indian Railways has designed and built a prototype double-deck car having seats for 148 passengers. 4) Railway transport is one of the cheapest ways of hauling freight over long distances. 5) Russian trains run on 76 direct international lines linking Moscow with Paris, Copenhagen, Berne, Rome, Berlin and so on. 6) Having worked at the railway for several years, Paul gained much experience in driving electric locos. 7) I think that walking is the best way of traveling. 8) Having reached the river they stopped because there was no bridge across it. 9) This power station works 24 hours a day, supplying five million houses with electricity. 10) Around $1.2 billion is being spent on modernizing the 270 km suburban network of Sao Paolo (Brasil); this includes buying new trains, refurbishing existing stock, renewing signaling equipment, plus constructing new railway stations, rebuilding old ones and laying new tracks. 11) Talking on cellular phones while driving is very dangerous, that is why it is banned. 12) Engineers are trying to find the ways of reducing the cost of electrifying railways. 13) The Moscow railway junction, the largest terminal in this country, is equipped with up-to-date devices providing coordinated operation of all the services. 14) Stopping fuel supply caused serious trouble in the engine. 15) Two or more locomotives are used for pulling trains consisting of 80 freight cars. 16) Having tested the new locomotive, the engineers recommended it for series production. 17) When filling in the form, you must write your name and address clearly. 18) Passing by a shop window, he paid attention to the picture exhibited there.

Ex.16. Read and translate the following word combinations paying attention to the attributive groups .


▫ the engine breakdown ▫ an emergency stopping device ▫ the ten car train

▫ high-speed train movement ▫ the super express railway line ▫ the train tickets

▫ the physics laboratory keys ▫ the locomotive and car-repair plant ▫ energy consumption

▫ the bus route length increase ▫ a 1,000 horse-power diesel engine ▫ a motor-car body

▫ the traffic safety rules ▫ steam locomotive efficiency ▫ a car service station

▫ 200 miles long railway ▫ the commuter train derailment ▫ energy source

▫ the car speed calculation ▫ the vertical take-off airplane ▫ the car parking-lot

▫ track repair work ▫ the train movement speed ▫ a bridge pile

▫ an engine cooling system ▫ the high-quality steel production ▫ the go-anywhere car

▫ a remote control device ▫ a standard gauge express railway ▫ the iron ore train

▫ the low-grade cheap fuel ▫ the plush, aircraft-type seats ▫ the standard length rails

▫ the rush hour traffic jam ▫ the environment protection ▫ a truck-stop cafe


▪ срок службы электровоза ▪ выставка железнодорожного транспорта

▪ реконструкция старого вокзала ▪ электронная система информирования пассажиров

▪ центр управления движением ▪ история строительства железных дорог

▪ вес грузового поезда ▪ стоимость содержания пути в исправном состоянии

▪ система энергоснабжения ▪ увеличение длины грузовых составов

▪ линия с узкой шириной колеи ▪ длина железнодорожного тоннеля

▪ время отправления экспресса ▪ мощность нового двигателя



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