Ex.26. Answer the following general questions. 

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Ex.26. Answer the following general questions.

1) Did the underground railways appear in the 20th century? 2) Has the London Underground been used since 1860? 3) Was the first line of the London Underground built according to Stephenson’s project? 4) Were the first Metro trains driven by electricity? 5) Did the London Underground operate during the World War II? 6) Does the London Underground carry over 2.5 million passengers a day at present? 7) Do all Metro trains go under the ground? 8) Are all stations equipped with escalators? 9) Was safety always one of the main concerns of London transport? 10) Can any accident happen because of human errors in the London Underground? 11) Is the number of passengers carried by the London Underground constantly growing? 12) Do express trains stop at all the stations on their way? 13) Are there twelve Underground lines in London? 14) Do all the underground lines have their own color?



Read and translate the text.



For the first time the idea of building the underground railway in Moscow was discussed before the revolution. But the construction of the first section (from Sokolniki to Central Park) was initiated only in 1932. The length of this line was 11kilometers. The construction lasted 3 years and it was called the record period of time by the world press. The Russian engineers carefully studied the existing underground systems abroad before working out their own project, which represents a significant improvement on the London system.

The engineering difficulties were great mainly because much of the soil was composed of running sand*. Fortunately most of the running sand lay close to the surface, therefore it was found possible to use out-and-cover method of construction under many streets. But in the center of the city where the line is 100ft or more deep, the construction of tunnels was necessary.

The Moscow Underground consists of a circle line, which runs round the city center, several radial lines crossing the city and connecting with each other and the lines running to the countryside. Some constructional work is still going on. Now the length of the underground lines reaches about 300km.

At present the Moscow Metro handles more than 5 million passengers each day. During peak hours trains run at a speed of 90km per hour with the intervals of about 80 seconds. One train takes up to 1,500 passengers. For greater safety of travel all trains are inspected every 6-9 hours of running. Being in operation for about 13 hours daily each metro train covers the distance equal to that from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The trains servicing the Underground are supplied with low voltage direct current. The current is obtained from the third rail by special devices that are mounted beneath the motor coaches. Rolling stock is completely replaced approximately once every four years.

The Moscow Metro can compete with the underground railways in any of the European capitals in level of automation. At present experiments are being conducted with an “automatic driver”, i.e. with computer-controlled trains. The computer devices will help to relieve the nervous strain on the drivers and make it possible to increase the cruising speed** of trains even more. These automatic devices have already been tested over the Circle Route by way of experiment. The Moscow Metro is justly famous for clean and attractive stations and for good service of riders at rather low fares.

Notes: *running sand – сыпучий песок, плывун

**cruising speed – эксплуатационная скорость

Ex.27. Answer the following general questions.

1) Was the possibility of constructing Metro in Moscow discussed before the revolution for the first time? 2) Did the building of the Moscow Underground begin in 1917? 3) Does the project of the Moscow Metro represent a significant improvement on the London system? 4) Was the out-and-cut method the most suitable one to construct the Moscow Underground? 5) Does the Moscow Metro consist of a circle line and 2 radial ones? 6) Is the construction of the Metro still going on? 7) Do Metro trains run with the intervals of about 8 minutes during peak hours? 8) Are all trains inspected for greater safety of travel every week? 9) Can the Moscow Metro compete with the underground lines of other countries in level of automation? 10) Will an “automatic driver” replace hard engine driver’s labor in future?

Ex.28. Compare the Moscow and London Undergrounds. Complete the sentences and answer the questions.

1) The first line of the Moscow Metro was opened for public traffic in …. What can you say about the London Underground?

2) The length of the first underground line in Moscow was …. What about the London Underground?

3) The trains in the Moscow Metro are driven by …. What do you know about motive power in the London Underground?

4) The total length of Metro lines in Moscow is … and it has about 160 stations. What about the London Underground?

5) All the deep stations of the Moscow Metro are equipped with … and their speed is unchangeable (about 30 meters per minute). What can you say about the London Underground?

6) In Moscow when the passengers get on the escalator they stand … so that people who hurry up or down the escalator can run by …. As you know, in Great Britain there is left-hand traffic. What about London escalators?

7) All the stations of the Moscow Metro are different in architectural design and are decorated with bronze, marble, aluminum and glass. They are attractive to the eye and ….What information do you have about the stations of the London Underground?

8) At present fare in the Moscow Metro doesn't depend on … but the management of the Metro plans to change the system of paying. What have you learnt from the text about the fare in the London Underground?

Ex.29. True or false? Correct the false statements.

1) The Moscow Metro is the oldest underground in the world. 2) The London Underground was put into operation in 1963. 3) The construction of The Moscow Metro began before the October Revolution. 4) The London Underground carries 10 million passengers a day. 5) In the Moscow Metro steam locomotives are used for pulling trains. 6) Escalators move only up. 7) The first escalator in the world was installed in the London Underground in 1912. 8) The length of escalators is the same at all stations. 9) Fare in the Moscow Metro is 200 dollars. 10) The London Underground has 20 stations. 11) Samara has the largest subway system in this country. 12) Airplanes are the fastest and the most reliable means of city's transport. 13) One carriage of a Metro train can accommodate 5,000 passengers. 14) Nowadays Metro trains are drawn by three horses. 15) Traffic frequency in the London Underground is one train per hour. 16) The speed of Metro trains reaches 10 km/h. 17) In winter it is very cold in Metro trains because there is no heating system in them.

Ex.30. Translate the following text from Russian into English (do it in written form).


Метрополитен в нашем городе начал работать в декабре 1987 года. Именно в то время первая линия метро (от станции Юнгородок до станции Победа) была пущена в эксплуатацию. Вторая линия метро была открыта для движения в 1993 году. Общая протяженность линий метро составляет приблизительно 20 км. Самарское метро имеет восемь станций – одну наземную и семь подземных. В следующем году планируется пустить в эксплуатацию ещё одну станцию. Частота движения – 10 поездов в час. Каждый поезд состоит из четырех вагонов. В вагонах установлены современные системы отопления, освещения и вентиляции. Скорость движения поездов достигает 90 км/ч. Для удобства пассажиров на нескольких глубоких станциях установлены эскалаторы. Плата за проезд не зависит от расстояния. Некоторые категории пассажиров, такие как ветераны, дети до семи лет могут ездить в метро бесплатно. Школьники могут купить ‘сезонку’. Метро очень популярный вид транспорта в нашем городе, и его строительство продолжается.




Ex.1. Practice the reading.

► i before nd, gh, gn, ld

▪ m i nd, humank i nd, beh i nd, f i nd, h i gh ly, l i gh t, del i gh t, h i gh way, s i gh t, m i gh t, t i gh t, fr i gh ten, fl i gh t, al i gn ment, des i gn, s i gn, w i ld, m i ld.

о before n, v, m, th

▪ fr o n t, am o n g, m o n ey, w o n, t o n, m o n th, t o n gue, w o n der, n o n e, gl o v e, ab o v e, c o v er, d o v e, l o v ely, s o m e, c o m pany, acc o mpany, o th er, an o th er, n o th ing;

BUT: move, prove, improve, approve, involve

► a before l+consonant

▪ t a lk, a lr eady, a ls o, c a ll, a lt er, a lw ays, s a lt, a lm ost, a lt ernative, w a lk, a lth ough, b a ld.


Words and word combinations to be remembered
1) amount –количество, сумма 2) to arrange –устраивать, организовывать; договариваться; приводить в порядок 3) to brake –тормозить brake –тормоз 4) considerable – значительный 5) to cause –быть причиной,вызывать, причинять; заставлять cause –причина, повод 6) to create –создавать, проектировать, разрабатывать 7) customs– таможня 8) customer – клиент, заказчик 9) curve– кривая, кривой участок пути; поворот 10) to deliver – доставлять delivery – доставка 11) device –устройство, прибор 12) to employ –использовать; нанимать (на работу) employee –служащий, работник employer –наниматель, работодатель 13) to enable – позволять, давать возможность 14) grade– уклон, подъём steep grade – крутой уклон (подъём) 15) to handle (traffic) –осуществлять перевозку, перевозить 16) to insure – страховать insurance – страхование 17) liquid (goods) – наливные грузы 18) to measure –измерять measure –мера to take measures –принимать меры 19) moreover – более того 20) quality – качество 21) to pass –проходить, проезжать 22) reliable – надёжный 23) to repair – ремонтировать repair – ремонт 24) schedule – расписание 25) to ship – отправлять shipment– отправка 26) tilting train –скоростной поезд 27) turnover –оборот freight turnover –грузооборот passenger turnover –пассажирооборот 28) to upgrade – реконструировать upgrading – реконструкция 29) valid –действительный

Mind the prepositions

1) to arrange with somebody about something 5)to make of something

2) to be engaged in (doing) something 6) on schedule

3) to take measures against something/ somebody 7) instead of (doing) something

4) to insure something against something


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