Ask different types of questions to the text «Higher Education in the USA». 

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Ask different types of questions to the text «Higher Education in the USA».

3.7. Find in the text some sentences with verbs in the Simple
Passive. Give negative and question forms.


3.8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs:


Grades in American Universities and Colleges

While the quantity... a student academic work is measured... credits or units, the quality... the work is measured... grades (often called «marks» … other countries). … the United States grades are very important.

A student’s grades receive considerable attention … competition … scholarships and fellowships, … admission … graduate schools and, … some cases, … jobs.

… the first session … a class, the professor should discuss the gra-ding system.

… most institutions, there are four passing grades «А», «В», «C» and «D» (and shades... between). There is usually one failing grade: «F». «Incomplete» («Inc.» or «I») indicates that work... the course has not been completed due... circumstances that the professor understands and accepts. If the work remains unfinished... a specified period... time (usually, the next term), the grade will then be changed... «F».

Some courses may be offered... a «pass/fail» basis. This means that no letter grade is given. Work is judged to be either satisfactory («pass») and credit is given or unsatisfactory («fail») and no credit is given... the class.

3.9. Complete the sentences choosing the following suitable words and phrases:

tests term

final examination objective

professor exams

notes types

«take home» exam classes

instructor «quizzes»



Nearly every class has a... at the end of the.... Most... also have «mid-term» examinations as well as frequent tests or... (short tests). The examinations and... demonstrate whether or not students are doing the work that has been assigned to them; they also are a measure, for both student and..., of how much and how well the student is learning. Almost all examinations are «closed book»... – that is, students are not allowed to look at their books or their... during the test. Occasionally, an... will give an «open book» exam, such as a «take home» exam. A... is given to you to take home and complete, usually within a few days' time. There are two main... of examinations,... examinations and subjective examinations.


3.10*. In this text there are some unnecessary words which do not fit the sense of the text. Find these words in the numbered sentences and cross them out:

1. The tuition at a private college can be of 20,000 – 25,000 dollars in a year. 2. A state university can be of one-tenth of that. 3. Besides students need have to pay for housing, food, books, transportation and other things what they may need. 4. In order to pay the tuition fee some people have to borrow money by taking out of a loan. 5. The universities and colleges always hand out a surprisingly few scholarships, which gives either bright students from large families a much chance to study there. 6. There are
different types of loan scholarship: full scholarships, those that to pay both
tuition and a monthly paid allowance, or those that only pay tuition.
7. Many students do work in order as to pay their living expenses.


3.11. Translate into Russian:

The Academic Year

For most colleges and universities in the USA, the academic year begins in late August or early September and ends in May or June. The semester system divides the academic year into two equal terms of approximately 16 weeks each. The quarter system divides the academic year into three equal terms of approximately 11 weeks each. Usually there is also a fourth «summer quarter». The trimester system has three equal terms
of approximately 16 weeks each, including a summer term.

Most students take the summer off. Some students, however, choose to go to summer school and earn credits which may help them to complete their degree work in a shorter length of time than normally is required.

3.12*. Translate into English:


Техническое и профессиональное обучение

В Соединенных Штатах местные, технические колледжи и колледжи начального обучения (как государственные, так и частные) предлагают обучение техническим профессиям. Двухгодичные колледжи предлагают широкий выбор программ.

Программы профессионального обучения обычно рассчитаны на год или более с отрывом от производства. Во многих случаях студенты, успешно закончившие обучение по этим программам, получают удостоверение или диплом о начальном высшем образовании. Обучение по программе, ведущей к получению специальности и диплома
о начальном высшем образовании, не обязательно соответствует требованиям, необходимым для продолжения четырехлетнего обучения
в колледже для получения степени бакалавра.

Местные колледжи, колледжи начального образования и технические колледжи также предлагают краткосрочные технические программы повышения квалификации, рассчитанные на обучение в течение нескольких недель или месяцев. Частные учебные заведения, которые обычно специализируются на работе в одной области и могут присваивать или не присваивать степень, являются альтернативным вариантом получения технического образования.


3.13. Read and translate the sentences with it in different

1. It is a new subject. It is very important for our future profession.

2. It is not easy to study at the university.

3. It is winter and it is very frosty in the street.

4. What is it? It is our interesting project.

5. It is necessary to know English well in order to go abroad.

6. It seems to me that she is a good teacher.

7. It is this college that I want to study.

8. He finds it useful to go to the south in summer.

9. It was Bell who invented the telephone.

10. It is known that Mathematic is the queen of sciences.

11. It is getting cold.

12. It is difficult to study Latin.

3.14. Read and translate the sentences with one in different

1. One should be careful while crossing the road.

2. The general opinion was that Socks’s theory was a correct one.

3. One must pass all exams well to enter the university.

4. We must do only one project.

5. One can translate such a magazine without a dictionary.

6. It is a risk, but it isn’t that one.

7. We had a sunny day – almost the first one without a cloud for three weeks.

8. One can take this book from the library.

9. One can have a good knowledge of many subjects to become a good specialist.

10. The chance is too good a one to be lost.

11. Last year I saw many English films, but my brother saw some French ones.

12. Engineer is one of the most interesting profession, it is the one that is taught at technical institutes.


3.15. Read and translate the sentences with that in different

1. That poem was written by Pushkin many years ago.

2. The lesson that you taught last week was very interesting.

3. Everybody knows that this professor is the cleverest one.

4. That the profession of an architect requires a good training is
a well-known fact.

5. There are many interesting articles in textbook, read those on your speciality.

6. The aim of this project is that our inventions should be useful for many people.

7. Can you answer all those questions which the professor asked?

8. It was our dean that said so.

9. Do you know those librarians? They are from our university.

10. It is the high qualification of future specialists that will determine the scientific and technological progress of any country.

11. It is known that the good knowledge of Russian language for foreign students is the basis for the study of all subjects at the university.

12. The program for the first-year students differs from that of the third-year students.

IV. Brush up your talk

4.1. Read and translate the following proverbs. Try to comment them:

Knowledge is power.

Two heads are better than one.

If at first you don’t succeed try, try and try again.

4.2. Read and dramatize the dialogues with your partners. Make up your own dialogues on these models:

1. Registering For a Course

A.: I saw in the course catalog that the university is offering a batik class this semester. Is it still open?

B.: Do you have the course number?

A.: Three-oh-nine.

B.: Yes, it’s open. It meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at nine o’clock.

A.: Do you know if it can be used to meet undergraduate course
requirements for art majors?

B.: Yes. It fulfills course requirements for both art and home-economics majors.

A.: Good. I’d like to register for it, please.


2. The Student Service Center

A.: I’m having a terrible time in my Russian class. The mid-term test scores have been posted, and I failed dismally.

B.: Oh, I could help you in math or chemistry, but not in foreign languages.

A.: I’m just at my wits’ end.

B.: Why don’t you get a tutor?

A.: A tutor?

B.: Yeah, in the Student Service Center, they have lists of people who are willing to teach subjects they understand very well.

A.: Do you think there would be anyone who could help me with my Russian?

B.: Why not? There might be a Russian exchange student or a graduate student in the Russian department who needs spare cash.

A.: Is it very expensive?

B.: It doesn’t cost at all.

A.: But you just said that a student who needs money...

B.: I mean it doesn’t cost you anything at all. The Student Service
Center pays their tutors from some grant they get.

A.: Wow! Maybe there’s hope for me after all. Thanks for the infor-mation.


3. Summer Courses

A.: What are you going to do this summer?

B.: I’m signing up for Geology 306.

A.: You mean you’re taking summer classes?

B.: Yeah. I don’t carry a heavy load during the year so that I can hold down a part-time job. Then I take a summer class or two to make up for it.

A.: Sounds good, but I don’t think I could stand taking classes year round.

B.: Hmm. I’m looking forward to my geology class. We’re taking
a two-week field trip out to Copper Mountain where we’ll be collecting
fossils and mapping the strata. Then we’ll return to campus to do lab work on our finds.

A.: That sounds fascinating.

B.: It is. Unfortunately, the department can’t hold such classes during the year because students wouldn’t be able to miss two weeks of their other classes to go on the field trips.

A.: What other classes have you taken during the summer sessions?

B.: Well, I got university credit for digging on an archaeological site last year.

A.: Where was that? In Egypt?

B.: No. In Colorado. It was a buffalo-kill site. You know, one where the early Americans drove the animals off a cliff.

A.: What did you find of interest?

B.: Lots of broken stone tools used for butchering the buffalo.

A.: Gosh. I think I might consider taking some summer classes.


4. Requirements for the Course

A.: Dr. Anderson, could you please clarify the requirements for this course? Some of us are a little bit confused about the final examination.

B.: Oh? Well, you have two options in this course. You can either take a final examination or you can write a research paper instead.

C.: Excuse me, Dr. Anderson. That’s the point I need you to clarify. What kind of research paper did you have in mind? An original study?
А report? A book review, perhaps?

B.: A report. A summary really, based upon current research in the field.

C.: How long should the reports be?

B.: Length is really not important. I should think that it would take at least ten pages in order to develop the topic, however.

C.: And should we check the topic with you before we begin writing?

B.: You may, if you wish. But the only requirement is that it relate to current trends in United States foreign policy. Are you considering writing a paper, Jane?

A.: I’m not sure. I think that I’d like to know a little bit more about the examination.

B.: All right. One hundred multiple-choice questions covering both the lectures and the outside readings.

A.: Didn’t you say that you would give us one hour for the examination?

B.: Yes, I did.

A.: I’m going to do the paper, then.

C.: Me too.

4.3*. Role-play the following situations:

1. You want to know the requirements for the course in Civil Construction. You find out that there are two opinions in the course: to take
a final examination or to write a research paper. After clarifying a few
details you make up your mind to do the paper.

2. A Russian student exchanges information about admission procedures in Russian and American university with his American friend.


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