Завдання II. Позначте які ці речення за структурою: simple, compound, complex, compound-complex. 

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Завдання II. Позначте які ці речення за структурою: simple, compound, complex, compound-complex.

1. Ottawa is the capital of Canada, but Toronto is the capital of Ontario.

2. Democracy is a noble goal; it is important, however, to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

3. I do not own a Porsche.

4. Call your father as soon as you arrive in Antigonish.

5. I ate the sushi and left the restaurant.

6. Unless my girlfriend postpones her visit from Calgary, I will not have time to study for my exam.

7. Susanne wanted to be here, but she cannot come because her car is in the shop.

8. The football game was cancelled because it was raining.

9. The football game was cancelled because of the rain.

10. When the train arrives and if Ms. Langlois is on it, she will be served with a subpoena.



Головні члени речення The Main Members of the Sentence Підмет The Subject Who? What? Children like to play games. Everything is fine. To go to England is my dream.
Присудок The Predicate Тип присудка за структурою Простий (simple) She studies Chinese and she likes it. You’ve made a mistake again.
Складений (compound/complex) We must do it right now. We went on dancing all night.
Тип присудка за значенням Дієслівний (verbal) Many people study foreign languages now.
Іменний (nominal) We are students. He feels sad.
Другорядні члени речення The Secondary Members of the Sentence   Додаток The Object Прямий (direct) He always visits us. You can take my book.
Непрямий (indirect) Give us a definite answer. Tell me your secret. (indirect + direct)
Означення The Attribute It was a hot summer day. I like September weather. We watched the rising sun.
Обставина The Adverbial Modifier They met last year. We are going to the lab. She is working non-stop. You’ll have to work hard to earn money.


Перевірте себе:

Завдання I. Знайдіть підмети в реченнях. Перекладіть речення.

1. Life is full of compensations. 2. Nancy is my close friend. 3. She found this hard to believe. 4. Everything that lay before us was new and mysterious. 5. Yours was a clever choice. 6. Reading is a way of learning things. 7. What I mean is that we should compromise. 8. To accept this offer is to radically change your life. 9. Thirteen is a tricky number: with some nations it means good luck, with others bad luck. 10. The rich and the powerful rule this country.


Завдання II. Скажіть якою частиною мови виражений присудок в цих реченнях.

1. This is a "cheer up" book. 2. The Renoirs in this museum are priceless. 3. Mrs. Norris is a great cat-lover. 4. This film was awfully funny. 5. You look great today! 6. The new manager is about thirty. 7. Chris became a computer whizz. 8. Your task is to find the right man to do the job. 9. I am scared, I really am. 10. It was them who did it. 11. The biggest problem in life is choosing.

Завдання III. Знайдіть додатки в реченнях. Та визначте які ці додатки: прямі, непрямі

1. Tatyana gives music lessons to small children. 2.1 bought a painting for my living-room. 3. Put the child to bed. Tell him a story, sing him a song. 4. They gave their kids nice presents on Christmas. 5. The boy showed us his collection of stones. 6. They gave each student a copy of the text. 7. The secretary left a message for the manager. 8. Can you show me the new files? 9. The office got a new computer and a printer. 10. When you come to visit us, we'll show you all the sights of Moscow.

Завдання IV. Прочитайте наступні речення та перекладіть їх українською. Знайдіть означення в реченнях.

1. Before Christmas a lot of people go shopping for last-minute gifts. 2. Whenever I feel depressed, I take an "away-from-it-all" holiday and head for my century-old house. 3. This play has become a "once-a-year" treat. 4. You always were a regular old mother hen, even when you were little. 5. Santa Barbara is a must-see city on California's Riviera. 6. This is an easy-to-make soup for a hot day. 7. She made an excuse-me face. 8. Maxim was not a nine-to-five man. 9. He behaved in an I-don't-care attitude. 10. Sue Townsend's marvelous novels are not-to-be-missed books which have become English classic literature.

Завдання V. Розкрийте дужки та поставте обставини в правильному порядку.

1. You can get your car serviced here, (always) 2. He would have been able to do it. (never) 3.1 have been told what to do. (rarely) 4. The old woman goes out on her own. (hardly ever) 5. You will not see men queuing up. (often) 6.1 do not give interviews to the press, (normally) 7. People have wondered what he does, (often) 8. We liked to meet for a chat, (sometimes) 9. They have done ice-skating before, (never). 10.1 am too busy to go out in the evenings, (usually) 11. Denny would lend money to strangers, (often) 12. You must answer me back, (never).


СКЛАДНІ РЕЧЕННЯ (сomposite sentenses)

Compound and complex sentences


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