Перетворення питальних речень у непряму мову 

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Перетворення питальних речень у непряму мову

· При перетворенні запитань у непряму мову ми використовуємо ask або want to know.

· У непрямих запитаннях - прямий порядок слів, тобто дієслово використовується у стверджувальній формі і знак питання не ставиться. Дієслівні часи, займенники та вирази часу змінюються так само, як у розповідних реченнях. Напр.. ‘ Do you speak English?’ he asked her. - He asked her if she spoke English.

· Коли пряме запитання починається запитальним словом (who, where, how, when, та ін.), то і непряме запитання починається тим самим запитальним словом. Напр.. ‘ Why are you late?’ the teacher asked me. - ‘The teacher asked me why I was late.’

· Коли пряме запитання починається допоміжним дієсловом (do, is, have) або модальним дієсловом (can, may, must), тоді непряме запитання починається словами if або whether. Напр.. ‘ Can you speak French?’ they asked me. They asked me if/whether I could speak French.

Перетворення спонукальних речень у непряму мову

· При переході спонукальних речень у непряму мову наказовий спосіб у прямій команді перетворюється на інфінітив у непрямій команді.

· Щоб перетворити в непряму мову команди або вказівки ми використовуємо дієслова order або tell. Напр. ‘ Give me your money!’ he said to me. He ordered me to give him my money. ‘ Don’t eat any ice-cream,’ the doctor said. The doctor told me not to eat any ice-cream.

· Щоб перетворити в непряму мову прохання ми використовуємо дієслово ask. Речення у прямій мові зазвичай містить слово ‘please’. Напр.. ‘ Listen to me, please,’ the teacher said to me. The teacher asked me to listen to him.


Зведена таблиця


Тип речення Type of Sentences Пряма мова Direct Speech Непряма мова Indirect (Reported) Speech
Розповідне Declarative Ann says, “I amhappy.” He says to us, “I like tennis.” She says, “I don’t know this rule.” Ann says (that) she is happy. He tells us (that) he likes tennis. She says (that) she doesn’t know this rule.
Спонукальне Imperative They say, “Close the door, please.” Mary says to Tom, “Don’t close the window.” The officer orders the soldiers, “Don’t talk!” They ask me to close the door. Mary tells Tom not to close the window. The officer orders the soldiers not to talk.
Загальне питання General Question The tourist asks me, “Do you live in Kyiv?” He asks, “Is it raining now? ” The manager asks, “ Are there any people at the office?” The tourist asksme if I live in Kyiv. He asks if (whether) it is raining then. The manager asks if (whether) there are any people at the office
Спеціальне питання Special Question I ask them, “ Where does Ben live?” They ask, “What’s the matter?” We ask them, “ When shall we meet?” My friend asks, “Who called you last night ?” I ask them where Ben lives. They ask what the matter is. We ask them when we shall meet. My friend asks who calledme lastnight.


Перевірте себе:

Вправа 1

Change the sentences into reported speech according to the model.

Model: Miranda says, "I work for a small publishing house." — Miranda says (that) she works for a small publishing house.

1. I'm going to work in England next year. 2. I'm their marketing manager. 3. The company has opened an office in London. 4. Up till now I've been very successful in my career. 5. I've been chosen to run the new office in London. 6. I'm studying English in the evenings. 7.1 don't have much time to enjoy myself. 8.1 haven't had lunch with a friend for ages. 9.1 hope my friends will come and visit me in London. 10.1 went there last week with my secretary. 11. We didn't have much time for sightseeing. 12.1 have to get back to work now.



Вправа 1

Передайте наступні наказові речення в непрямій мові
Зразок: Peter: " Clean the black shoes!" Peter told me _________________
Answer: Peter told me to clean the black shoes.

1) Teacher: "Do your homework!" The teacher told me________________

2) Doris: "Dance with me!" Doris told me___________________________

3) Fred: "Wash your hands!" Fred told me__________________________

4) Tom: "Come at 8!" Tom told me________________________________

5) Anna: "Open the window!" Anna told me_________________________

6) Nelly: "Help Peter's sister!" Nelly told me_________________________

7) Jessica: "Write a text message!" Jessica told me____________________

8) Sabine: "Meet Sandy at the station!" Sabine told me_________________

9) Andrew: "Clean the blue bike!" Andrew told me____________________

10) Victoria: "Check your e-mails!" Victoria told me___________________

Вправа 2

Передайте наступні наказові речення в непрямій мові

Зразок: Peter: "Don't clean the black shoes! " Peter told me _____________
Answer: Peter told me not to clean the black shoes.

1) Lisa: "Don't fly via Paris!" Lisa advised me_________________________

2) Karen: "Don't play football in the garden!" Karen told me_____________

3) Mike: "Don't shout at Peter!" Mike told me_________________________

4) Jamie: "Don't eat so much junk food!" Jamie reminded me_____________

5) Jane: "Don't watch the new film!" Jane advised me___________________

6) Teacher: "Don't forget your homework!" The teacher reminded me_______

7) Walter: "Don't ring Romy on Sunday!" Walter told me_________________

8) Marcel: "Don't sing that song!" Marcel reminded me___________________

9) Yvonne: "Don't talk to your neighbour!" Yvonne told me_______________

] 10) Denise: "Don't open the door!" Denise told me______________________

Вправа 3

Передайте наступні розповідні речення в непрямій мові

Зразок: Peter: "I clean the black shoes. "Peter told me that _________________
Answer: Peter told me that he cleaned the black shoes.

1) John: "Mandy is at home." John said that_____________________________

2) Max: "Frank often reads a book." Max told me that_____________________

3) Susan: "I'm watching TV." Susan said to me that _______________________

4) Simon: "David was ill." Simon said that_______________________________


5) Peggy: "The girls helped in the house." Peggy told me that________________


6) Richard: "I am going to ride a skateboard." Richard said to me that__________


7) Stephen and Claire: "We have cleaned the windows." Stephen and Claire told me that________________________________________________________________

8) Charles: "I didn't have time to do my homework." Charles remarked that__________

9) Mrs. Jones: "My mother will be 50 years old." Mrs. Jones told me that_________

10) Jean: "The boss must sign the letter." Jean said that_______________________

Вправа 4

Передайте наступні запитальні речення в непрямій мові

Зразок: Peter: "Did John clean the black shoes?" Peter asked me ______________
Answer: Peter asked me if John had cleaned the black shoes.

1) Christopher: "Do you want to dance?" Christopher asked me_________________

2) Betty: "When did you come?" Betty wanted to know________________________

3) Mark: "Has John arrived?" Mark asked me________________________________

4) Ronald: "Where does Maria park her car?" Ronald asked me__________________

5) Elisabeth: "Did you watch the latest film?" Elisabeth asked me________________

6) Mandy: "Can I help you?" Mandy wanted to know__________________________

7) Andrew: "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?" Andrew asked me_______________

8) Justin: "What are you doing?" Justin asked me_____________________________

9) Frank: "How much pocket money does Lisa get?" Frank wanted to know________

10) Anne: "Must I do the shopping?" Anne asked_____________________________

Вправа 5

Change the sentences into reported speech according to the model.

Model: Miranda says, "I work for a small publishing house." — Miranda says (that) she works for a small publishing house.

1. I'm going to work in England next year. 2. I'm their marketing manager. 3. The company has opened an office in London. 4. Up till now I've been very successful in my career. 5. I've been chosen to run the new office in London. 6. I'm studying English in the evenings. 7.1 don't have much time to enjoy myself. 8.1 haven't had lunch with a friend for ages. 9.1 hope my friends will come and visit me in London. 10.1 went there last week with my secretary. 11. We didn't have much time for sightseeing. 12.1 have to get back to work now.


Вправа 1

1) Teacher:"Do your homework!" The teacher told me to do my homework.
2) Doris:"Dance with me!" Doris told me to dance with her.
3) Fred:"Wash your hands!" Fred told me to wash my hands.
4) Tom:"Come at 8!" Tom told me to come at 8.
5) Anna:"Open the window!" Anna told me to open the window.
6) Nelly:"Help Peter's sister!" Nelly told me to help Peter's sister.
7) Jessica:"Write a text message!" Jessica told me to write a text message.
8) Sabine:"Meet Sandy at the station!" Sabine told me to meet Sandy at the station.
9) Andrew:"Clean the blue bike!" Andrew told me to clean the blue bike.
10) Victoria:"Check your e-mails!" Victoria told me to check my e-mails.

Вправа 2

1) Karen:"Don't play football in the garden!" Karen told me not to play football in the garden.
2) Teacher:"Don't forget your homework!" The teacher reminded me not to forget my homework
3) Mike:"Don't shout at Peter!" Mike told me not to shout at Peter. 4) Yvonne:"Don't talk to your neighbour!" Yvonne told me not to talk to my neighbour. 5) Denise:"Don't open the door!" Denise told me not to open the door. 6) Marcel:"Don't sing that song!" Marcel reminded me not to sing that song. 7) Jane:"Don't watch the new film!" Jane advised me not to watch the new film. 8) Walter:"Don't ring Romy on Sunday!" Walter told me not to ring Romy on Sunday.
9) Lisa:"Don't fly via Paris!" Lisa advised me not to fly via Paris.
10) Jamie:"Don't eat so much junk food!" Jamie reminded me not to eat so much junk food.

Вправа 3

1) John:"Mandy is at home." John said that Mandy was at home.
2) Max:"Frank often reads a book."Max told me that Frank often read a book.
3) Susan:"I'm watching TV." Susan said to me that she was watching TV.
4) Simon:"David was ill." Simon said that David had been ill.
5) Peggy:"The girls helped in the house." Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.
6) Richard: "I am going to ride a skateboard." Richard said to me that he was going to ride a skateboard.
7) Stephen and Claire:" We have cleaned the windows." Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.
8) Charles:"I didn't have time to do my homework." Charles remarked that he hadn't had time to do his homework.
9) Mrs Jones:"My mother will be 50 years old." Mrs Jones told me that her mother would be 50 years old.
10) Jean:"The boss must sign the letter." Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.

Вправа 4

1) Christopher:"Do you want to dance?" Christopher asked me if I wanted to dance.
2) Betty:"When did you come?" Betty wanted to know when I had come.
3) Mark:"Has John arrived?"Mark asked me if John had arrived.
4) Ronald:"Where does Maria park her car?" Ronald asked me where Maria parked her car.
5) Elisabeth:"Did you watch the latest film?" Elisabeth asked me if I had watched the latest film.
6) Mandy:"Can I help you?" Mandy wanted to know if she could help me.
7) Andrew:"Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?" Andrew asked me if Mandy would have lunch with Sue.
8) Justin:"What are you doing?" Justin asked me what I was doing.
9) Frank:"How much pocket money does Lisa get?" Frank wanted to know how much pocket money Lisa got.
10) Anne:"Must I do the shopping?" Anne asked if she had to do the shopping.

Вправа 5


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