Tasks: 1. Read and translate (the first paragraphs in writing). 

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Tasks: 1. Read and translate (the first paragraphs in writing).

Discuss the main points of the text. Give a short summary.


The principles of management are considered to be a group of concepts generated by experience and research and expressed in terms of administrative rules and operating techniques. They lay down guidelines for the basic activities of planning, organising, coordinating, controlling and appraising. Competence in these areas constitute additional skills so necessary for effective managerial performance.

Many companies interested in a rapid growth of their management manpower (a factor which is essential for the achievement of future organisational goals) have made training in the field of management principles obligatory.

However, experience shows that training cannot stand alone. To get these principles translated into practice requires a favorable working climate and a high degree of motivation in managerial work.

Despite the universal recognition of the existing management principles many young people coming on the business scene find them hard to follow probably because of their poor knowledge of managerial psychology and philosophy.

The data obtained from the recent research throws some light on the reasons why some individuals make ineffective managers. The answer is simple: they violate the basic principles of management saying nothing of some general requirements which a manager should meet. He must have a profound knowledge of modern information and computing systems and advanced technologies, and be quite knowledgeable in the field of human behaviour so that he could establish good relations both with his superior and subordinates.

If, in the daily conduct of his business, the manager wants to be effective, he should put the management principles into practice.

While management is a process of getting things done through other people, its principles can be regarded as a kind of philosophy.


Read and discuss:



Speaking about Management Objectives

Speaking about Management Objectives one should take the following into consideration.

The main objective has always been maximizing profits’ and minimizing losses. Managers should keep in mind that they run the business at a profit. Management objectives depend on the legal forms under which the company usually operates (individual proprietorship, partnership general and limited, and limited, and corporations.

Good managers draw up objectives that are clear and understandable to all concerned.

Objectives must be consistent. They must promote cooperation among various areas of the company, and must be socially reasonable.

In determining the objectives the manager must consider the personal objectives of his subordinates.

Ordinary business objectives have to be in keeping with the manpower and resources at hand.

It’s necessary to have proper policies to guide you in reaching your objectives. The policies which are generally established by the Board of Directors must not violate the trust and confidence that the stockholders have placed in the company. They should offer a kind of balance between the objectives of the corporation and its actual operations. They should consider the operating staffs’ interests and not be far from what the company’s personnel are prepared to accomplish.

The objectives of the business depend, to a great extent, on the organisational structure of the business. Before setting any objective to the organisation the manager should ask himself these questions:

1. What are the functions that must be performed?

2. Who are the people who are to perform them?

3. How are these tasks to be carried out?

In order to reach the goal we need procedures. (A procedure is a series of steps that are taken in order to accomplish an objective). in exercising management we also require rules (No Smoking rule, for example). It goes without saying (it stands to reason) that rules should be drawn up as required for each organisation. While policies may have to be interpreted, a rule must be exact and clear as regards its meaning.



Прибыли, потери, вести дело, юридические формы, предпринимательство, формулировать, последовательный, способствовать, социально оправданный, учитывать, подчиненные, в соответствии с, рабочая сила, нарушать, доверие, уверенность, осуществить, добиться, в значительной степени, ставить цели, осуществлять, выполнять, достичь цели, само собой разумеется, касательно.


Why some people make ineffective managers

In my today’s talk I’d like to analyse the reasons why some individuals make ineffective managers in spite of the special training which they undergo. First of all, I think, they violate the basic principles of management as a whole. They:

- don’t meet some general requirements,

- don’t have a good knowledge of modern information systems,

- are not competent in the field of computing systems,

- are not knowledgeable in the area of advanced technologies,

- have a poor knowledge of human relations principles,

- cannot follow the existing managerial principles,

- they have got insufficient knowledge of managerial psychology,

- and, in many cases, they have no knowledge of philosophy.

Tasks: Learn the text by heart, and retell it.




(an individual opinion)


Let me express my opinion concerning MANAGEMENT. Management, in my understanding, is a process based on the interaction of managers and subordinates. It is known far and wide, that managers guide, direct and control the actions of their subordinates in order to achieve the necessary aims (objectives, goals). It’s interesting to note that management includes the decision-making process which falls out into many stages. Management, to my mind, is considered to be a process of formulating and solving problems which appear from time to time.

The main aim of management is, among other things, to solve crucial problems. It should be pointed out that management is of social nature because it is carried out through people. Finally, speaking about management it’s necessary to emphasize (stress) that the effect of management is closely connected with the manager – his individual qualities, professional background and experience.



concerning - касательно
interaction - взаимодействие
it is known far ad wide - широко известно
to note - заметить
to fall out into - распадаться на
to be considered - считаться
among other things - среди прочих (целей), помимо всего прочего
it should be pointed out - следует указать на
to be of social nature - иметь социальную природу
to be closely connected with - быть тесно связанным с
qualities - качества
background - подготовка
experience - опыт



Topic: Managing People

Managing People

Managing people requires a high level of knowledge of human behaviour and psychology. Of particular importance for a manager in managing people is the relationship between the manager and his/her subordinates. If a manager wants to be effective, he must try and develop the skills for managing people. Here are a few recommendations to this end.

To manage well you need to work in a climate of mutual trust and respect. The manager has to create an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect.

Keep calm when confronted with employees who oppose any new plan or suggestion.

To motivate performance use the Productivity Formula: “Talent times Relationship, plus Expectations, equals Productivity”.

Make sure people’s expectations of what they are to contribute to the business are clearly understood by all.

Project your positive personal attributes: be spontaneous, open an honest; show patience and a desire to attentively listen to and understand a person.

Be consistent and show people that they can entirely rely upon you.

Increase your positive feedback, guidance and constructive criticism.

Maintain a high level of input; actively teach what people need to know.

Use the One Minute Reprimand to get rid of the subordinate’s behaviour you dislike. Be very specific about what the person did wrong; take 30 seconds (and no more) to say how you feel: disappointed? angry? frustrated? Keep the person’s attention focused on what he/she did wrong and not on how you are going to treat him personally.

Clear goals are the basis for all good performance. Set goals in the beginning. Remember: goals must be attainable (achievable), and everyone has to know them.

Respect your subordinates and authorise them to think. Take pride in their talents and accomplishments. Recognize and celebrate their victories. Encourage people for their contribution (input) to the victory.

Think of innovation as a better way to get the work done.

Banish unnecessary paper, rules and bureaucracy.


Word list

level – уровень, on a level – на уровне

human behaviour – поведение человека, to behave – вести себя

relationships – отношения, to relate to – относиться к

to this end – в этом отношении (in this respect)

mutual trust (respect) – взаимное доверие уважение, to trust – доверять

to respect – уважать

to create – создавать, creation – создание

to keep calm – сохранять спокойствие, выдержку

to be confronted with – столкнуться с (в противоборстве)

to oppose – выступать против, syn. to come out against; opposition

suggestion – предложение, to suggest: предлагать (дать идею)

I suggest that you should go there.

I suggest going there.

product – продукция

productive – продуктивный, productivity – производить,

labour p. – производительность труда

to make sure – убедиться, удостовериться

positive (negative) features – позитивные (негативные) черты

to contribute to – сделать, внести вклад, syn. to make a contribution

spontaneous – непосредственный

honest – честный

show patience and a desire – проявлять терпение и желание

attentively – внимательно

consistent – последовательный

to rely on – полагаться на; entirely – всецело

increase your positive feedback – увеличить обратную полож. связь

guidance – руководство

maintain a high level of input – сохранять высокий уровень вклада

reprimand – выговор

to get rid of – отделаться от

to do wrong – поступить неправильно

disappointed – разочарованный

angry – сердитый, злой

frustrated – расстроенный

to focus attention – сосредоточить внимание

to treat – зд. рассматривать

clear goals – ясные цели

to set goals – поставить цели

attainable/ achievable – выполнимые

to respect one’s subordinates – уважать своих подчиненных

to authorise – зд. поручать, давать задание

to take pride in their talents – гордиться их талантами

accomplishments – достижения

to recognize – признавать

to celebrate – отмечать, праздновать

victory – победа

to encourage – воодушевлять, поощрять, поддерживать

contribution (input) to – способствовать, делать вклад в

innovations – новации

to get the work done – заставить выполнять работу

to banish unnecessary paper, rules and bureaucracy – вести борьбу с бумажной волокитой, ненужными правилами и бюрократией



1. What does managing people require?

2. What is very important for a manager in managing people?

3. What must a manager do if he wants to be effective?

4. What climate must a manager create?

5. How must a manager behave when confronted with his opponents?

6. What personal features should a manager project on his subordinates?

7. What should a manager do to get along well with people?

8. Have you ever made reprimands to your subordinates?

9. What do you dislike in your subordinates’ wrongdoing?

10. How do you usually feel if your subordinate did wrong?

11. What do you think is the basis the basis for good performance?

12. What goals must you set to your subordinates?

13. In what way can you show your respect to your subordinates?

14. What do you think about innovations and their role?

15. What must you banish?






In managing people be guided by the following rules:

- create a climate of trust and mutual respect,

- keep calm when confronted with subordinates who oppose any of your new plans or suggestions,

- project your positive personal features: be spontaneous, open and honest,

- show patience and a desire to attentively listen to and understand a person,

- be consistent and show people that they can rely upon you,

- set clear and achievable goals to your subordinates,

- respect your subordinates, recognize and celebrate their contribution to the common victory of the organisation,

- encourage people for their good work,

- pay a great deal of attention to innovation as a better way to get the work done,

- banish unnecessary paper, rules and bureaucracy.




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